HomeBlogProject ManagementMarketing Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

Marketing Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

05th Jan, 2024
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    Marketing Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

    A marketing project manager is a specialist who oversees projects associated with marketing campaigns, either as an internal team member or as an external agency.

    Marketing project managers might coordinate a product launch from beginning to end or organize a launch campaign. Despite the fact that many marketers have tasks and responsibilities linked to products, advertising, and events a marketing project manager is often in charge of managing a big project or campaign with a defined beginning and finish.

    An increasing number of businesses are looking to hire marketing project managers, which are in high demand. The disparity between supply and demand is growing as the number of qualified professionals required to fill all open positions is insufficient. Enhancing your expertise through top-notch Project Management courses not only enriches your knowledge but also boosts your market value. 

    Marketing Project Manager Salary

    Marketing Project Manager Salary in 2024

    The salary of a Marketing Project Manager is influenced by a multitude of factors. From experience and location to industry focus and specific employers, these variables interact to shape the compensation of professionals in this role. Let's explore each factor in detail. 

    1. Marketing Project Manager Salary: Based on Experience

    • Beginner: $66,992 /yr
    • Intermediate:$78,147 /yr
    • Advanced: $89,692 /yr

    2. Marketing Project Manager Salary: Based on Location

    a. India

    The average yearly Marketing Project Manager salary in India is ₹ 8.9 Lacs

    Top companies salaries:


    Average Salary in LPA


    ₹ 6.4


    ₹ 7.3

    Thomson Reuters

    ₹ 11.6


    ₹ 9.7


    ₹ 22

    City-wise average Salaries:

    • Bengaluru: ₹ 12 lacs per annum
    • Gurugram: ₹ 10 lacs per annum
    • Delhi: ₹ 10 lacs per annum
    • Mumbai: ₹ 8 lacs per annum
    • Pune: ₹ 6.6 lacs per annum

    b. US Salary

    In the United States, the average annual salary for a Marketing Project Manager is $65,406 with non cash benefits of $401k.

    Top companies salaries


    Average Salary

    Wimmer Solutions


    Vector Talent resources


    Hancock claims consultants


    Richmond American homes


    The Ward Law group


    City wise average salaries

    • New York, NY: $88,521 per year
    • Chicago, IL: $81,865 per year
    • Los Angeles, CA: $78,253 per year
    • Austin, TX: $76,852 per year
    • Salt Lake city, UT: $74,765 per year

    c. UK Salary

    In United Kingdom the average salary for a Marketing Project Manager is £ £33,445 per year.

    Top companies salaries of Marketing Project Manager salary UK


    Average Salary



    BMS Performance




    Spa medica




    City-wise average salaries

    • Birmingham: £49507 per year
    • Manchester: £36968 per year
    • Bristol: £36679 per year
    • Cambridge: £36328 per year
    • London: £31302 per year

    d. Australia Salary

    The average salary for a Marketing Project Manager in Australia is $109,500 per year.

    Top companies salaries


    Average Salary

    Hungry Jacks


    Page group


    Redpath partners


    Carlton and United Breweries




    City-wise average salaries

    • Sydney NSW: $98,783 per year
    • Melbourne: $115,000

    e. Canada Salary

    The average salary for a Marketing Project Manager in Canada is $73,383 per year.

    Top companies salaries in Canada


    Average Salary

    CREW Marketing partners


    Alliance de l'industrie touristique


    Corus Entertainment

    $65k- $70k

    Fuze HR Solutions




    City wise average salaries

    • Montreal: $62,572 per year
    • Ottawa: $90,622 per year
    • Calgary: $104,608 per year
    • Toronto: $71,497 per year
    • Vancouver: $65,132 per year

    f. Singapore Salary

    The average salary for a Marketing Project Manager in Singapore is $82,044 per year

    Top companies salaries in Singapore


    Average Salary per month



    DBS bank




    Robert Walters


    CISCO Systems


    Factors Affecting Marketing Project Manager Salary

    1. Location

    Marketing Project Manager salaries can vary significantly based on factors such as location. Let's explore how location affects the salary of a Marketing Project Manager in the United States with some figures:

    • High-Cost Metropolitan Areas: In cities with a high cost of living, such as San Francisco, New York City, or Los Angeles, Marketing Project Managers generally earn higher salaries to offset the increased expenses.
    • Average Salary in New York: $88,521 per year
    • Mid-Sized Metropolitan Areas: In medium-sized cities like Austin, Denver, or Atlanta, Marketing Project Managers may earn competitive salaries that are somewhat lower than those in major metropolitan areas.
    • Average Salary in Denver: $56,692 per year
    • Coastal vs. Inland Locations: Coastal locations often have higher salaries than inland areas due to the concentration of businesses, higher living costs, and more competitive job markets. For example, a Marketing Project Manager in Boston might earn more than one in a similar-sized city located inland.
    • State-Level Differences: State-specific factors such as state income tax rates, industry concentrations, and regional economic conditions can also influence salary levels. For instance, Marketing Project Managers in tech-focused states like California or Washington may earn more than those in states with a different economic focus.

    2. Industry / Employer

    Marketing Project Manager salaries can vary significantly based on the industry in which they work and the specific employer. Here's how these factors can impact salary:

    a. Industry

    • Advertising and Marketing Agencies: Digital Marketing Project Managers salary in advertising and marketing agencies may be competitive due to the fast-paced nature of the industry and the need to manage multiple client projects simultaneously. Marketing agency project manager salary (average): $65,000 - $110,000+ per year
    • Technology: The technology sector often offers higher salaries for Marketing Project Managers, as technology companies prioritize effective marketing strategies to promote their products and services. Average Salary: $75,000 - $130,000+ per year
    • Healthcare: Marketing Project Managers in healthcare may earn competitive salaries, as the industry requires effective marketing to reach patients and consumers. Average Salary: $70,000 - $120,000+ per year
    • Consumer Goods/Retail: Marketing Project Managers in consumer goods and retail may earn salaries commensurate with their ability to drive sales through marketing campaigns and product promotions. Average Salary: $65,000 - $115,000+ per year
    • Finance: Market research project manager salary in financial companies is handsome, particularly for those with expertise in financial marketing. Average Salary: $75,000 - $130,000+ per year

    b. Employer

    • Large Corporations: Established, large companies often offer higher salaries and comprehensive benefits to attract top marketing talent. These organizations typically have larger marketing budgets. Average Salary at Large Corporations: $80,000 - $140,000+ per year
    • Mid-Sized Companies: Medium-sized companies may offer competitive salaries, but salaries can vary widely depending on the company's financial health and industry. Average Salary at Mid-Sized Companies: $70,000 - $120,000+ per year
    • Startups: Startups may offer competitive salaries but can also provide equity or performance-based incentives, which can impact the overall compensation package. Average Salary at Startups: $60,000 - $110,000+ per year
    • Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profits may offer competitive salaries based on their budget and the importance of marketing to their fundraising and awareness efforts. Average Salary at Non-Profits: $60,000 - $100,000+ per year

    3. Experience

    Experience demonstrates competence and rеliability and is valuable to employers which justifies highеr compensation. Hence Senior Service Dеlivеry Manager's salary is quite good.

    4. Demand and Supply

    The principles of supply and demand can significantly affect marketing project specialist salary, Here's how supply and demand dynamics influence compensation in this role:

    High Demand for Marketing Project Managers:

    • Skills Shortage: When there's a shortage of skilled Marketing Project Managers with the necessary expertise, organizations may be willing to offer higher salaries to attract and retain top talent.
    • Industry Growth: In industries experiencing rapid growth or transformation, such as technology or e-commerce, the demand for Marketing Project Managers can outpace the supply, leading to competitive salaries.
    • Specialized Expertise: Marketing Project Managers with expertise in niche areas like digital marketing, data analytics, or SEO may be in high demand and can command premium salaries.

    Low Demand for Marketing Project Managers:

    • Economic Downturns: During economic downturns or recessions, organizations may reduce marketing budgets and hiring, leading to decreased demand for Marketing Project Managers and potentially lower salaries.
    • Saturation: In industries where there's a surplus of experienced Marketing Project Managers, salaries may remain stable or grow slowly as competition for available positions increases.

    5. Credentials / Certifications

    Credentials and certifications demonstrate expertise and commitment to the profession, influencing compensation in several ways:

    • Validation of Expertise: Project Management certification course such as PMP, CSM, or digital marketing credentials validate a Marketing Project Manager's proficiency in project management and marketing disciplines, making them more attractive to employers.
    • Competitive Edge: Certified professionals often have a competitive advantage in the job market. Employers generally offer higher salaries to professionals who hold relevant certifications, considering them as more qualified and capable.
    • Skill Enhancement: Pursuing certifications typically involves acquiring new skills and knowledge, which can boost a Marketing Project Manager's effectiveness in their role and contribute to salary growth.
    • Career Advancement: Certain certifications may be prerequisites for advancing to senior roles like Senior Project Manager or Director of Marketing, where salaries are typically higher.
    • Negotiation Leverage: During salary negotiations, certifications provide Marketing Project Managers with strong evidence of their expertise, enabling them to negotiate for more competitive compensation packages.

    6. Skills

    Skills have a direct impact on the salary for marketing project manager:

    • Project Management Skills: Proficiency in project management methodologies is crucial for effective campaign execution, and it often leads to higher salaries. Obtaining PMP certification is a good way to validate these skills.
    • Digital Marketing Expertise: Competency in digital marketing areas like SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing is highly valued in today's marketing landscape, influencing compensation.
    • Data Analysis Abilities: Marketing Project Managers who excel in data interpretation and analytics, enabling data-driven decisions, can command higher salaries as they prove campaign ROI.
    • Content Creation and Copywriting: Writing skills for creating compelling marketing materials contribute to campaign success and may lead to higher salaries.
    • Adaptability and Trend Awareness: Staying up-to-date with industry trends and adapting to changes in the marketing landscape is critical for long-term success and may impact salary.
    • Industry-Specific Knowledge: Specialized knowledge of a particular industry can make a Marketing Project Manager more valuable, potentially leading to higher compensation in specialized roles.

    How to Improve Marketing Project Manager Salary?

    Improving a Marketing Project Manager's salary involves a combination of enhancing skills, obtaining relevant certifications, pursuing advanced degrees, and gaining valuable experience. Here's how to go about it:

    1. Skills Enhancement

    • Continuously develop and refine your project management, digital marketing, data analysis, and communication skills. Stay updated with industry trends and emerging marketing technologies.
    • Showcase your ability to handle complex marketing projects efficiently and demonstrate your value in delivering successful campaigns.

    2. Certifications

    • Consider obtaining industry-specific certifications such as PMP (Project Management Professional), CSM (Certified ScrumMaster), or digital marketing certifications from platforms like HubSpot or Google. These certifications will help you get a better senior marketing program manager salary.
    • Certifications like PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner training course validate your expertise and can lead to higher-paying positions or salary increases in your current role.

    3. Advanced Degrees

    • Pursuing a master's degree in marketing, business administration (MBA), or a related field can open doors to higher-paying managerial positions. It can also provide you with advanced skills and knowledge.
    • Evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of obtaining an advanced degree relative to your career goals and earning potential.

    Why are Marketing Project Managers Paid so Much?

    Marketing Project Managers are compensated well due to several factors that reflect the critical and multifaceted nature of their role:

    • Complexity of Marketing Projects: Marketing campaigns and projects can be highly intricate, involving multiple channels, stakeholders, and strategies.
    • Strategic Impact: Effective marketing directly influences a company's brand perception, customer acquisition, and revenue generation.
    • Cross-Functional Coordination: Marketing projects often involve collaboration across various departments, including design, content, digital, and sales teams. Marketing Project Managers bridge these departments, ensuring alignment and efficient communication.
    • Project Management Expertise: Their proficiency in project management methodologies ensures projects are completed on time, within scope, and on budget, minimizing costly delays and overruns. Enrolling for KnowledgeHut’s Project Management training is a good way to further enhance your expertise.
    • Data-driven Decision-making: Marketing Project Managers use data analytics to analysis campaign performance, make logical adjustments, and maximize ROI.
    • Resource Allocation: They allocate resources effectively, including budgets, personnel, and technology, optimizing the utilization of available assets to achieve marketing objectives.
    • Competitive Market: The demand for skilled Marketing Project Managers is growing at a fast pace, particularly in industries where marketing plays a critical role in success, such as technology, e-commerce, and healthcare. The competitive job market enhances average salaries.


    As I have already explained in this article, for individuals looking to advance their careers in this field, knowing the marketing project manager compensation is essential. It makes it logical to be intrigued by the attractive salary that a project manager might earn. But in order to succeed, you must have a strong desire to see a project through to the end. As was already mentioned, you can develop the skills, but you must be confident of your reasons for wanting to pursue the profession.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can a marketing manager be a project manager?

    Project managers define deadlines, action plans, and budgets, whereas typical "marketing managers" concentrate on highly particular tasks or deliverables. They have efficiency, project management, and task delegation skills.

    2Which is better project manager or marketing manager?

    Both profiles have great potential, choosing one over the other is a personal choice. Strong technical abilities are advantageous for project managers because they frequently utilize project management software to plan and monitor their initiatives. On the other hand, marketing managers require excellent creative abilities to create successful marketing programs.

    3How do I become a successful marketing project manager?

    Basic marketing knowledge, effective time management, and excellent management skills are requirements for a successful marketing project manager. They should also be able to make judgements that are supported by facts and keep the campaign on course.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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