HomeBlogAgileThe Complete Guide to Technical Agility

The Complete Guide to Technical Agility

18th Apr, 2024
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    The Complete Guide to Technical Agility

    Did you know that, according to McKinsey, using agile methods can make products get to the market 40% faster? In today's fast-paced world, adapting to changes effectively in technology is crucial for companies as well as individuals. Being technically agile helps businesses stay abreast when things are changing fast in the market. So, what does it mean to be agile, and how can it help your organization? In this guide, we will explain what technical agility is and why it's important, give technical agility examples, and show how to make your teams more agile.

    What Does Technical Agility Actually Mean?

    Technical agility is not just about using new technologies or changing old ones fast. It's about how well an organization can change its processes, tools, and systems to fit what's needed in the future. This helps the organization react quickly and effectively to changes in the market and adapt to what customers want and new technology trends.

    Simply put, technical agility means making a place within the organization where teams always try to improve, learn fast, and think creatively. This includes using methods that help teams make software quickly and adapt easily. As mentioned earlier, technical agility is not just about delivering things fast. It also means making sure the products or services are of top-notch quality and reliable for customers.

    Adapting fast in business is all about how a company works and what it believes in. It means being open to change, trying to do things really well, and facing challenges head-on. When these ideas are part of how a business works, it means they don't just react to changes—they see them as opportunities to get better and be more creative.

    Technical agility is a plan that helps companies stay competitive and modern in a changing digital world. Using methods that focus on automation and efficiency and creating a culture where progress is important, companies can implement technical agility within their core system.

    Why Technical Agility is Important

    In today's changing world of technology and business, being able to adjust to new technology quickly is important for companies to do well and last long, which can be achieved through SAFe Agile training. Here's why being agile matters:

    • Rapid Response to Market Changes: Technical agility helps organizations change quickly when the market does so that they can stay competitive and relevant. It means they can quickly update their plans, products, or services based on new trends or what customers say, which lowers the risk of becoming outdated.
    • Improved Innovation: A technically agile workplace encourages people to continually learn and try new things, which is important for coming up with new ideas. Teams are encouraged to try out new ideas and technologies, which can lead to new products and better ways of doing things.
    • Better Customer Satisfaction: When companies are adept at implementing changes quickly based on feedback and making their products better, customers are much happier. This quick response to what customers want not only makes them more loyal but also brings in new customers through positive word of mouth.
    • Streamlined Development Processes: Technical agility emphasizes efficient workflows, automation, and continuous integration and delivery, which streamline the development process. These practices reduce the time to market for new features and products, allowing organizations to capitalize on opportunities more quickly.
    • Increased Operational Efficiency: Adopting agile technical practices helps identify inefficiencies and waste in the development process, leading to cost savings and resource optimization. It also minimizes downtime and improves the reliability of services, contributing to overall operational efficiency.
    • Higher Product Quality: Continuous testing, integration, and delivery practices inherent in technical agility ensure that quality is built into the product from the start. This focus on quality not only reduces defects and issues but also enhances the overall user experience.

    What Is Technical Agility Assessment?

     A Technical Agility Assessment allows a company to check how well it can handle changes and problems. It looks at everything from how things are done to the culture of the organization. By checking things like how things are made, how much is automated, and how teams work together, the assessment helps identify areas where the organization can put more of its focus and get better.

    The goal is to find things that might make it slow to react to what the market needs and come up with a plan to make the company more agile, innovative, and technically robust. Taking a Technical Agility Assessment is essential for companies that want to work more efficiently and stay competitive in today's changing tech world.

    Technical Agility Example

     An excellent illustration of how establishing team and technical agility can be observed in a software development firm that has wholeheartedly adopted Agile and DevOps approaches. This company has organized its processes to emphasize iteration, ongoing feedback, and top-notch results, showcasing the advantages of technical flexibility.

     At the heart of their approach is the implementation of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This practice allows the development team to automate testing and deployment processes, significantly reducing the lead time from development to deployment. For instance, whenever a developer commits code to the version control system, it automatically triggers a series of automated tests. If the code passes these tests, it is then deployed to a staging environment for further validation. Upon successful validation, the code is automatically deployed to production. This seamless workflow enables the team to rapidly iterate on product features, respond to bugs and security issues in real-time, and continuously deliver value to their customers without manual intervention.

     Furthermore, the company fosters a culture of collaboration and experimentation. Cross-functional teams work closely together, breaking down traditional silos between developers, operations, and quality assurance. This collaborative environment encourages open communication, shared responsibility for the product's success, and the flexibility to experiment with new technologies and approaches. The result is a highly adaptive organization capable of navigating technological changes and market demands with agility and confidence.

     Standards and Frameworks for Technical Agility

     Standards and frameworks play a pivotal role in fostering technical agility within organizations. By providing structured approaches and best practices, these guidelines help teams navigate the complexities of modern software development and IT operations. Here’s an in-depth look at some of the key standards and frameworks that contribute to enhancing technical agility:


    • Agile is a software development approach that emphasizes iterative development, collaboration between cross-functional teams, and customer feedback.
    • It focuses on breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks called sprints or iterations, usually lasting from 1 to 4 weeks.
    • Agile promotes adaptability to changing requirements and encourages continuous improvement throughout the development process.

    Scrum Process


    • Scrum is an Agile framework that provides a structured approach to software development.
    • Scrum roles include the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, each with specific responsibilities to ensure the success of the project.
    • Scrum ceremonies, such as Sprint Planning, Daily Standups, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective, help teams stay aligned, transparent, and focused on delivering value.


    Kanban Board

    • Kanban is a visual management tool used to optimize workflows and improve efficiency.
    • It emphasizes continuous delivery and limits the work in progress (WIP) to avoid bottlenecks and overburdening team members.
    • Kanban boards, consisting of columns representing different stages of work and cards representing tasks, provide a visual representation of the workflow.
    • Teams use Kanban to prioritize tasks, monitor progress, and identify areas for improvement, leading to faster delivery and better flow of work.


    • DevOps is a set of practices that aim to improve collaboration between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) teams.
    • It focuses on automating processes, enabling faster and more reliable delivery of software.
    • DevOps practices include continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), and monitoring and logging.
    • By breaking down silos between development and operations, DevOps promotes shorter development cycles, faster deployment, and increased reliability of software systems.

    Using these standards and frameworks, companies can become more flexible and responsive by encouraging teamwork, always getting better, and focusing on what customers and clients need. They provide the tools and processes for teams to rapidly adapt to changes, optimize workflows, and efficiently deliver high-quality products and services. If you want to be a part of an organization that wants to improve how quickly they can change and adapt, you can learn more about these frameworks and how to use them well through KnowledgeHut’s SAFe Agile training and other best Agile training programs, which offer in-depth insights into these frameworks and how to apply them effectively.

    Technical Agility Assessment Best Practices

    Conducting a Technical Agility Assessment is crucial for organizations looking to enhance their technical capabilities and adaptiveness. Here are some best practices to ensure that the assessment is comprehensive, insightful, and ultimately beneficial:

    • Establish Clear Objectives: Before beginning the assessment, define your goal. Whether it's improving deployment frequency, enhancing collaboration between teams, or reducing time to market, having clear goals will guide the assessment process and help evaluate the outcomes.
    • Focus on Actionable Insights: The assessment should result in actionable insights rather than just identifying gaps. Develop a prioritized list of realistic recommendations aligned with the organization’s objectives. This includes short-term wins and long-term strategic initiatives
    • Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their perspectives and challenges. Open communication fosters trust and ensures that the assessment uncovers hidden bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.
    • Iterate and Improve: Technical agility assessment is not a one-time activity but a continuous process. Regularly revisiting the assessment and adapting strategies based on outcomes, technological advancements, and changing business needs is essential for sustained technical agility.
    • Measure Progress: Establish metrics to track progress against the assessment’s recommendations. Measuring outcomes not only demonstrates the value of the assessment but also helps in refining future assessments and strategies.

    Advantages of Technical Agility

     Technical agility in SAFe offers a myriad of advantages that empower organizations to navigate the complexities of the modern digital landscape with confidence and efficiency. Here are some of the key benefits:

    • Technical agility allows organizations to quickly adapt to market changes, emerging trends, and customer feedback, ensuring they can pivot strategies and technologies swiftly to maintain competitiveness.
    • By fostering a culture that encourages experimentation and continuous learning, technical agility paves the way for innovative solutions and practices, driving growth and differentiation in the market.
    • Agile practices emphasize iterative development, continuous testing, and feedback loops, which lead to higher-quality products and services by identifying and addressing issues early in the development cycle.
    • With streamlined processes, automation, and a focus on continuous delivery, organizations can significantly reduce development cycles, enabling faster delivery of features and products to the market.
    • The ability to rapidly respond to customer needs and continuously improve products based on user feedback results in enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.


    Embracing technical agility is more than adopting a new set of tools or practices; it's about fostering a culture prioritizing adaptability, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction. By understanding and implementing the standards and frameworks for technical agility and adhering to best assessment practices, organizations can unlock their full potential, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in an ever-changing technological environment. The journey towards technical agility may present challenges, but the rewards are substantial and enduring.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What challenges do organizations face in achieving technical agility?

    Organizations aiming for technical agility often encounter cultural resistance to change, skill gaps within teams, integration issues with legacy systems, and organizational silos that hinder cross-functional collaboration. Overcoming these challenges is critical for fostering a truly agile technical environment.

    2How does technical agility relate to business agility?

    Technical agility is a subset of business agility, focusing specifically on the adaptability of an organization's technical processes and infrastructure. By enhancing technical agility, companies can respond more rapidly to market changes, contributing directly to the broader goal of business agility, which encompasses quick adaptation to all aspects of business operations.

    3What technologies support technical agility?

    Key technologies supporting technical agility include cloud computing for scalable infrastructure, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools for automating the software development lifecycle, containers and microservices for flexible application development, and Agile project management tools to facilitate collaborative and adaptive project management.


    Lindy Quick


    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is an experienced Transformation Architect with expertise in multiple agile frameworks including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban. She is proficient in leading agile transformations across diverse industries including manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. She is a strong communicator, manager, leader, and problem solver, seeking a challenging role in an organization that values effective and efficient value delivery.

    Lindy, is the SAFe Practice Lead where she is responsible for fostering Lean-Agile principles and mindset in organizations and individuals through coaching, training, leadership development, and successful execution of transformations. Over her career, she has facilitated adoption of innovative ways of thinking and working within the context of organizational transformation, established a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence and Guiding Coalition to ensure transformation success, and provided recovery support for underperforming ARTs, ensuring the delivery of high-quality and predictable systems.

    She has a Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and German from Doane University, Crete, NE, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Baker University, Overland Park, KS. She holds several relevant certifications, including SAFe 6.0 Program Consultant Trainer, Certified SAFe 6 Program Consultant, Atlassian Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Cloud, ISTQB Certified Tester, ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Test Automation and Agile Testing, and Certified Scrum Master.

    Lindy is also an active member of the professional community, serving as the Women in Agile Mid-Atlantic Chapter Co-Chair and a speaker at various events including the IT Revolution DevOps European Summit, Scrum Alliance Summit, and SAFe Gov’t Day.

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