HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentVue vs React: Which is the Best JS Framework?

Vue vs React: Which is the Best JS Framework?

24th Apr, 2024
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    Vue vs React: Which is the Best JS Framework?

    Front-end development is one of the most active areas in software development. So much so that keeping up with all of its new trends and technology may be challenging. Choosing the best JavaScript library or framework for a front-end project is an essential task. And the breadth of decisions is heavily influenced by multiple aspects such as learning curve, project timeframe, performance, and team size. React, and Vue both dominates the front-end market. This article will look at the fundamental differences between Vue vs. React and the underlying principles behind both from a technological standpoint.

    An Introduction to React and Vue 

    Most websites now use the MVC (model view controller) design. React is the 'V' in MVC architecture, which stands for view. React is one of the most popular and flexible JavaScript libraries. It was initially developed by Facebook in 2011 and publicly released in May 2013. React applications are built around multiple components. A ReactJS application consists of several components, each of which is responsible for producing a small, reusable piece of HTML code. These React components can be composed together to create sophisticated applications from simple building blocks.

    Some of the critical features of React are:

    • Rich package ecosystem
    • A large community of users
    • Elegant programming style

    React is widely prevalent among developers, and it has enormous market demand. So learning React will help you land a high-paying job. You can enroll in React training, which will help you get started with React and master it. 

    Vue.Js is a progressive and open-source javascript framework used to design new apps, and also it fits well in existing apps. Mainly it is used to design single-page applications and user interfaces(UIs). Whereas other frameworks are complex, Vue.js is designed to keep things simple. It was created in 2014 by Evan You. He wanted to develop a framework as robust as Angular but lighter and more flexible.  

    Some of the critical features of Vue are:

    • Easy to get started
    • Detailed documentation
    • Lightweight

    If you are not sure whether you should learn Vue or React but want to learn web development, you can take a complete web development course that will help you clear your concepts and master the web development domain.

    Why React and Vue? Tools Overview 

    The earlier frameworks of JavaScript used to follow the traditional data flow topology based on DOM (Document Object Model). The browser creates a document object (DOM) when a web page is loaded. Changes to data at the backend require updates to the DOM. Older frameworks and libraries operated directly on the DOM every time an update was needed, which was not performant. The application's performance suffers due to the repeated construction of DOM, which wastes memory and slows it down. Remember the earlier UI of Facebook, where you need to refresh the page again and again for any minor updates. 

    To resolve this, ReactJS was created, which lets you write your application in multiple components. ReactJS also uses the same traditional data flow as before, but it does not work directly on the browser's Document Object Model (DOM); instead, it uses a virtual DOM. Instead of modifying the document in the browser for every change, it implies resolving the changes on a DOM generated and operated virtually or in memory. This virtual DOM replicates the web browser's DOM that resides entirely in memory. As a result, we do not directly write components to the actual DOM. Instead, we write to virtual parts that will be converted into the DOM by React. Now you do not need to refresh the page for any updates on Facebook. It is possible because of ReactJS. 

    Just like React, Vue.js also uses components and virtual DOM to make the changes in real DOM. Once you are done with all the changes, they will be compared and updated in the real DOM. So only those objects are updated that are changed instead of re-rendering the entire page. This makes the process more memory-optimized and less expensive. You can say that Vue.js is built on good parts of Angular and React. It has taken many features from them. Moreover, Vue.js is easy to learn compared to other JavaScript frameworks.

    Companies like Trustpilot, Trivago, Accenture, Statista, etc., are some popular organizations using Vue.js.

    Examples of Apps Built with React 

    Some favorite apps built with React are – Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, WhatsApp, Myntra, Discord, PayPal, Airbnb, Twitter, Pinterest, Uber, and Khan Academy.  

    Example of Apps Built with Vue 

    Alibaba, Trustpilot, Grammarly, GitLab, Trivago, Statista, 9GAG, etc., are some favorite apps built with Vue. 

    Vue vs React: Comparison Table

    React is backed by Facebook, and many big organizations are using it. You can say that React is a stable language. On the other hand, Vue is also backed by Alibaba, but it is still in the early phase, even though it is continuously attracting new developers due to its simplicity. So which one should you prefer - React js vs. Vue js.

    PerformanceTo render HTML pages, JavaScript frameworks employ the Document Object Model. Documents are built in the form of a tree structure, commonly known as a DOM tree. The framework's efficiency is defined by the arrangement and performance of DOM. The framework performance will be good if the DOM is acting quickly and intuitively.
    React employs a virtual DOM, which is a stand-alone object model that does not rely on a browser. HTML pages are rendered automatically by the framework, which gives it a fast performance.

    Vue and React both utilize virtual DOM and share similar basic concepts. However, Vue outperforms React in terms of component generation and modifications. In React, optimizing components requires specific instructions (such as shouldComponentUpdate and PureComponent), and managing numerous components becomes challenging as projects scale. On the other hand, Vue automatically tracks components, eliminating the need for extensive optimization or lengthy instructions. This efficiency significantly enhances Vue.js's speed and overall performance
    View LayerReact.js view layer is solely based on JSX. JavaScript Expressions(JSX) is a combination of CSS and HTML.Vue.js view layer that uses HTML, and it also has an option for JSX.
    PopularityVue.js is easy to learn, but still, there is a huge demand for React developers in the market. According to the State of JavaScript survey, React is the most used JS technology. Also, React gives a lot of freedom to the community to experiment.Although Vue.js is not as popular as React but as per a survey by monoterail, 90% of people said that there is a high possibility of them using Vue.js in the next project.
    State ManagementReact depends on external sources like Redux for state management. React-redux is managed by the community.Where Vue developers have bundled everything in Vue.js itself, you do not need to use any external sources. Pinia is the default state management solution.
    Popular Websites and AppsPayPal, Netflix, Airbnb, Twitter, Pinterest, Uber, Instagram, etc.Alibaba, Trustpilot, Grammarly, GitLab, Trivago, Statista, 9GAG, etc.
    Learning CurveSteep learning curveEasy to learn and use

    Vue vs React: Detailed Comparison

    Vue vs React: Integration 

    • Vue.js can be easily integrated into existing projects, regardless of the technology stack. It provides official libraries and tools for seamless integration with frameworks like Angular and React. Vue also offers a convenient CLI for scaffolding projects and provides clear guidelines for integrating with different ecosystems. 
    • React can be integrated into projects smoothly, but it works best when used as the primary framework. While combining React with other libraries or frameworks is possible, it may require additional configuration and effort to ensure proper compatibility and avoid conflicts. 

    Vue vs React: Size and Footprint 

    • Vue.js has a small size and footprint, making it ideal for projects where code size matters. The core library is lightweight, and additional features can be added as needed. Vue's modular architecture allows for tree-shaking, enabling developers to eliminate unused code and optimize the bundle size. 
    • React is larger than Vue.js due to its comprehensive feature set. However, it offers flexibility with its modular nature, allowing developers to optimize the bundle size by selectively importing the required components. 

    Vue vs React: Ecosystem and Community 

    • Vue.js has a growing ecosystem and an active community. While it may not be as extensive as React's ecosystem, it offers various plugins, libraries, and tools that cater to multiple needs. The community is helpful and provides ample resources and support. 
    • React has a mature ecosystem and a massive community. It has been adopted by many large companies, resulting in a rich collection of libraries, tools, and frameworks. The vast community provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and a wealth of online resources. 

    Vue vs React: Performance 

    • Vue.js offers excellent performance with its optimized rendering algorithm. It utilizes a template-based rendering system that enables efficient updates to the DOM. Vue's reactivity system ensures minimal re-rendering of components, resulting in better overall performance. 
    • React's virtual DOM efficiently updates and renders only the necessary components, making it highly performant. However, its reliance on JSX and the reconciliation process can introduce performance overhead when handling large and complex applications. 

    Vue vs React: Learning Curve 

    • Vue.js is easy to learn because its syntax is simple, and its documentation is clear. This makes it easier for newbies to understand the basics and start making apps. 
    • React has a steeper learning curve than Vue.js, especially for developers new to JavaScript frameworks. Its reliance on JSX and the concept of virtual DOM requires more understanding and practice. 

    Similarities Between React and Vue

    It would help if you understood from the previous part that Vue.js and React.js are similar in features and working methods. Both Vue and React:

    Work with a virtual DOM.

    • Have a component-based architecture. 
    • Offers enhanced speed, performance, and flexibility. 
    • Support of TypeScript
    • A large and active community of programmers.  

    What Should You Choose Between Vue vs React? 

    Vue and React are both great technologies for building user interfaces, but they have some differences in their approaches. 

    • Vue is a framework that provides more structure and features, while React is a library that gives more flexibility and control. 
    • Vue uses HTML templates and JSX, a syntax that combines HTML and JS, while React only uses JSX. React has a virtual DOM, a JS representation of the real DOM, that improves performance by updating only the changed parts. Vue is easier to learn and use, but React is more scalable and robust. 
    • Choosing between Vue and React depends on your particular scenario and business requirements. Vue might be the best choice if you're a newer developer and must become more familiar with advanced JavaScript concepts. On the other hand, React is the best choice if you want to build complex apps that you can grow in the future by adding more developers. 


    Both Vue and React offer significant advantages. React has more corporate support, is more prevalent among developers, and has a large contributing community that can answer any questions you might have. It is also easy to scale and is commonly used for sophisticated, enterprise-level applications. While Vue is not as widely supported and utilized as React, it is growing in popularity because of its excellent documentation, ease of use, and gradual adoption features. Vue also provides a more significant number of built-in tools and solutions and better core support.

    React is more popular than any other JavaScript framework despite being slightly tricky to learn. You can take some online courses, boot camps, and training like React training Knowledgehut.  

    For next steps, check out our blog posts about React JS features

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is Vue better than React?

    If you're a new developer who isn't familiar with complicated JavaScript concepts, Vue could be a better option. Vue will be simple to grasp. On the other hand, React is best suited for experienced developers who have worked with object-oriented JavaScript and other advanced concepts. Also, Vue has designed documentation to help you get started compared to React, which has complex and harder-to-read documentation. It is not like you should not learn React if you are new to the programming world. We are just evaluating them based on ease of learning.

    2Will Vue replace React?

    Both Vue and React are highly popular and offer a productive approach to creating web applications. Vue is unique in many ways; it has – Vue CLI for rapid development, Pinia state management library, Vue Loader to author Single-File Components (SFCs), and browser dev tools to debug applications. Moreover, it is easy to learn and lightweight. React is better suited for more significant projects since it is more versatile and configurable. Also, the ecosystem that has grown up around React is too big. So, we cannot say that Vue will replace React as each has certain advantages.

    3Is Vue or React faster?

    We have already discussed the performance earlier in this blog. Overall, Vue is smaller and faster. Along with performance, Vue also has an easier learning curve so that you can master it quickly.

    4How do I choose between Vue and React?

    So it depends on your requirements and experience. If you are a new developer, then Vue will be the best choice for you as it is easy to get started. If you are an experienced developer with previous experience in core and advanced JavaScript concepts, then React will be good for you. Also, React is well-suited for larger apps, and it is more customizable and flexible.

    5Is React easier than Vue?

    No, React is not easier than Vue. Vue has well-curated and easy-to-understand documentation, whereas React documentation is slightly more complicated. Also, for React, you will have to put extra effort into understanding JSX. On the other hand, Vue supports both HTML and JSX.  


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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