HomeBlogData ScienceWhat is Data Augmentation? Techniques, Applications, Examples

What is Data Augmentation? Techniques, Applications, Examples

28th Dec, 2023
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    What is Data Augmentation? Techniques, Applications, Examples

    Augmentation Impact on Model Performance

    Imagine you are training a machine learning model to classify images of cats. You have a large dataset of labeled cat images, but you’re worried that it’s not enough. What if your model encounters a cat in the wild that’s sitting in a strange position or has a different fur color than anything in your dataset? Will it be able to recognize it as a cat?

    With the help of artificially boosting the size and making variations in your training dataset, you can improve the performance of your machine-learning model. You can generate new data points for your model to learn from slightly altering your old data, such as flipping, rotating, or cropping pictures.

    In this article, we’ll delve into Data Augmentation and discover how to apply it to enhance the functionality of our machine-learning models. We’ll go over the various kinds of data augmentation approaches, how to leverage well-known libraries like Keras and TensorFlow to create them, and give instances of how augmented training data is applied in actual applications.

    So, excited enough to learn how to make your machine-learning models smarter and more robust? Let’s get started!

    What is Data Augmentation?

    Data Augmentation meaning is defined as a method for artificially increasing the size of a dataset by producing more data points from existing data. Numerous modifications to the existing data are possible, including cropping, flipping, rotating, and adding noise. Data augmentation in Python enhances dataset diversity for robust machine learning.

    It can be used in a variety of machine-learning models. First of all, it can help prevent powerlifting, a problem that occurs when the model learns the training data too well and is unable to generalize to new data. Additionally, it can also help models be more resilient to noise and data volatility.

    There are several ways that data augmentation can be utilized to enhance the performance of machine learning models. In the first place, it can aid in avoiding overfitting, an issue that arises when the model learns the training data too well and becomes unable to generalize to new data. Second, it can aid in strengthening models against noise and data fluctuations.

    It goes without saying that a well-designed Machine Learning course will teach you the fundamentals of data augmentation and how to apply it to different types of data, such as images, text, and audio.

    When Should You Use Data Augmentation?

    Data Augmentation is essential for improving the performance and robustness of different models, especially when there is a concern about model overlifting or lack of data.

    Let’s take a closer look at some of the situations when data augmentation comes in handy:

    • When your dataset is small - Augmented Data can help you fictiously expand it, which can enhance the performance of your models.
    • A dataset that is unbalanced - Your dataset can be balanced by adding more examples of the minority class(es) through data augmentation.
    • When your data is noisy - Your model may be more resistant to noise and data variations with the aid of data augmentation.
    • When your data is highly variable - It can help you by exposing your model to a wider variety of variances, which will increase its ability to generalize to new data.

    Data Augmentation Techniques

    Based on the type of data, several dataset augmentation strategies are used. Let’s find out a few standard methods:

    1. Audio

    The addition of audio data is vital for speech and sound processing. It consists of the following techniques:

    • Speed Perturbation: Altering the speed of audio recordings.
    • Pitch Shifting: Changing the pitch of audio samples.
    • Adding Noise: Introducing background noise to audio.

    2. Text

    In natural language processing (NLP) tasks, text dataset augmentation is essential because it can boost the effectiveness of NLP models by expanding the size and diversity of the training data.

    • Synonym replacement: This involves replacing words in a text with synonyms. This can be done randomly or by using a dictionary of synonyms.
    • Word order shuffling: This involves shuffling the order of the words in a text. This can be done randomly or by using a set of rules.
    • Text insertion: This involves inserting random words or phrases into a text. This can be done randomly or by using a set of rules.
    • Back-translation: This involves translating a text into a different language and then back-translating it into the original language. This can help to create new variations of the text that are still semantically meaningful.

    3. Image Augmentation

    The use of image augmentation in computer vision applications is common. Also, to be mentioned, Image augmentation in Python enriches image datasets for improved model performance.

    Techniques consist of:

    • Changing the dimensions and pixel values of an image.
    • Rotate and Flip Randomly: Rotate and flip photos at random to add diversity.
    • Jittering in color refers to minute variations in saturation, contrast, and brightness.
    • Image-adding noise is introduced at random.

    4. Advanced Techniques

    There are a number of advanced data augmentation techniques that can be used, such as:

    • Mixup : This involves creating new data points by mixing two existing data points together.
    • Cutout : This involves randomly cutting out a part of an image and replacing it with black pixels.
    • AutoAugment: This is a technique that automatically searches for the best data augmentation techniques for a given dataset.

    Data Augmentation Applications

    It can be used in a variety of applications, including:

    1. Healthcare: An augmented dataset is being used to develop machine-learning models that can be used to diagnose diseases, predict patient outcomes, and develop new treatments.
    2. Self-driving Cars: It is being used to develop machine learning models that can be used to train self-driving cars to recognize objects on the road and to make decisions about how to navigate.
    3. Natural Language Processing: Data augmentation is being used to develop machine learning models that can be used for natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.
    4. Automatic Speech Recognition: Data augmentation is being used to develop machine learning models that can be used for automatic speech recognition tasks, such as transcribing audio recordings and translating spoken languages.

    Data Augmentation with Keras and TensorFlow

    Using two of the most well-liked frameworks for Data Augmentation in deep learning and machine learning tasks, Keras and TensorFlow, we'll delve deeper into the practical implementation of data augmentation.

    • Getting Started: Setting up your environment and becoming familiar with the dataset you'll be working with are crucial before you start with Augmented Training Data.
    • Data Loading: The first step is to load your dataset. Whether it's images, text, or audio, ensure that your data is well-structured and organized.
    • Data Analysis: Understanding your data is crucial. Analyze its characteristics, distribution, and any patterns that might affect your choice of augmentation techniques.

    You can always take the help of the Data Science course which is available to simplify the complex terms with a more practical approach.

    Data Augmentation with Keras Sequential

    Keras provides a user-friendly Sequential API for building neural networks and incorporating data augmentation directly into the model.

    1. Resize and Rescale

    One of the most basic image augmentation techniques is resizing and rescaling. This ensures that all images have the same dimensions and pixel value ranges, making them compatible for training.

    2. Random Rotate and Flip

    To introduce variety into your image dataset, apply random rotations and flips. These transformations help the model become invariant to different orientations and viewpoints.

    3. Directly Adding to the Model Layer

    In Keras, you can also directly add enhanced dataset layers to your model architecture. This approach allows you to define augmentation operations as part of your network, ensuring that augmentation occurs during training.

    4. Applying the Augmentation Function Using .map

    For more flexibility, use the .map function to apply augmentation functions to your dataset. This approach is particularly useful when working with non-image data, such as text or audio.

    5. Data Pre-processing

    Data augmentation is just one part of data preparation. Proper data pre-processing includes techniques like normalization, standardization, and feature scaling, which vary depending on your specific machine-learning task.

    6. Model Building

    Once your data is prepared and augmented, it's time to build your machine learning or deep learning model. Choose an appropriate architecture based on your task, whether it's image classification, text generation, or speech recognition.

    7. Training and Evaluation

    Train your model on the augmented dataset. Track key metrics such as accuracy, loss, and validation scores to assess its performance. Augmented Data should lead to improved model generalization and better results on unseen data.

    Options to Use Keras Preprocessing Layers

    Keras provides preprocessing layers that can be added to your model. These layers allow you to perform Augmented Data efficiently.

    • Make the Preprocessing Layers Part of Your Model: Integrate preprocessing layers into your model architecture. This approach ensures that augmented data is a seamless part of the unsupervised data augmentation for the consistency training process.
    • Apply the Preprocessing Layers to Your Dataset: Before feeding data into your model, apply the preprocessing layers to ensure that all input data undergoes the specified augmentations consistently.

    Limitations of Data Augmentation

    While data augmentation is a powerful tool, it's essential to be aware of its limitations. Overzealous augmentation can lead to data that is too dissimilar from the real-world data, potentially harming model performance. It's crucial to strike the right balance between augmentation and preserving the data's integrity.


    In this guide, we've explored data augmentation, a critical technique for enhancing machine learning model performance. We've covered its definition, various techniques, and practical implementation using Keras and TensorFlow. By using augmented data effectively, you can build models that generalize better and deliver superior results across different domains.

    For in-depth training in Data Augmentation in machine learning and data science, consider enrolling in KnowledgeHut's Machine Learning Course. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including data augmentation, to help you become a proficient data scientist or machine learning engineer.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What does data augmentation mean?

    It refers to the process of artificially expanding a dataset by applying various transformations to the original data. These transformations create new data points with variations, enhancing machine learning model performance.

    2What is an example of data augmentation?

    An example of data augmentation in image classification is rotating an image by a random angle, flipping it horizontally, or adding slight variations in brightness and contrast to create new training examples.

    3What is the difference between data augmentation and preprocessing?

    Data augmentation involves creating new data points by applying transformations to the original data. Preprocessing, on the other hand, focuses on preparing the data for training by standardizing, normalizing, or scaling it, without creating new data points.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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