HomeBlogProject ManagementRisks in Project Management: Types and How to Prevent Them

Risks in Project Management: Types and How to Prevent Them

17th May, 2024
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    Risks in Project Management: Types and How to Prevent Them

    Project management is a process used to manage a team's work. It is a process that has many risks associated with it. The risks are limited to the project manager, team members, and stakeholders. The risks in project management are the potential problems or issues that may arise during a project. Both internal and external risks exist and can impact the project's success.

    Risks can come in many forms, including risks related to the project, such as budget overruns, delays, and scope creep. You can also find risks associated with the team members, such as a lack of skills or motivation. The third kind of risk is usually related to external factors, such as changes in market conditions or regulatory project requirements.

    You can find many Project Management certification courses to learn more about risk management. Doing a certificate course online will give you the confidence to test the risks in a workplace and instill in you the courage to move on with challenges.

    What are the Risks in Project Management?

    There are many risk factors in project management. The risk in project management definition refers to the areas in which planning could lead to different consequences. Some risks are more common than others. Some of the most common risks include:

    1. Lack of a clear goal or objective
    2. Poor communication and lack of transparency
    3. Lack of resources, time, or expertise to complete the project.
    4. Inadequate budget to complete the project.
    5. Unclear roles and responsibilities among team members

    process of Risk management in project management

    How to Identify Risks in Project Management?

    Risks are uncertainties that may affect the project. These uncertainties can be either internal or external to the project. Internal risks originate within the project team, including a lack of resources, skills, and poor communication. External risks arise outside of the team and affect it, such as changes in legislation or economic conditions. Here are a few ways of risk identification: 

    • Brainstorming: Brainstorming is one of the most fundamental risk identification activities where the team discusses a problem to find and share solutions.  
    • SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis refers to assessing the four main factors that can be evaluated to obtain potential risks. These include Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  
    • Affinity Diagram: Affinity diagrams offer a visual insight into potential risks while working through a fun activity where multiple people extend potential risks from their perception. Each of them is categorized by groups. It helps navigate each risk and find feedback for each too. 
    • Interview with Stakeholders: Interviewing stakeholders or potential clients allows you to analyze specific risks from a different point of view. Investors also bring years of experience that help reach possible harmful aspects of a project. 
    • NGT: NGT or Nominal Group technique involves a group analysis that encourages the participation of multiple entities to analyze ideas and offer varying perspectives on potential issues. 

    Another way to identify risks is to use a risk matrix, a table with two axes: one for probability and one for impact. Depending on the type of risk, you can assess the situation and move forward with the results. When searching for an online PMP course, ensure the best certification training that extensively talks about the best practices in project management. 

    Five Elements of Risk in Project Management

    Let us have a look at the primary aspects of project management risks. Each of the five elements of risk is broken down into subcategories. For example, the time element includes both scheduled and duration risks. The cost element consists of both budget and expense risk.

    1. Risk Event

    Risk management is a critical area of project management because it helps identify risks during the planning phase of a project. Risk events are external events that may happen and potentially cause a significant deviation from the original plan.

    The event can be either positive or negative, and it is essential to identify them as soon as possible to take appropriate action. These events can be identified using risk identification techniques, such as brainstorming, the Delphi technique, decision tree analysis, etc.

    2. Risk Timeframe

    The risk timeframe is the period in which the risk is likely to occur. It can be short, medium, or long. Short-term risk will happen within a year. A medium-term risk will occur between one and three years. The long-term risk will happen more than three years from now.

    3. Probability

    The probability of risk in project management is the likelihood that a particular risk will occur. Risk probability is calculated by multiplying the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of impact. 

    4. Impact

    The impact of risk in project management is a significant concern for many organizations. Risk management is a continuous cycle and should be applied to all projects. It is a way of identifying, assessing, and mitigating the risks that may occur in the project.

    5. Factors

    The factors involved here depend on the types of risks. To understand how to handle a risky outcome, you should find out the nature of the risk and move on accordingly. The factors other than a timeframe, event, probability, and impact are secondary and can be dealt with quickly.

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    Different Types of Risks in Project Management

    We should always avoid the risks that will harm the project's success and may even lead to failure. The examples of positive and negative risks in project management are crucial for handling the situation. Let us look at the primary risks involved:  

    Positive Risks in Project Management

    The best way to deal with risk is to plan what will happen if it doesn't go well. These risks are extensively discussed below. Let us look at some positive risks in project management examples: 

    • Risk of Success: When a project has been planned well and executed well enough to succeed without problems, it projects future success. 
    • Risk of Failure: This is when a project has been planned poorly or executed poorly enough to fail without any problems. 
    • Risk of Opportunity: This occurs when an unexpected event transpires during a project. It provides new or different options to make the project more successful than initially planned. 


    • Taking on a different task than usual. 
    • Trying out something that has never been done before. 
    • Attempting a job that is not guaranteed to work. 
    • Taking a risk by doing something that might not be the best option. 

    Negative Risks in Project Management

    The most common risk in project management is not meeting deadlines or goals. It can happen for numerous reasons, such as a lack of resources or time. Another risk in project management is not having enough money to complete the project. If too many expenses or too few funds are available for the project, it can lead to adverse risks.  


    • Lack of communication between team members 
    • Poor planning 
    • Lack of resources
    • Unrealistic expectations

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    project management terms

    12 Major Project Management Risks and How to Deal With Them?

    Project management is a complex analysis that requires time and effort. It is not easy to manage projects in the best possible way. Many risks can affect the project and its outcome. To identify risks in project management, you need to find out how it affects different areas.  

    1. Scope Creep Risk

    Scope creep is a risk that can happen when the content of a project changes. It is the phenomenon of adding more and more requirements to a project without considering the time and budget constraints. 

    It is essential to have an agreement before starting any project so that everyone knows what they are getting into and what they are expected to do. You can manage scope creep by setting up a scope management plan. Ideally, this plan should include the following: 

    • A list of every task that needs to be completed to complete the project.
    • The estimated time for each task 
    • The estimated cost for each task 
    • The total cost of the project 

    2. Cost Risk

    Cost risk is a type of project risk that occurs when the cost of a project exceeds its budget. Cost risks are often caused by unforeseen circumstances, such as increased material costs or labor rates. 

    PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner course focus on process-based learning through which project management becomes more accessible. One can mitigate cost risks by developing contingency plans and budgets for unexpected events. The cost risk can be managed by following the steps stated below: 

    1. Establish a budget and a timeline for the project.
    2. Identify all of the costs associated with the project and estimate how much they should cost.
    3. Determine if any risks could cause costs to increase or decrease unexpectedly and identify ways to mitigate those risks.
    4. Create contingency plans if any of those risks come true, so you have a plan for when things go wrong.

    3. Communication Risk

    Communication risk is the risk of a message being misunderstood or misinterpreted. You can reduce these risks by using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon, and providing context for the message. Communication risk can be managed by: 

    • Ensuring that the message is to the point. 
    • Using appropriate channels for communication. 
    • Ensuring that the message is relevant to the audience. 

    4. Lack of Clarity

    Lack of clarity is a widespread problem in the workplace. When it comes to a lack of transparency, it can be difficult for people to understand what someone is trying to say or what they seek. 

    It can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which are not ideal for the workplace. Employers must ensure that their employees have the right skill sets when it comes to communication, so they do not have this issue at work. 

    There are many ways to manage the lack of clarity. One way is to meet with all the stakeholders and discuss what amendments need to be made. Another way is to meet with each stakeholder one-on-one and ask them what they need from you to do their job effectively.

    5. Poor Scheduling

    Poor scheduling is a common problem in the workplace. A lack of planning can cause scheduling problems. It can lead to a lot of stress and frustration for employees. 

    The first step to managing poor scheduling is to identify the root cause of the problem. 

    Is it due to a lack of communication? Could it be poor time management skills or an overload of meetings? Once you have identified the underlying issue, you can take steps to fix it. In such a scenario, you can reduce the risks by improving communication, setting up better meeting schedules, or changing your work hours. 

    6. Technology Risk

    Technology risk is a company's business being disrupted by new technologies. Technical risks in project management can be caused by changes in customer preferences, changes in technology, or regulations. 

    It is essential to understand that technology risk is not just about the technology itself but also how it will affect your business. As technology evolves, the risks associated with it double. Here are some things you should know and consider when managing technology risk: 

    • How to manage data privacy risk. 
    • What cybersecurity measures should you deal with. 
    • How to utilize ML and AI in upholding the company's reputation. 
    • How to implement the best practices for managing technology risk. 

    7. Operational Risk

    Operational risk refers to loss arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems, or external events. The first step in managing this risk is to identify the risks that are most likely to occur. 

    You can do so by conducting a risk assessment. The next step is to develop a plan to manage these risks if they happen. This plan should include the list of actions to be taken if the risks materialize and the steps to prevent them from happening in the future. 

    8. Health and Safety Risk

    Health and safety risk is the probability of an event that can cause injury or death to a person. Companies must consider these risks when designing their products, processes, and procedures. Ideally, it would be best to work with executives in these areas to avoid health and safety risks. 

    • Inspecting workplaces to check that they are safe. 
    • Advising on how to manage risks. 
    • Issuing enforcement notices requiring employers to take a specific action. 
    • Bringing prosecutions against those who break the law. 

    9. Skills Resource Risk

    The skills resource risk is a company's risk when it does not have enough skilled employees to meet its needs. It can occur due to a lack of qualified applicants or because the company has not invested in training and development. There are many ways to manage skills and resource risk. 

    One way is by investing in training and development for current employees to take on new responsibilities. Another way is by hiring new employees with a suitable skill set or outsourcing work to other companies with the necessary resources. 

    10. Performance Risk

    Performance risk is when a portfolio's performance is worse than expected. Performance risk involves not meeting the performance expectations of a given investment. It is a type of investment risk that can be managed by diversifying investments and hedging against volatility.  

    11. Market Risk

    Market risk is a type of financial risk that arises from changes in market prices. It can be divided into two categories: systematic and unsystematic. Systematic risks affect all assets, such as inflation or interest rates, while unsystematic risks affect only a few investments, such as company-specific events. 

    Systematic risks are more difficult to manage than unsystematic ones since they affect all assets. They cannot be diversified by holding a portfolio of investments. The first step in managing market risks is identifying the risk sources. The second step is to assess the probability and impact of each risk. The third step is to formulate a plan for mitigating the risks. 

    12. External Hazards Risk

    External hazards are the risks that come from outside of an organization. They include natural disasters, terrorism, and cyber-attacks. There are three categories of external hazards: physical, technological, and human. There are many ways to manage the risk of external threats. 

    One way is to use a catastrophe bond to cover the risk. A catastrophe bond is insurance that pays out when a disaster occurs. An alternative method is to invest in a portfolio of stocks that have historically had a low correlation with the stock market and are not affected by natural disasters. 

    13. Financial Risk

    The risk of financial loss is one of the most important considerations for investors. Financial risk is the possibility of an investment losing its value. The financial risks in project management can be caused by several factors, including changes in interest rates, inflation, and economic growth. 

    The first step to managing financial risk is identifying your business's risks. One can do so by looking at the company's balance sheet and income statement. The second step is to assess the probability of a risk occurring and its impact on the company. You can determine the likelihood of a risk arising by looking at past events, current trends, and future predictions. You can evaluate the effect of risk by looking at how it would affect cash flow, profitability, or other aspects of the company's operations. 

    The third step is to develop a plan for mitigating or avoiding these risks. This plan should include measures for preventing risks from happening in the first place and actions for dealing with them if they occur. 

    14. Technical Risk

    Technical risk is a project not meeting its objectives because of technical problems. The examples of technical risks in project management can range from the project's complexity to the lack of knowledge and experience about the technology. Other examples include poor communication between team members and project managers and insufficient time to complete the project.

    There are many ways to manage technical risk, but it is essential to know what kind of risks you are dealing with before addressing them. For example, if you have a software project and your team has never worked on this type of software before, then you should be more concerned about bugs in your code than how much memory your computer has.

    ways to mitigate IT project risks

    How to Deal with Risks in Project Management?

    Risks can be seen as the potential for things to go wrong. These risks are not always avoidable, but ways to reduce them exist. There are four main types of risks involved in project management. Each risk has its way of being managed.  

    1. Unforeseen Events

    These can be dealt with by contingency plans previously written and approved by stakeholders. If a project is well planned, it will have a higher chance of succeeding, which is an excellent way to reduce the risk. 

    2. Inadequate Resources

    Inadequate resources are when there is not enough funding for the project or if there is too much work for the team to do in too little time. It would be wise to speak with stakeholders before it becomes an issue and discuss how best to deal with it. 

    3. Lack of Knowledge

    Knowledge risk is the risk that an organization faces when it does not have enough knowledge to make the right decisions. 

    4. Poor Management Decisions

    Poor management decisions can be avoided by having a solid sense of self-awareness and understanding the decisions you are making. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential before starting a task or a new project.  

    Apart from these, it is also essential to understand your company's goals and objectives. You should understand how your personal goals align with the company's goals. It helps you figure out whether you are on the right path. 

    Download a Printable PDF of Project Management Risks

    A skilled project manager understands the importance of knowing and assessing the potential project management risks that can arise during the procession of any project. The best way to do so is by reading through real-life project management issues that organizations usually face during active projects. Know how to download Project Management Risks printable PDF.


    Project management is an integral part of any business or organization. It helps manage the work of a team and also helps in reducing the risks associated with it. Risks can be opportunities or threats and can be identified through several techniques. A project management process is a systematic approach to managing projects from start to finish. It includes planning, organizing, executing, controlling, and closing phases. 

    Suppose you are looking for project management software that can help you manage your projects from start to finish. In that case, you should go for KnowledgeHut Project Management certification courses that provide an in-depth understanding of the risks involved in project management. Learn how to identify risks in your business and how to manage them effectively.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. Why do we need to manage risks?  

    Project managers need to manage risks to increase the probability of success for the project. Managing risks is a crucial part of any business. Understanding the risks associated with your company and taking steps to mitigate them is essential. 

    2. How does risk affect project management?  

    Risk in project management is defined as the possibility of an event that will harm the project. Risk is not always bad; it can also be seen as an opportunity to learn and grow from mistakes. The risk assessment process helps to identify risks and their potential impacts on projects, which in turn helps to mitigate them before they happen. 

    3. Is project management easy to learn? 

    Project management is a skill that can be learned and mastered. It is not an innate talent. The first step to learning project management is understanding the process's basics. It includes understanding a project, how it differs from other types of work, and how one can manage it. The next step in learning project management is to learn about the different phases of a project. These include planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing the project. 

    4. How to learn basic project management?  

    Project management refers to managing a project from start to finish. It includes planning, organizing, executing, and controlling the project. There are many ways to learn basic project management. You can take a course in college or university, or you can take an online course. You can also read books on the subject or watch videos on YouTube.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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