HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop 10 Must-Have IoT Skills in 2024 & How to Develop Them?

Top 10 Must-Have IoT Skills in 2024 & How to Develop Them?

07th Mar, 2024
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    Top 10 Must-Have IoT Skills in 2024 & How to Develop Them?

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the world by connecting devices, sensors, and data through a strong network. This facilitates communication between distant devices to provide the best user experience. Soon, IoT is expected to generate more than a billion connected devices. You must have the necessary skills required for the Internet of Things and competencies to thrive in this continuously changing sector.

    This blog will get you the top ten IoT skills that will be in high demand in 2024, as well as how you may develop them through IoT online courses, projects, and certifications. These skills can help you stand out in the IoT job market and progress your career whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional.

    What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

    The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to a network of networked physical objects, including machines, automobiles, appliances, and other items, that are equipped with sensors, software, and communication capabilities. Through the internet, these gadgets can communicate with one another and with people, resulting in a massive ecosystem of interconnected devices. Intelligent automation, data sharing, and decision-making are made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT), which boosts productivity, convenience, and creativity across a variety of industries, including smart homes, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and more.

    The Most In-demand IoT Skills to Boost Your Career

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most exciting and promising fields in the digital era. It offers endless possibilities for creating smart and connected solutions that can improve lives, businesses and societies. However, to succeed in this domain, you need the right skills and knowledge to help you design, develop and deploy IoT applications. One way to tackle the IoT skills gap is to keep upskilling with the latest developments in the field and stay updated with trends. Here are the most in-demand IoT skills that can boost your career and make you an asset in the IoT industry:

    1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    It is a required IoT technical skill for developers. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are essential skills required for IoT that help in creating smart and intelligent IoT applications that can learn from data, make predictions and optimize performance. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can enable IoT devices to perform tasks such as face recognition, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, anomaly detection, recommendation systems and more. To master Artificial intelligence and machine learning skills, you need to have a strong background in mathematics, statistics and a few programming languages.

    2. Node.js Development

    Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime environment that can be used to build scalable and efficient IoT applications. Node.js can handle multiple requests and events without blocking the main thread. This makes it ideal for IoT scenarios where real-time data processing and communication are required. Node.js also has a large and active community that provides many libraries and modules for IoT development, such as MQTT.js, Johnny-Five, Cylon.js, etc.

    3. Mobile App Development

    Mobile app development is another IoT skill required for IoT developers, as mobile devices are often used as interfaces or controllers for IoT devices. Mobile app development involves creating user-friendly and responsive apps that can communicate with IoT devices via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC or other protocols. Mobile app development also requires knowledge of various OS and languages such as Android, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, Java, etc.

    4. API Automation and Testing

    API automation and testing are IoT skills in demand crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of IoT applications. API automation and testing involve creating and executing automated tests that can verify the functionality, performance and security of the APIs. This connects IoT devices with cloud services or other devices. API automation and testing also help to identify and fix bugs, errors and vulnerabilities in the IoT system. Some of the tools that can be used for API automation and testing are Postman, SoapUI, Rest-Assured, JMeter, etc.

    5. Information Security

    Information security is the most critical and challenging aspect of IoT development. IoT devices collect and transmit sensitive and personal data that can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. Information security involves applying various techniques and methods to protect the data, devices and networks from unauthorized access, modification or destruction. Information security can help to create secure and trustworthy IoT solutions that can protect the privacy and integrity of the users and the data. Information security also powers modern day IoT devices by enabling them to use encryption, authentication, authorization, firewall, VPN, etc.

    6. UI/UX Design

    UI/UX design is the process of creating user interfaces and user experiences that are intuitive, engaging and satisfying for the users of IoT applications. It is an important Internet of Things skills, that involves understanding the needs and preferences of the users, creating wireframes and prototypes, testing and iterating the design solutions and implementing. This can be done by using various tools and technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React Native, etc. These skills are important as you will be user-centric and attractive IoT solutions that can improve the usability and accessibility of the IoT devices.

    7. Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing is the backbone of IoT applications, as it provides the infrastructure and services. This enables IoT devices to store, process and analyze large amounts of data in a scalable and cost-effective way. Cloud computing also offers various features such as elasticity, availability, reliability and security that are essential for IoT applications. There are various cloud computing platforms and services such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), etc. Cloud computing forms an essential part of the IoT skill set required for IoT developers.

    8. Embedded Systems and Programming

    Embedded systems are specialized hardware devices that are designed to perform specific functions within an IoT system. They can include microcontrollers, microprocessors, sensors, actuators, etc. Embedded systems programming involves writing code that can run on these devices using low-level languages such as C, C++, Assembly, etc. Embedded systems programming may involve conceptual study of various memory management, interrupts, timers, serial communication, etc.

    9. Sensors and Actuators

    Sensors and actuators are the components that enable IoT devices to interact with the physical world. This is done by sensing and controlling various parameters such as temperature, humidity, light, motion, sound, etc. Sensors and actuators enable the devices to perform certain tasks in response to the environment. They may involve the understanding of various protocols and interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART, GPIO, PWM, etc. They can also help you create interactive and responsive IoT devices that can adapt to different environments and situations. 

    10. Data Analytics and Visualization for IoT

    It is necessary to apply data analytics and visualization techniques to extract meaningful insights from IoT data. This will help process, analyze, and present the data in a comprehensible and actionable way. Data analytics and visualization for IoT involve extracting insights and value from the data generated by IoT devices. This is done by using various techniques and tools such as descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, machine learning, deep learning, etc. Data analytics and visualization are crucial skills needed for IoT, involving presenting and communicating the results using various methods and tools such as charts, graphs, dashboards, reports, etc.

    How to Improve IoT Skills?

    Here are some tips to improve your Internet of Things skills required for successful careers:

    • Identify the popular skills and projects used in IoT jobs and consider reading job descriptions posted on the internet to determine which skills require the most focus.
    • You can go for IoT training and engage and learn directly from industry experts driving the Internet of Things revolutions.
    • Working as an intern in an IoT company can give you hands-on experience and exposure to real-world projects. You can also network with other professionals and get feedback on your work
    • Creating your own IoT devices or applications can help you practice your skills and showcase your creativity. You can use open-source platforms or tools to get started and share your work with others for feedback

    How to Highlight IoT Skills in Your Resume?

    Here are some ways you could effectively highlight your IoT job skills in your resume:

    • You can briefly mention your IoT skills for freshers and how they relate to the position you are applying for in the first section of your resume.
    • You can create a dedicated section for your skills on your resume and list the ones that are relevant to the job. You can also include a description of your expertise or proficiency level for each skill.
    • You can demonstrate how you have used your IoT skills in your previous or current roles by providing specific examples and achievements. 

    Wrapping Up

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the world in extraordinary ways, creating new opportunities and challenges for individuals and organizations. IoT skills are essential for anyone who wants to thrive in this dynamic and innovative field. In this blog, we have discussed the top 10 must-have IoT skills in 2024 and how to develop them, covering topics such as cloud computing, data analytics, user interface design and others. By acquiring these skills, you will be able to design, implement and manage IoT solutions that can solve real-world problems and enhance the quality of life. KnowledgeHut’s IoT training course will be an add-on and boost your IoT skills further. Through this course, you can get familiar with the latest cyber security trends and work with state-of-the-art technologies.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How does IoT work?

    IoT works by connecting different devices and systems through the internet or other communications networks, using sensors, software, and other technologies. The devices and systems can collect, transmit, process, and analyze data from various sources, and act on the data or share it with other devices and systems. 

    2What are the benefits of IoT?

    IoT can provide various benefits which are mentioned below: 

    • Improving efficiency and productivity by automating tasks, optimizing processes, and reducing costs
    • Enhancing customer experience and satisfaction by providing personalized services, feedback, and recommendations.
    • Increasing safety and security by monitoring and preventing cyber threats.
    3What are some examples of IoT devices and applications?

    Some examples of IoT devices and applications are as follows: 

    • Smart speakers such as Alexa, Cortana, and Siri use natural language processing.
    • Smartwatches and fitness trackers.
    • Smart lights that change color, brightness, and mood based on the user’s commands or ambient conditions. 
    4Are there any certifications or training programs available to enhance IoT skills?

     Yes, several certifications and training programs are available to enhance IoT skills. Here are a few examples:

    • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) IoT
    • Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty
    • CompTIA Internet of Things (IoT+) Certification
    • AWS Certified IoT Specialty
    5What career opportunities and job roles are available for individuals with strong IoT skills?

    Strong IoT skill sets provide many employment options and work jobs across numerous industries. Some of these are:

    • IoT Solutions Architect
    • IoT Developer/Engineer
    • Data Analyst/Scientist
    • IoT Security Specialist IoT Consultant

    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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