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What is Web Development? Types, Stages, Tools, Benefits

18th Apr, 2024
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    What is Web Development? Types, Stages, Tools, Benefits

    Having coded and experimented with websites for countless hours, I now view web development as an art form that allows you to bring ideas to life rather than just markup and code. Although web development is commonly associated with web markup and code, website development encompasses all associated development responsibilities, including e-commerce development, client-side and server-side scripting, server and network security configuration, and content management system (CMS) development.

    Creating a website from scratch is an exciting process, and I'm thrilled to share with you the fundamentals of web development, including what is web development and a lot more.

    What Is Web Development?

    Let us start with an introduction to web development. The processes and activities involved in building and managing a website are collectively referred to as website development. Markup, code, scripting, network configuration, and CMS development are all included in this.

    The process of developing a website also includes post-deployment duties like upkeep, updating, and ongoing observation. To create a website that is visually appealing operates quickly, and offers a smooth user experience, web developers, sometimes known as "devs," employ a range of coding languages. From creating a basic static website to creating intricate programs, electronic enterprises, and social network services, web development is a broad process.

    There are many high-paying work opportunities in the rapidly expanding field of web development. Consider enrolling in a Web Design and Development course to learn the best techniques and make your resume stronger.

    Web Development Basics

    Before going on to explain the guide to web development, let me explain its basics. Mastering web development basics lays a strong foundation for building and maintaining functional and visually appealing websites.

    1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

    • HTML forms the backbone of web pages, providing the structure for content.
    • It uses tags to define different elements like headings, paragraphs, images, links, etc.
    • Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and come in pairs, opening () and closing ().

    2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

    • CSS is used to style HTML elements, defining how they appear on the page.
    • It allows for the customization of fonts, colors, layouts, and more.
    • Styles can be applied inline, internally within HTML, or externally in separate CSS files.

    3. JavaScript

    • JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.
    • It can manipulate HTML and CSS, respond to user actions, and interact with web servers.
    • JavaScript code is typically embedded within HTML or linked externally in separate files.

    4. Responsive Design

    • With the variety of devices accessing the web, responsive design ensures that websites adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
    • Techniques like media queries and flexible layouts are employed to create a consistent user experience across devices.

    5. Web Hosting

    • Web hosting involves storing website files on servers accessible over the internet.
    • Hosting services provide server space, bandwidth, and other resources necessary to make a website accessible online.
    • Different types of hosting include shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server), and dedicated hosting.

    6. Domain Names

    • Domain names serve as the address for websites on the internet (e.g., www.example.com).
    • They are registered through domain registrars and must be renewed periodically.
    • Domain names are mapped to IP addresses through DNS (Domain Name System) to locate websites on servers.

    These basics are taught in various courses related to web development for beginners.

    Types Of Web Development

    Developers have varying specializations within development. There are developers who work on the user interface, developers who work on the underlying code that powers a website, and developers who work on every aspect of a website. Although each kind of web developer focuses on a distinct area of development, they all work with code. These are a few distinct categories of web development:

    • Front-end development: Front-end development is the process of using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the user interface of a website so that users can view and interact with it.

    Types of Web Development

    • Back-end development: Back-end development is the process of writing server-side software with an emphasis on features that are not visible on a website. With an emphasis on databases, back-end logic, application programming interfaces (APIs), architecture, and servers, back-end developers  make sure the website functions as intended. 

    Back-end Web development

    • Full-stack development: Full-stack development entails writing the web application's front-end and back-end code. You can enroll in a credible Full Stack course to learn it thoroughly.
    • Website development: The process of designing, developing, and maintaining a website is called website development.
    • Desktop development: Desktop development is the process of designing, developing, and managing a computer-operating website. Its main emphasis is on creating software for the three most widely used operating systems: Linux, macOS, and Windows.
    • Mobile development: Mobile development is the process of designing, developing, and managing a website optimized for mobile platforms.
    • Game development: The craft of designing and producing video games for PCs, mobile platforms, and the internet is known as game development.
    • Embedded development: Developing programs for medical equipment, drones, flight controls, and other devices utilizing programming languages like C and C++ is known as embedded development.

    Stages/Roadmap of Website Development

    Website development can be broadly divided into five stages. It's important to understand them in detail if you are wondering how to become a web developer.

    • Design: The best part is the process of creation. The color schemes, functionality, unique features (such as eCommerce), images, videos, and general appearance of the website may be discussed in an initial meeting with the client. The creative team always advises the customer to attend the meeting with a few examples of websites they like. The creative team takes some time to create a 2D rendering of the idea after that meeting.
    • Review: The website needs to be shown to the client after the team has given the design some thought. The demonstration usually takes place in person. At this point, there is more discussion on the design, colors, and other specifics. There will probably be more meetings after since changes are almost surely made based on client feedback.
    • Development: With the approval of the design, it's time to forward the website to the developer. On a production server, the developer starts developing the website so that the client can view it online without making it public. During this stage, the creative team typically collaborates with other company teams and a copywriter to refine the website's tone, wording, and images. It is usually the stage that takes the longest to complete, but it is also the most important!
    • Testing: Testing the new website on the test server is the next step once the developer has completed coding and the customer has approved all of the content. A URL to the website is emailed to the customer, who can forward it to other decision-makers and their peers. The customer might make a few changes before the site is finished.

    Launch: The redesigned website is now ready to launch! After receiving approval from the client, the developer will start the launch process. The domain will be bought in this phase, and the website hosting will be configured. Additionally, propagation will take some time.

    Benefits of Learning Web Development

    Web development can be a fruitful career if you are interested in this field. I have highlighted its top benefits below:

    • Demand Is High for Web Developers: Many establishments, including restaurants, hotels, resorts, medical facilities, and clinics, now have websites thanks to modern technology.
       Websites are becoming so commonplace that nearly every organization and business can now consider them a "need." Millions of distinct websites from all over the world can be found when you browse the internet.
    • Attractive Salaries: The compensation of a web developer is good. According to a Glassdoor analysis, web developers have some of the highest salaries in the industry, with an average yearly pay of $93,402. Website development for beginners also offers a decent salary.
    • Freelance work opportunities: Working for yourself as a freelance developer is possible. Better wage rate negotiations are possible based on your qualifications and codes. Being a freelance developer allows you to work for many companies on a flexible schedule without being restricted to a single organization.
    • Creative work: As previously noted, a web developer's duties include designing. Moreover, originality is a crucial ability for web developers. You get to shape your imagination and generate new concepts. As time passes and you use your prior notion again, you will also gain self-knowledge. And the upper bound? Just your creative imagination.

    Web Development Tools

    Check out the following best website development tools used in Web development.

    • Text Editors: Text editors, like Notepad++ or Sublime Text, are like digital notebooks for writing code. They help developers create and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
    • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code or Atom, are like all-in-one toolboxes for web development. They offer syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging to streamline the coding process.
    • Version Control Systems (VCS): VCS tools like Git are like time machines for code. They allow developers to track changes, collaborate with others, and revert to previous versions if needed, ensuring project integrity.
    • Browser Developer Tools: Browser developer tools like Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Edition are like magnifying glasses for websites. They enable developers to inspect, debug, and optimize web pages in real time.
    • CSS Preprocessors: CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less are magic wands for styling. They extend CSS with features like variables, mixins, and nesting, making stylesheets more organized and efficient.

    Types of Web Development Languages

    Making things that users view is not the only aspect of web development. A contemporary website has a lot going on behind the scenes. With these abilities, astute web developers can traverse any terrain:

    • Client-side programming languages: Using languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design the look and feel of a website is known as client-side scripting. It also covers creating online applications that function inside a web browser.
    • Server-side scripting: Web developers use server-side scripting to create a website's back end. Building the infrastructure necessary for the database of the website to communicate with the web browser is what it comprises. Scripts are embedded into your website to establish the interface connection. When a user interacts with these scripts, they will show information or visuals. Important languages for server-side scripting are ASP, C, Java, Python, PHP, and
    • Database: Any website that wants to store its code, images, files, and other data needs a database. A knowledgeable web developer can identify relational database management systems (RDBMS). For web-based applications, popular RDBMSs include Oracle, MySQL, Apache, MongoDB, and IBM DB2.

    How To Improve Web Development Skills?

    I would recommend you follow the tips below to improve your skills.

    • Practice Consistently: Dedicate regular time to coding exercises or building projects to reinforce your skills.
    • Work on Real Projects: Create websites or applications that solve real-world problems to gain practical experience.
    • Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement.
    • Stay Updated: Keep up with industry trends, new technologies, and best practices through online resources and communities.
    • Experiment and Learn: Try different techniques and tools to expand your knowledge and understanding.
    • Collaborate with Others: Join coding communities or work on projects with others to learn from their experiences and perspectives.
    • Document Your Progress: Keep track of your projects and achievements to reflect on your growth and identify areas for further development.
    • Never Stop Learning: Embrace a growth mindset and always be curious to learn new things and improve your skills in web development. You can enroll in the KnowledgeHut Web Design and Development course to sharpen your skills.


    A world of opportunities becomes accessible when one takes the web development path. Many options exist for exploring and advancing the subject, from handling intricate server-side operations to designing aesthetically attractive front-end interfaces. In this guide, I have given newcomers the knowledge they need to take their first steps by thoroughly explaining web development, types, languages, and the development process. Remember that the secret to mastering this exciting and fulfilling subject is hands-on experience and ongoing education as you learn more about web development.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the Differences Between Web Development And Web Design?

    Web Development:

    • Focuses on building the functionality and features of a website.
    • Involves coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and back-end technologies.
    • Concerned with creating the structure, functionality, and interactivity of web pages.

    Web Design:

    • Concentrates on the visual aspects and user experience of a website.
    • Involves graphic design, typography, color theory, and layout principles.
    • Concerned with creating the look, feel, and usability of web pages.

    2Is web development hard?

    While it's not too difficult to understand the fundamentals of web programming, becoming a skilled web developer might take years of study and effort. It's a challenging career that demands problem-solving abilities and is adaptable with many possible specializations. Along the route, you can run into annoying yet fixable issues.

    3Does a web developer get a good salary?

    In the US, a web developer typically makes $89,769 a year with an additional $5,084 in cash compensation, according to Glassdoor. The average annual compensation, which may include commissions, bonuses, and profit-sharing, is $4,589 in addition to the basic salary of $77,367.

    4How do I start as a web developer?
    • Develop your web development talents.
    • Think about earning a degree in web design or computer science.
    • Enroll in a web development course.
    • Create a portfolio of your web development endeavors.
    • Apply to jobs

    5How to create a website?

    ·         Plan your website's purpose and target audience.

    ·         Choose a domain name and hosting provider.

    ·         Design your website layout and structure.

    ·         Develop and code your website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    ·         Test and optimize your website for usability and performance.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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