HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Create an Angular Project? [Step-by-Step Guide]

How to Create an Angular Project? [Step-by-Step Guide]

29th Oct, 2023
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    How to Create an Angular Project? [Step-by-Step Guide]

    Angular is a development process used to build mobile and desktop applications in languages such as Javascript, Typescripts, etc. Angular has launched various versions with the latest updates and features. Setting up a project is more effortless. All you need to do is install the Angular CLI on your system and run the new command. This command will create a new workspace for your project.

    The developers find it challenging to create Angular projects using CLI. So, to make it easier for them, we have this guide that helps them create and start building an application independently. 

    Angular has various advantages over other frameworks. Some of them include- faster processing, reusable code, used to design lightweight applications, providing a way to solve problems efficiently, and having a massive material design library. You can get various codes that can be applied directly to your project. You can create attractive interfaces using them. This will enhance your project and will attract users. So, today we will learn various aspects to create Angular project in the visual code studio.

    Also, for all the enthusiastic and curious developers, check out the Angular.js training and be the first to avail of the training. 

    What is Angular CLI?

    The Angular CLI is an Angular interface that handles the Angular codes directly within the command shell. Moreover, it creates angular applications using different functionalities to make them more appealing to the users. Angular CLI holds the necessary dependencies so that the developers no longer need to write a hundred lines of code to install and configure them manually. Angular CLI modules are referenced from Node.js.

    Angular CLI has various tools such as Typescript, Webpack, Protractor, Karma, etc. The first two are used to bundle the modules together. Karma is used for unit testing. Unit testing is a technique used to test various pieces of code to check their functionality. And the protractor is used to perform the end-to-end testing technique. 

    To start working with the Angular CLI, you must install the Angular CLI within your project. The command to create Angular project is- 

    npm install -g @angular/cli 

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    Creating Your First Angular Project [A Step-by-Step Guide]

    Let’s now discuss the steps to create an Angular project using CLI in detail.

    1. Setting up the environment

    First, install the Angular CLI interface. The Angular CLI is used to create Angular projects CLI to generate library codes and applications.

    Open the terminal and type the following command to install the Angular CLI. 

    npm install -g @angular/cli

    2. Creating a workspace for starting the project

    Now, create a new workspace for writing the commands to create Angular project.

    Run the below code in the terminal and then press the enter key. 

    The new ng feature provides the information included in the application. The angular CLI then installs all the necessary packages to run the application. 

    You can see the new workspace created on the screen. 

    3. Serve the application

    Now launch the application through the workspace. You can use the below command.

    Once the command is executed, the application will start running on the browser. 

    4. Make the desired changes

    After performing all the above steps, you can change the code per your requirements. To make changes, open the project in an IDE.

    Angular Project Folder structure

    While we create Angular project in visual studio code, it is essential to study the folder structure of the Angular project. It has various folders and files within them. The project contains different folders for different types of classes. We will discuss all the virtual folders of the entire angular project structure. Let’s start. 

    When you open a project in the visual studio code, your project folder will look like this. 

    1. E2e: The e2e folder stands for end-to-end testing. This folder records the user’s experience whenever your project goes live in the production environment. It keeps the information for the users who visited your application, their spending time, activity, and other actions performed.

    The folder is situated outside the src folder. Surprisingly, the e2e has an src folder of its own. Here’s an image that shows what the e2e folder structure looks like- 

    Angular Project Folder structure

    2. Node_modules: This folder contains all the packages installed and used within your application. When installing a new package, it is automatically stored within the node_modules folder. Also, you must not include this folder while deploying your project, as it has various folders of packages and will end up occupying a lot of space.

    3. Src: As the name suggests, it is the source folder of an Angular project. The folder is used to place all the source code of the project. While creating an Angular project, there are various folders created by default. Refer to the below image for this.

    Angular Project Folder structure

    4. App: This stands for the application folder. It contains all the modules, components, and other related files. We have an image attached below. It shows the by-default files that exist in the app folder of the Angular project. Since it has a component and a module file, it is necessary to have them in your project. 

    Angular Project Folder structure

    • .editorconfig file: This file sets up the environment for a team. It provides ease at the time when two or more developers work on the same code. So, this file has specific pre-defined rules based on which the developers make the desired changes. Also, not everyone has access to this file. There’s only one team leader who can access the file and can define the rules.
    • Angular.json: This is the latest version of the angular.json file. Earlier it was named angular-CLI. This file stores the configuration of your project. Configurations include the project name, developer name, source folder, directives, services, and more. 
    •  Package-lock.jsonThis folder is automatically updated every time the developers install a new module or package. It stores the version of all the installed packages. 
    • Package-.json: This is a must-to-have file in every npm project. You can find information such as name, license, author, and description, along with the dependencies required to run the project.
    •  README.md file: This file holds the essential introductory part of your project, which is visible to the application. It contains some of the pre-defined CLI commands and their related information.
    • Template: Template also comes under the folder structure of the Angular project. The template URL points to the classes written in the code.
    • Root Module: The application code is divided into different modules to make it reusable and look clean. The modules are the pieces of code that ensure their functionality. Out of all the existing modules, the one which starts at first is known as the root module of the project.

    Other Files & Folders

    Besides the above folders, there are other folders to be discussed. They are as follows- 

    • Assets: This is a place to store all the CSS, js, images, and other files. It holds all the used icons within different folders. We have an image that shows the default framework for the assets folder.
    • Environment: The environment folder is used to set different environments within the project. The two significant environments are- production and development.
    • Pollyfills.ts: This file stores all the browser configurations of a project. While the developers write the code in Typescript, the compiler uses this file to compile the typescript language to javascript. It makes it easier for the browsers to parse the code.
    • Style.css: Styes.css is an important file that covers your application's styling portions code is placed under various files to make it look attractive.
    • Test.ts: This file holds the unit test cases of a project. The test cases are necessary to debug the errors within the code.

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    We now hope that your Angular project has been created. If not, then follow the steps in proper order. Also, we have shared all the necessary information required to start your first Angular project. Moreover, in the above sections, we have explained the entire folder structure of a project. So, if you have any queries, you can read the above sections to resolve them. 

    Last but not least, we have got a complete Angular study guide for you. Check out KnowledgeHut’s Angular js training course and start building interactive applications.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do I start an Angular project?

    To start an Angular project, you must set up the environment first. Then, you must create a new workspace for yourself.

    2How do I create a project in Angular 10?

    You must install all the dependencies and packages to create an Angular project. We have a complete guide for this in the above section. You can check it out. 

    3How do I create an Angular project in Visual Studio?

     You must follow the steps and procedure to create Angular project in visual studio code. There we have discussed every step in detail. 

    4What is angular reporting?

    Angular reporting is used to gather information related to different economic aspects of a project. It determines the budget planning, future scope, and marketing strategies and helps improve the structure.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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