HomeBlogData ScienceChatGPT Code Interpreter: What is It & How Does It Work?

ChatGPT Code Interpreter: What is It & How Does It Work?

12th Jan, 2024
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    ChatGPT Code Interpreter: What is It & How Does It Work?

    OpenAI has launched a new tool known as Code Interpreter (CI) which is a plugin of ChatGPT – 4 that allows users to easily upload images, CSVs, PDFs, and other files. This Code Interpreter (CI) plugin can handle file downloads and uploads. The ChatGPT Code Interpreter plugin enhances the AI chatbot’s ability to handle data and carry out different operations.

    ChatGPT Code Interpreter (CI) can be used in a variety of tasks such as data analysis, image processing, code editing, and other tasks. It is built on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and is an innovative AI bot that builds a connection between a human and a bot that feels like a natural conversation.

    ChatGPT responds to questions using a technology known as a large language model (LLM). This technology predicts the next word in a sequence to form coherent responses and with Code Interpreter (CI) being enabled, ChatGPT can write and execute computer code to provide answers. Let me take you through this article to make you understand everything about ChatGPT code interpreter in detail.

    What is ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

    ChatGPT code interpreter plugin is a feature that allows users to upload different files and perform tasks such as image conversions, data analytics, and code editing through ChatGPT.

    Importance of ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter

    The ChatGPT code interpreter (CI) makes it run in a Python sandbox environment. The ChatGPT can write code and return the answers in the sandbox environment using Python. It can even debug the code reading the callback messages and automatically enter the loop to fix the code and make it work. The code interpreter adds the ability to actively interpret instructions, write code, and execute programs.

    How Does ChatGPT's Code Interpreter Work?

    The ChatGPT code interpreter (CI) works by parsing the code, understanding its structure, and executing it in a secure and controlled environment. It provides a temporary disk space to upload files which can be of different formats ranging from TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, PNG, MP4, AVI, CSV, JSON, XML, XLS, XLSX, CPP, PY, HTML, PDF, DB, SQLite, and others.

    The ChatGPT code interpreter (CI) is designed to handle complex code structures and algorithms.

    How to Get Started with Code Interpreter?

    To activate the Code Interpreter for ChatGPT is quite straightforward wherein you need to access ChatGPT Plus. Here’s a step-by-step process to perform the above-mentioned task:

    Step 1: Go to ChatGPT and click Upgrade to Plus in the bottom left corner as shown in Figure 1: chatgpt code interpreter

    Figure 1

    Step 2: Choose your ChatGPT plus plan and click Upgrade to Plus as shown in Figure 2: ChatGPT Plus Plan.

    ChatGPT Plus Plan
    figure 2

    Step 3: Enter your email id, payment details and billing address, click Subscribe to subscribe the ChatGPT plus subscription at $20 monthly as shown in Figure 3: ChatGPT Subscription.

    ChatGPT Subscription.
    Figure 3

    Once you have purchased the subscription, return to ChatGPT and follow these steps:

    Step 4: In the bottom right corner, click on your account name.

    Step 5: Click on Settings.

    Step 6: In the Setting menu, click Beta features as shown in Figure 4: Settings - Beta Features.

    Step 7: Click on the Code Interpreter toggle as shown in Figure 4: Settings - Beta Features. You don’t need to activate the plugin beta feature or go through the ChatGPT plugin store.

    Figure 4

    Step 8: Go to create a new prompt and hover over GPT- 4 at the top. There should be a dropdown that allows you to switch between the standard and Code Interpreter powered version of GPT-4 as shown in Figure 5: ChatGPT 4 - Code Interpreter (CI).

    Step 9: Click Code Interpreter option as shown in Figure 5: ChatGPT 4 - Code Interpreter (CI).

    Code Interpreter (CI)
    Figure 5

    Step 10: The Code Interpreter plugin mode is now enabled.

    Note: To use Code Interpreter plugin mode, make sure it is selected when you start up a new chat.

    Common Use-cases of ChatGPT Code Interpreter

    There are some use cases of ChatGPT code interpreter examples:

    1. Data analysis and data visualisation: This plugin is used to load datasets, perform transformations, and analyze data using Python libraries.
    2. Converting files: The code interpreter translates files across various formats, given the requisite libraries and the feasibility of execution in Python.
    3. Code Development: The ChatGPT code interpreter has a capability to perform wide variety of coding tasks, within the limits of the Python programming language.
    4. Solving Mathematical Problems: The Code Interpreter can solve complex mathematical operations and computations using libraries like NumPy and SciPy.

    How Does ChatGPT Code Interpreter Work?

    The technology used in the code interpreter (CI) of ChatGPT 4 is the same as that in the standard ChatGPT model wherein ChatGPT is like a large language model (LLM) that is trained with massive amounts of data that accurately predict the next word in a series of words in a sentence. ChatGPT also has an additional layer of intelligence known as Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) that uses human feedback to help ChatGPT learn and follow directions to satisfy human responses and tasks such as composing emails, essays, and code.

    The difference between the standard ChatGPT model and Code Interpreter is the type of input they accept and the output which is provided. In case of default ChatGPT 4, you receive a text output or a code which you can use, but in Code Interpreter that runs the code for you and provides the ready-made output and also lets you see how it is arrived at the result, so you can still run the code by yourself. For those interested in delving deeper into the intricacies of ChatGPT's code interpreter, exploring AI bootcamp eligibility could be an excellent step toward gaining comprehensive insights 

    How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

    As per OpenAI the primary functions of ChatGPT code interpreter includes image conversions, data analysis, visualization, create graphs, charts, and editing code files. There are following file formats that can be used to upload on ChatGPT code interpreter:

    • Text (.txt, .csv, .json, .xml, etc.)
    • Image (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.)
    • Document (.pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.)
    • Code (.py, .js, .html, .css, etc.)
    • Data (.csv, .xlsx, .tsv, .json, etc.)
    • Audio (.mp3, .wav, etc.)
    • Video (.mp4, .avi, .mov, etc.)

    ChatGPT code interpreter gives a temporary disk space to upload files in the format mentioned above. It’s a sandboxed, firewalled environment that comes preinstalled with 300+ libraries and packages.

    ChatGPT Code Interpreters Examples

    There are the following examples for ChatGPT code interpreters:

    Example 1: Data Analysis on Toy Dataset

    Carat Weight
























































    When I upload the csv file and ask the ChatGPT’s code interpreter to Analyze the data through a simple ChatGPT code interpreter prompt for which I need to have to select Code Interpreter from the dropdown towards the top as shown in Figure 6: ChatGPT Code Interpreter Prompt.

    ChatGPT Code Interpreter Prompt
    Figure 6There will be a plus sign in the message box using which you can use to upload files as shown in Figure 7: Code Interpreter – Upload Files.

    Figure 7

    Once you have uploaded, ChatGPT code interpreter starts processing. I can't display the entire output as it’s a pretty big process.

    The result displayed by processing the .csv file is shown in Figure 8: Chart Display.

    Figure 8

    To develop a comprehensive understanding of this, you can consider enrolling in the KnowledgeHut best Artificial Intelligence course online, which can provide you with comprehensive insights and skills in the rapidly evolving field of AI.  


    ChatGPT Code Interpreter (CI) is a powerful and versatile plugin that enhances your experience with Chatbot making it to do lot of things with ChatGPT. It can be used with many things such as to run Python code, solve complex maths problems, Image conversions, accessing and handling files, and generate data, images, videos, and more. It even has the potential to significantly augment and improve workflows for programmers.

    ChatGPT provides users with a more interactive and dynamic experience to its users from analyzing data to solving mathematical problems, ChatGPT Code Interpreter (CI) has a wide range of possibilities for its users.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the code interpreter of ChatGPT data analysis?

    It is a new feature in ChatGPT plugin that is developed by OpenAI which allows ChatGPT to do math, upload and download files, and Analyze data.

    2How do I enable code interpreter in ChatGPT 4?

    To enable the code interpreter in ChatGPT 4, firstly you need to upgrade to Plus version then move to ChatGPT Plus, open “Settings” from the bottom-left corner again, select “Beta features” and enable the “Code interpreter” toggle.

    3How to use ChatGPT code interpreter for free?

    To utilize the ChatGPT code interpreter without incurring any charges, you'll need to follow these steps:

    Join the waitlist and await an invitation. Access to the free code interpreter is granted through an invitation system.

    Make sure you are either a ChatGPT Plus subscriber or have successfully joined the waitlist for free access.

    Once you have received access, activate the code interpreter plugin by including the hashtag #code in your chat prompt.

    You can then proceed to input your code, either in the same message or in a new one.

    Additionally, you have the option to use the #upload and #download commands for transferring files as needed during your programming session.

    To conclude your coding session, simply type #end at the end of your message.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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