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20 Interesting Facts About Cyber Security

26th Apr, 2024
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    20 Interesting Facts About Cyber Security

    As cyber security technology is on the rise, so is the technology of hackers. 

    The increasing dependency of businesses on technology is an opportunity for hackers to devise innovative ways to steal critical information.

    With increasing cyberattacks, companies must choose cyber security services to save themselves from data breaches. Also, you need to know about these alarming 10 interesting facts about cyber security to understand cybercrimes.  

    What are Cyber Security Facts? (With example)

    As long as you are working online, you are prone to get attacked by cybercriminals. So, we want you to get through some of the most shocking facts about cyber security in 2022 with examples. These examples will give you an idea of how dangerous the situation can be if suspicious persons attack your business. 

    10 Interesting Facts About Cyber Security

    1) Cybercrime is an Extremely Profitable Business

    A cyberattack can attack any organization in many ways. It can severely impact their security system, network, or overall infrastructure. Also, the company might have to pay if a hacker successfully steals data.  

    As per the recent report related to cybercrime facts, the average cost of a breach with a lifecycle of over 200 days is $4.87 million.  

    2) Phishing Emails are More Common Than You Know
    rate of suspicious emails


    There's no doubt that phishing emails are still the world's most common cyber attack method. Plus, it is getting more dangerous day by day. As per the  Phishing Benchmark Global Report, 1 in every 5 email recipients are prone to clicking on a malicious link. Also,  3 billion phishing emails are sent every day to hack sensitive information.   

    3) Cyberattacks are More Common Among the Millennial

    Despite the myth that older people are more likely to face cyberattacks, as per  Norton Cybersecurity Insights Reports, millennials are the most vulnerable when it comes to cybersecurity attacks. 44% of millennials have fallen victim to cyber security attacks by sharing passwords of something harmless like Netflix or something sensitive like a banking password.  

    4) Cybercrime is More Common in Indonesia

    As per a recent report by  Akamai Technologies, it emerges that Indonesia has seen a massive increase in cyber-attacks since last year. Now, it is the top country for cybercrime.  

    5) The Prominence of Data Breach

    The global average cost of a data breach is around $3.9 million. This amount is crippling for the majority of firms, both financially and reputationally. Since there is more risk for public organizations, the cost is far higher; on average, a data breach at a publicly traded corporation would cost  $116 million. 

    6) Financially Interested Attacks are More Prevalent

    Cybersecurity risks to the financial system have grown in recent years, in part because the cyber threat landscape is worsening. Almost 52 million of data was exposed in the year 2022 through breaches. Among them, most of the attacks were made purely based on financial acquirement.  52 million of data was exposed in the year 2022 through breaches. Among them, most of the attacks were made purely based on financial acquirement. The attacks, in particular, were happening with state-sponsored cyberattacks targeting financial institutions, which are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and destructive 

    7) Hacking Issues Occur More Frequently than Other Forms of Cyber Attacks

    With  560,000 cases per day recorded, hacking is one of the most often employed cyber Attacks. Attacks have been waged against businesses, governments, and individuals, frequently in conjunction with phishing emails.  

    8) The Malicious File Extensions Hide in the Plain Sight

    Malware hackers use innovative tricks to hide in plain sight. This might include renaming legal files and using a malicious payload stored in a file that looks like an error log. The hackers use various tricks to hide the situation of the attack, including masquerading an existing scheduled task and renaming legitimate files and payload stored in the file. 

    9) Consumers Despise DatBreach 

    When a consumer gets connected with an organization, they are required to share their personal information. If a data breach occurs, this data will also get hurt. This will force consumers to leave companies to save themselves from fraud or cyber-attack.   

    10) Android Platforms are More Vulnerable to Cyberattacks

    Android platforms are considered soft targets when it comes to cyber security crimes. To know how these cyber attacks can affect you, learn about these top cyber security certifications. For instance, A smartphone may become exposed to viruses and cybercrime if downloaded from unreliable sources. App permissions can open doors for attackers to steal data. Also, they can hack through mobile payment gateways. For instance, A smartphone may become exposed to viruses and cybercrime if downloaded from unreliable sources. App permissions can open doors for attackers to steal data. Also, they can hack through mobile payment gateways. 

    Additional Cyber Security Facts

    Some other interesting information about cyber attacks cyber security may help you understand cyber security. 

    11. FBI's Most Wanted Cyber Criminals

    Seeing the cyber security facts and figures from 2016, approximately 19 people were on the hit list of the FBI, and each was responsible for taking around $100 Million inappropriately from consumers.

    The number rose to 41 later in 2018; in the list, there were JABBERZEUS subjects, a group of hackers who were involved in a racketeering enterprise and scheme that installed a software called Zeus on the victim's computer without their consent.

    They used Zeus to get bank account numbers, passwords, PINS, and other confidential information required for logging into the bank accounts.

    12. MyDoom

    Have you ever imagined the damage a virus can do to your device?  

    Let's take this with this example. MyDoom is the most expensive computer virus in the world and in the history of cyber security, which has caused financial damage of about $38 billion. 

    Considering the network security facts, it was first found in 2004 and is the fastest-spreading email breaking all the phishing records.  

    13. Social Media Hacking

    Facebook and Cambridge Analytical data breaches were one of the most talked about social media breaches. If data and stats are to be considered, every one in ten social media users has been the victim of a cyber-attack. Some of the most common cyber-attacks directed toward social media are life jacking, link jacking, phishing, social spam, and more. Make your employees learn about these attacks by providing them with Ethical Hacking training.  

    14. Most computers are vulnerable to exploit kit

    Did you know that as per computer security facts, approx. 99% of users are vulnerable to Adobe, Oracle Java, Adobe flash, and other exploit kits? Why? Because all these security kits take one click to infect the advertising banner to allow hackers to access your device.  

    Adobe Flash has many vulnerabilities, so cybercriminals target them in most tasks. Through these security holes, attackers can attack your computer with ransomware like Teslacrypt, CTB-Locker, and CryptoLocker variants. 

    15. Inside job threat

    Did you know that shocking internet security facts show that around 59% of employees steal proprietary corporate data when they are not working with the same organization? And apart from the insider threats, there are other inside job threats: 

    • Malicious insider: While these are the least frequent attacks, they have the potential to cause huge damage because of their level of access. People who are in high positions are more prone to this attack. 
    • Careless insiders: These are the people who carelessly click any random link or page unknowingly. 

    These are the type of security risks known by companies, and they use strategies to mitigate them. 

    16. Social Engineering Attack

    Employees are very easy to crack when psychologically manipulating cyberattack victims. In this attack, people are manipulated to draw confidential information. This attack is to gather information or get access to the system. 

    For example, in Eastern Europe, an international cybercriminal ring stole $ 1 billion from 100 different banks in approximately 30 countries in 2 years. They use spear-phishing emails and target bank employees.  

    17. Government Infected Malware

    Did you know that more than a handful of government malware has been discovered, but its origins are yet to get full attribution?  

    One of the worst examples of this attack is the leaked NSA exploit EternalBlue, which ultimately led to the spread of WannaCry, one of the worst ransomware attacks in history. Governments worldwide are creating innovative hacking techniques and using them as digital weapons. 

    18. Real-Time attack show around 10 million attacks

    According to real-time cyber-attack stats from the US. The Navy receives around 110000 cyber-attacks every year. The department used to suffer more than 10 million attacks every year. 

    19. Hacktivism Attracts More Attacks

    Hacktivism accounts for half of the cyber attacks launched in the world. The term represents a subversive use of devices and their network. Hacktivists use website mirroring, code, geo-bombing, and anonymous blogging to fulfill the data breach. 

    20. Funds lost are the result of cyber attacks

    Companies experienced a 176% increase in the number of cyberattacks. From this, 68% of funds were never recovered.

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    Every organization must be aware of these interesting facts about cyber security and cyber-attacks so that they can defend against cyberattacks and their data doesn't get stolen or leaked by hackers. In addition, they should hire a cyber security service to ensure that their data is safe and secure.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What does cyber security protect?

    Cyber Security helps protect the network, systems, and programs from digital attacks. The cyber attack is aimed at changing, destroying, and accessing information. You can learn more by KnowledgeHut's Top Cyber Security certifications and protecting your company from these attacks.

    2What are the five types of cyber security?

    Cybersecurity can be categorized into five categories: 

    • Application security 
    • Network security 
    • Cloud Security 
    • Critical infrastructure security 
    • IoT Security 
    3What are the financial sector's most common cyber security threats?
    • Identity and credential theft 
    • Data manipulation and thievery 
    • Phishing scams 
    • Ransomware 
    4What would happen without cyber security?

    If companies, governments, and other individuals will not adopt cyber security, it could lead to huge financial and privacy losses. So keep the cyber security facts and figures in mind and take action immediately. 


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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