HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentNPM Install Packages: Install Global and Local NPM Packages

NPM Install Packages: Install Global and Local NPM Packages

17th May, 2024
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    NPM Install Packages: Install Global and Local NPM Packages

    It doesn't matter whether you're working entirely in Node.js or using it as a front-end package management or build tool; npm is an essential part of current web development processes in any language or platform. For a newbie, it may be tough to grasp the fundamental notions of npm as a tool. We spent a lot of time figuring out seemingly little nuances that others would take for granted. As a result, we've produced a simple and comprehensive explanation for individuals new to Node.js, npm, the surrounding ecosystem, and, most importantly, those who want to learn Node.js.  

    What is NPM? 

    An online repository for open-source Node.js applications; and a command-line program that assists with package installation, versioning management, and dependency management are just two of npm's features. npm hosts a wide variety of Node.js libraries and apps, and new ones are uploaded daily. It's easy to install a package once you have a command-line command.

    Let's imagine you're working hard on the Next Great Application on a particular day. As an example, let's utilize Caolan McMahon's async. Because npm is so easy to use, installing a new module is as simple as running the command npm install async in the current directory. It is possible to utilize need () on the modules after being installed in your node_modules directory.

    An example of a global install is coffee-script, so let's look at it. It's easy to use the command: npm install coffee-script -g. Installing the software and putting a symlink in /usr/local will usually do the trick. A command-line interface (CLI) tool may then be used to execute this application from the command line. In this example, you may now access the coffee-script REPL by executing coffee.

    npm is also helpful in managing the dependencies of other software. Run npm install from the root of your node project to install all the dependencies indicated in the package.json file, and you're done. This makes installing a Node.js application from a git repository much simpler! A full stack course is the best option to opt for more details.  

    Locally Installation of Package

    Locally Installation of Package

    We may also install packages worldwide in addition to installing them locally. In other words, when should you use global installation vs. local installation? It's best to install locally when relying on a package from your module, such as Node.js. This is how npm install works by default.

    The grunt CLI package, for example, must be installed globally before it can be used as a command-line tool.

    The command to download a package is as follows:

    NPM Install

    Many people ask where does npm install packages? This downloads the package to the node modules directory and creates it if one doesn't already exist in your current directory.


    Ensure that the node modules directory exists and has a directory for the package(s) that you have installed to ensure that npm installs successfully.

    For example, you can verify that a node_modules directory has been created and a subfolder named express has been created by confirming that the directory exists.

    Windows: Microsoft

    Node.js Package Manager Express Install

    Node modules directory in C: express oneself

    OS X, Linux, and Debian

    Installing express using npm

    >ls node modules on the command line


    Do You Know the Version of the Package You Have Installed?

    The most recent package will be installed if a package.json file does not already exist in the local directory.

    When a package.json file is present, npm will install the latest version that meets the server (Semantic Versioning) rule in the package.json, even if there is no server rule.

    Embedding the Installed Package in Your Program 

    In your code, you may now use npm install package name> once it has been placed in the node_modules directory. For example, you may need to access a Node.js module.


    Create the index.js file and paste the following code into it:

    • The code for index.js is here.
    • "express" is an optional variable that the user must supply.
    • app.use(express)
    • logs to the console ("successfully required a package")
    • To obtain the following result, you must execute the code: a package was successfully needed. This is the error message you'll get if express wasn't installed correctly:
    • module.js:340
    • toss an err
    • ^

    How to Install and Update Local Packages on Your Computer 

    The packages on which your application relies should be updated regularly. Your code will benefit from any updates made by the original developers.

    You may accomplish this by following these instructions:

    • Execute npm update in the same directory as the package.json file to update an application.
    • Run npm obsolete after that. There is no predicted outcome.

    How to Add Dependency into package.json? 

    Node package management npm is probably familiar to you. This command may install an npm package, as seen in the screenshot.

    Where Does NPM Install Global and Local Packages?

    the npm command

    After Node 5.0.0, the –save switch is no longer required.

    After installation, the node modules folder in the same directory as the package.json file will contain the newly installed package. In package.json and package-lock.json, the package name and version should be included. The package.json file contains information about the most recent version of the product. Package.json consists of the most current version of the npm installed.Use npm install @version here, for example, to add npm install react@1.8.5.

    React: "1.8.5"
    npm install or npm install @latest may be used to install the latest version.
    A "reaction" of "16.12.0.”

    We were able to determine that we are using react version 16.12.0 and that the rule for future upgrades is. This implies that npm will only be able to upgrade to minor and patch versions in the future.

    To prevent this from happening again, we'll have to run npm update every time there's a new patch or minor release so that the previously installed version and package-lock.json are both up to date concurrently. Only the package-lock.json file will be modified, not the package.json file.

    This command must be used to get a comprehensive list of all recent releases and out-of-date packages.

    What to Do If NPM is No Longer Supported?

    Where Does NPM Install Global and Local Packages?

    No significant releases can be updated using the npm update command because npm does not wish to risk introducing breaking changes to your live web project by updating the essential releases.

    The npm-check-updates package must be installed globally to check for new and significant package updates.

    To check for updates, use the following command: npm install npm-check-updates.

    Run the following command once the package has been installed:


    This command will list all the international packages that have new releases in the current directory, while this command will show the new dependencies in the current directory.

    nu -g nu

    Now execute the following command:


    All version hints in the package will be updated after this command has been performed.

    npm will use this json file to install the latest major version.

    Node module dependencies aren't required for new projects. Therefore, you can execute the following command to install the new version:

    the npm command

    Globally Installation of Package 

    Many newbies want to know where npm installs global packages. It is possible to utilize the code in a package on a local machine by installing it globally.

    On the command line, use the following command to download and install all packages:

    install npm with -g package name>

    To fix an EACCES permissions problem, you may need to reinstall npm or manually adjust npm's default location. See "Resolving EACCES permissions problems when installing global packages" for more details.

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    How to Update a Package? 

    Stability, usability, and security may improve by regularly updating the registry's local and global packages.

    Installing the latest version of local packages

    To keep your code up to date with changes to its dependencies, we suggest that you update the local packages that make up your project regularly.

    Make sure your project's root directory has a package.

    The json file:

    • to the project directory: cd path to project
    • The update command may be found in the root directory of your project.
    • npm update is the command to use.
    • Run the obsolete command to see whether the update works. There should be no emissions at all.

    npm is no longer supported

    • Updating the worldwide installation of software
    • NPM version 2.6.0 or below is required to execute this script to update any obsolete global packages.
    • The newest version of npm, however, should be installed:
    • install npm@latest with -g

    How to figure out which of the global package updates are due?

    Run the following command on the command line to determine which international packages need to be updated:

    • old versions of npm run with —depth=0
    • Re-updating the whole world's software
    • On the command line, type the following command:
    • Node.js may be updated using the command npm update-g
    • Installing the most recent version of all installed packages throughout the world

    Run the following command on the command line to update all global packages: npm -g]

    How to Uninstall Packages? 

    A previously installed package may be uninstalled with the use of the following command: npm uninstall package-name>

    npm uninstall package-name> npm command

    The node modules folder is located at the root of the project.

    This procedure will also erase the package's reference to it.

    a json data file

    • DevDependencies must be removed from the package.json file to remove this dependent from the package.json file:
    • The following command will remove the specified package: npm uninstall -D.
    • The -g / —global option must be included in the package is to be deployed globally:
    • npm remove -g package-name> from the list

    for instance:

    • npm remove webpack -g
    • The location of your current folder does not matter, so that you may execute this command from anywhere on your computer.


    A potential drawback of using global modules is that npm will automatically place them in the system directory instead of the user's home directory. Installing global modules will require logging in as a privileged user on your system if this is the default setting.

    A user directory should be the default installation location instead of a system directory as a recommended best practice. Learn KnowledgeHut’s Node.js program if you want to know how to achieve this.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How does npm install packages locally?

    npm installs the most recent package version that complies with the semantic versioning rule defined in package.json in the command's directory. The newest version of the package is installed if there is no package—json file.

    2How does npm install packages globally?

    Global modules are installed in the /usr/local/lib/node_modules project directory in the standard system, which is the system's root. Print the location of all global modules on your system using this command.

    3Where does npm install packages for Windows?

    When you run npm install package-name>, it creates a node modules folder in the location where you ran the command.

    4Where does npm install packages for MAC?

    To install local packages, execute npm install package name> in the directory where you want to store them, and the node modules folder will be created beneath this directory.

    5What is Node Package Manager?

    Node.js, a package manager for Node.js, was initially called npm (Node Package Manager). Package.json files provide the definitions for all npm packages. Package.json's data must be encoded using the JSON encoding standard. At the very least, a definition file must have two fields: the name and the version.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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