HomeBlogData Science Top 10+ ChatGPT Alternatives in 2024

Top 10+ ChatGPT Alternatives in 2024

04th Mar, 2024
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     Top 10+ ChatGPT Alternatives in 2024

    Most individuals will respond with ChatGPT when asked to name an AI assistant. ChatGPT is one of the first AI chatbots to be freely accessible to the general population. It is free, and each update has seen a rise in the quality of its responses. In the AI game, however, it is not the only name.

    There are numerous ChatGPT rivals today, with some even being referred to as a ChatGPT alternative. Some depend on different machine learning methods or are trained on various large language models (LLMs), while others are made to handle more specialized jobs than ChatGPT. Some also include additional functions. All of them are competing with ChatGPT.

    In this article, I will be discussing the Top 10 alternatives for ChatGPT.

    Why Look For ChatGPT Alternatives?

    Utilizing a ChatGPT substitute is one of the primary methods for getting access to more sophisticated capabilities.

    For instance, many of the alternatives have sentiment analysis and speech recognition features that might assist organisations in having tailored discussions with their clients. As a result, businesses may give a more engaging experience by customizing their responses based on the feedback of the customer.

    A few of the alternatives also offer integrations with other customer service platforms and multiple language support. Utilizing a ChatGPT alternative may be more affordable, which is an additional benefit. Despite ChatGPT's outstanding feature set, many companies find the pricing to be prohibitive for their requirements.

    Alternatives frequently provide more flexible price structures, and some even offer free plans for small enterprises. The ease of usage of any particular alternative to ChatGPT varies. Many of them have straightforward user interfaces that enable quick setup without any prior programming experience. Through the speedy setup of their virtual agent without having to hire a developer, this can save companies time and money. You can gain a deeper understanding of this by going through the different elements of an AI course that could be your guide to understanding AI better.

    Must-Have ChatGPT Alternative Features

    Depending on your function and how you first intended to utilize ChatGPT, you may require different features from an alternative to ChatGPT. You could require an AI content generator if you work in marketing. An AI code tool can be required if you work in software development. We all require AI to enable us to work more quickly and efficiently.

    As you contrast your options, take into account the following qualities to determine which ChatGPT Alternative AI tool is best for you:

    • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP is the foundation of almost all AI technologies. It creates an answer after receiving a simple question from you. But the accuracy of natural language processing can differ significantly between AI models. Ask the AI chatbots as many questions as you can, and make sure you're satisfied with the quality of the answers.
    • Auto-completion: The goal of AI is to streamline and accelerate our work. Your workflow will be sped up by auto-completion tools, which use artificial intelligence to fill in the remaining blanks in your code, communication, or long-form material.
    • Use cases: Examples of Tasks carried out by various AI vary. Make sure the AI you select has experience with tasks in your area of expertise. For instance, content producers may want generative AI that can draught lengthy articles, produce AI artwork, and develop content calendars. Project managers can require AI to create project summaries, plan meetings, and modify Excel spreadsheets.
    • Plugins: You may integrate and use your AI with other existing apps by using plugins and connectors. This can make the AI easier to include into your workflow, and some plugins let an AI-powered tool carry out extra duties.

    Top ChatGPT Alternatives

    Now that we have talked so much about these ChatGPT alternatives, let’s find out what they are. 

    In case you are looking to develop an in-depth understanding of this, please explore AI courses that can help you become future-ready with AI. You can also note the AI Bootcamp duration to adjust your schedule accordingly.

     1. Microsoft Bing


    • Virtual Assistance: Bing Chatbots offer virtual assistance within Microsoft's ecosystem. They can answer questions, provide information, and perform tasks like scheduling appointments or retrieving documents.
    • Integration: These chatbots are tightly integrated with Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft applications, allowing users to access information and perform actions without leaving their work environment.
    • Natural Language Understanding: Bing Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational manner.
    • Task Automation: Users can use Bing Chatbots to automate routine tasks, such as setting reminders, sending notifications, or extracting information from documents.

    Pricing: It is a ChatGPT alternative online free of cost.


    • Efficient Assistance: Bing Chatbots can provide quick and efficient assistance to users, helping them find information and complete tasks more effectively.
    • Integration: Integration with Microsoft's productivity tools makes Bing Chatbots convenient for businesses and organizations already using Microsoft products.
    • Natural Language Interaction: The use of natural language understanding makes interactions with these chatbots more user-friendly and intuitive.


    • Dependency: The effectiveness of Bing Chatbots is contingent on integration with Microsoft's ecosystem, potentially limiting their usefulness outside of this environment.
    • Limited Customization: Depending on the specific implementation, customization options for chatbots may be limited, which could restrict their adaptability to unique business needs.
    • Evolving Technology: Like all AI-driven technologies, the capabilities and limitations of Bing Chatbots may evolve over time, requiring ongoing evaluation and adjustment.

    2. Google Bard AI

    Features: Built on Alphabet's original AI system, this programme is a component of the Alphabet Corporation's entrance into AI research. The Google Bard chatbot was trained on a different dataset that they call LaMDA (or Language Model for Dialogue Applications), while many of the chatbots on this list are based on ChatGPT's open-source GPT-3 or GPT-4 AI systems.

    It feels like a natural extension of using Google search to use Bard AI. When you ask a question, the response you receive is a nice chat, as if it were your helpful Google Assistant, as opposed to a webpage with the answer. Bard AI is also capable of producing creative material, including music, slogans, and AI social media captions.

    Pricing: It is one of the good ChatGPT alternatives free of cost.


    • Research management: Because Bard AI is backed by the strength of Google search, it excels at providing answers and assisting you with topic research.
    • Complete answers: Frequently, Google Bard provides more information in response to your queries, saving you from having to ask a lot of follow-up inquiries.


    • Generic responses: When you urge Bard to write more content, it frequently gives you trite, unoriginal responses.
    • Unrelated solutions: According to Google, Bard AI is still a work in progress and an experiment. You can report these instances so that the algorithm can continue to get better responses when it occasionally gives unsuitable or inaccurate ones.

    3. Jasper.ai

    Features: A collection of AI tools for content producers, Jasper.ai includes Jasper Chat. This tool is one of the ChatGPT alternatives and is a helpful AI chatbot that can respond to requests and enquiries.

    This chatbot can create complete blog posts, assist you in coming up with headline ideas, rewrite your emails to make them sound more cheerful and welcoming, and edit and create any kind of material you need. It may also produce AI graphics for blog headers, advertisements, thumbnails, and other purposes. Additionally, it features built-in prompts that can be used to learn how to utilize it.


    • Creator: $39 per month
    • Teams: $99 per month
    • Businesses: Custom pricing


    • 29 languages: Jasper can produce information in 29 different languages, unlike many chatbots that just provide content in English.
    • Chat context Jasper Chat is created to keep track of what you previously told it, ensuring that all of your comments are always relevant to the overall topic.
    • Brand understanding: Jasper may be instructed on your style manual to help it learn to write in your brand voice.


    • Fact-checking is necessary: Customers say Jasper occasionally generates factually incorrect text that needs editing, like the majority of ChatGPT competitors and AI content producers.
    • Generic subject: When you don't give Jasper enough information in your prompts, some users complain that its material can be repetitious or generic. 

    4. Writesonic

    Features: Writesonic offers blog and website like Chatgpt that is search engine optimized if you're seeking for AI created exclusively for marketing teams. You can use it to compose social media posts as well as advertisements, emails, and product descriptions.

    OpenAI's GPT-3 model was recently replaced by the GPT-4 model at Writesonic. In order to solve some of ChatGPT's drawbacks, Writesonic's Chatsonic chatbot also runs on GPT-4. It can converse with you in real time about hot topics and generate images in response to your commands.


    • Free trial
    • Pro: Starts at $12.67 per month
    • Enterprise: Starts at $1,000 per month


    • Long-form content production: Writesonic can be used for a number of writing activities, but one of its most amazing qualities is its capacity to produce excellent, long-form material.
    • SEO enhancement: This program will not only write the material but also optimize it for search engine rankings to reach your audience.


    • Faulty memory: Some customers claim Writesonic struggles to recall the voice they want it to use while writing or to remember to include instructions from a prior discussion in the new content it produces.
    • Restrictions on word usage: Your payment plan is based on the number of words Writesonic will produce for you each month, and some users feel the word restrictions to be excessively strict or gripe that they cannot get their words back if the AI doesn't adequately respond to their suggestion.

    5. Copy.ai

    Features: Your sales and marketing teams' workloads can be completed more quickly with the aid of an AI content generator.

    You can use Copy. Ai's prompts to produce blogs, social media posts, digital advertising, product sites, emails, and other types of content. Additionally, to create customized cold outreach emails for your sales team, it can also create marketing emails. Furthermore, you may use it to produce comprehensive content briefs in a single word or internal documentation. Additionally, it contains an AI chatbot with pre-installed writing prompts.


    • Free
    • Pro: $36 per month for up to five users
    • Enterprise: Custom pricing for larger teams


    • Sales outreach: Unlike many AI content producers, Copy.ai offers tools tailored specifically for sales teams rather than just copywriters and marketing teams.
    • Superior protection: All of your data is secure because Copy.ai is SOC 2 compliant and accredited.
    • Open API: By integrating this program with your customer relationship management system, you can send automatic, personalized emails.


    • Some people argue that the copy lacks originality and isn't as insightful or imaginative as human-generated copy.
    • Knowledge gaps: There have been reports of the AI giving different information when asked the same question repeatedly, thus any copy your team generates using this program may require more meticulous fact-checking.

    6. OpenAI Playground

    Features: The same AI engine that underpins ChatGPT is also utilized in OpenAI Playground, but it is more geared towards content production. It is an excellent ChatGPT alternative for writing. You can use it to test some of OpenAI's most cutting-edge AI technologies and see what they're capable of. Essentially, it's an opportunity for you to experiment with AI.

    Pricing: Free


    • AI Modes: While ChatGPT primarily functions as a chatbot, OpenAI Playground enables you to swap between modes. You can ask it to answer questions for you, act as a chatbot, or narrate a narrative.
    • Content Editing: You can ask OpenAI Playground to revise, amend, or add to a text that you've already written. Additionally, you may modify the parameters to change the AI's style of answer and the amount of repetition and complexity in the content.


    • OpenAI account is needed: While Playground is initially available without charge, you must first create an OpenAI account.
    • Limited time usage: You will receive a free credit when you join up for OpenAI, but you will need to buy extra credits to keep using the app when this credit expires.

    7. Claude 2

    Features: By the business Anthropic, Claude 2 is an enhanced AI chatbot. As a result of Google's financial support, the startup is a rival of OpenAI. Not in the conventional sense, Claude employs an LLM model. Instead, it makes use of a variety of "proprietary AI techniques" that include a neural network, training data, and more. Here, natural dialogue is the main emphasis. As a result, using Claude results in a trustworthy, helpful, and reliable bot.

    • Pricing: Free
    • Pros: Claude is capable of authoring intricate information and code, as well as engaging in ordinary conversation, joke telling, and puzzle solving. Even the option to attach files so that text can be extracted from them is included.
    • Cons: Claude 2 cannot access the Internet and hence it is limited by its data.

    8. Llama 2

    Features: Llama 2 was introduced to the open-source community by Meta following the success of Llama. This time, the company has offered models that have been pre-trained and fine-tuned, with parameters ranging from 7B to 70B. It supports contexts up to 4096 tokens long. Llama 2 is trained on 2 trillion tokens and has twice the context length of its preceding model.

    Pricing: Free


    • Llama 2 excels at coding and reasoning when it comes to skills.
    • Llama 2 is one of the most potent basic open-source models, making ChatGPT face stiff competition. If Llama 2 can take the position of ChatGPT for you, you should without a doubt give it a try.

    Cons: It falls well short of GPT-4 and even GPT-3.5 models in the HumanEval test.

    9. YouChat

    Features: YouChat is an AI chatbot that facilitates web searching. It is a chatgpt alternative website. Simply type your inquiry into You.com to receive a response from a helpful bot rather than the typical search engine result page. You can also request other services from the bot, such as idea generation, email writing, text summarization, and assistance with Javascript, Python, HTML, and other coding languages. It is an excellent chatgpt alternative for coding. This excellent free AI tool for programmers makes the claim that the coding responses it provides are more precise than those from Google.

    Additionally, YouChat is available as an app for Apple iOS and Android.

    Pricing: Free


    • Code generation: Similar to ChatGPT, YouChat can assist with code completion, answer coding-related inquiries, or generate code in real time.
    • You may instruct YouChat's writing AI about the kind of material, tone, audience, and crucial points to include.
    • Chat to search: By switching tabs, you may quickly access search results, photographs, videos, news, and social media posts on the same subject after asking the AI chatbot a question.


    • Some functions need a login: Despite the fact that many of YouChat's features are accessible from the home page, some of them necessitate creating an account and logging in.
    • Limits on content: 10 free pieces of content may not be enough for content producers.

    10. GitHub Copilot X

    Features: The most recent GPT-4 model from OpenAI is used by GitHub Copilot, which has been trained on millions of lines of code. VS Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains are just a few of the platforms that Copilot is compatible with. This user-friendly Chat GPT alternative also has the ability to generate syntax in a number of other languages, including JavaScript, PHP, BASH, and others.

    The idea of auto-completion is the foundation of Copilot, but it goes much farther. As a result, the tool aids programmers by instantly suggesting and finishing complete functions and lines of code. Think of Copilot X as a tool to aid in overcoming programmers' block.

    Pricing: There are two subscription options for GitHub Copilot: monthly and yearly. Choosing a monthly billing cycle will result in a $10 monthly fee. If you opt for an annual billing cycle, you will be charged $100 annually.


    • Beyond simply writing code, Copilot X's use of GPT-4 allows users to receive in-depth analyses and explanations of code blocks. It accepts pull requests, responds to inquiries on the documentation, and offers a tailored developer experience.
    • GitHub has chat and voice for Copilot, giving users a ChatGPT-like experience, as well as GitHub Copilot Voice, which enables developers to orally provide natural language cues. Simply ask Copilot X to suggest changes to the code, and it will do so immediately.


    • Can’t write perfecto code
    • A bit expensive than other tools

    11. Otter

    Features: Otter is the AI assistant to use if you are interested in contracting out project management work. You can manage your meetings with the aid of this AI language model tool. It will write meeting summaries, capture audio, record slides, and write meeting notes. With this straightforward tool, you can keep your entire team on the same page and include anyone who was unable to attend without having to pick up a single pen.


    • Basic: Free
    • Pro: $8.33 per month
    • Business: $20 per user per month
    • Enterprise: Custom pricing


    • Voice-to-text and audio tools make sure you have a clear record of all the material discussed in your project meetings.
    • Note-taking: One of the most laborious aspects of project management can be outsourced using notes and summaries, freeing up your time for more crucial activities.


    • It is necessary to manually halt recording. The AI will continue recording if you fail to turn it off after your meeting. Sensitive information could wind up in your meeting notes, which can be challenging to delete or get rid of.
    • No follow-up steps: Some customers say that action items are not automatically identified by AI, and that finding them manually in the transcription can take a lot of time.

    If you're interested in expanding your understanding of artificial intelligence, consider enrolling in the KnowledgeHut Elements of AI course.


    Even if ChatGPT is among the most well-known AI chatbots, you must take into account other options when finalizing an AI assistant.

    There are many ChatGPT rivals present since artificial intelligence is developing quickly. Their skills may be more suited for your industry because many of them are programmed to carry out more specialized jobs. Considering your industry and the type of work, you will have a new, indispensable assistant if you pick the best ChatGPT alternative.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which ChatGPT app is free?

    OpenAI offers a free access tier for GPT-3, which powers ChatGPT.

    2Is ChatGPT the best AI tool?

    ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool for natural language understanding and generation, but whether it's the best depends on specific use cases and requirements, with alternatives discussed in this article excelling in various areas.

    3Is Google Bard better than ChatGPT?

    It depends on your requirements. In general, ChatGPT produces better documentation. On the other hand, Bard writes more detailed explanations of code. While ChatGPT just restricts requests over time, Bard merely limits the length of a discussion.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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