HomeBlogDevOpsDatabase DevOps: A Definitive Guide

Database DevOps: A Definitive Guide

28th Dec, 2023
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    Database DevOps: A Definitive Guide

    DevOps is specifically development and operations. It aims at bridging the gaps between the development and operations teams. However, for DevOps to be successful, each manual operation needs to be assessed in the delivery pipeline for automation. Automation is important in handling large databases. If your CI/CD pipelines are not extended to the databases, a wide range of technical problems may arise. This might delay the delivery and quality of your product. Learn DevOps online to embark on your professional journey as an expert. 

    The collaboration between developers and database executives could be facilitated using certain strategies, which lays the stage for database DevOps. To know more about DevOps database management, the challenges associated with it, and the strategies to overcome them, read on.

    What Is Database DevOps?  

    Database DevOps is a process that targets a recognized bottleneck and assists both development and operations teams in identifying and streamlining the process of application development and release. 

    Building stable and consistent products need the integration of databases and applications. By integrating DevOps, applications and databases can be constructed and deployed via a single infrastructure. 

    Database development and management are done using DevOps techniques. These adjustments are also done in response to comments from the delivery and application development phases. This is done to ensure a seamless delivery. A DevOps Online Certification can be a convenient option to start a career in DevOps

    Why Do You Need Database DevOps?  

    DevOps has gained prominence over the past few years owing to its numerous benefits. DevOps aids in the collaboration of teams thus making work much easier. There are many other advantages to using Database DevOps. Here are a few reasons why you need Database DevOps: 

    • Database DevOps enables you to put a stronger emphasis on built-in security while eliminating database-related hindrances. These hindrances include avoiding system crashes.
    • Using Database DevOps may help you lessen or get rid of this friction between developers and Database Administrators (DBAs). It makes it easier for both sides to comprehend each other's needs by adopting a precise, repeatable method.
    • The bridged gap and better collaboration between teams help in obtaining faster and better feedback during the process of DevOps. Faster feedback makes it simpler to spot and resolve problems like empty procedures, unused views and tables, and user or query conflicts. When implementing infrequently used features, this is quite helpful. This helps in addressing and solving problems quickly.
    • Utilizing DevOps database tools to automate parts of the processes further minimizes the workload that requires human intervention. This results in a further reduction in the team's employee needs. This helps in reducing overhead costs to a considerable extent.
    • DevOps is all about collaboration by reducing gaps between teams. Since database DevOps, developers, and database administrators collaborate closely, issues on applications and databases are addressed readily and solved promptly.

    Try taking up a DevOps Foundation online training for starting a career in DevOps. 

    What Are the Principles of Database DevOps?  

    Here are a few basic principles of database DevOps- 

    Continuous Supply  

    With database DevOps, the procedure for applying a change across a number of environments, using unit tests, and culminating in being deployed to production is largely automated. With this approach, major problems are no longer made in the production environment. This will ensure the avoidance of unforeseen contingencies in the future. 

    Repeated Deployments  

    Being able to incorporate minor changes in the system using the same process will ensure reliable outcomes can be achieved readily.

    Unit Tests  

    Testing is a very important part of any release. It is required for any modifications that are developed and distributed. They are needed in order to determine whether the modifications and developments adhere to specifications, or break the deployed environment or both. 

    Source control  

    Tracking and managing changes to software code is done through source control. A database's known state in a certain environment at a specific point in time is made possible by the storage of all database code, from initial scripts used to create the schema to each iterative revision. 

    Top Database DevOps Challenges & Strategies 

    There are a good number of challenges that come with database DevOps. Take a look at them: 

    • Databases have different scalability and size problems. Schema implementation on a large database in a production setting can be a challenging task. This can also result in performance problems and deteriorated services. When multiple applications bank on one single database, making modifications to it becomes even more challenging.
    • Database procedures and technologies don't always work well with pipelines that already exist. These technologies frequently have database and environment requirements, which might make it challenging to integrate them into flexible pipelines. 
    • A compartmentalized perspective makes it impossible for different parties to come together in a way that makes integration possible. This has been the main obstacle to implementing database DevOps. 
    • You cannot shift databases to a different environment or modify the schema without taking the data inside into account. Instead, you must guarantee that data integrity is upheld and carefully analyze how changes may influence data. Compared to application and deployment changes, this is significantly different. Data persistence is not an issue because these modifications simply involve modifying the code. 

    How To Overcome Database DevOps Challenges?  

    • If you want to stay relevant, you need to spend money on professional developers who are up to date on all the most recent technological developments. This will help you stay ahead and create newer and better solutions.
    • Incremental modifications and regular evaluation are the foundation of DevOps processes. Incremental modifications and regular evaluation are the foundation of DevOps processes. With the help of this process, the possibility of modifying work when necessary becomes higher. By doing this, it's possible to make sure that problems are found prior to application deployment. 
    • With the help of staging databases, you can be sure of testing the performance of the applications you develop in a realistic environment. These databases offer a better approach to testing database modifications before implementing them in live databases. 
    • Automate your database builds from a familiar and source-controlled version. By doing this you can ensure easier coordination during database upgrades. Testing changes more frequently and early will help you find errors earlier in the pipeline when they are simpler to address and save them from becoming problems. 

    DevOps Database Best Practices 

    Employ Tight Security Measures  

    Establish database access permissions so that warnings can be provided to deter unauthorized use and enforce compliance. Set permissions for specific alterations to the database code to restrict access to the database. 

    Record the Changes  

    Make sure you keep a record of all the modifications made by stakeholders. The ability to trace versions and modifications, as well as a complete history of all database changes made at any given time will go a long way.

    Choose Adaptable Automation Solutions  

    Choose adaptable and compatible automation solutions for your tools. Try avoiding difficulties in tasks by fragmenting way too much. Try to avoid too much use of code. Do not forget to see that these tools work in sync. 

    Use a KPI  

    Being able to measure your process is the first step to avoiding repeated mistakes. This will help you ensure a more streamlined procedure. Choose your desired KPI to improve your performance and avoid bottlenecks.

    Perform Frequent Testing  

    Frequently perform the process of testing. Continuous testing verifies source code and executes tests concurrently. This helps in alerting developers when a build is unsuccessful.

    Get Proper Feedback  

    It is crucial to incorporate database feedback loops. Input loops are techniques used to validate and obtain feedback regarding the software development process. Receiving continuous feedback helps in optimizing the process of development. Getting feedback during the stage of development is essential to ensure the seamless delivery of products. Obtaining this feedback can also assist you in improving the processes and avoiding repeating mistakes.


    Automation of databases and DevOps is crucial to mitigate human error and enhancing processing speed. Codes can be shipped only as fast as they can be deployed. After the deployment, if you need to fix a bug, you should be able to check it and do a quick new deployment. With KnowledgeHut learn DevOps online, and learn more about the challenges associated with database DevOps and the strategies to overcome them.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What database is used in DevOps?

    All kinds of databases can be used in DevOps including SQL Server and MongoDB. 

    2Is DevOps in demand?

    The demand for qualified software engineers who specialize in DevOps is rising as more businesses try to use DevOps principles.

    3Does DevOps have a good future?

    By 2026, the DevOps industry will be worth more than $20 billion, expanding at a CAGR of 24.7% between 2019 and 2026 (Verified Market Research). This indicates a bright future for aspirants intending to pursue DevOps.


    Mayank Modi

    Blog Author

    Mayank Modi is a Red Hat Certified Architect with expertise in DevOps and Hybrid Cloud solutions. With a passion for technology and a keen interest in Linux/Unix systems, CISCO, and Network Security, Mayank has established himself as a skilled professional in the industry. As a DevOps and Corporate trainer, he has been instrumental in providing training and guidance to individuals and organizations. With over eight years of experience, Mayank is dedicated to achieving success both personally and professionally, making significant contributions to the field of technology.

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