HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentUI/UX Design Course Syllabus in 2024: A Detailed Study [Course Curriculum]

UI/UX Design Course Syllabus in 2024: A Detailed Study [Course Curriculum]

15th Apr, 2024
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    UI/UX Design Course Syllabus in 2024: A Detailed Study [Course Curriculum]

    The demand for highly skilled UI/ UX designers is steadily increasing in the constantly evolving software industry. Thus, if you have decided to learn and practice this specialization, decent opportunities will come from companies from varying sectors.

    Before you continue reading to grasp a brief idea about the UI/UX syllabus, let’s discuss the distinction between them. Firstly, the UI design involves anything and everything a web or app user engages with while exploring a digital product or service. Hence, it can be a laptop screen, audio device, keyboard, etc.

    On the other hand, UX or User Experience deals with enhancements that are needed to improve a UI or User Interface. This part of the design is more concerned with how digital products or services should be modified to enhance their functionality and user-friendliness. In a nutshell, the UI defines how a product has to be designed, whereas UX designers give the final touch to an offering and facilitate upgrades.

    Overview of a UX Design Syllabus

    How about we tell you that you could learn how to design highly interactive graphical layouts for mobile applications with just 30+ hours of live sessions?

    It sounds unbelievably easy, right?

    Trust us, by the end of this blog, you will think it is possible after going through KnowledgeHut’s UI/UX Design course details. It is a professional course specially curated for web designers, project managers, front-end developers, or even an aspirant eager to develop a career within the design domain.

    As you progress with the UI/UX designer course syllabus, you will learn how to conduct research analysis, bring up new design ideas, perform usability testing, and much more. The best part is there are no such prerequisites to opt for the program, as long as you are keen to develop your designing capabilities.

    Why Choose the UI/UX Course?

    Businesses these days realize the importance of hiring exceptional UI/ UX professionals. It is mainly because skilled graphic or web designers know exactly how to highlight the USPs of services or products online. Also, they are trained to offer users a hassle-free web surfing experience.

    Therefore, after mastering the standard UI/UX syllabus, you can build a successful career where you will be responsible for:

    • Creating a distinctive identity of a brand in highly competitive markets by prioritizing their website’s outlook
    • Designing prolific mobile applications that perform equally well across various platforms like Windows, Google, iOS, etc.
    • Improving existing inclusive designs to make online offerings more accessible for people with specific disabilities
    • Striving for consistent development in design aspects by checking user feedback, data sheets, and performance of digital products in the market

    What is Included in the UI/UX Design Course Curriculum?

    Top-rated UI/UX designer syllabus should cover all the extensive concepts, from beginner to advanced levels. For instance, if you check out the UI/UX Design course details on KnowledgeHut, you can find the complete faculty details and teaching process.

    The UI/UX Design Training program is your one-stop destination for learning product marketing, branding, and design creation from scratch. Keeping in mind the diversity of clientele, we have personalized the curriculum for organizations and individuals.

    Here, you will be taught in online classrooms where expert Android developers will offer the mentorship. Throughout the sprint, you will work on UX and UI design projects that take around 24 hours to complete. The outcomes you will experience from these projects closely align with the domains of product-based companies. So, as you progress, the mentors tactfully assist you in setting the right tone for a professional UI/ UX designer.

    So, does that grow your interest in the UX design curriculum?

    Provided you have some prior knowledge of human-computer interaction or the basics of front and back-end development, you can easily catch up with the pace of this course.

    Is there any point in delaying the onboarding further?

    Consider grabbing your Web Development certificate online while still keeping your routine unchanged.

    Complete Syllabus for UI/ UX Design

    UI/UX Syllabus
    business process incubator

    The following key areas are addressed in a comprehensive UI/UX syllabus:

    1. Introduction to UI/UX

    At this stage, the learners slowly grasp the holistic characteristics of UI/ UX designs. Thus, when you pass through this phase, the mentors introduce you to various visual components and design tools.

    Also, you get accustomed to the UI/UX course outline. Besides introducing you to design software like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc., the educator also briefs you regarding several prototyping tools. The idea is to develop a keen learning attitude that encourages active participation throughout the course.

    1. User Research

    This is again a foundational phase where you learn how to conduct proper market research to gather design inspirations. When you sign up for a certified course, you do not have to worry about survey and interview preparations as those are already covered in detail. Plus, you can adapt essential data collection skills through observation gUIdes and create unique and relevant designs.

    1. Information Architecture

    The third chapter summarizes how to structure website content and organize action buttons for smooth findability. Gradually, you study multiple intuitive interfaces and Gestalt principles to recreate impactful visual perceptions.

    Additionally, the web designing program allows you to add certain micro-interactions throughout a page that encourage further engagements.

    1. Interaction Design

    Under this sprint, you learn basic to advanced animation to enhance the overall usability of a website. Interaction design is all about making the UX more user-friendly. Thus, you should be extra focused while attempting this UI/ UX course curriculum portion.

    1. Visual Design

    From an app user’s perspective, don’t you like digital products that are aesthetically appealing?

    Studying and implementing visual design elements helps you to meet this need exactly. It is a vital inclusion in the latest UI/UX syllabus to improve the learners’ concepts about color psychology, typography, page layout, and overall composition. On mastering the sub-topics, you can build interfaces that boast a balanced hierarchy.

    1. Usability Testing and Assessments

    With usability testing, you finally start learning some advanced concepts of web designing. It refers to a systematic evaluation where a designer or team determines the effectiveness of their launch. Usually, not a single design is assessed, but multiple variations are checked to choose what suits the needs most effectively.

    1. Mobile Responsive Testing

    Considering that almost 95% of phones across the world have access to the internet (as per Statista), it is crucial to ensure that websites are perfectly mobile-optimized.

    Thus, in this module, you practice making highly responsive designs that adapt to varying network bandwidths and devices. The mentors guide you to complete assignments that require creating touch-friendly functionalities while simultaneously maintaining performance standards.

    1. Accessibility

    By learning accessibility techniques, you implement methods that make apps and websites meaningful for disabled users. It is a critical topic that demands a good understanding of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

    After grabbing the necessary education, you work with teams that solely focus on making web services accessible for all, irrespective of conditions or limitations.

    1. Industry Trends and Real-life Case Studies

    The last chapter or closing note of the UI design course syllabus is all about analyzing trends and relevant methodologies. Now, you work in close association with industry experts and become a part of the vast UI/UX community. New internship opportunities keep coming as you produce truly captivating forums design blogs, and app interfaces by implementing essential version control tools.

    If you have questions related to the UI/UX design syllabus, please call us. Our course advisor will schedule a 1-on-1 call with you for no additional charges. You may also opt for text solutions and alerts via WhatsApp.

    How to Prepare for the UI/UX Course?   

    Before enrolling for a UI/UX course, start by gathering the basic knowledge. You can even try to gain practical expertise by applying for internships or internship opportunities. Also, you should consider becoming part of like-minded communities on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Discord, etc.

    Next, you can walk through the detailed UI/UX curriculum by creating an upGrad account. Understanding the program outline shouldn’t be too difficult if you have previously studied computer science or have an interest in the field. Even if there are difficulties, our advisors are always there to help you.

    Most importantly, you should realize that design professionals need to constantly upgrade. It is a dynamic industry where proficient career building needs consistent efforts. So, the enthusiasm for learning something new and relevant should never fade away.


    In the future, you won’t have to worry about job prospects if you stay attuned to the UI/ UX design industry. It is a professional realm that highly rewards experts who are interested in learning and implementing new technologies.

    The UI/UX course syllabus by KnowledgeHut caters to the needs of both skilled professionals and freshly graduated individuals. Here, you can ask your doubts 1-to-1 to the mentor and get solutions that further help you improve as a designer.

    So, if you are already surfing free resources online with the intent of learning interaction design, usability testing, mobile adaptability, etc., our course can prove to be highly beneficial for you. Consider getting in touch for customized quotes and additional group discounts.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What basic topics are covered in a UI/ UX syllabus?

    Starting from fundamentals to advanced applications, the topics of visual design principles, interaction design, user research, and usability testing are covered in a standard UI/UX curriculum.

    2How long does it typically take to complete a UI/UX course syllabus?

    Depending on the depth of the curriculum and the batch it is dealing with, the duration can vary from a few weeks to 6-9 months.

    3What kinds of projects are included in a UI/UX syllabus?

    Students attempt to design app and website front-ends that specifically meet a list of prerequisites. They try to figure out various user personas and conduct usability testing to assess whether the deployed design elements have the potential to convert the target audience.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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