HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow Web Development is Changing Healthcare Industry

How Web Development is Changing Healthcare Industry

11th Jan, 2024
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    How Web Development is Changing Healthcare Industry

    As the world becomes more digitized each day, every industry has to change and improve its ways to meet the demands of the customers. The healthcare industry is no different. With patients having so many options for getting the best treatment from the comfort of their homes, consistent improvements in the healthcare web development industry have become more important than ever. 

    Recent digitization has clearly impacted the healthcare industry. Patients can now schedule appointments online, order their medicines from their homes, and even get a diagnosis from a doctor over a video call. With this sudden rise in digitization, the medical web development field has also grown exponentially. In 2019, the total value of the digital health market was about $175 billion, which is predicted to reach around $660 billion by 2025. 

    Not only that, in 2010, only $1 billion was invested in the healthcare website development industry, whereas the amount was $21 billion in 2020. With the rise of the pandemic in 2020, the need for updated digital healthcare has also increased. 

    In this article, we will talk explore healthcare web development and why it’s beneficial for the healthcare industry. If you want to become a web developer from the comfort of your home, you can check out the Online Full Stack Developer Courses.

    What is Healthcare Web Development? 

    First, let’s explore what exactly is healthcare web development? And how does it differ from other web development professions? 

    Well, in recent times, the internet has been a great source of help for people who want to seek answers to medical queries online. This became such a phenomenon that even Google launched a new initiative called Google Health. 

    But that is not all - hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and other medical institutions worldwide have been enforcing advanced technologies to improve patient connectivity and increase their business connections. That is why medical website developers all over the world are designing new healthcare websites and apps to help patients book their appointments and find any information they will need to explore the symptom of a disease or a medical procedure. 

    Healthcare web app development has become a popular profession in the last few years because of people’s growing interest in digitized healthcare. A healthcare web application can help any medical organization get the power to control any patient-related concerns remotely and securely. It can help patients schedule appointments, consult doctors, order medicine, answer queries, and educate them on certain conditions. 

    Even though healthcare apps and websites are a little different in functionality, they are both extremely important in the medical field. Not only are they helpful for patients but also for doctors and other medical professionals. 

    Importance of Web Development in the Healthcare Industry 

    Healthcare web development makes it easier for patients to access better healthcare from the safety of their homes. Not only does it allow them to consult with doctors for their ailments, but it also helps them contact medical clinics and pharmacies easily. A user-friendly website can go a long way to ensure patient satisfaction. Here are the importances of medical practice website development. 

    • Easy Accessibility

    Medical websites are easily accessible to a lot of people. Not only can people connect with doctors and pharmacies, but they can also access a lot of resources through them. Starting from health tips, disease information, and even treatment guides, everything is available for people to access easily. If a medical organization makes a website that's easily navigable and contains all important information, it will result in better patient satisfaction.

    • Reduce Costs

    Businesses are always looking for a way to reduce their costs. With the help of a good website, a medical organization can do that easily. Since more and more people rely on the website for information and bookings alike, the need for answering calls and emails is lessened. As a result, medical professionals can spend their valuable time providing better care for more patients. 

    • Improved Patient Experience

    Patient experience is not only about the care that healthcare professionals provide but also the part that leads up to it. If patients can get reliable information from your site, it can significantly help build trust in them. Patients can also reach out to organizations about any questions they may have through online portals. 

    • Increase Patient Compliance

    Many patients are high-risk individuals due to their health concerns, especially those who suffer from a chronic disease. A website that lets them talk to doctors easily and gives them access to their accurate medical records will result in them taking care of their health in a safer way. 

    Types of Healthcare Web Application Development 

    Web solutions come in many formats, and healthcare web development differs from the rest. There are many different types of medical web apps, and they are mainly divided into three categories. Here are the different types of web applications and their importance. 

    Medical Websites Development

    These are the most common types of healthcare web applications. These are mostly used as educational websites that are easy to navigate. That way, patients, professionals, and students alike can always get the information they need and the assistance they are looking for. Business websites of hospitals and nursing homes, educational web sources for medical students, and websites for pharmaceuticals and device manufacturers are all examples of this. 

    Medical Web Portals Development

    Medical portals provide more advanced functions for people who need them. This is aimed not only at patients but also medical professionals. Staff portals to streamline an organization's workflow, patient portals to help them access their medical history and helpful data, and information portals for medical students who need to access news and information are a result of this type of web development. 

    Web Applications Development

    Finally, web application development, that is used to assist patients on a day-to-day basis. This type of application includes monitoring apps, healthcare delivery apps, and data storage and sharing apps that are handy for patients and healthcare workers alike. 

    If you also want to learn healthcare web app development, then the Knowledgehut's online FSD Bootcamp might be perfect for you! It can help you build functional apps which can help many people who need better-digitized healthcare. 

    Web Development Solutions for Healthcare Businesses 

    So if you run a healthcare business, what should your web app include to assure maximum patient satisfaction and increased brand recognition? Here are some of the best web development practices for healthcare web apps to help you get ahead of your competitors. 

    1. Real-time Consultancy

    A web app should always include an option for patients to video chat with their doctors. That way, if patients cannot physically visit the clinic, they can still get the best medical assistance possible. It will also save doctors the additional time and money to visit patients at their homes. 

    2. Insurance and Billing

    Billing and insurance claims are where a lot of patients get lost when it comes to healthcare. A web application should always have an interface to guide the patient through these intricate processes. If these operations are made easier and more efficient, it can easily result in increased patient satisfaction. 

    3. Mobile Friendliness

    Most people nowadays are more comfortable with smartphones than they are with laptops or PCs. That is why every healthcare app and website should also be mobile-friendly if it wants to reach the most number of customers. 

    4. Interactive Libraries

    People are always looking for new information, especially about their health. All medical websites and apps should have a library of information that patients, professionals, and students alike can access and use to their advantage. 

    5. Reminders

    A lot of people in this world suffer from chronic illnesses and forget to take their medicines, which can be fatal for them. Medical apps should have a built-in reminder feature to remind patients when to take their medicines. This feature can save lives. 

    Benefits of Web Development in the Healthcare Industry 

    There are numerous benefits of medical website development practices, and with the increasing popularity of healthcare apps among patients, we can surely say that people are satisfied with them. Here are some of the main benefits of healthcare web development. 

    1. Communication

    A good healthcare website would improve communication between doctors and their patients. If a doctor has an easy-to-access website, they will be able to communicate with their patients about their health concerns at any time. Patients can also make appointments with the doctor easily without making a phone call. Improved doctor-patient communication means more satisfied patients and better healthcare. 

    2. Better Treatment

    A well-developed website can also help patients with their medical records. Medical professionals can easily access these records, and their accuracy will also help them treat the patient better. 

    3. Accessible Information

    In this day and age, it is really easy for people to gain access to information about their health on the Internet. Though it is not a good idea to come to conclusions about your health without consulting a doctor, many people can analyze their symptoms with the help of medical journals and websites. Patients can also choose to consult multiple doctors about their problems for the best possible solution. 

    4. Credibility

    People are always attracted to websites that feel professional. If a doctor has a website that looks and feels professional to the patients, they are more likely to trust the doctor's diagnosis. This is also more likely to result in patients visiting the doctor about their ailments as it makes them trust the doctor more. 

    If they are satisfied with their treatment, they will also refer the doctor to their peers. Customer satisfaction ultimately results in more popularity and loyal patients, fueling an increase in credibility.

    5. Recognition

    Having an online presence helps people recognize a certain brand or person more. It helps you generate more leads and ultimately build a network of people who trust and value the doctor behind the website as well. But the only way to do so is with the help of a professional website- and that is why medical web developers are so in demand these days. 


    With the rising demand for new and improved healthcare web applications, the demand for web development professionals is also increasing. The healthcare system is the backbone of a country. That is why healthcare companies, hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies are always looking for new professionals to build their apps and websites. 

    If you also want to become a healthcare web developer, then KnowledgeHut’s Back-End Web Development online training courses can be an excellent course for you! This course can help you become an efficient web developer, enabling you to acquire in-demand development skills to build dynamic healthcare platforms.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How is web development changing the healthcare industry?

    Web development has brought a new wave of digitized healthcare for patients. Patients can now schedule appointments, consult with doctors, order medicine, and pay their medical bills from the comfort of their homes. 

    2What are the challenges of web development in healthcare?

    Always providing people with the factually correct content, maintaining app speed even on mobile platforms, and standing out among many competitors are some of the challenges of web development in the healthcare industry. 

    3How is web development impacting patient care and outcomes?

    Web development increases patient satisfaction as they can access the best care from their home. It also ensures that patients have no problem with the billing and medical insurance claims procedures. Healthcare web apps have made accessible healthcare more efficient not only for patients but for medical professionals as well.

    4What is the future of web development in healthcare?

    Web development professionals can have a bright future in healthcare as more and more companies are looking for a way to digitize healthcare for patients. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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