HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop 25 Software Engineering Projects 2024 [Source Code]

Top 25 Software Engineering Projects 2024 [Source Code]

07th Jun, 2024
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    Top 25 Software Engineering Projects 2024 [Source Code]

    In today's fast-paced technological environment, software engineers are continually seeking innovative projects to hone their skills and stay ahead of industry trends. Engaging in software engineering projects not only helps sharpen your programming abilities but also enhances your professional portfolio. To further amplify your skillset, consider enrolling in Programming training course to leverage online programming courses from expert trainers and grow with mentorship programs.

    Why Project-based Learning is Important?

    Project-based learning is a cornerstone of software engineering education, fostering key competencies and hands-on experience that surpass traditional theoretical learning. Engaging in authentic projects allows learners to sharpen critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, vital for achieving success in the software engineering industry.

    Undertaking real-life projects equips you with a deep understanding of programming languages, tools, and frameworks, preparing you to face intricate challenges and devise efficient solutions. Furthermore, project-based learning contributes to building a compelling portfolio that demonstrates your expertise and captivates potential employers.

    To fully capitalize on the benefits of project-based learning, going for Software Engineering full course will help you level up your career. These all-inclusive courses present well-orchestrated curriculums that meld theoretical underpinnings with hands-on projects, ensuring the cultivation of essential skills needed for a thriving career in software engineering.

    Top Software Engineer Project Ideas for Beginners

    1. Fingerprint Technology-Based ATM

    This project aims to enhance the security of ATM transactions by utilizing fingerprint recognition for user authentication.

    Tools and Technologies

    • Python or Java for backend development
    • OpenCV for image processing and fingerprint recognition
    • Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi for hardware integration
    • Fingerprint sensor module, such as R307 or FPM10A
    • SQL or NoSQL database for storing user data


    • User registration with fingerprint scanning and data storage
    • Fingerprint-based authentication for ATM transactions
    • Secure PIN entry for additional verification
    • Withdrawal, deposit, and balance inquiry options
    • Real-time notifications for transaction updates
    • Multilingual user interface

    Sample code (Python) for fingerprint recognition using OpenCV:

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    def extract_fingerprint(image):
     gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
     _, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray_image, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
     contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
     max_area = 0
     max_cnt = None
     for cnt in contours:
     area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
     if area > max_area:
     max_area = area
     max_cnt = cnt
     if max_cnt is not None:
     return cv2.boundingRect(max_cnt)
     return None
    image = cv2.imread("fingerprint.jpg")
    fingerprint = extract_fingerprint(image)

    This project enables secure ATM transactions, reduces the risk of card skimming, and provides a convenient and user-friendly authentication method.

    2. Gesture Language Translator

    As a beginner software engineer, developing a Gesture Language Translator project allows you to make a positive impact on communication for individuals with hearing impairments. This project implements advanced technologies, such as computer vision, machine learning, and natural language processing, to translate sign language gestures into audible or written communication.

    Utilize tools like Python, TensorFlow, and OpenCV to create a versatile application capable of identifying and interpreting hand gestures in real-time, converting them into understandable text or speech. Key functionalities include gesture capture, feature extraction, gesture recognition, and language translation.

    import cv2
    import tensorflow as tf
    # Initialize tools and load the trained model
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model("gesture_recognition_model.h5")
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    while True:
     ret, frame = cap.read()
     # Preprocess the frame and extract features
     preprocessed_frame = preprocess(frame)
     features = extract_features(preprocessed_frame)
     # Predict the gesture and translate it to text
     gesture_prediction = model.predict(features)
     translated_text = translate_gesture(gesture_prediction)
     # Display the translated text on the frame
     cv2.putText(frame, translated_text, (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2)
     cv2.imshow("Gesture Language Translator", frame)
     if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):

    By engaging in this Gesture Language Translator project, you'll not only enhance your programming skills but also contribute to fostering a more inclusive and accessible world.

    3. Developing an E-Learning Platform

    Due to the growing need for online education, E-Learning platforms have become increasingly popular. As a software engineer, developing an E-Learning platform is an excellent project idea for 2024. Tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Firebase are used in this project.


    • Instructor's Portal: Instructors can create courses, add course materials, and communicate with students.
    • Student Portal: Students can enroll in courses, access course materials, and communicate with instructors and other students.
    • Course Creation: Courses are created by Instructors by adding details such as the course title, description, and image.
    • Course Materials: lecture videos, assignments, and quizzes are added by Instructiors.
    • User Authentication: Users can create accounts, log in, and reset their passwords using Firebase authentication.
    • Realtime Communication: Instructors and students can communicate in real time using Firebase Realtime Database.
    • Course Enrollment: Students can enroll by searching for courses or browsing the course catalog.

    Code Example

    import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
    import firebase from 'firebase';
    function App() {
     const [courses, setCourses] = useState([]);
     useEffect(() => {
     firebase.database().ref('courses/').on('value', (snapshot) => {
     const courses = [];
     snapshot.forEach((childSnapshot) => {
     id: childSnapshot.key,
     }, []);
     return (
     <h1>E-Learning Platform</h1>
     {courses.map((course) => (
     <li key={course.id}>
    export default App;

    In conclusion, developing an E-Learning platform is an excellent project for software engineers in 2024. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Firebase are tools being used, you can create a platform that enables instructors to develop courses, students to enroll and access course materials, and communication between students and instructors.

    4. Android Local Train Ticketing System

    Developing an Android Local Train Ticketing System with Java, Android Studio, and SQLite.

    Developing a local train ticketing system for Android can be a challenging yet rewarding project idea for Software developer. Java, Android Studio, and SQLite are the tools used to create an app that helps commuters to book train tickets directly from their mobile devices. Here is an example code for the ticket booking functionality:

    // Ticket Booking Activity

    public class TicketBookingActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
     private EditText mFromEditText;
     private EditText mToEditText;
     private Button mSearchButton;
     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     mFromEditText = findViewById(R.id.fromEditText);
     mToEditText = findViewById(R.id.toEditText);
     mSearchButton = findViewById(R.id.searchButton);
     mSearchButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
     public void onClick(View v) {
     String from = mFromEditText.getText().toString();
     String to = mToEditText.getText().toString();
     // Code for searching trains and displaying results
     searchTrains(from, to);
     private void searchTrains(String from, String to) {
     // Code for searching trains using SQLite
     SQLiteDatabase db = new DatabaseHelper(this).getReadableDatabase();
     String[] projection = {TrainContract.TrainEntry.COLUMN_NAME_TRAIN_NAME,
     String selection = TrainContract.TrainEntry.COLUMN_NAME_SOURCE + "=? AND "
     + TrainContract.TrainEntry.COLUMN_NAME_DESTINATION + "=?";
     String[] selectionArgs = {from, to};
     Cursor cursor = db.query(
     // Code for displaying search results
     if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     do {
     String trainName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
     String departureTime = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
     String arrivalTime = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
     // Display train name, departure time, and arrival time
     } while (cursor.moveToNext());
     } else {
     // Display message if no trains found

    This code demonstrates how to use SQLite to search for trains based on the user's source and destination inputs. The Android Local Train Ticketing System includes user registration, payment processing, ticket confirmation, and ticket cancellation features. Coding skills are challenged during the creation of this project, but it will also help you gain experience working with a real-world application.

    Developing an Android Local Train Ticketing System is an excellent project idea for software engineers in 2024. Using Java, Android Studio, and SQLite tools, developers can create a system that provides a convenient and efficient ticketing experience for commuters. With this project, developers can challenge themselves and learn new skills while providing a valuable service

    5. Patient Tracker Application System

    The Patient Tracker Application System provides a user-friendly interface for healthcare professionals to manage their patient data effectively. With its customizable dashboard, healthcare professionals can easily view patient information and appointments, as well as track patient data and outcomes using its analytics and reporting features.


    • Python Flask framework for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store the patient data


    • Secure user registration and login system
    • Ability to add, edit, and delete patient information
    • Search functionality to search for patients based on name, ID, or other criteria
    • Ability to view a patient's medical history, including diagnoses, medications, and allergies
    • Option to upload and view medical documents, such as lab reports and radiology images
    • Ability to schedule and view appointments for patients
    • Notification system for upcoming appointments and medication reminders
    • Integration with a payment gateway for online payment of medical bills
    • Dashboard for healthcare professionals to view patient information and manage their appointments
    • Customizable user roles and access levels for different healthcare professionals
    • Secure data storage and transmission using encryption and other security measures
    • Analytics and reporting features for healthcare professionals to track patient data and outcomes
    • Integration with third-party tools and services, such as telemedicine platforms and electronic health record systems
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to patient data on-the-go
    • Option to generate reports for billing and insurance purposes

    Here is a sample code snippet for creating a new patient record using Python Flask and MySQL:

    from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
    from flask_mysqldb import MySQL
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'localhost'
    app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'
    app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = 'password'
    app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'patient_tracker'
    mysql = MySQL(app)
    @app.route('/patients', methods=['POST'])
    def create_patient():
     name = request.json['name']
     gender = request.json['gender']
     dob = request.json['dob']
     address = request.json['address']
     phone_number = request.json['phone_number']
     email = request.json['email']
     medical_history = request.json['medical_history']
     # Insert the new patient record into the database
     cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
     query = "INSERT INTO patients (name, gender, dob, address, phone_number, email, medical_history) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
     values = (name, gender, dob, address, phone_number, email, medical_history)
     cursor.execute(query, values)
     return jsonify({'message': 'New patient record created successfully!'})

    6. Credit Card Safety Application

    Credit Card Safety Application is a helpful software engineering project enabling users to manage their credit card data securely and efficiently. It delivers a spectrum of features, including secure user registration and login systems, credit card monitoring and alerts, integration with credit bureaus and other third-party tools, and mobile compatibility for convenient access to credit card information on the go.


    • Java programming language for building the backend
    • Android Studio for the frontend
    • Firebase database to store the credit card data


    • Secure user registration and login system
    • Ability to add and delete credit card information
    • Option to set spending limits and receive notifications when limits are exceeded
    • Real-time monitoring of credit card activity, including transaction history and fraud alerts
    • Integration with credit bureaus for credit score monitoring and reporting
    • Option to freeze and unfreeze credit cards in case of loss or theft
    • Integration with third-party tools and services, such as credit card rewards programs and budgeting apps
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to credit card information on-the-go
    • Option to generate reports for budgeting and financial planning purposes

    Below is the sample code snippet for adding a new credit card using Java and Firebase. Complete code for the Credit Card Safety Application in this limited space is complex.

    private DatabaseReference mDatabase;
    mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
    String userId = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser().getUid();
    CreditCard newCard = new CreditCard(cardNumber, expirationDate, cvvCode, cardHolderName);

    Top Software Engineer Project Ideas for Intermediate Professionals

    1. Creating Weather Forecasting Application

    Weather Forecasting Application is a useful software engineering project that can help users stay informed about weather conditions in their area. The application is designed to help users plan their day and stay safe during severe weather conditions.


    • Python programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • OpenWeatherMap API for weather data
    • Firebase database for storing user preferences


    • Secure user registration and login system
    • Real-time weather data updates for specified locations
    • Ability to view current weather conditions and forecasts for up to 7 days
    • Option to set location preferences and receive notifications for severe weather alerts
    • Customizable user interface with options to display temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, and switch between light and dark modes
    • Integration with social media platforms to share weather updates with friends and family
    • Analytics and reporting features to track user preferences and usage statistics
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to weather data on-the-go

    2. Setting-Up Personal Home Cloud

    Setting-Up Personal Home Cloud project is an exciting software engineering project that requires a good understanding of hardware and software configurations, cloud storage solutions, and security measures. It provides real-time weather data updates, severe weather alerts, customizable user interface, and analytics and reporting features.


    • Raspberry Pi microcomputer for building the cloud server
    • Linux operating system for the server
    • Nextcloud software for cloud storage and sharing
    • Docker for containerization and management of software applications


    • Ability to store and share files securely over the internet
    • Option to sync files between devices and access files remotely
    • Integration with various applications, such as calendar and contacts, for personal organization
    • Support for multiple user accounts with customizable access levels
    • Encrypted data transmission and storage for improved security
    • Integration with third-party cloud storage services, such as Dropbox and Google Drive, for backup and synchronization purposes
    • Ability to host personal websites and web applications using the cloud server
    • Automatic software updates and security patches for improved maintenance

    3. AI-Powered Shopping System

    AI-Powered Shopping System is a useful software engineering project that can assist online retailers provide customers with personalized product suggestions and real-time price tracking. The system is developed to aid online retailers increase sales and enhance customer satisfaction by delivering customers with a more personalized shopping experience.


    • Python programming language for building the AI algorithms
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store product and customer data
    • TensorFlow or PyTorch for machine learning models


    • Personalized product recommendations based on customer data and past purchases
    • Real-time product price tracking and price comparison across multiple online stores
    • Integration with third-party payment gateways for secure online payment processing
    • Option to view product reviews and ratings from other customers
    • Integration with social media platforms for sharing product recommendations and reviews
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to shopping data on-the-go
    • Analytics and reporting features to track customer preferences and usage statistics
    • Option to generate reports for sales and inventory management purposes

    4. Personality Analysis System

    Personality Analysis System project is an exciting software engineering project that requires a good understanding of natural language processing, AI algorithms, and data analysis. AI-Powered Shopping System is a valuable software engineering project that can help online retailers provide personalized product recommendations and real-time price tracking.

    It delivers a spectrum of elements like integration with payment gateways, product reviews, and mobile compatibility. The project has the prospect to revolutionize the online shopping industry by delivering customers with better personalized and efficient shopping experience.


    • Python programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • IBM Watson Personality Insights API for personality analysis
    • MySQL database to store user data


    • Secure user registration and login system
    • Option to analyze user's personality traits based on their written text, such as social media posts or emails
    • Integration with social media platforms for analyzing user's personality based on their social media activity
    • Real-time feedback and suggestions for improving communication and relationships based on personality traits
    • Option to compare personality traits with other users for potential compatibility or conflict
    • Customizable user interface with options to display personality insights in different formats
    • Integration with third-party tools and services, such as career counseling or dating services, for personalized recommendations
    • Analytics and reporting features for tracking user preferences and usage statistics

    5. Health Management System

    Health Management System is a useful software engineering project that can benefit patients by monitoring and managing their health data and receive personalized suggestions for disease diagnosis and treatment. The system is created to help patients attain health goals and improve their overall wellbeing. Developing sophisticated machine learning algorithms and secure software systems have the prospect to revolutionize the healthcare industry.


    • Java programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store patient and healthcare provider data
    • Apache Spark or TensorFlow for machine learning models


    • Secure user registration and login system for patients and healthcare providers
    • Real-time monitoring of patient health data, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose levels
    • Integration with wearable devices and health trackers for automatic data collection
    • Option for patients to schedule appointments and receive virtual consultations with healthcare providers
    • Automated disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations using machine learning models
    • Integration with pharmacies and insurance providers for prescription management and insurance claims
    • Option to set health goals and receive personalized recommendations for diet and exercise
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to health data and features on-the-go

    Top Software Engineer Project Ideas for Advanced Professionals

    1. Creating a Fingerprint Voting System

    Fingerprint Voting System is a valuable software engineering project that can help ensure the integrity of elections by providing secure and transparent voting. The system is designed to help election officials manage elections more efficiently and voters confidently cast their votes.


    • Java programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store voter and candidate data
    • Fingerprint scanner for biometric authentication


    • Secure user registration and login system for voters and election officials
    • Option to scan fingerprints for biometric authentication
    • Real-time vote counting and reporting
    • The choice for voters to view candidate profiles and election information
    • Integration with third-party election auditing services for transparency and accountability
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to voting data on-the-go
    • Analytics and reporting features for tracking voting trends and usage statistics
    • Option to generate reports for election management purposes

    2. Building Revenue Recovery System

    Revenue Recovery System is a valuable software engineering project that can help businesses monitor and manage their revenue streams more efficiently. It delivers various features, including real-time revenue monitoring, automated fraud detection, and mobile compatibility. The system is developed to help businesses catch and retrieve lost revenue and improve their financial management.


    • Python programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store revenue and customer data
    • Apache Spark or TensorFlow for machine learning models


    • Real-time monitoring of revenue streams and transactions
    • Automated fraud detection using machine learning models
    • Integration with payment gateways for secure online payment processing
    • Option to generate invoices and payment reminders for customers
    • Analytics and reporting features for tracking revenue trends and usage statistics
    • Integration with third-party accounting software for seamless revenue management
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to revenue data and features on-the-go
    • Option to generate reports for revenue management purposes

    3. Suspicious Online Activity Tracker System

    The Suspicious Online Activity Tracker System is a helpful software engineering project that can assist businesses in detecting and preventing suspicious user activity in real time. It provides various features, including integration with third-party security services, custom alerts and notifications, and mobile compatibility. The system is created to help businesses enhance their security posture and rescue their assets from unauthorized access and hacking attempts.


    • Python programming language for building the backend
    • React JS for the frontend
    • MongoDB database to store user activity data
    • Apache Kafka for data streaming and processing


    • Real-time monitoring of doubtful user activity, such as hacking attempts and unauthorized access
    • Integration with third-party security services, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems
    • Option to set up custom alerts and notifications for suspicious activity
    • Analytics and reporting features for tracking user activity trends and usage statistics
    • Integration with machine learning models for automated suspicious activity detection and prevention
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to user activity data and features on-the-go
    • Option to generate reports for security management purposes

    4. Building Virtual Classroom

    Virtual Classroom is a valuable software engineering project that can help students and educators collaborate and learn remotely. It provides a range of features, including real-time video conferencing and collaboration, automated assignment grading, and mobile compatibility. The system is designed to help students and educators overcome distance barriers and improve access to quality education.


    • Python programming language for building the backend
    • ReactJS for the frontend
    • MySQL database to store student and course data
    • WebRTC for real-time video conferencing and collaboration


    • Secure user registration and login system for students and instructors
    • Option to create and manage courses, assignments, and quizzes
    • Real-time video conferencing and collaboration features for virtual classes
    • Integration with learning management systems for seamless course management
    • Opportunity to generate and grade assignments and quizzes automatically
    • Mobile compatibility for convenient access to virtual courses on-the-go
    • Analytics and reporting features for tracking student performance and usage statistics
    • Option to create reports for educational management purposes


    The above top 15 software engineering project examples provide an excellent starting point for aspiring software engineers to showcase their skills and creativity. By considering a software engineering project proposal that aligns with personal interests, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

    These software engineering final year projects not only enhance problem-solving abilities but also prepare students for the competitive job market. KnowledgeHut Programming online training course will help you become an ace programmer with the most in-demand programming courses.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What projects would you like to work on as a software engineer?

    I am interested in pursuing AI-driven, full web stack development, and mobile app projects concentrating on handling real-world problems, promoting innovation, and enhancing user experiences. 

    2What are the 4 Cs of software engineering?

    The 4 Cs, essential for quality and maintainability in software development, are Correctness, Completeness, Consistency, and Clarity. These principles guide engineers in creating robust and reliable software. 

    3How do I get project ideas?

    Seek inspiration from multiple sources, such as exploring emerging technologies, examining industry pain points, reading research papers, participating in online communities, and attending workshops or conferences to expand your knowledge and generate unique project ideas. 


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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