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What is Heap Data Structure? Types, Operations, Examples

23rd Apr, 2024
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    What is Heap Data Structure? Types, Operations, Examples

    When I first started learning about data structures, I was fascinated by how they could organize and manage data efficiently. Among the various data structures I explored, the heap data structure stood out for its unique way of maintaining a balanced order. It's a crucial concept for anyone diving into the world of programming and computer science. The concepts of heap are also often discussed in programming interviews.

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    What is Heap Data Structure?

    Heap DS is a special kind of tree, which is a way to organize data. Imagine a family tree where each person (we'll call them "nodes") can have children. In this family tree, there's a rule (the "heap property") about the values or "keys" each person has compared to their children. This special rule helps in organizing the data in such a way that finding the largest or smallest value becomes very easy and quick. This rule varies based on the type of heap, which we discuss below.

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    Types of Heap Data Structure

    They are broadly classified into two types. Let’s understand them, each with a real world heap example.

    1. Max Heap

    In a max heap, think of it as a family rule where the parent always has more of something (like points or money) than their children. This "more of something" is what we call the "key." So, the parent node's key is always bigger than or equal to the keys of its children's nodes.
     Real world example: Imagine a competition where the participant with the most points gets to stand at the top. Now, this competition is structured like a tree, with the overall top scorer at the very top and other participants arranged below according to their scores. In this "max heap" competition, each participant (or parent) has a score (or key) that is more than or equal to the scores of the participants they directly beat (their children). So, the topmost participant has the highest score of all, and as you move down the levels of this tree, the scores decrease.

    2. Min Heap

    In a min heap, it's the opposite of a max heap. Here, the family rule is that the parent always has less of something (like points or money) than their children. So, the parent node's key is always smaller than or equal to the keys of its children's nodes.
     Real world example: Let's consider a queue at a new bakery where the rule is to serve customers based on who has been waiting the least amount of time. This queue is organized like a min heap. The customer who has waited the least (the parent node) is at the front of the queue (the top of the heap), and they are served first. Each customer has a wait time (the key), and the structure ensures that the person at the front of the queue has waited less than or equal to everyone else in the queue. As new customers join the queue, they are positioned so that the overall waiting time increases as you go further back in the line, ensuring the person with the minimum wait time is always served next.

    Uses of Heap Data Structure

    Application of heaps, particularly because of their efficient organization and access rules, are quite versatile in software systems. Let's delve into their uses with explanations and real-world software examples.

    1. Priority Queues

    Priority queues are a type of queue where not every element is equal; some elements are considered more important and get processed first. Heaps are perfect for implementing priority queues because they can quickly find and remove the element with the highest (or lowest) priority.
     Real world examples:

    • Operating System Scheduling: Operating systems use priority queues to manage the processes running on a computer. Each process is assigned a priority, and the system uses a heap to ensure that processes with higher priorities (like system processes or foreground applications) are run before those with lower priorities.
    • Network Traffic Management: In networking, packets of data can be prioritized using priority queues. Critical data packets, such as real-time video or voice packets, can be given higher priority over standard data packets to ensure timely delivery, using a heap to manage this prioritization efficiently.
    • Event Simulation Systems: Systems that simulate real-world events over time (like simulations of cellular networks or amusement park queues) use priority queues to manage events scheduled to occur at different times. The event closest in time (highest priority) is processed first.

    2. Heap Sort

    Heap sort in ds is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that uses a heap to sort elements. It organizes the elements into a heap and then repeatedly removes the largest (or smallest) element from the heap and adds it to the end of the sorted list. The heap complexity (time) for any scenario (best, average and worst case) is O(nlogn) making it a good choice for a wide range of scenarios.
     Real world examples:

    • Database Management Systems: When databases sort large datasets, they might use heap sort for its efficient use of memory and ability to handle massive amounts of data. This is particularly useful in systems where memory usage is a critical concern.
    • External Sorting: Applications that deal with sorting huge files that do not fit into memory (like sorting logs or large datasets) can use heap sort. It allows for efficient sorting of chunks of data, which are then merged, minimizing the need for disk access.

    Operations of Heap Data Structure

    Let's dive into various heap operations with examples of how they are performed in Python, using the heapq module, which provides an easy-to-use min-heap implementation.

    1. Insertion (Adding a New Key)

    When you insert a new key into a heap, the heapq module ensures that the heap property is maintained. This means after inserting a new element, the heap rearranges itself so that the smallest element is at the root (in case of a min-heap).

    2. Deletion (Removing the Root Node)

    Deletion in a heap, using the heapq module, typically involves removing the smallest element (the root node in a min-heap). The heapq.heappop() function is used for this purpose, and it also ensures the heap property is maintained after the removal.

    3. Peek (Getting the Value of the Root Node)

    Peeking is the operation of checking the value of the root node without removing it. In Python's heapq, this can be simply achieved by looking at the first element of the list, as heapq always ensures that the smallest element is at the 0th index for a min-heap.

    Here’s a code sample demonstrating all these operations with heapq in Python.

    import heapq
    # Initially, our heap is empty
    heap = []
    # Inserting elements into the heap
    heapq.heappush(heap, 10)
    heapq.heappush(heap, 5)
    heapq.heappush(heap, 14)
    heapq.heappush(heap, 9)
    # The heap now rearranges itself to maintain the heap property
    print("Heap after insertion:", heap)
    # Heap after insertion: [5, 9, 14, 10]
    # Removing the root node (smallest element) from the heap
    removed_element = heapq.heappop(heap)
    print("Removed element:", removed_element)
    print("Heap after deletion:", heap)
    # Removed element: 5
    # Heap after deletion: [9, 10, 14]
    # Peeking the smallest element (root node) of the heap
    peek_element = heap[0]
    print("Peeked element:", peek_element)
    # Peeked element: 9

    Heap Data Structure Applications

    Apart from the use cases mentioned above (Priority Queue and Heapsort), here are a few more areas where heaps can be used:

    1. Graph Algorithms: In algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path and Prim's minimum spanning tree, heaps (specifically, min heaps) are used to efficiently find the next closest or minimum edge. This significantly reduces the complexity of these algorithms, making them faster.
    2. Stream Processing: In applications that process real-time data streams (like financial tickers, IoT sensor data, or social media feeds), heaps can manage top-k queries, where you need to keep track of the top (or bottom) ‘k’ elements in a dynamically changing dataset.
    3. Memory Management: Some memory management systems use heaps to manage free memory blocks. By organizing free memory blocks in a heap based on their size, the system can quickly find a suitable block for allocation requests, optimizing memory usage and reducing fragmentation.
    4. Load Balancing: In distributed systems, heaps can help in load balancing by keeping track of the load on different nodes and ensuring that new tasks are assigned to the least loaded nodes. This ensures efficient distribution of tasks and optimal utilization of resources.

    Each of these use cases leverages the fundamental efficiency of heap operations—specifically, the ability to quickly access the minimum or maximum element, which is crucial for priority-based tasks, sorting, and efficiently managing resources.

    Implementation of Heap Data Structure

    Implementing a heap typically involves creating a dynamic array to store the elements and then applying heap operations discussed above to maintain the heap property.

    First, let’s build an intuition of how to design a min-heap from scratch.

    1. Understanding the heap structure: A heap can be represented as a binary tree, where each node has up to two children. For efficient access and manipulation, heaps are typically represented using arrays.
      • The root element is at index 0.
      • For any element at index i its children are at indices 2*i + 1 (left child) and 2*i + 2 (right child).
      • The parent of any element at index i is at index (i – 1) // 2.
    2. Create a skeleton heap class.
    3. Create a method for insertion. To insert a new element, we add it to the end of the array and then "heapify" upwards, ensuring the min-heap property is maintained.
    4. Deletion: To remove the root (the minimum element in a min-heap), we replace it with the last element in the array and then "heapify" downwards to maintain the heap property.
    5. Peek: To get the value of the root node without removing it, we simply return the first element in the array, assuming the heap is not empty.

    Here’s a sample heap data structure implementation in Python, putting it all together.

    class MinHeap:
        def __init__(self):
            self.heap = []
        def insert(self, key):
            self.heapify_up(len(self.heap) - 1)
        def heapify_up(self, index):
            parent_index = (index - 1) // 2
            if index > 0 and self.heap[parent_index] > self.heap[index]:
                self.heap[parent_index], self.heap[index] = self.heap[index], self.heap[parent_index]
        def remove_min(self):
            if len(self.heap) == 0:
                return None
            min_element = self.heap[0]
            self.heap[0] = self.heap[-1]
            return min_element
        def heapify_down(self, index):
            smallest = index
            left_child = 2 * index + 1
            right_child = 2 * index + 2
            if left_child < len(self.heap) and self.heap[left_child] < self.heap[smallest]:
                smallest = left_child
            if right_child < len(self.heap) and self.heap[right_child] < self.heap[smallest]:
                smallest = right_child
            if smallest != index:
                self.heap[index], self.heap[smallest] = self.heap[smallest], self.heap[index]
        def peek(self):
            return self.heap[0] if self.heap else None

    Here’s some sample test code to check the functioning of our MinHeap class.

    # Create an instance of MinHeap
    heap = MinHeap()
    # Insert elements
    print("Heap after insertion:", heap.heap)
    # Peek at the minimum element
    print("Minimum element:", heap.peek())
    # Remove the minimum element
    print("Removing minimum element:", heap.remove_min())
    # Heap after removing the minimum element
    print("Heap after removing the minimum element:", heap.heap)
    # Continue removing elements to see if heap maintains the min-heap property
    while heap.heap:
        print("Removing minimum element:", heap.remove_min())
        print("Heap now:", heap.heap)

    Running this code shoHuld show you how elements are added, how the minimum is accessed and removed, and how the heap reorganizes itself to maintain the min-heap property after each operation.

    Complexity of Heap Data Structure

    Understanding the time complexity of various operations in a heap data structure is crucial for evaluating its performance in different scenarios. This also helps us understand the heap sort complexity analysis. Here's a breakdown of the time complexity for key operations in a heap:

    1. Insertion: O(log n)

    When you insert a new element into a heap, you add it at the end of the array (which takes constant time, O(1)) and then possibly move it up to its correct position to maintain the heap property. This "heapify up" process can take at most the height of the heap, which is log(n) for a binary heap (since a binary heap is a complete binary tree and its height is log(n) where n is the number of nodes).

    2. Deletion: O(log n)

    Removing the root element in a heap (the min in a min-heap or the max in a max-heap) involves replacing the root with the last element in the array and then performing a "heapify down" process to restore the heap property. This process involves moving down through the heap's levels, comparing nodes, and swapping as necessary, which, similar to insertion, takes time proportional to the heap's height, i.e., O(log n).

    3. Peek: O(1)

    Peeking at the root node of a heap doesn't require any modification to the heap; it simply involves returning the value of the first element in the array. Since this operation does not depend on the size of the heap, its time complexity is constant.

    4. Building a Heap (Heapify): O(n)

    Constructing a heap from an arbitrary array of elements can be done in linear time, O(n). While it might seem counterintuitive at first (as inserting an element is O(log n) and you might expect building the entire heap to be O(n log n)), a bottom-up approach allows for more efficient heap construction. This involves "heapifying" elements starting from the lowest non-leaf nodes up to the root, taking advantage of the fact that leaf nodes are already valid heaps.

    Example of Heap Data Structure

    Here’s a visual heap data structure example for better understanding. Consider a max heap with elements 10, 30, 20, where 30 is the root. If we insert 40, it becomes the new root, maintaining the heap property.

    Initial Heap:


     / \

     10 20

    After insertion, the above structure adjusts to the following:


     / \

     30 20



    Advantages of Heap Data Structure

    1. Efficiency: The primary operations of a heap, such as insertion, deletion have a logarithmic time complexity. This efficiency is especially beneficial in applications like priority queues, where such operations are frequent.
    2. Memory Usage: Heaps are implemented as complete binary trees and typically represented using arrays. This structure is inherently memory efficient since it minimizes the space overhead that might come from pointers in linked data structures (like trees or linked lists). The array representation ensures that all levels of the tree are fully filled except possibly the last level, which is filled from left to right.
    3. Simplicity in Finding Min/Max: For min-heaps and max-heaps, finding the minimum or maximum element, respectively, is a constant time operation (O(1)), as these elements are always at the root of the heap. This property is invaluable for algorithms that need to repeatedly access the smallest or largest element.

    Disadvantages of Heap Data Structure

    1. Unordered nature: Unlike binary search trees, heaps do not store elements in a strictly sorted order. This unordered nature means that operations like searching for any element other than the heap's root (the min or max) require O(n) time in the worst case, as it might necessitate scanning the entire heap.
    2. Complexity in maintenance: While heaps are powerful, ensuring that the heap property is maintained after insertions and deletions can be complex, especially for those new to the concept. The need to continuously "heapify" the structure (either upwards or downwards) to maintain its properties adds to the implementation complexity.
    3. Limited direct access: Because of the heap's structure and properties, direct access to elements (other than the root) based on their value is not straightforward. For applications requiring frequent direct access or searches, other data structures like hash tables or binary search trees might be more efficient.
    4. Balancing overhead: Every insertion and deletion operation may require the heap to be rebalanced to maintain the heap property. This rebalancing, while logarithmic in time complexity, adds overhead to these operations, particularly in contrast to more straightforward data structures like linked lists where insertions and deletions can be O(1) at the head or tail.


    The heap data structure is a powerful tool in a programmer's arsenal, providing efficient solutions to various computational problems. Its applications in algorithms like heap sort and Dijkstra’s make it indispensable for software development. For those aspiring to master data structures and algorithms and how to use them in software engineering, pursuing certifications like KnowledgeHut’s certified Software Engineer certification can provide a structured path to gaining expertise. As we continue to explore and understand these fundamental concepts, we unlock the potential to solve complex problems and innovate in the tech space.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1Where is the heap data structure used?

    Heaps are often used in situations where tasks need to be done based on priority. For example, they can be used in a printer queue where urgent documents need to be printed first. They're also crucial in algorithms for organizing data, such as arranging files by size on your computer, making it faster to find the largest or smallest file.

    2How does a min-heap work?

    Think of a min-heap like a family tree where the youngest person is always at the top. Whenever someone new joins the family (a new element is added), they find their spot in a way that keeps the youngest on top. This setup helps in quickly identifying the youngest person in any family gathering (finding the minimum element). In short, a min-heap is a complete binary tree where the value of each parent node is less than or equal to the values of its children. This property ensures that the root node always contains the minimum element in the heap. Operations like insertion or removal adjust the tree to maintain this min-heap property. For instance, in a system managing waiting times, a min-heap ensures the task with the shortest waiting time is processed first.

    3What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a heap?

    The time complexity of inserting an element into a heap is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the heap. This is because, after insertion, the heap property is restored by comparing and possibly swapping the inserted element with its parent, moving up the tree, which takes time proportional to the height of the tree (logarithmic in the number of elements). This process is pretty quick, taking a moment even for a long list, because you're essentially jumping half the line each time you make a decision, making it very efficient.

    4What programming languages provide built-in support for heap data structures?

    Many programming languages provide built-in support for heap data structures, including Python with its heapq module, Java through the PriorityQueue class, and C++ with the priority_queue in the Standard Template Library (STL). These built-in libraries offer functions for creating heaps, as well as for inserting and removing elements.

    5What challenges might you face when working with heaps?

    When working with heaps, challenges may include maintaining the heap property during insertions and deletions, which requires careful implementation of heapify operations. Debugging can be tricky due to the binary tree nature of heaps, especially in custom implementations. Also, understanding and optimizing the use of heaps in memory-constrained environments can be challenging, as inefficient use can lead to high memory consumption.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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