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Trojan Horse Virus: What It is and How to Get Rid of Them?

01st Dec, 2023
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    Trojan Horse Virus: What It is and How to Get Rid of Them?

    Trojan horse viruses are one of the most utilized security threats today. We will have a detailed walkthrough on topics like what is trojan horse, what trojan horse means in terms of cyber security and cyber attacks, what a trojan horse does, how a trojan horse can impact individual users on the web, companies, and organizations, and steps to protect yourself from trojan horse attacks? So let us get to it. 

    What is a Trojan Horse?

    Trojan horse is a type of malware that gets downloaded onto a computer camouflaged as a genuine program. In simple terms, trojan is a type of malware that will be hidden in the attachment in an email or file downloaded from the internet, which will be executed when it is landed on the user's device or machine. The executable file will have an inbuilt program in it, and based on that, the trojan will act. 

    Trojans can be utilized to perform a few destructive activities like information cancellation, information censorship, information alteration, information replicating, and causing obstructions within the operation of computers or computer systems. To get more detailed information, explore the Certified Ethical Hacking Certification that will give more insights. This information will give insights into questions like "what do trojan horses do? what is trojan software?".  

    Where does Trojan Malware Come From?

    Trojan malware comes from various aspects like 

    • Email Messages 
    • Transferring files from other devices 
    • Malicious Websites 
    • Social Engineering 

    How to Characterize a Trojan?

    People typically consider a Trojan as a virus or a worm; however, it's very neither. A trojan could be a file infector that might self-replicate and unfold by attaching itself to a different program. d of malware the same as viruses, however they ddon'tget to be hooked up to a different program so as to unfold. Most viruses square measure currently seen as bequest threats. Worms have additionally become rare, although they are doing appear from time to time. 

    Also, a Trojan could be a combination of codes that programmers utilize to convey any number of dangers, from ransomware that quickly requests cash, to spyware that conceals itself whereas it takes profitable data like individual and money related information. For case, in some cases adware sneaks onto your computer as portion of a bundle of program. You think yyou'redownloading one piece of computer program, but iit'struly two or three. The program creators more often than not incorporate the adware for showcasing member reasons so they can monetize their installer with offers—usually clearly labelled. Such adware bundlers are ordinarily less noxious than Trojans. 

    Trojan Virus Symptoms

    Slowness or Performance Lag on your device

    Trojans frequently introduce extra malware that together can expend a huge sum of computing assets. Evacuate the Trojan malware contamination to speed up your PC or other gadget.

    System Crashes

    Now and then, Trojans may overpower your computer and cause crashes or other disappointments. The notorious Blue Screen of Passing is continuously a cause for concern.

    Usage on Unknown applications on your device

    Numerous Trojans introduce extra malware. In case you take note anything new in your Windows Assignment Director or macOS Action Screen, see it up — it may be malware.

    System Redirects

    A few Trojans alter your DNS settings or control your browser to divert you to noxious destinations that can collect your information or contaminate you with extra malware.

    New Visualizations

    As the Trojan introduces modern malware or any changes observed in your system, you will see unused or new icons / symbols on your desktop. The same goes for browser toolbars or plugins that you simply didn't introduce yourself — see out for these browser robbers.

    Pop-ups & Ad's

    If you notice more pop-ups or advertisements which doesn't appear in regular fashion, chances of trojan installed in your device is high.

    Removal of Antivirus

    Trojans and other malware don't need to be recognized and evacuated — so they'll attempt to turn off your antivirus computer program. Ensure yourself against Trojans and other malware with a free antivirus arrangement that stops them some time recently they can dispense hurt. Enroll for the Best Cyber Security courses in the market for deep knowledge.

    How Do Trojans Work?

    A Trojan horse, not at all like computer infections, cannot show on it possess. It requires a client to download the client-side of the application for it to operate. The executable (.exe) record must be executed and the program introduced for the Trojan to assault the device. Trojans work by mimicking authentic records to misdirect casualties into clicking, opening, or introducing them. When this happens, the Trojan continues to introduce malware on the gadget and runs each time the tainted gadget is exchanged on. Mail Trojans, for case, utilize social building strategies to take after safe mail connections, tricking the client into opening the connected file.

    A Trojan malware-infected machine can moreover exchange it to other frameworks. A cybercriminal changes the framework into a zombie computer, giving them inaccessible control over it without the user's information. Programmers can at that point utilize the zombie computers to spread malware over a organize of gadgets known as a botnet. The malware will enact upon the execution of particular activities by the client, such as getting to a specific site or employing a managing an account app. Based on the Trojan sort and its creation strategy, the disease may eradicate itself, return to a torpid state, or remain dynamic indeed after the hacker's wanted activity is completed. 

    Types of Trojans

    There are numerous sorts of Trojan horse infections that cyber hoodlums utilize to carry out diverse activities and distinctive assault strategies. The foremost common sorts of Trojan utilized incorporate: 

    1. Backdoor Trojan

    A backdoor Trojan empowers an assailant to pick up farther get to a computer and take control of it employing a backdoor. This empowers the malevolent performing artist to do anything they need on the gadget, such as erasing records, rebooting the computer, taking information, or uploading malware. A backdoor Trojan is habitually utilized to form a botnet through a organize of zombie computers.

    2. Banker Trojan

    A Banker Trojan also known as financier Trojan is outlined to target users' keeping money accounts and monetary data. It endeavours to take account information for credit and charge cards, e-payment frameworks, and online keeping money frameworks.

    3. DDoS Trojan

    These Trojan programs carry out assaults that over-burden a arrange with activity. It'll send different demands from a computer or a bunch of computers to overpower a target web address and cause a delay in the service.

    4. Downloader Trojan

    A downloader Trojan targets a computer that has as of now been contaminated by malware, at that point downloads and introduces more pernicious programs to it. This might be extra Trojans or other sorts of malware like adware.

    5. Exploit Trojan

    This malware program contains code or information that takes advantage of particular vulnerabilities inside an application or computer framework. The cybercriminal will target clients through a strategy like a phishing assault, at that point utilize the code within the program to misuse a known defencelessness.

    6. Fake antivirus Trojan

    A fake antivirus Trojan re-enacts the activities of true-blue antivirus computer program. The Trojan is outlined to identify and expel dangers like a normal antivirus program, at that point blackmail cash from clients for expelling dangers that will be non-existent.

    7. Game-thief Trojan

    A game-thief Trojan is particularly outlined to take client account data from individuals playing online diversions.

    8. Infostealer Trojan

    This malware can either be utilized to introduce Trojans or avoid the client from identifying the presence of a malevolent program. The components of infostealer Trojans can make it troublesome for antivirus frameworks to find them in filters.

    9. Mail finder Trojan

    A trojan which is designed to collect and take e-mail addresses that have been put away on a computer.

    10. Ransom Trojan

    Ransom Trojans look for to impede a computer's execution or piece information on the gadget so that the client can now not get to or utilize it. The aggressor will at that point hold the client or organization emancipate until they pay a deliver charge to fix the gadget harm or open the influenced information.

    11. Remote access Trojan

    Comparable to a backdoor Trojan, this strand of malware gives the assailant full control of a user's computer. The cybercriminal keeps up get to the gadget through a inaccessible arrange association, which they utilize to take data or spy on a client.

    12. Spy Trojan

    Spy Trojans are outlined to sit on a user's computer and spy on their action. This incorporates logging their console activities, taking screenshots, getting to the applications they utilize, and following login information.

    13. SMS Trojan

    An SMS Trojan contaminates versatile gadgets and is able of sending and interference content messages. This incorporates sending messages to premium-rate phone numbers, which increments the costs on a user's phone charge.

    14. Rootkit Trojan

    A rootkit may be a sort of malware that conceals itself on a user's computer. Its reason is to halt malevolent programs from being recognized, which empowers malware to stay dynamic on an contaminated computer for a longer period.

    Trojan Infection Methods

    1. File SharingWebsites

    File-sharing websites incorporate downpour websites and other destinations that permit clients to share their records, and this concept is engaging for an assortment of reasons. To begin with, it permits individuals to induce premium program without paying the retail cost. The issue in spite of the fact that, is that file-sharing locales are too greatly appealing to hackers who need to discover a simple way interior your framework. Trojan infections can moreover come within the prevalent shapes of music records, diversions, and various other applications.

    2. Message Spoofing

    Programmers "spoof" a message so that it looks like it came from somebody you believe. In expansion to spoofing, programmers to make comparable usernames and trust you don't take note, or aren't paying consideration to, the slight contrasts. Like with fake emails, the programmer is sending you a trojan-infected record or application.

    3. Malicious Websites

    Numerous programmers target websites rather than person clients. They discover shortcomings in unsecured websites which permit them to transfer records or, in a few cases, even take over the whole site. When this sort of location seizing happens, the programmer can at that point utilize the site to divert you to other locales.

    4. Public Wi-Fi Networks

    Hacked Wi-Fi systems are moreover a common source of trojans and other malware. A programmer can make a fake "hotspot" arrange that looks precisely just like the one you're attempting to interface to. Once you interface to this fake arrange by botch, in any case, the programmer can at that point divert you to fake websites that see so genuine that indeed specialists have inconvenience spotting the contrast. These fake websites contain browser misuses that divert any record you attempt downloading. To know more about getting a certification in the cyber security domain, have a look into our Certified Ethical Hacking course.

    How Much Damage Can Trojans Do?

    The impacts of Trojans can be exceedingly unsafe. Like infections, they can annihilate records or data on difficult disks. They can capture and transfer private information to an outsider or open communication ports, permitting an interloper to control the contaminated computer remotely. 

    The robbery of vital data can result within the misfortune of numerous a long-time work, an esteemed photo chronicle or a few other sorts of pined for correspondence. The harm caused by a fruitful assault that deletes a user's information can be measured in terms of the esteem of the eradicated data to the client. 

    How To Recognize and Detect a Trojan Virus?

    1. Identifying the trojan horse on the computer is simpler in safe mode since as it were the least applications run. 
    2. Check for malicious applications on your Mac, PC, or other device. Sometimes the application looks new and features a suspicious distributer, Google it for more data. 
    3. To guarantee that the trojan horse is totally crippled, you must end the process in the Task Manager application. 
    4. Trojan virus evacuation and discovery gets to be quicker by clearing brief web records.  
    5. Clearing all the data in the temp folder will not get freed of the trojan horse quickly, but it'll free up a few space on the computer. 
    6. Running a malware scanner is the most perfect way to identify and expel the trojan horse from the computer. 

    How to Remove a Trojan Virus?

    You'll evacuate a few Trojans by debilitating startup items and applications on your device which don't come from trusted sources. For the most excellent comes about, to begin with reboot your gadget into secure mode so that the infection can't halt you from expelling it.  

    If it's not too much trouble carefully guarantee you know which particular programs you're evacuating since you'll moderate, impair, or cripple your framework in case you evacuate basic programs your computer must work. Implementing and applying a trusted antivirus product is additionally one of the best ways to induce freed of trojans. 

    How To Protect Yourself from Trojan Viruses?

    1. Run Periodic health check and diagnostic scan in your device. 
    2. Ensure all the applications that are using internet is updated to the latest security patches. 
    3. Update all the applications to the latest version to fix the vulnerabilities and bug in the earlier versions. 
    4. Always mindful while accessing the websites. 
    5. Ensure you are opening genuine emails & attachments. 
    6. Use Strong Passwords with high complexity. 
    7. Enable the inbuilt firewall in your device to keep protected. 

    Examples of Trojan Horse Virus Attacks

    What is trojan horse example in real time scenarios? Below are few scenarios where the cybersecurity attacks are executed using Trojan horse virus. 

    1. Rakhni Trojan: The Rakhni Trojan conveys ransomware or a cryptojacker tool—which empowers an assailant to utilize a gadget to mine cryptocurrency—to target the devices and infect them. 
    2. Tiny Banker: Tiny banker empowers programmers to take users' budgetary points of interest. It was found when it tainted at slightest 20 U.S. banks. 
    3. Zbot or Zeus: Zeus toolkit that targets budgetary administrations and empowers programmers to construct them possess Trojan malware. Zeus can capture the username and watchword through shape snatching when clients log in to web site.


    Trojans allude to any malware that shows up to be a genuine record but introduces a hurtful computer program bundle on your framework instep. They may cause harm in different ways, and Trojan steeds are moreover regularly sold or rented out on the dim web – which advance expands the attack's affect. Wrongdoings caused through Trojan steeds extend from one-off assaults that taint a single-user framework to large-scale worldwide assaults that spread the disease through known framework vulnerabilities.  

    Thus, it is basic to remain watchful, dodge suspicious websites and computer program sellers, and keep up strong and up-to-date frameworks. From reading this above article, you would have definitely got an idea about "what are trojan horse programs, what is trojan horse in cyber security, what is trojan horse attack, what is trojan software, what is trojan horse in network security, what are they capable of, how trojan horse can be remediated if your machine is infected by trojan, etc." Check out KnowledgeHut Certified Ethical Hacker Certification.

    Trojan Horse Virusus FAQs

    1Are Trojan virus real?

    Yes, the trojan virus is real and lot of attacks are happened due to that virus and its forms. 

    2Can Trojan viruses be removed?

    Yes, the virus can be removed if we have identified the virus on timely basis and it can be removed if we use the appropriate tool or solution. 

    3What can Trojan virus do?

    Trojan virus can do multiple bad stuff like stealing personal information, exposing the data to internet, infect your system, install malware in your device, can be able to replicate and destroy the systems available in the network. 

    4Can Trojans affect mobile devices?

    Yes, trojan virus is affecting all forms of digital devices.


    Hariharann R


    I am a pragmatic security professional in SOC Operations & SIEM Engineering at CyberGate Defense, UAE with an Electronics and Telecommunication background. I am very much interested in SIEM Implementation, Threat Hunting, Creating Use Cases, Digital Forensics, Investigation and Analysis, etc. I spend my leisure time playing cricket, football and watch movies of various genres with friends. 

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