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Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Top Differences

02nd Apr, 2024
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    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Top Differences

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science (CS) are two closely connected sciences that have developed together and are heavily entwined. Although the development of intelligent systems and the study of computers are common to both disciplines, their approaches and areas of emphasis differ. Using recent research as a guide, I will present an overview of the distinctions between AI and computer science and the overlaps between computer science and artificial intelligence.

    What is Computer Science?

    A more general term that includes nearly all software-related and related fields is computer science. Computer Science covers almost every topic that explains the scientific performance of computers and what we can accomplish with them, from website building to cloud computing, databases, programming languages, communication, and so forth. Due to the intimate relationship between electronics and Computer Science, most colleges teach electronics to their students. 

    What is Artificial Intelligence?

    What is AI

    Artificial intelligence is the study of algorithms and procedures that can impart intelligence to software or machines so they can perform tasks like those conducted by humans. Take an example where you buy groceries from the same store every time. When you visit the shop in a few days, you won't. Since he knows your needs, the storekeeper will automatically provide everything. Comparably, by examining previous orders and determining which things are popular, an AI-based grocery shopping app will present the recommended selections. Enroll for Artificial Intelligence Certification to learn about this field in detail. 

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence Table

    Let's see the difference between computer science and artificial intelligence in the form of a table.


    Computer Science

    Artificial Intelligence


    Broad field encompassing various aspects of computing such as algorithms, data structures, software development, and more.

    The Subfield of Computer Science focuses on creating intelligent agents that can mimic human-like cognitive functions.


    It encompasses various topics, including software development, databases, networking, algorithms, etc.

    Specialized focus on developing algorithms and systems that exhibit intelligent behavior, learning, and problem-solving.


    Solve computational problems, design efficient algorithms, and develop software applications for various domains.

    Create systems that mimic human intelligence, learn from data, make decisions, and solve complex problems autonomously.


    Software development, database management, network administration, cybersecurity, and more.

    Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics, and applications in healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.

    Key Technologies

    Programming languages (Java, Python, C++), databases (MySQL, MongoDB), web development tools, and more.

    Machine Learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch), Natural Language Processing tools, Computer Vision libraries, and neural network architectures.

    Job Roles

    Software developer, database administrator, network engineer, systems analyst, and various roles in software engineering.

    Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, AI researcher, Computer Vision engineer, and roles focused on developing AI applications.

    Challenges and Concerns

    Security concerns, software bugs, system scalability, and adapting to rapidly evolving technologies.

    Ethical considerations include bias in AI algorithms, lack of interpretability in deep learning models, and concerns related to job displacement.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence

    If you are thinking, ‘Which is better, artificial intelligence or computer science?’ Let me explain the difference between the two in detail on the parameters mentioned above in the table.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Definition

    Computer Science involves the study of computer software and how to solve problems using it. It covers a wide range of topics like programming and system design. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a specific part of computer science. It's about making computers smart, helping them learn from data, and making decisions like humans. 

    So, while computer science is like the general toolkit, AI is a specialized set of tools focused on creating machines that can think and make decisions intelligently. Computer Science is the foundation, and AI is the advanced part that deals with intelligent machines.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Scope

    Computer Science Scope:

    • Involves a broad range of computer-related topics, like software development and system design.
    • It encompasses everything from writing code to managing databases and networks.
    • It's the foundation for various technological solutions.

    Artificial Intelligence Scope:

    • A specialized field within Computer Science makes machines intelligent.
    • Focuses on creating systems that can learn, solve problems, and make decisions.
    • Applied in making computers understand language, recognize images, and even play games intelligently.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Goals

    Computer Science Goals:

    • It aims to solve computational problems efficiently.
    • Focuses on designing and implementing algorithms for various applications.
    • Strives to optimize the functionality of software and systems.
    • The goal is to create reliable and scalable solutions for diverse computing needs.

    Artificial Intelligence Goals:

    • It aims to create systems that mimic human-like intelligence.
    • Focuses on developing algorithms for learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
    • Strives to make machines capable of adapting, understanding context, and exhibiting autonomous behavior.
    • The goal is to impart cognitive abilities to machines, enabling them to perform tasks intelligently.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Applications

    Computer Science Applications:

    • Applied in software development, creating applications for diverse purposes.
    • Used in database management for efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Applied in networking for designing and maintaining communication systems.
    • Used in system analysis and design for optimizing overall functionality.

    Artificial Intelligence Applications:

    • Applied in Machine Learning for predictive analytics and pattern recognition. AI Bootcamp Online is an excellent place to learn more about these applications.
    • Used in Natural Language Processing for enabling computers to understand and respond to human language.
    • Applied in Computer Vision for image and pattern recognition.
    • Utilized in creating autonomous systems, like self-driving cars and smart assistants, that can learn and make decisions.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Key Technologies

    Computer Science Key Technologies:

    • Programming Languages: Java, C++, Python, etc.
    • Database Technologies: MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc.
    • Networking Technologies: TCP/IP, DNS, routers, etc.
    • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.

    Artificial Intelligence Key Technologies:

    • Machine Learning Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn.
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLTK, SpaCy, BERT.
    • Computer Vision Libraries: OpenCV, TensorFlow Object Detection.
    • Speech Recognition: CMU Sphinx, Google Speech API.

    Computer Science vs Artificial Intelligence: Job roles

    computer science careers

    Computer Science Job Roles:

    • Software Developer: Designs and builds software applications.
    • System Analyst: Analyzes and optimizes computer systems.
    • Network Administrator: Manages and maintains computer networks.

    Artificial Intelligence Job Roles:

    • Machine Learning Engineer: Designs and develops machine learning models.
    • Data Scientist: Analyzes and interprets complex data sets.
    • AI Researcher: Conducts research to advance AI technologies.
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer: Works on language-related AI applications.

    Artificial Intelligence vs Computer Science: Challenges and Concerns

    Computer Science Challenges and Concerns:

    • Software Bugs: Debugging and fixing errors in code.
    • Scalability: Ensuring systems can handle growth efficiently.
    • Security: Protecting systems from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
    • Complexity: Managing intricate software architectures.

    Artificial Intelligence Challenges and Concerns:

    • Ethical Concerns: Addressing biases and ethical implications of AI.
    • Algorithmic Bias: Ensuring fairness and mitigating bias in algorithms.
    • Explainability: Making AI systems understandable and transparent.
    • Job Displacement: Concerns about the impact on employment due to automation.

    How are they similar?

    While AI is a specialized branch within the broader field of computer science, their shared foundations create a symbiotic relationship, with advancements in one often influencing the other. Let me explain the similarities between computer science and AI.

    • Foundation in Computer Science: Both AI and CS share a foundational base in computer science principles.
    • Programming Skills: Both require proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, or C++.
    • Algorithm Design: Both involve algorithm design and analysis for problem-solving.
    • Data Structures: CS: Common understanding and usage of data structures like arrays, linked lists, and trees.
    • Problem Solving: Both fields emphasize logical and systematic approaches to problem-solving.
    • Software Development: Involves software engineering principles for developing applications.
    • Interdisciplinary Nature: Both fields have multidisciplinary connections with other scientific domains.
    • Industry Integration: Both have extensive applications across various industries.
    • Continuous Advancements: Both domains witness continuous advancements and innovations driven by ongoing research, technology evolution, and practical applications.

    What Should You Choose Between Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence?

    Consider the following factors when choosing between AI and CS:

    • Interest and Passion: Select the field that aligns with your genuine interest and passion, as it will drive your motivation and engagement.
    • Career Goals: Consider your long-term career goals and opt for the field that best supports your aspirations, whether it's a broader scope (Computer Science) or specialized applications (Artificial Intelligence).
    • Versatility vs. Specialization: Computer Science may be suitable if you appreciate a broader scope with diverse applications. Choose Artificial Intelligence if you are fascinated by creating intelligent systems, machine learning, and advanced analytics.
    • Skills Development: Evaluate which field allows you to develop the specific technical skills you desire for your career path.
    • Industry Demand: Consider the current and future demand in the industry for professionals in each field, aligning your choice with market trends and opportunities.


    In wrapping up the exploration between AI and computer science, remember that both fields offer unique avenues for exploration and growth. Whether you're drawn to the broad applications of Computer Science or the intricacies of intelligent systems in AI, your journey is an evolving adventure. As technology advances, the boundaries between these domains may blur, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of the tech landscape. Ultimately, your choice between artificial intelligence engineering and computer science should align with your passions, goals, and the exciting opportunities each field presents. The world of technology eagerly awaits your contributions, regardless of your chosen path. Obtaining the KnowledgeHut artificial intelligence certification is a perfect way to enter these fields confidently.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1Is AI a part of Computer Science?

    Yes, AI is part of Computer Science. Construction and use of intelligent agents like computer programs and comprehension of these artifacts' behavior are the focus of artificial intelligence (AI), a subfield of computer science.

    2Which is more challenging, Computer Science or AI?

    It depends on personal capability and interest. While AI necessitates mastering machine learning techniques, computer science demands a thorough comprehension of algorithms.

    3Are the skills learned in Computer Science applicable to AI?

    Computer science includes artificial intelligence as a subfield. Artificial intellect (AI) aims to replicate human intellect on computers so that they can solve complicated problems and make repeatable decisions at large scales.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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