HomeBlogCloud ComputingHow to Become an Azure Administrator in 2024?

How to Become an Azure Administrator in 2024?

19th Mar, 2024
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    How to Become an Azure Administrator in 2024?

    The world of cloud computing sure has abundant knowledge to offer.

    Most importantly, as someone who has been knee-deep in this domain, I can tell you how crucial Azure administrators these days are. I have spent a lot of time working with Microsoft Azure and can ascertain that being an Azure admin is in high demand!

    Having worked with a handful of big-shot companies in my career, I can confidently tell you that Azure can work wonders for them. Hence, I’ve curated this guide to share all my insider tips on how to become an Azure administrator associate

    I'll break down why this role is so important, give you practical advice on gaining the skills and certifications you need, and, in a nutshell, teach you how to get an Azure admin job with ease.

    Let's dive in!

    Who is an Azure Administrator, and What Do They Do?

    An Azure Administrator is the go-to expert for managing and maintaining Microsoft Azure cloud environments. They're responsible for tasks like:

    • Setting up and configuring virtual machines
    • Ensuring the smooth operation of networks
    • Managing storage solutions
    • Implementing robust security measures to protect data.

    Azure Administrators troubleshoot any issues that arise, optimize resource usage, and keep up with the latest Azure updates to maximize efficiency. Essentially, they're the backbone of Azure operations, ensuring that businesses can harness the full potential of cloud computing for their operations.

    Whether it's deploying new applications, scaling resources, or ensuring compliance with industry standards, Azure Administrators play a critical role in driving organizational success in the digital age. So, let’s explore how to become an Azure Administrator with our comprehensive guide!

    How to Become an Azure Administrator in 5 Simple Steps

    Step 1: Master Skills 

    The first step to getting a job as an Azure administrator is mastering your range of skills. These skills include both soft and hard abilities crucial for navigating the complexities of cloud computing.

    Here, I have listed some of the top skills that you will need to excel in this role:

    Top Skills Needed to Become an Azure Administrator

    Soft Skills

    • Communication: Effective communication is key to liaising with team members and stakeholders.
    • Problem-solving: Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently.
    • Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable to changes in technology and business requirements.

    Hard Skills

    • Azure services: Familiarity with various Azure services and backend expertise in Virtual Machines, Storage Accounts, Networking, Databases and Containers, and Container Orchestration.
    • Scripting and automation: Proficiency in scripting languages like PowerShell, Python, Azure CLI (Command-Line Interface), or ARM Templates for automating tasks.
    • Security: Understanding of Azure security principles like Identity and Access Management (IAM), Network Security Groups (NSGs), Azure Active Directory (AAD), Azure Security Center, Encryption and Key Management, and the best practices.

    Other Competencies

    • Knowledge of cloud computing concepts and architectures.
    • Experience with infrastructure management and deployment.

    Top Azure Administrator Certifications / Degree

    • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
    • Cloud Engineer Certification (such as AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner or Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer)

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline  

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    When I began my journey to become an Azure Administrator, I found it crucial to establish an ideal timeline for my learning process. This involved identifying my learning preferences and selecting a format that suited my needs.

    Whether it was through online courses, hands-on labs, or instructor-led training, I tailored my learning experience to match my pace and style of learning.

    How Long Does It Take to Become an Azure Administrator?

    Based on my experience and observations, the duration to become proficient as an Azure Administrator can vary. Factors such as prior experience in IT, familiarity with cloud concepts, and the amount of time dedicated to learning all play a role.

    Generally, individuals with a solid IT background and dedicated focus on Azure spend anywhere from three to six months acquiring the necessary skills and certifications to become competent Azure Administrators.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume

    Building a strong portfolio and resume to showcase your skills and expertise should be at the top of your to-do list before entering the Azure career path. Here’s how I started:

    • Highlighting skills: First and foremost, I listed down all my skills, including technical proficiencies, soft skills, and any relevant certifications.
    • Showcasing projects: Next, I compiled a list of projects I had worked on, detailing my contributions and the technologies utilized.
    • Seeking feedback: I reached out to mentors, peers, and professionals in the field to review my portfolio and resume, seeking constructive feedback.
    • Tailoring for job roles: I customized my resume and portfolio for each job application, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role.
    • Continuous improvement: One habit that I can swear by is regularly updating my portfolio and resume. Make sure you do the same. Incorporating new skills, projects, and certifications as you progress in your career.

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download

    There are innumerable free and easy-to-use templates online that you can choose from. Here are some resume templates for you to use.

    Step 4: Where and how to find a job

    Now that we have covered the basic steps of how to become an Azure admin let’s move on to the next step: Finding a job. Hence, keep an eye on the following:

    • Company websites: Websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor are excellent resources for browsing and applying to Azure Administrator positions. When I first started, I regularly monitored these platforms for job postings and tailored my applications to match the requirements.
    • Professional networks: Networking is key in the job search process. I leveraged professional networks, attended industry events, and engaged with peers and mentors to uncover hidden job opportunities and gather insights about potential employers.
    • Recruiting agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies specializing in IT roles can also be fruitful. These agencies often have access to exclusive job openings and can help match your skills and experience with relevant opportunities.

    Top Companies Hiring Azure Administrator

    Many leading companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, frequently hire Azure Administrators. I visited their career pages regularly to explore job opportunities and submit my application directly.

    Job Outlook for Azure Administrator

    Perceiving the rapid assimilation of cloud environments across organizations for more streamlined work processes, Azure Administrators are experiencing high demand. As US BLS states, all Azure jobs are predicted to experience a 22% growth in the period of 2019 to 2029, implying an optimistic job outlook for Azure roles like Azure Administrators!

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    Preparing to ace the interview as an Azure Administrator involves understanding the typical interview process and implementing effective strategies. Here are some handy tips I’ve listed on how to become a Microsoft Azure administrator by nailing an interview:

    • Research the company: This is the most crucial step. Familiarize yourself with the company's products, services, and culture to demonstrate genuine interest during the interview.
    • Practice common interview questions: Review common Azure Administrator interview questions and practice your responses to articulate your knowledge and experience effectively. Be prepared to discuss your experience with Azure services, scripting languages, security principles, and real-world scenarios you've encountered.
    • Showcase your problem-solving skills: Be ready to showcase your problem-solving abilities by discussing challenges you've overcome and solutions you've implemented in previous roles.
    • Communicate effectively: Practice clear and concise communication, both verbally and non-verbally, to convey your ideas and experiences confidently.

    Who can become an Azure Administrator?

    As you have navigated the details of how to become an Azure Administrator, knowing if the roles that comprise it suit your career trajectory well is equally important. Azure Administrator roles are open to individuals with a range of backgrounds and experiences, including:

    • IT Professionals: Those with experience in system administration, network administration, or database management often transition smoothly into Azure Administrator roles.
    • Recent Graduates: Graduates with degrees in computer science, information technology, or related fields can also pursue careers as Azure Administrators, provided they have the requisite skills and certifications.
    • Career Changers: Individuals from non-technical backgrounds who are passionate about cloud computing can undergo training and certification to become Azure Administrators.

    Benefits of Becoming an Azure Administrator 

    After exploring how to become an Azure Administrator, let's delve into the reasons behind the demand and the career benefits this role offers:

    • High demand: The widespread adoption of cloud computing, particularly Microsoft Azure, has led to a surge in demand for Azure Administrators.
    • Essential role: Azure Administrators play a crucial role in managing and optimizing Azure environments, ensuring smooth operation, security, and efficiency.
    • Career prospects: The ongoing digital transformation across industries ensures excellent career prospects and opportunities for growth and advancement in the field of cloud computing.
    • Job security: With businesses increasingly relying on cloud infrastructure, the need for skilled Azure Administrators is expected to remain strong, providing job security and stability.

    Azure Administrator Salary in Top 5 Countries 

    The following countries offer the listed average salaries to Azure Administrators:

    • United States: USD 88,927 a year per year
    • United Kingdom: GBP 45,000 per year
    • Canada: CAD 90,000 per year
    • Australia: AUD104,000 per year
    • Germany: EUR 63,000 per year


    All in all, my journey to becoming an Azure Administrator has been quite eventful and, most importantly, fruitful. Hence, following the necessary steps and having the prerequisite skills can open doors to exciting new opportunities in cloud computing for you. In my years of experience in this field, I learned one key lesson: the importance of staying flexible and being open to continuous learning.

    If you are looking to enroll in any course to steer your career further, consider choosing Knowledgehut's Azure Administrator Associate course. With easy-to-follow lessons, hands-on practice, and expert guidance, this course can give you the skills and confidence you need to navigate how to become an Azure Administrator.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What qualifications do I need to become a Microsoft Azure Administrator?

    To become a Microsoft Azure Administrator, you typically need a solid understanding of cloud computing concepts, experience working with Azure services, and relevant certifications such as the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate.

    2What are the career advantages of becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator?

    Becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator offers career advantages such as increased job opportunities, higher earning potential, and recognition as a skilled professional in cloud computing, which can lead to career advancement and growth opportunities.

    3Who is eligible for Azure admin?

    Individuals with experience in IT, networking, system administration, or related fields, as well as recent graduates with degrees in computer science or related fields, are eligible to pursue roles as Azure Administrators.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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