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UI UX Designer vs Product Designer

29th Feb, 2024
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    UI UX Designer vs Product Designer

    Have you ever found yourself confused about the difference between UI UX designers & Product designers? At first glance, the roles may seem similar, but they have distinct differences that are worth exploring. UI/UX designers primarily focus on creating visually appealing & functional interfaces, ensuring optimal user experience.

    Meanwhile, Product designers are responsible for creating a product from start to finish, including the design, development, & delivery stages. Both professionals play critical roles in the development of digital products, but their areas of expertise differ. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the differences between UI UX designer Vs Product designer & gain a better understanding of their unique respon product designer vs ux designer sibilities.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer [Comparison Table]

    While both these designers work towards enhancing the user experience, their roles & responsibilities are different. Let's take a closer look at the parameters for UI UX designer Vs product designer.

    UI/UX Designer
    Product Designer
    Focuses on the user interface & user experience.
    Looks at the big picture & takes into account the business objectives, user needs, & technical feasibility.
    Ensures that the product is visually appealing & easy to use.
    Responsible for the entire product development lifecycle from ideation to launch.
    Skills Required
    Proficiency in design tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, etc. & knowledge of UX design principles.
    Technical skills such as coding & knowledge of product management methodologies like Agile, Waterfall, etc. as well as UI/UX design skills.
    Creativity, empathy, & user-centric design.
    Problem-solving, strategic thinking, & business acumen.
    Wireframes, prototypes, & high-fidelity mockups.
    Product strategy, roadmap, feature specifications, & user research insights.
    Works closely with the development team & other designers.
    Collaborates with cross-functional teams including developers, product managers, marketers, & designers.
    Salary Range
    Average of $70,000 to $130,000 per annum in the US.
    Average of $80,000 to $150,000 per annum in the US.
    Career Prospects
    High demand in the job market with growth opportunities in senior design roles.
    Opportunities to move into product management or specialize in user research.

    Difference Between UI/UX Designer & Product Designer

    The roles of a Product Vs UX designer are often misunderstood or interchangeably used in the industry. However, both these roles come with distinct responsibilities, skills, & expertise. Let's explore the key differences between a UI UX designer Vs product designer through the following sections below.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Overview

    A User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) Designer & a Product Designer have distinct but complementary roles in creating user-centric products. A UI/UX Designer focuses on how a user interacts with a product. They design the product's interface so that it is easy to use, visually appealing, & efficient.

    On the other hand, a Product Designer is responsible for the product's overall functionality, features, & design. They consider the product's target audience, their needs, & how the product fits into the market. A Product Designer takes on a broader role than a UI/UX Designer & considers various aspects of the product beyond interface design.

    All in all, a successful product requires both a UI/UX Designer & a Product Designer working in tandem to create an optimal user experience. Moreover, joining the UI/UX Design Bootcamp can help you develop the necessary skills to excel in both professions & create amazing products.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Career Path

    UI/UX Designer & Product Designer are careers that are often confused. While both involve designing digital products, they have different focuses & career paths. UI/UX Designers are responsible for creating the interface & user experience of a digital product.

    In contrast, Product Designers work on the broader scope of product development. They identify users' needs, evaluate market trends & competitors, & manage the product development process. 

    The career path of a UI/UX Designer typically involves gaining experience in software & web design, while Product Designers tend to have a more diverse background, including engineering, business, & marketing. Both Product designer Vs UX designer careers require strong creativity, communication & technical skills & offer promising job opportunities in the tech industry.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Skills

    UI/UX designers must have a good understanding of design principles, user research, & know how to create wireframes, prototypes, & designs that meet users' needs in a seamless manner. They must know various prototyping tools, graphic design, & collaborate with stakeholders, including developers.

    Conversely, Product designers focus on product strategy, including market analysis, customer feedback, & product visions. They must possess analytical skills, know product development, have design thinking expertise, & be proficient in cross-functional collaboration with teams.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Salary

    When it comes to design roles, the difference between product designer & UX designer are often mentioned in the same breath. Although they share some similarities in terms of responsibilities, they also have some differences, not least in terms of salary.

    UI/UX designers tend to have a narrower focus, working mainly on the user interface & experience of digital products. Their salary range is usually between $70,000 to $130,000 in the US.

    Product designers have a broad scope, spanning the entire product development process from ideation to launch. They work on both physical & digital products, & the UX product designer salary brackets can be between $80,000 to $150,000 in the US.

    Salary figures can vary depending on location, experience level, & company size. However, both product designer Vs UX designer salary also depend on the right skills & experience.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Roles & Responsibilities 

    A UI/UX designer focuses on the user experience, designing interfaces that are intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, & easy to navigate.

    But a product designer considers the end-to-end experience of a product or service, including the UI/UX design. Their responsibilities also include designing & testing prototypes, collaborating with developers & stakeholders, & guaranteeing that the final product aligns with the vision & goals of the business.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Job Description

    UI/UX designers focus on the overall look & feel of an application or website so that user experience is smooth & intuitive. They create wireframes, prototypes & conduct usability testing to improve functionality.

    Product designers, meanwhile, work on the entire product development cycle. They identify customer needs, create product journeys, define features & functionality, oversee prototyping & testing, & ensure successful product launches.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Design Approach

    Comparing product designer Vs UI designer, each requires a distinct design approach. A UI/UX designer focuses on creating intuitive & attractive interfaces that cater to user needs. They employ user-centric design principles, engaging with end-users to understand their desires, goals, & pain points. 

    Comparatively, a product designer considers the entire product experience, from ideation & prototyping to launch & beyond. They coordinate closely with different teams to create a cohesive product design that meets business & user requirements.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Tools

    Product design Vs UX design professionals both require a set of tools to perform their duties effectively. A UI/UX designer must have a good understanding of design software such as Sketch, InVision, & Adobe Creative Suite.

    Product designers require a diverse set of tools due to the wide nature of their job. They must have a deep understanding of research & analysis tools & be able to use software such as JIRA, Asana, & Trello.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: Prerequisites

    When it comes to the difference between product designer and UI UX designer, the prerequisites for both roles are different yet equally important. A UI/UX designer must have a deep understanding of user needs, behavior, & interactions to create intuitive & engaging interfaces. They may need to have knowledge of graphic design, coding, & prototyping software to bring their concepts to life. 

    A product designer must be able to manage the product development process from ideation to launch, often collaborating with various teams such as engineering & marketing. They must be knowledgeable in areas such as project management, market research, & data analysis.

    UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer: How to Become

    To become a UI/UX designer, it is important to have a strong foundation in user research, design principles, & software tools such as Sketch or Adobe XD. A degree or certificate in graphic design or a related field can also be helpful. 

    To become a product designer, additional skills in product strategy, marketing, & project management may be required. A degree in industrial or product design, as well as experience in the tech industry, can equip individuals with the necessary skills for this role.

    If you're interested in pursuing a career in design, consider enrolling in a Website Developer Course to gain a comprehensive understanding of design & development methodologies. This will equip you with the skills & knowledge you need to become a successful UX/UX designer or product designer.

    How are They Similar?

    The similarities between the two roles lie in their focus on the user. Both UI/UX designers & product designers identify & solve problems related to the user's interaction with the product. They research & analyze data to gain a deep understanding of the user's needs, preferences, & expectations.

    Both roles are also involved in developing & iterating on prototypes, often in collaboration with other team members, such as developers & project managers. They work to ensure that the design is both functional & visually appealing. 

    UI/UX designers & product designers may also use similar tools & techniques, such as wireframing & prototyping software. They both need to have a good understanding of design principles, such as typography, color theory, & composition.

    What Should You Choose Between UI UX Designer Vs Product Designer?

    In a general way, if you enjoy working on the visual aspect of a digital product & have a flair for design, UI/UX design could be an excellent fit for you. If, on the other hand, you have a passion for solving complex problems & leading cross-functional teams, then product design may be more suitable. Finally, it’s important to remember that both jobs come with unique sets of challenges & rewards, & choosing between UI/UX & product design should be based on your skills, interest & career aspirations.

    Regardless of which path you choose, investing in your education by taking a UI/UX design bootcamp program can provide you with the skills & knowledge to excel in your chosen field. With KnowledgeHut UI/UX Design Bootcamp, you can take full advantage of a comprehensive program that gives you hands-on experience, practical training, & industry insights to help you launch your career as a successful designer in this fast-paced & exciting industry.

    Final Thoughts

    To summarize, a UI/UX designer & Product Designer are two distinct roles in the tech industry that have different objectives. The major difference between UI UX designer Vs product designer is that a UI/UX focuses on the usability of the product whereas a Product Designer focuses on how these products should be used to bring value to customers.

    Both play an integral role in creating meaningful user experience & ensuring the success of an organization’s customer-facing products. It is essential for businesses to hire individuals with expertise in their respective domains & leverage their knowledge in order to make informed decisions when developing an app, website or software product.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How does the design process differ between a UI/UX designer & a product designer?

    The design process between a UI UX designer Vs product designer differs in various ways. While both may begin by conducting user research, the focus of the UI/UX designer is heavily on the user experience & interaction design. As opposed to this, the product designer is tasked with creating physical products that solve problems & meet user needs.

    2Can I Become a UX Designer With a Product Design Degree?

    Yes, you can become a UX designer with a product design degree. While UX design & product design are related fields, they require different skill sets. UX design focuses more on user research, information architecture, & user interface design, while product design is more focused on physical products & manufacturing processes.

    3Can a UI/UX designer & a product designer work on the same project?

    Yes, a UI/UX designer & a product designer can work on the same project. While their roles & responsibilities vary, both play crucial roles in creating a successful product. The UI/UX designer focuses on designing the user interface & user experience, while the product designer focuses on the overall functionality & design of the product.

    4What are the similarities between a UI/UX designer & a product designer?

    Both focus on user-centered design, carefully considering the needs & experiences of the end user. Both also rely heavily on design thinking to create innovative solutions that solve problems & meet user needs.

    5Is Product Design and UI UX design same?

    So, is Product Design the same as UX design? No, Product Design & UI UX design are not the same. Product design encompasses the entire process of creating a physical or digital product from initial concept to final product, including research, prototyping, testing, & manufacturing. UI UX design focuses solely on the user's experience with a product or service, including the interface & overall usability. 

    6What are the primary responsibilities of a UI/UX designer & a Product Designer?

    The UI/UX designer focuses more on the user's interaction with the product so that the interface is easy to navigate & intuitive. Meanwhile, the Product Designer has a more strategic role, considering the overall product vision & how it meets business goals.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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