HomeBlogAgileTop 12 Release Train Engineer (RTE) Tools for 2024

Top 12 Release Train Engineer (RTE) Tools for 2024

04th Jan, 2024
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    Top 12 Release Train Engineer (RTE) Tools for 2024

    Release Train Engineers (RTEs) play a critical role in streamlining work and ensuring the efficient delivery of software projects in Agile organizations, particularly in large-scale Agile frameworks like SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework). To achieve this, RTEs leverage various tools and software solutions that help facilitate collaboration, coordination, and visibility across Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and teams. 

    RTE tools support different aspects of RTE responsibilities, including backlog management, sprint planning, dependency management, and communication. Knowing how to use these tools is very crucial for an RTE to succeed in their role. Enrolling in a SAFe RTE course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively fulfill the role of an RTE in a SAFe organization. In this post we will see what tools does a release engineer use, their key features and benefits and much more.

    Types of RTE Tools

    Static analysis, dynamic analysis, and code generation tools are essential components in the software development process, aiding in code quality, security, and efficiency.

    1. Static Analysis Tools: Static analysis tools, also known as static code analyzers, are used to analyze source code, application binaries, or software design without executing the code. They aim to identify potential issues, defects, vulnerabilities, and adherence to coding standards. E.g.: Robocop, PHP Stan.
    2. Dynamic Analysis Tools: Dynamic analysis tools, also referred to as runtime analysis tools, analyze software during execution. They monitor the behavior of running applications to identify performance issues, memory leaks, and runtime errors. E.g.: Valgrind, Fuzzers.
    3. Code Generation Tools: Code generation tools are used to automate the generation of code, reducing manual coding efforts and improving code consistency. They are commonly used in areas like code scaffolding, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), and data serialization. E.g.: Swagger Codegen, JHipster.
    4. Common Features of RTE Tools: RTEs play a critical role in facilitating and coordinating Agile Release Trains (ARTs), ensuring alignment with Agile principles, and promoting efficient delivery. Agile Methodology training helps RTE in performing their responsibilities effectively. RTE tools are designed to streamline the coordination and management of Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Agile practices within an organization. The most common features include:
    5. Integration Capabilities: Robust integration capabilities empower RTE tools to serve as central hubs for managing and coordinating Agile Release Trains efficiently. They facilitate data flow, streamline processes, and enable collaboration among teams and systems, contributing to successful Agile transformation and software delivery.
    6. Automated Testing: Automated testing is a crucial feature in Release Train Engineer (RTE) tools, as it supports the Agile Release Train (ART) in maintaining software quality and accelerating the development and deployment process. It enables RTE tools to facilitate the integration of automated testing into the Agile development process, ensuring that software is thoroughly tested, reliable, and ready for deployment in Agile Release Trains.
    7. Configuration Management: Effective configuration management is crucial for maintaining the reliability, consistency, and scalability of software deployments within Agile Release Trains. These features help organizations manage configurations efficiently, reduce human error, and ensure that software is deployed consistently across various environments.

    Agile Release Train Tools
    Nan- Labs

    Top 12 Popular RTE Tools

    Below is the agile RTE tools list for you to examine and choose.

    1. Jira Software

    Jira Software

    • Features
      • Customizable issue types and workflows to match your project's needs.
      • Scrum boards for sprint planning, tracking, and reporting.
      • Drag-and-drop functionality to move items between backlog and sprints.
    • Cost: $10/month upto 10 users and $7 per user/month for 11+users
    • Pros
      • Jira comes loaded with features that benefit agile engineering teams such as visual project reports, custom filters for backlog management and customizable scrum boards.
      • Jira stands out for its ability to adapt to your engineering and QA agile teams' demands.
    • Cons: For organizations switching to agile methodologies or who are new to scrum, this tool's sophisticated features may be intimidating.

    2. ClickUp

    • Tool Overview: A highly customizable solution like ClickUp is required for agile management in software engineering. You may manage and track your sprints with this application, which makes it simple to integrate with your internal processes. Thanks to its extensive instruction on how to build up an agile/scrum workflow, which covers how to adjust project goals, lists, and custom fields.


    • Features
      • Task Management: Create, organize, and assign tasks.
      • Task Views: Customize task views like lists, boards, and calendars.
      • Time Tracking: Track time spent on tasks and projects.
      • Document Management: Attach files and collaborate on documents.
    • Cost: $7per user/month to $12 per user/month 
    • Pros
      • The high level of customization allows teams to tailor ClickUp to match their specific workflows and requirements.
      • ClickUp provides multiple task views (lists, boards, calendars, Gantt charts), offering flexibility for different project management styles.
    • Cons 
      • The abundance of features and customization options can be overwhelming for some users, leading to a steeper learning curve.
      • While ClickUp offers a free version, some advanced features are available only in paid plans. The cost can be a consideration for smaller teams or organizations on a tight budget.

    3. GitLab

    • Team Overview: The GitLab DevSecOps platform promotes software innovation by enabling teams working on development, security, and operations to produce better software more quickly.


    • Cost: $29 to $99 per user per month
    • Features
      • The entire team can stay in sync for code sharing and collaboration using GitLab's source control solution.
      • Great integration support with tools like Jenkins to ease development workflows and automate them.
    • Pros
      • GitLab makes DevSecOps simple by providing a single platform with an intuitive user experience.
      • GitLab has integrated security scans that offer a complete security solution.
      • To maintain transparency and an open-core strategy, the GitLab code base is accessible to community contributions.
      • Without vendor lock-in, it can be deployed anywhere in the cloud.
    • Cons
      • Using IDE in a browser is not entirely seamless.
      • Insufficient cross-platform support.

    4. SpiraPlan

    • Tool Overview: SpiraPlan is a business solution for agile project management which assists in requirements management, release planning, and iteration/sprint planning. Users may manage tasks, bugs, code, and workflows with the aid of SpiraPlan.


    • Features
      • SpiraPlan has capabilities including a team-specific instant messaging function, an editable internal wiki, and straightforward document collaboration.
      • It provides users with a unified view of all projects, making it simple to determine what is crucial and which tasks need to be given top priority and assigned to a timeframe.
    • Cost: $51.84 per concurrent user per month
    • Pros
      • SpiraPlan's ease of use and customizability, especially for team members who aren't extremely tech-savvy, is one of its key advantages.
      • Perfect starting point for teams managing sizable projects.
    • Cons
      • SpiraPlan doesn't appear to be particularly strong in reporting. Some customers complained about the lack of detail in the reports that were generated and asked for a deeper level of report customization.
      • Many customers complained about latency problems, particularly when attempting load tests or lengthy project procedures.

    5. Kubernetes

    • Tool Overview: Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is a powerful open-source container orchestration platform used for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.


    • Features
      • Deploy and modify application configuration and secrets without having to rebuild your image or expose secrets in your stack configuration.
      • Replaces and reschedules containers when nodes fail, destroys containers that don't answer your user-defined health check, and doesn't advertise them to clients until they are prepared to serve.
    • Cost: It is an open-source platform.
    • Pros
      • Kubernetes is an open-source platform, with the ability to use on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud infrastructure.
      • You can transfer workloads with ease to the locations that are most important to you.
      • Kubernetes scales without expanding your operations crew. It was developed by Google using the same concepts that enable it to run billions of containers every week.
    • Cons
      • Even for the most seasoned developers and DevOps experts, learning Kubernetes without a clear learning roadmap can be a nightmare.
      • It can be very difficult to migrate existing applications to Kubernetes

    6. Planview AgilePlace

    • Tool Overview: Planview AgilePlace is a Kanban and Agile project management application used by businesses to visualize their work, streamline their operations, and use Agile and Lean methodologies.

    Planview AgilePlace

    • Features
      • Customizable visualizing team backlogs and scheduling work using kanban boards, swimlanes, and cards.
      • Using dependencies to map interactions between teamwork components.
      • Analytics that offer perceptions of the state of the job, cycle time, lead time, and team productivity.
    • Cost: $19–$29 per user/month
    • Pros
      • Planview AgilePlace makes it simple for different teams to collaborate during PI planning by offering an interactive Kanban board interface and planning environment.
      • It offers real-time communication capabilities like comments, mentions, and discussion threads.
    • Cons
      • Planview Agile Plac is a paid tool, and the cost may be a consideration for organizations with budget constraints.
      • Integration Complexity: Configuring complex integrations with third-party tools may require technical expertise.

    7. Kendis

    • Tool Overview: Agile scaling is made possible by the cloud-based technology Kendis. It is designed to help teams plan, track, and execute their work at the program level, using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).


    • Features
      • Teams can hold PI Planning meetings using the digital platform offered by Kendis. 
      • Teams can also use it to manage and identify dependencies between work items. 
      • To monitor progress, spot bottlenecks, and make wise decisions, Kendis offers a number of reports.
    • Cost: $8 to $23 per user/month
    • Pros
      • To help teams spot possible issues early on and rectify them, Kendis offers real-time visibility into the status of programs and projects. 
      • Teams may easily work together on projects and initiatives with Kendis, even if they are spread out across the globe.
    • Cons: Kendis' documentation and support resources may be less comprehensive compared to more widely used Agile tools.

    8. Monday.com

    • Tool Overview: Monday.com is a popular work operating system that helps teams and organizations manage their work, projects, and processes efficiently.


    • Features
      • This application includes advanced reporting tools and interfaces with a variety of popular platforms, allowing your team to enhance your internal procedure.
      • It offers a visible and scalable platform for organizing, monitoring, and automating processes and activities connected to work.
    • Cost: $8–$16 per user/month
    • Pros
      • Agile engineering teams can organize sprints, tasks, user stories, and defects rapidly with the help of Monday.com's straightforward, uncomplicated platform. 
      • Highly visual and user-friendly interface with customizable boards, making it easy for teams to get started and manage work visually.
    • Cons
      • A few users find the interface cluttered, disorganized, or confusing.
      • Some users have reported performance issues, particularly when dealing with large amounts of data or extensive usage.

    9. Clarizen

    • Tool Overview: Clarizen is an enterprise-level agile management for software engineering. The engineering and QA agile teams can collaborate more effectively thanks to this automation software solution that unifies work, content, and procedure on a single platform.


    • Features
      • Define project milestones, tasks, and dependencies.
      • Foster collaboration among team members and stakeholders through discussion boards, comments, and file sharing.
      • Manage resource allocation based on skills and availability
      • Generate timesheets for accurate time reporting and billing 
    • Cost: $45 per user per month
    • Pros
      • Clarizen is a solution that combines project management with work management. It is best suited for larger businesses and organizations. 
      • It is straightforward and quick to get started thanks to an intuitive user interface (UI).
    • Cons
      • Not very quick, smooth, or receptive
      • Expensive

    10. Pivotal Tracker

    • Tool Overview: Pivotal Tracker is a popular Agile project management tool designed to help software development teams plan, track, and manage their work efficiently. It follows Agile and Scrum principles and offers a range of features to support iterative and collaborative development. 

    Pivotal Tracker

    • Features
      • Agile teams in engineering and QA can work together using Pivotal Tracker's shared and prioritized backlog, which highlights everyone's contribution to the project. 
      • The scrum tool's agile features, such as iteration management, user-story tracking, third-party application connectors, and performance tracking reports, are also available to users. 
    • Cost: $10 per month per user for a total of 10 users.
    • Pros
      • Pivotal Tracker is recognized for its user interface, which is straightforward and friendly. This tool makes it easy for teams to start using Agile project management.
      • Pivotal Tracker's story-based approach to planning helps teams focus on delivering value to customers and stakeholders.
    • Cons: Pivotal Tracker is primarily focused on Agile and Scrum project management, which may not be suitable for organizations with different methodologies or complex needs.

    11. Wrike

    • Tool Overview: Wrike is a cloud-based project management and work collaboration software used by teams and organizations to streamline their work processes, improve productivity, and manage projects efficiently.


    • Features
      • Wrike offers a wide range of job management tools, such as Kanban boards, resource management, issue tracking, and thorough project reports. 
      • Use pre-built templates and project blueprints to jumpstart new projects.
    • Cost: $9.80–$24.80 per user/month
    • Pros
      • Agile engineering and QA teams may plan and analyze tasks, as well as measure successful processes, using Wrike's simple to use user interface since it offers both flexibility and scalability.
      • Due to its versatility, Wrike is appropriate for a variety of business sectors and project kinds, including marketing, software development, and construction.
    • Cons
      • Smaller teams may find Wrike's feature set to be overkill for their needs, as it is designed to handle a wide range of project complexities.
      • Lacks robust budgeting and invoicing tools

    12. Jenkins

    • Tool Overview: Jenkins is one of the most widely used continuous integration tools in the market. It is an open-source automation server which helps you manage software delivery processes efficiently.


    • Cost: It is free for all users.
    • Features
      • Integrates with other CI/CD platforms.
      • Jenkins is compatible with SVN, Git, and other types of source code repositories. Once the codes have been altered, the developer can set an alternative trigger.
    • Pros
      • Jenkins is available for a number of different pieces of hardware and operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and OS X. 
      • Anyone can utilize this platform because it is open-source.
    • Cons
      • When compared to current UI trends, it falls short in some ways in terms of user-friendliness.
      • Installing and configuring the Jenkins tool is very tedious.

    Considerations for Choosing RTE Tools

    Choosing the right Release Train Engineer (RTE) tools is critical for effectively managing and coordinating Agile Release Trains (ARTs) in organizations that follow the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) or similar scaled Agile methodologies. Here are important factors to keep in mind when selecting commonly used SAFe RTE tools:

    1. Compatibility with Development Environment

    • Ensure that the RTE tools align with the principles, roles, and practices of SAFe or the scaling Agile framework you are using. They should support the specific events and artifacts of these frameworks.
    • It is advisable to choose tools that are intuitive and flexible. RTEs and Agile teams should be able to quickly adapt to and use the tools effectively.
    • Verify that the RTE tools can seamlessly integrate with other tools and systems used in your organization, such as version control systems, issue tracking tools (e.g., JIRA), CI/CD pipelines, and collaboration platforms.

    2. Scalability and Performance

    • Consider how well the RTE tools can scale to support multiple Agile Release Trains running concurrently. Large organizations may have numerous ARTs working on different products or value streams, and the tools should be capable of accommodating this scale.
    • Conduct load testing and performance testing with simulated high user loads and data volumes to validate the scalability and performance of the tools under realistic conditions.

    3. Licensing and Cost Factors

    • Calculate the upfront costs of acquiring licenses for the RTE tools. Compare these costs across the different tools you are considering.
    • Understand the licensing terms, whether they are subscription-based (e.g., monthly or yearly) or perpetual (one-time purchase). Consider which model aligns with your organization's budgeting preferences.

    Best Practices for Using RTE Tools

    Using Release Train Engineer (RTE) tools effectively is crucial for managing Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and large-scale Agile projects. Here are some best practices for using RTE tools:

    • Choose an RTE tool that aligns with your organization's Agile framework (e.g., SAFe, Scrum) and specific needs. Consider factors like scalability, customization options, and integration capabilities.
    • Establish standardized workflows and processes within the RTE tool. Define clear guidelines for how teams should use the tool for planning, tracking, and reporting.
    • Ensure that RTEs and team members receive adequate training on how to use the tool effectively. Offer training sessions, workshops, and documentation to help users become proficient.
    • Customize the RTE tool's configurations to match your organization's Agile framework and practices. Ensure that the tool supports your chosen Agile methodology.
    • Leverage integration capabilities to connect the RTE tool with other essential tools in your software development and DevOps ecosystem. 
    • Maintain data integrity by enforcing consistency in data entry and updates. Define naming conventions, fields, and labels to ensure uniformity.

    Challenges in RTE Tool Adoption

    The adoption of agile release train engineer tools, like any technology or process change, can come with several challenges. Here are some common challenges organizations may face when adopting RTE tools:

    • Team members may find it challenging to adapt to the complexity of these tools.
    • Integrating the RTE tool with other existing tools and systems can be complex. Incompatibility issues or the need for custom integrations may arise, leading to delays.
    • Transitioning existing data and work items from legacy systems or spreadsheets to the RTE tool can be time-consuming and error-prone if not handled correctly.
    • Insufficient training and onboarding for RTEs and team members can hinder effective tool utilization. 
    • Over-customization may make the tool overly complex, and frequent changes to configurations can disrupt workflows.
    • Selecting the right RTE tool that aligns with the organization's needs and Agile framework can be a challenge. The wrong tool choice can lead to inefficiencies and frustration.

    Advantages of RTE Tools

    SAFe release train engineer tools and offers several advantages for organizations implementing Agile practices, particularly in large-scale software development projects.

    • RTE tools provide a centralized platform for planning and managing Agile Release Trains (ARTs). Teams can easily collaborate on release planning, sprint planning, and backlog prioritization.
    • Teams can see work items, progress, and dependencies with the aid of many RTE solutions' visual boards, charts, and dashboards. This enhances transparency and improves decision-making.
    • RTE tools are designed to handle large-scale projects with multiple Agile teams and release trains. They can scale to accommodate complex organizational structures.
    • These tools often include automation features that streamline routine tasks, such as status updates, notifications, and reporting. This reduces manual effort and minimizes errors.
    • RTE tools can be customized to align with an organization's Agile framework and specific processes. This flexibility ensures that the tool adapts to the organization's needs.
    • Numerous RTE technologies offer connections with a variety of third-party resources, including pipelines for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), issue tracking tools, and version control systems. This integration enhances collaboration and data flow.


    To sum up, RTE tools are essential for orchestrating and managing massive Agile projects. They allow organizations to work more effectively, align with Agile principles, and complete projects successfully. The choice of tools can vary depending on an organization's size, industry, technology stack, and specific Agile framework (e.g., SAFe). RTEs should select tools that align with their unique requirements and workflows to optimize their role in coordinating Agile Release Trains and delivering value to the organization. KnowledgeHut SAFe RTE course will help equip yourself with SAFe RTE certification to work in a lean enterprise.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What tools are available for managing dependencies and artifacts within the SAFe framework?

    ServiceNow, Rally Software, SpiraPlan, PlanView are a few of the tools available for managing dependencies and artifacts within the SAFe framework.

    2Which Agile project management tools are popular among RTEs for backlog management and sprint planning?

    Jira Software, Pivotal Tracker, Monday.com, Asana and Trello are the popular Agile project management tools among RTEs for backlog management and sprint planning.

    3Which CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) tools are commonly integrated into RTE workflows?

    Jenkins, Gitlab, DeplyBot, AWS Code Deploy, Team City are the commonly integrated CI/CD tools into RTE workflows.

    4What are the most popular tools for release train engineer?

    Jenkins, Jira Software, Wrike, ClickUp, SpiraPlan are the most popular tools for release train engineers.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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