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What Is Linear Data Structure? - Meaning, Types and Difference

26th Apr, 2024
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    What Is Linear Data Structure? - Meaning, Types and Difference

    A linear data structure is one where data items are arranged in a linear fashion. Each member is attached to its neighboring elements. The structure permits single-level data storage because the data elements are stored in a linear fashion. The data can be traversed in one run. A linear data structure does not maximize memory.

    A linear data structure is one where data items are ordered either sequentially or in a linear fashion, and each member is attached to its neighboring elements. The linear data structure's elements can all be accessed in one run. There are four primary types of linear data structures: Queue, Linked Lists, Stack, and Arrays.

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    What Is Data Structure?

    A data structure can be defined as a system of storage that organizes and stores data. Data structures are the method of organizing data on computers to make it easy to access and modify. Choosing the appropriate data structure according to your needs and your project is essential. If you require storing sequential data in memory, then you may opt for the array data structure.

    Types of Data Structure
    Types of Data Structure

    The types of data structures or their kind can be broken into two:

    1. Linear Data Structure

    Linear data structures are organized in a particular order, and it is done so because the elements are ordered in a particular pattern; they are simple to implement. Nevertheless, linear data structures might not be the best choice for sophisticated systems because of their operational complexity.

    2. Nonlinear Data Structure

    Nonlinear elements of data structures aren't ordered in a particular way, as opposed to linear structures. They are arranged in a hierarchical manner in which each element may be linked to one element. The graph and tree-based structures divide those that are nonlinear.

    What Is Linear Data Structure?

    A linear data structure is known as a data structure that allows data elements to be arranged in a sequential or linear fashion. Each element is attached with its next and previous adjacent. A linear data structure only has one level and performs linear searching in the data structure. We can therefore traverse all elements in a single run. Because computer memory is linearly arranged, linear data structures are simple to implement. Linear data structure examples are array, linked list, stack, queue, etc.

    Characteristics of Linear Data Structure

    This is a data structure in which the data arrangement follows a linear trend. Each element in the data structure is arranged in a linear fashion so that it can be linked to the previous and next elements. The elements are stored in a linear fashion, which allows for single-level data storage. The data can be accessed in one run.

    • It's a data structure that stores and manages data in a linear order.
    • The data elements of the sequence are linked from one to the next.
    • Implementing the linear structure of data within a computer's RAM is simple, provided that the data are organized sequentially.
    • Array, queue. Stack, linked list, etc., are a few examples of such a structure.
    • Only one relationship exists between the data elements in the data structure.
    • Because the data elements are stored on a single level, it is possible to traverse the data elements in one run.
    • If a linear data storage structure is used, it is not well utilized.
    • The complexity of the structure's time increases with an increase in its size.

    Types in Linear Data Structure

    The Array, Linked List, Stack, and Queue are all kinds of linear data structure types. Let's look at each in greater detail.

    1. Array

    An Array is a type of framework that stores homogeneous parts in connected memory locations. It is precisely the same kinds of objects that are saved sequentially inside an array. The fundamental concept behind linear arrays in the data structure is that multiple pieces of data similar can be stored together. Before saving the data in an array, it is essential that the size of an array need to be established. Every aspect of the array can be accessed or modified, and the data is stored in an index to identify their places of their own.

    The concept of an array can be explained through an easy example of saving the marks for all the students in a class if you assume that there are twenty pupils. The size of your array needs to be identified as 20. The marks of all pupils could also be saved in the array created without the need to create separate variables for markings for every pupil. A simple traversal of the array will allow access to the parts.

    2. Linked List

    It is this type of data system where individual objects are stored sequentially. Each object within the system has a reference and information for the next object. The last node on the linked list has an identifier for null.

    The first element linked to the list is known as the "mind" of the list. There are a lot of differences between linked lists and other kinds of data structures. This concerns the allocation of memory, the inside structures of the structure, and the operation carried out on this linked list.

    Finding an element of a linked list is slow when compared to arrays since the indexing of an array aids in locating the element. The process in the case of a linked list must begin in mind and work through the whole structure until the component you want is found. Contrary to this, the advantage of linked lists would be that the addition or even the removal of elements at the beginning is completed very quickly.

    There are basically two kinds of lists that are linked:

    • One-Linked Listing: This type of system contains the guide or address of the next node within the current node. This means that a node is the last one to have the address as well as a guide is a NULL. Example: A > B > C > D > E > NULL.
    • Double-Linked Listing: The title suggests that every node has two references that are related to it. One reference is directed to the previous node, and the second reference is directed to the following node. Traversal is possible both ways since an example guide is available from the previous nodes. In addition, the explicit access requirement isn't needed to delete. Example: NULL B C D E-> NULL.
    • A linked list that has a circular form: elements in circular linked lists are linked in such a manner that the group is created. Since the linked list is circular, there is no limit, and therefore there is no null. This type of linked checklist has the ability to be used either doubly or singly. There is no specific starting point, and any node in the data may be the starting point. The guide for the last node points to the first node. Example: A > B > C > D-> E.

    3. Stack

    The stack is a different type of structure in that components within the data system adhere to the principles in LIFO- Last in, First out (or) FILO- First In, Last Out. Two kinds of operations can be attributed to the stack, i.e., the pushing and pop operation. Push is necessary for components that need to be added to the collection, and pop is employed when the component previously added needs to be removed from the collection. The extraction can be removed to add the final component.

    Some examples of stacks include the elimination of the recursion. In situations where words have to be reversed or when using editors, if the last word entered will be removed, stacks are used to begin with (using the undo function).

    4. Queue

    The queue is the type of system that stores data in which components are stored in accordance with an order of First In, First Out (FIFO). The exact sequence is followed to carry out the required actions by the components. The main difference between the queue and stacks lies in eliminating an element. It is in the area where the object that was added the most recently is removed first in the stack. At the same time, the case with a queue element that was initially added is removed first.

    Both the end and the conclusion of the system are used for the removal of data and the addition of data. The two main operations that govern the structure of the queue are dequeue and enqueue. Enqueue refers to the procedure where the addition of a component is allowed to be used in creating data. And dequeue refers to the method where the removal of components is allowed. This is the primary aspect of the queue in this case.

    Examples of queues: Like the queues made when waiting for the bus or anywhere else, the data structure is similar to the pattern. It is possible to imagine someone who is waiting for the bus and then sitting in the first spot as the person who made it to the queue first. The person who arrived first is likely to be the first person to get on an actual bus, i.e., get out of the line. Queues are created when a number of customers share the same enthusiasm and need to be served based on the foundation which is first created for the server.

    What Is a Nonlinear Data Structure?

    Data structures in which the data elements do not have to be arranged in a linear or sequential fashion are referred to as nonlinear data structures. In a nonlinear structure, only one level of data is not used. So, it is impossible to traverse the entire structure in one run. Nonlinear data structures can be straightforward to design and implement compared to linear data structures. They make use of computer memory effectively when compared to a linear structure. Examples of this are graphs and trees.

    1. Trees

    A tree can be described as a nonlinear information system comprised of a variety of nodes. The nodes of the tree data structure are organized in order of hierarchy.

    It is composed of a root node that corresponds to the different kids' nodes that are present at the next level. The tree is built from a level foundation, and root nodes are minimum kid nodes based on the tree's growing order. In the tree of binary, the position of the root has two nodes, which means it has the capacity to be able to have up to two kids per node and not more than that.

    For Non-Linear Data Structure, the nonlinear system of data cannot be used directly, so it is implemented using the linear data structure, such as linked lists and arrays. The tree itself is a large info structure, and it is broken down into various kinds like Binary trees, Binary search trees, Heap, AVL trees max Heap, min-heap, and many more.

    The types of trees mentioned above are different based on the properties they possess. The term "tree" refers to an acyclic, nonlinear connected graph. It's a nonlinear system of data like a tree. A node may be linked to one or more nodes. It's a collection of nodes linked by direct (or possibly indirectly) edges. It's comprised of a significant node called the 'root node.'

    2. Graphs

    A graph can be described as a nonlinear information system with a restricted number of vertices and edges, and these edges are used to join the vertex pairs. The graph is classified by certain characteristics. When we talk about a large graph, it is composed of a set of vertex together with every vertex that is attached to the various vertex sets, gaining an advantage over the two. The vertices hold the data elements, whereas they are the tip of the link between the vertex sets.

    The graph concept is essential in many fields. The network is represented with the help of the graph principle as well as its ideas within computer networks. In Maps, we consider each spot as a vertex, and the road between two locations is considered an edge. The main goal of graph representation is to determine the distance between two vertex points through an advantage mass that is minimal. You can explore the complexity on a deeper level by opting for Computer Programming courses for beginners through KnowledgeHut.

    What Is the Difference Between Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures?

    Linear refers to data components that have been sequentially attached. Each component can be traversed in a single run. Nonlinear data structures are data components that have been hierarchically attached. Linear and non-linear data structures or all data components can be found at one level in a linear data structure.

    Let's talk about the differences between Linear or Nonlinear data structures based on data arrangements, data elements being transferred, implementation, levels, and time complexity.

    Basis ofLinear Data StructureNonlinear Data Structure
    Data Arrangements:
    Linear data structures are data elements that are organized linearly. Each element is attached to the next and previous adjacent.Data elements in a nonlinear data system are attached hierarchically.
    A linear data structure only has one level.Multilevels are possible in nonlinear data structures.
    It is much easier than nonlinear data structures.It is more complicated than a linear data structure but can be implemented.
    Transferring Data Elements:
    Data elements in linear data structures can only be traversed onceNonlinear data structures can be traversed over multiple runs, but data elements cannot be traversed in one run.
    Memory Usage:
    Memory is not used efficiently in a linear data structure.Memory is used efficiently in nonlinear data structures.
    Its examples are queue, linked list, array, stack, etc.Its examples include graphs and trees.
    The application of linear data structures is mainly used in software development.Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing are two examples of applications for nonlinear data structures.

    Which Data Structure Is Better: Linear or Non-Linear?

    Nonlinear data structures are data components that exist at multiple levels. Linear detail structures are much easier to implement. Linear data structures are much easier to comprehend and apply than nonlinear data structures. It is possible to traverse linear data structures in one run.

    Therefore, it is impossible to traverse all components of each run. It is more difficult to implement nonlinear data structures than linear data structures. You can explore the complexity on a deeper level by opting for Computer Programming courses for beginners through KnowledgeHut

    Most Common Operations Performed in Linear Data Structures

    Next, we'll look at the most popular data structure operations. Data structure operations refer to the methods that allow you to manipulate data within a data structure. These are the most popular data structure operations:

    1. Traversal

    A traversal operation is used to visit every data structure node in a particular order. This is a technique that can be used to print, search, display, and read data stored in a structure.

    2. Insertion

    Insertion operations add data elements to a database structure. This can be operated at any point in the data structure, including its beginning, middle, and end.

    3. Deletion

    Data elements are removed from a data structure by deletion operations. These operations are usually performed on nodes that no longer need them.

    4. Merge

    Two data structures can be combined into one using merge operations. This is used when two data structures need to be combined into one.

    5. Copy

    To create a duplicate data structure, copy operations can be used. You can do this by copying every element from the original structure to the new one.

    6. Search Operation

    Search operations can be used to locate a particular data element within a data structure. These operations often use a compare function in order to determine if two elements are equal.

    7. Sort Operation

    Sort operations are used for arranging data elements in a data structure in a particular order. You can use a variety of sorting algorithms to accomplish this, including bubble sort, insertion sort, and merge sort.


    Data structures are essential for computer programs to be able to handle the increasing data volume. If data is not organized in a structured manner, it can make it difficult to achieve the desired results for projects. It is important to manage the data in order to make it easy and hassle-free. It's known as a linear system when data components are arranged in sequential order.

    However, if data elements are arranged in nonlinear ways, it's known as a nonlinear structure. Machine learning languages, real-life problems, and other areas continue to have a wide range of data systems. This article discusses the different types of nonlinear structures and explains the differences between nonlinear structures and linear data structures. To gain more knowledge on the topic of data science then, you can for online Data Science training.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What Is Linear Data Structure Array?

    An array is a case of a linear data structure that collects elements of the exact same data type and stores them in contiguous or adjacent memory locations. Arrays are based on an index system that ranges from 0 to (n-1), where the array's size is. 

    2What Are the Four Data Structures in Python?

    Python's four non-primitive data structures are Lists (Dictionary), Tuple, and Set. 

    3How Long Does It Take To Learn Data Structures in Python?

    It can closely take up to six months to master data structures and algorithms in Python, depending on how much time you invest and what resources you choose.

    4What Is the Salary of a Python Programmer?

    The average national salary for a Python developer is $1,003,033 in the United States. You can filter by location to view salaries for Python Developers in your area. 


    Ramulu Enugurthi

    Blog Author

    Ramulu Enugurthi, a distinguished computer science expert with an M.Tech from IIT Madras, brings over 15 years of software development excellence. Their versatile career spans gaming, fintech, e-commerce, fashion commerce, mobility, and edtech, showcasing adaptability in multifaceted domains. Proficient in building distributed and microservices architectures, Ramulu is renowned for tackling modern tech challenges innovatively. Beyond technical prowess, he is a mentor, sharing invaluable insights with the next generation of developers. Ramulu's journey of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence continues to inspire aspiring technologists.

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