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Top 5 Reasons to Learn React JS in 2024

23rd Dec, 2023
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    Top 5 Reasons to Learn React JS in 2024

    If you have been learning or using JavaScript you have probably heard of React.  Among the most popular JavaScript libraries, ReactJS brings with it rich features that make it an easy to use and popular tool among developers. React libraries are growing at an enormous rate, helping developers in building rich efficient front-end abstractions by writing less code and in lesser time as well! Add to that the abundance of ReactJS jobs that make React expertise a hot commodity. Mastering React can help you build a solid career in the field of development.

    The growth of React since its inception has been phenomenal. No front-end framework has grown as much as React has in such a short time, showing the extent of its popularity in the developing community. It has consistently been rated as being among the top most used frameworks.

    In this article, we will learn about why you should start learning ReactJS, how React has transformed the world of WEB and much more.

    Let’s get started and see the power of React!

    Why should I use React?

    Let’s first understand about the various components of a webpage.

    We use HTML for writing the markup ,CSS for the presentation of the markup and we use JavaScript to put all the logic for rendering dynamic Webpages. So, to build a simple web page, we can use the HTML-CSS-JS concept. But what about an application that has multiple features, and every feature or component is interrelated to each other?

    Why should I use React?

    This is where we get to use the magic of React! React will help to create stable-optimized web apps. As the need for all third-party libraries is fading, React is emerging as a one-in-all- solutionand with its huge capabilities in solving almost all types of problems. 

    (Go and check out the React community here

     5 Advantages Of ReactJs (Why is it everyone’s favorite?)  

    You must be thinking, there are so many JavaScript frameworks out there. Why should I prefer React over the others, and how does React help in overcoming x-y-z problems?

    5 Advantages Of ReactJs

    There are a tonne of reasons for learning and adapting React as your preferred JavaScript library. Listed below are some of them. 

    1. The era of Reusable Components: 

    The very basic and the most important thing you need to know about React is the Component. React is nothing but one large pile of big components which call other small components.  

    While handling big applications using React, we use encapsulation. An application written in React is basically a composition of smaller React components holding some state that can be reused anywhere multiple times.  

    Let’s see the practical view of the above example: 

    function clickHandler(e) { 
    // Some function where some API call happens 
    function MyBtn() { 
    return ( 
       <button className="button" onClick={clickHandler}> 
         Click Me 

    Let’s say we have a button name “Click Me”, and we want to use this button with the same logic (click handler) multiple times in our application, we can simply reuse the MyBtn component multiple times inside our Main application:

    function Main() { 
    return ( 
       <div className="main"> 
         <MyBtn /> 
       <p>Click to know More   
         <MyBtn /> 

    Similarly, we can use so many reusable components in our application by providing a generic logic to the component so that it can be reused easily.

    Cool, isn't it? React components are a great way of using encapsulation. Just create a component and use it wherever needed. React component-based structure has proven its power not only for dynamic sites but also for content-based sites.

    2. Patterns of React

    The basic declarative approach is focused on WHAT needs to be done, instead of the instructions on how it must be done. 

    Declarative code is useful for making the code more predictable and easier to debug.   

    With React-based projects, you don’t tell React how to organize the state, you just tell React ‘I need that state’ and you can rely on React for getting and setting up the state data. Also, at a higher level, with the help of React, we can achieve global state management which is typically using some common data logic in the entire system, such as:

    1. User profile data, or
    2. Theme Data, or  
    3. User Journey Data     

    With React we can create interactive UIs with a declarative approach and also design simple views for each and every state in our application. 

    You can rely on React for efficiently updating and rendering the right components when the data changes. 

    Before ReactJS entered the stage, it was very difficult to create dynamic web applications. ReactJS has simplified this process with the help of a JavaScript Extension known as JSX. It makes machine-readable codes easier. 

    And it’s very cool and easy to scale the React application.  

    Still have doubts? 

    Just begin with a small MVP in React and you can scale it to a level that’s as far and as complex as Facebook :) That’s the beauty of React!

    3. Backward compatibility

    Whenever a new version is updated in React, it only increases the ease of use for us and the public APIs remain the same. This means we need not worry about updating our application with any new releases of React as the base APIs remain constant.  

    This means that you do not have to learn a new version after every update. The old version remains the same, constant, and compatible with the newly added components.  

    In a practical context, React 16 maintains the exact same public API as in the (15.x and earlier) previous versions.

    4. Concurrent Mode

    What is Concurrent mode?

    All of us would have definitely experienced this.

    Whenever we use an autocomplete form there is a freeze of the cursor at times, mostly seen in React applications because of its rendering behavior. For example, take a look at the below diagram. When we try to type “WAIT”, with every key event triggered, UI gets blocked on updating it.

    What is Concurrent mode?

    This performance degradation problem can also be solved by debouncing or throttling but that is not really suggested. 

    There is another way to address this problem, which is by using the concurrent mode. 

    As per React official docs:

    Concurrent Mode is a set of new features that help React apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user’s device capabilities and network speed. 

    In Concurrent mode, there is no blocking in the rendering which improves the user experience and hence enables few new features which were not easy to use earlier. In other words, if we have different branches in GIT, and all the developers can work on separate different branches without hindering or blocking anyone, in the same manner, React can work in different updates of states concurrently.  

    Yet again React makes a developers’ life simple by providing an easy and fast approach for  rendering an application.  

    One exciting feature of Concurrent Mode is Suspense. With this, you don’t have to wait for the response to render something in the application. 

    <Suspense> Component can fetch the data in a declarative manner which can help in improving the user experience.  

    Want to know more? Click the link here.

    5. SEO Friendly Framework 

    Most of our applications require ranking to mark their presence, and Google achieves this ranking with the use of bots. SEO is a technique to boost user traffic where all the crawling and indexing is done by these Bots. 

    Search Engines hate heavy JavaScript pages because of reading troubles when the page is loaded in the browser. Also, if the basic HTML page contains nothing but some meta tags and script tags, the search engine will assume that our page is blank and the result is you get a poor ranking.

    React has a pre-rendering feature that helps in getting an SEO friendly platform in both SPAs or multiple page applications.

    Also, in React we can achieve server-side rendering very easily in contrast to the older JavaScript-based applications where we have to make use of external third-party libraries.  Since JS pages are heavy, crawlers take more time to crawl a page, whereas in React, a page comes as a single web page with the help of Virtual DOM.  

    Outlined above are just some of the basic React features. There are still tonnes of advantages of React, covered in the following pointers:

    • Easy to use and easy to learn
    • Performance and reusability
    • Less Development time
    • An amazing Ecosystem, dev tools, and new frameworks
    • Single codebase, multiple views
    • Ability to build MVP features in a scalable and faster manner
    • Component oriented approach
    • Performance and reusability


    By now, you have a clear idea about why there is such a demand for React developers and for React as a framework.  

    React is definitely a great tool for developing apps with bite-sized components that are easy-to-understand. One of React’s best features is managing the state for the components. You may have understood how React is helping developers write cleaner, lesser and more scalable code.  

    There’s a lot more to read if you want to know how to use Reacto transform the way web Apps are built.  For further reading or research, I suggest you deep dive into the projects written in React from scratch by the React community 

    Happy Learning!  


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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