HomeBlogAgileWhat is Agile Methodology? Types, Steps, Tools, Examples

What is Agile Methodology? Types, Steps, Tools, Examples

17th May, 2024
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    What is Agile Methodology? Types, Steps, Tools, Examples

    Whooping 23 years of extraordinary success, Agile, since its origin has redefined the ways of working. The wave that started with few organizations and domains, has now touched each corner. More awareness and acceptance have made Agile one of the most successful methodologies to achieve benefits. When I look back to where I started and the present, Agile has evolved. But the essence remains the same. The basis of each complex framework is the agile principle and values that were set years back. Let us take a sneak peek into the of agile methodology. 

    What are Agile Methodologies?

    Agile methodologies are modern approaches to project management and software development that prioritize adaptability, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. These methodologies provide a framework for managing projects and delivering high-quality products in a rapidly changing environment.

    What is Agile methodology in software development? Agile methodology emphasizes iterative development and close collaboration between cross-functional teams, allowing for rapid adaptation to changing requirements and continuous delivery of high-quality software.

    For professionals looking to excel in this field, an Agile Methodology training can provide valuable insights and knowledge to help them effectively implement Agile practices and contribute to organizational success.

    Who Practices Agile Methodologies? 

    Agile methodologies are commonly practiced by software development teams, but can be applied to any team or project. Agile is popular among organizations with a focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and adaptability. This includes startups, tech companies, and teams in project management, marketing, and product development. 

    Types of Agile Methodologies

    Agile methodologies are a family of iterative and flexible approaches to software development. They prioritize customer satisfaction, collaboration, and adaptability to changing requirements. Agile methodologies help teams deliver working software quickly and efficiently while responding to feedback and changes throughout the development process. 

    Below are types of Agile Methodologies: 

    1. Scrum

    Scrum is an iterative, incremental process for developing any product or managing any work. It produces a potentially shippable set of functionalities at the end of every iteration. A team-based approach to developing systems and products when requirements are rapidly changing. And ways to improve communications, maximize cooperation and maximize productivity. The Scrum framework is based on roles, artifacts, and events.

    2. Kanban

    Kanban is a Japanese word meaning 'Visual Board' and has been around since 1950s. It was developed and used by Toyota as a scheduling system for just-in-time manufacturing. In Agile, Kanban is a continuous flow of work items without any iteration to meet closure. A basic Kanban board can have 'To-Do', 'In-Progress' and 'Done' to track the flow. Each column is limited by WIP (Work in Progress), which ensures the removal of frequent bottlenecks and smooth operation. 

    3.  Extreme Programming (XP)

    1. Emphasizes continuous feedback and communication between team members. 
    2. Prioritizes customer satisfaction through frequent releases and continuous improvement. 

    4. Lean Development

    1. Focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing value for the customer. 
    2. Emphasizes continuous improvement and delivering only what is necessary. 

    5.  Crystal

    1. Designed to fit the needs of different projects through a family of agile methodologies. 
    2. Emphasizes teamwork, communication, and frequent delivery of working software. 

    6. Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

    1. Focuses on adapting to changing requirements and customer needs. 
    2. Emphasizes continuous planning, risk management, and stakeholder involvement. 

    7. Extreme Project Management (XPM)

    1. Focuses on delivering results in high-pressure, high-stress environments. 
    2. Emphasizes leadership, team collaboration, and flexibility to overcome challenges. 

    8.  Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

    1. Focuses on continuous learning and evolution through feedback and collaboration. 
    2. Prioritizes rapid prototyping and delivering working software. 

     9. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

    1. Provides a framework for managing and delivering projects on time and within budget. 
    2. Emphasizes active user involvement, incremental delivery, and team empowerment. 

    10. Feature Driven Development (FDD)

    1. Focuses on delivering features in a timely and efficient manner. 
    2. Prioritizes domain object modeling, iterative development, and frequent releases to achieve success. 

    Agile Methodology Steps

    Agile methodology involves six key steps that help software development teams deliver working software quickly and efficiently while responding to feedback and changes throughout the development process. 

    1. The Concept phase involves understanding the customer's needs and defining the problem that the software aims to solve. 
    2. In the Inception phase, the team builds prototypes, performs detailed planning, risk assessment, and develops a high-level architecture. 
    3. The Iteration phase involves actual development in a series of iterations. Each iteration includes planning, design, coding, testing, and review. 
    4. The Release phase involves final testing, documentation, and training to prepare the software for deployment to the customer or end-users. 
    5. The Production phase involves ongoing maintenance and support of the software. The team monitors performance, makes necessary changes, and provides support to the customer. 
    6. Finally, in the Retirement phase, the software is retired, data is archived, and the team prepares for its replacement. The process then starts over again with a new Concept phase. Overall, Agile methodology is a flexible, customer-focused approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration and adaptability. 

    Examples of Agile Methodology

    There are several examples of Agile methodologies in software development and other fields. One of the most popular examples is Scrum, which is a framework that emphasizes iterative development and daily stand-up meetings.

    • Another example is Extreme Programming (XP), which emphasizes testing and continuous integration.
    • Kanban is another Agile methodology that focuses on visualizing work and limiting work in progress.
    • Lean software development is an Agile methodology that emphasizes delivering value to the customer and reducing waste.
    • Other examples include Crystal, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM). These Agile methodologies prioritize collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction, and can be adapted to various industries and teams. 

    Take a deep dive into the trending  Agile Category Courses

    CSM CertificationCSPO CertificationLeading SAFe Certification
    PSM CertificationSAFe Scrum Master CertificationSAFe SPC Certification
    SAFe RTE CertificationSAFe POPM CertificationICP-ACC Certification

    Benefits of Agile Methodology

    Agile methodology is a collaborative and iterative approach that offers numerous benefits to teams working within the project. The most significant advantage of Agile is that it has the ability to accelerate development cycles, delivering products or services faster by breaking down work into smaller, manageable increments. This approach also involves customers in the development process, ensuring their feedback is incorporated, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. 

    Another vital element of Agile is that it respects and values employees, encouraging a culture of teamwork, collaboration, transparency, and continuous learning. This leads to increased job satisfaction and employee retention rates. Agile methodology also emphasizes testing and quality assurance throughout the development process, which helps eliminate rework and ensures high-quality products. 

    By focusing on these core values, Agile methodology can help teams achieve faster development cycles, improved customer satisfaction, a more engaged workforce, and reduced errors, ultimately leading to a more successful project outcome. 

    Agile Methodology Best Practices

    Agile methodology is a flexible and collaborative approach to project management. To succeed with Agile, teams must follow certain best practices. 

    1. Clear objectives and breaking down work into smaller increments or sprints are crucial to tracking progress and staying focused on project goals. 
    2. Effective communication is crucial for an Agile project's success. Alignment among stakeholders, team members, and customers and feedback integration ensure that issues are addressed early, leading to high-quality results. 
    3. Prioritizing work and focusing on delivering high-value features or functionalities to customers is critical. This ensures that the team is delivering the most significant impact and that customers are satisfied with the end product. 
    4. Continuous improvement and reflection on the Agile process are also essential. This involves making adjustments as needed to optimize performance and ensure project success. 

    Agile Methodology Tools

    Agile methodology tools are designed to help teams effectively plan, track, and manage their projects. These tools provide a range of features, such as task management, collaboration, and reporting capabilities. 

    1. JIRA: One of the most popular Agile methodology tools is Jira, which allows teams to create and manage sprints, track issues, and prioritize tasks.
    2. Trello: Trello is another useful tool for Agile teams, providing an intuitive and visual way to manage projects. 
    3. Other Tools: such as Asana, Monday.com, and Basecamp also offer similar features that help Agile teams stay organized and focused. By leveraging these tools, teams can streamline their Agile processes, increase productivity, and ultimately deliver high-quality products to their customers. 

    Alongside these tools, CSM course will aid you in experiential learning with Case studies, Scrum activities, Role plays, and Simulations. 

    How to Choose the Best Agile Methodology?

    Selecting the proper Agile methodology can be overwhelming, but choosing the right one for your team and the project is essential. Start by assessing your team's Agile experience and strengths and weaknesses. 

    • To choose the right Agile methodology, assess project complexity and select a methodology best suited to its scope. Some methods excel in small projects, while others are better for large initiatives. 
    • Consider the level of customer involvement required for your project. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, prioritize customer feedback throughout development. 
    • Lastly, assess the level of flexibility and adaptability needed for your project. Some Agile methodologies allow for continuous delivery and greater flexibility, while others may be more structured and rigid. 
    • By considering these factors, you can select an Agile methodology that suits your team's skills, project goals, and customer needs, ultimately leading to a successful project outcome. Go for KnowledgeHut Agile methodology training and get certification from the top accreditation bodies to showcase your Agile experience. 


    Again, you might have heard it already, Agile is not a magic wand, it takes commitment and perseverance to get it right. More than process, it is about the culture and mindset, this is where you might need to invest more. We are living in an era of mature Agile, fortunately, with many efficient tools and collaborative ways. Getting teams trained in Agile helps with smooth transformation and implementation. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the 3 Cs in Agile?

    3Cs is a tool to write a good User Story in Agile, where 3 C stands for 'Card', 'Conversation' and 'Confirmation'. The requirement is written a card, which is then discussed to add the Acceptance Criteria. Once everyone agrees including the stakeholder, a confirmation is placed. 

    2What are the 4 pillars of Agile?

    The 4 Pillar of Agile refers to 'Agile Manifesto' or the four values: 

    1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 
    2. Working software over comprehensive documentation 
    3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 
    4. Responding to change over following a plan 
    3What are the principles of Agile methodology? 

    The principles of Agile methodology include customer satisfaction through continuous delivery, working software as the primary measure of progress, collaboration between cross-functional teams, responding to change over following a plan, and regular reflection and improvement. 

    4What are the main Agile methodologies?

    The main Agile methodologies include Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and Extreme Programming (XP). 

    5Is Agile methodology suitable for all projects?

    Agile methodology is best suited for projects that are complex, uncertain, and require collaboration and adaptability. It may not be the best fit for projects with a fixed scope, timeline, and budget.


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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