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iOS Developer Salary in the USA:  A Guide to Better Pay in 2024

23rd Apr, 2024
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    iOS Developer Salary in the USA:  A Guide to Better Pay in 2024

    In terms of volume, Android may be the most popular operating system. Still, iOS has a long way to go before it can compete with the over 1 billion products that currently support it. iOS runs on Apple devices such as iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, and iPod Touches. Apple is a large market contributor, particularly in the West, where the majority of users are from the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. Because of the increasing number of Apple products sold and its apps dominating the market in a few spheres, it is only natural that the number of iOS developers grows by several orders of magnitude. 

    What Does an iOS Developer Do?

    An iOS developer designs and maintains apps that run on the iOS operating system. He has to understand the iOS ecosystem thoroughly, integrate the app with the system, and then it is visible on the App store. 

    The primary job of an iOS developer is to design apps that will run on the iOS operating system. Having an IOS Development training helps you to develop an idea about how to build an app, test run, write computer programs and upgrade it as per the new versions of the iOS operating system. The app will become a part of the App Store ecosystem.  

    Factors Affecting iOS Developer Salary in the USA

    Various factors that affect the salary of iOS developer in USA are: 

    1. Level of experience:

    Your experience in the app development field will affect the compensation you receive for your services. It varies significantly from when you're a fresher to an experienced individual. For a fresher, the salary is $77,847, whereas that of an experienced developer can vary from $118,465 to $1,56,435, depending on the location, app, and domain. 

    2. Based on the roles:

    Whether you are a senior or junior, fresher or experienced, organizations will depend on your monthly compensation. The average ios developer salary in USA is $118,365. People who have done lateral courses, certifications, and training programs will benefit more.  

    3. Location:

    Based on the place you're located; salaries will be significantly affected. People who live in Silicon Valley, the Bay area, or in metropolitan cities of the US, which observe high volumes of immigrants, tend to give more monetary compensation because most places host offices to tech giants and conglomerates.  

    4. Appropriate skill set:

    Individuals with a skill set that is imperative and critical to the roles they are applying for have a high chance of receiving the company offer calls. Since technological workspaces are constantly evolving, individuals are expected to constantly upgrade and enhance their skill set as per the current requirement. 

    Highest iOS Developer Salaries Based on Roles in the USA

    1. Software Engineer:

    The primary role of a software engineer is to apply his learning of software engineering to create, design, maintain, and in the long run, evaluate a software program.  

    The average base salary in the USA is $125,663 for a software engineer specializing in iOS operations. 

    2. Senior Software Engineer:

    A senior software engineer has ample knowledge of coding languages such as Python, Django, JavaScript, and HTML. Along with creating software programs, he also trains and supervises a team of software engineers. He has to ensure that the app runs smoothly after creation and guarantees user-friendly execution. 

    The average base salary in the USA is $121,808 for a senior software engineer and can go up to upwards of $175,000 for an individual with a few years of experience. 

    3. Software Programmer:

    A software programmer writes code for computer applications and programs. This involves writing, modifying, and testing scripts. They are responsible for troubleshooting and debugging an application. They must be proficient in software languages and do writing, modifying, and testing scripts. 

    The average base salary in the USA is $86,732 for a software programmer and can go up to upwards of $ 145,000 for an individual with a few years of experience. 

    4. Senior Software Programmer:

    Senior software developers or programmers are responsible for updating the software program. After a software engineer has created a program, a senior programmer's job is to design, test, and implement the changes required to maintain its functionality. There is a lot of variation for a senior iOS developer salary in USA depending upon experience and location.  

    The average base salary in the USA is $57,340, which goes upwards to $170,000 for an individual with a few years of experience with a median salary of $115,794. 

    5. Front-End Developer / Engineer:

    The crucial role of a front-end Developer is to develop new features for the user interface that smooth the program's navigation. They determine and decide the web pages' layout and architecture by building reusable codes and scripts. They optimize page loading times by using a variety of markup languages to create web pages.  

    The average base salary in the USA is $109,107, which goes upwards to $ 119,224 for an individual with a few years of experience with a median salary of $76,865. 

    6. Junior developer:

    A junior developer has the job of doing minor debugs and conducting developmental tests.  

    The average base pay for a junior iOS developer salary in US is $67,238, which can go upwards of $100,000 with a median salary of $54,657.  

    iOS Developer Salary Based on Experience Level in the USA

    • Entry-level iOS developer salary: An entry level iOS developer is a fresher who has little to no experience 
      • Average salary- $86,732  
      • Range: $77,847- $96,948 
    • Junior iOS developer salary: The primary role of an junior iOS developer is to upgrade the existing features or implement new ones 
      • Average salary- $112,500  
      • Range: $90,000 - $135,000  
    • Average senior iOS developer salary: The primary role of a senior iOS developer is to join forces with cross-functional teams to design and implement new changes. They also build advanced features of the application.  
      • Average salary - $115,794  
      • Range: $57,340 - $170,000 
    • Lead iOS developer salary: They manage a team of iOS developers of all ranks. Their experience ranges from 5-8 years.  
      • Average Salary: $156,000 
      • Range:  $140,000 - $183,600 

    iOS Developer Salary by Location in the USA

    • San Jose: The average iOS Developer salary in San Jose, CA, is $108,848, with the range being $97,697 to $121,670.  
    • San Francisco: The average iOS Developer salary in San Francisco, CA, is $ 125,704, with the range being $107,107 to $141,838. 
    • Irving: The average iOS Developer salary in Irving, Texas, is $86,168, with the range being $77,341 to $96,318.  
    • San Diego: The average iOS Developer salary in San Diego, CA, is $93,597, from $84,009 to $104,622.  
    • New York: The average iOS Developer salary in New York is $139,267, ranging from $ 95,391 to $203,325. 
    • Beaverton: The average iOS Developer salary in Beaverton, Oregon, is $163,138, with the range being $134,494 to $197,882. 
    • Los Angeles: The average iOS Developer salary in Los Angeles, CA, is $153,853, with the range being $112,368 to $210,656. 
    • Pittsburgh: The average iOS Developer salary in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania is $118,568, with the range being $82,742 to $169,907. 
    • Austin: The average iOS Developer salary in Austin, Texas, is $113,566, with the range being $76,327 to $168,972. 
    • Chicago: The average iOS Developer salary in Chicago, Illinois, is $125,726, ranging from $99,327 to $159,143. 

    Skills Required to Become an iOS Developer in the USA

    1. Core Skills:

    Core skills that you are expected to have to become an iOS developer are: 

    • Previous work experience required as an app developer at a software company with knowledge of spatial reasoning ability and unit testing. 
    • Experience in coding languages such as Objective-C, Swift (3.0), and Xcode IDE. Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment responsible for developing apps for all Apple devices. 
    • A deep knowledge of all the back-end services of the iOS operating system. 
    • Proficient background in iOS Frameworks such as Core Data, Core Graphics, and Core Animation. 
    • Great and in-depth knowledge of the design principles of Apple. 
    • A good understanding of Apple's application user interface guidelines (UI/UX). 
    • The life cycle of mobile development, such as what, when, and how. 
    • Knowledge of various tools of code versioning.  
    • A decent familiarity with C-based libraries (A library in C is a collection of header files exposed for use by other programs.) 
    • Knowledge of push notifications, APIs, and cloud messaging. 
    • Good continuous integration with previous experiences 
    • In-depth knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, and trends. 

    2. Additional useful skills:

    Additional skills that are important to possess while trying for jobs as iOS developers are: 

    • Good communication skills: An individual trying for a job as an iOS developer must have good communication skills. The art of communicating concisely and precisely is mastered only by a few but holds high importance, especially in professional scenarios. A person who knows how to communicate his point clearly and formally about the task is always valued as an essential team player due to their proficiency. 
    • Critical thinking: It is imperative to an organization that its employees are capable of critical thinking. An individual who can think through a particular problem is always a high-stakes player as they possess the understanding to sort problems that might pose potential problems in the future. A problem-solving attitude with critical thinking capabilities affects the direction of a project and, therefore, its results. 
    • Adaptability: A person who can easily adapt to different situations and the least effort is always ahead of his peers. Focus and persistence are two critical skills required to ace any job. A technological workplace is an ever-changing place guaranteeing no constant. An individual who knows how to adapt to a new environment will always stay at the top of his game.  
    • Team player attitude: A person who is a team player is an asset to the team. The one who knows how to walk through keeping everyone in mind establishes relationships beyond the walls of an office. Such people know how to impact people's lives and minds. Developing a well-curated, functional iOS application requires an effort by the team that has a positive influence. 
    • Ability to Innovate: In the technological workspace, an attribute that is always celebrated is creativity. It is welcome, appreciated, and followed. An individual who can think of new ways to overcome problems or has the middle name innovation is someone who people look up to in cases of creative blocks. People willing to learn and train in related fields of app development, such as Mobile Development Training, can rise the ranks in no time. 
    • Work ethic: A strong work ethic is always appreciated by peers and seniors. An individual with a strong work ethic is sincere and diligent in his work. Such individuals know how to increase productivity by doing smart work keeping in mind the critical values of the company. 

    How To Become an iOS Developer in the USA?

    A strong command of some hard skills, such as ideation, market research, basic design, and notably coding, as well as user testing, compliance, and finally submitting your program to the App Store, is necessary to become an iOS developer—and especially a really great iOS developer. 

    The most excellent iOS developers also have a variety of soft skills in addition to technical proficiency. They can be quickly learned, yet these complex talents require serious study. Although they require more practice to perfect, they can be used in various fields.  

    To become an iOS developer in the USA one needs to remember a few things.  

    1. Learn the fundamentals of iOS development: You should begin by understanding what development is if you want to become an iOS developer. If you've been in the development sector for a long time, you can skip this phase, but if you're new to it and think this is the field you want to work in, you'll need first to figure out how it functions how you'll fit in. You can do this by enrolling in a programming course for beginners or by getting to know a few active developers and learning about their jobs. The same software development process that takes other sorts of products from concept to market still applies; iOS development is a specialization, not a bubble. 
    2. Enroll in a course on iOS development: Apple's rapid year-over-year expansion and consumers' growing thirst for new content have led to a skill shortage in several technology areas, most notably among iOS Developers. This trend is only anticipated to increase in the future. Because there is such a high demand for iOS developers, there is also a competitive pay market, with average yearly incomes comfortably over $100,000. Learning Swift and its precursor Objective-C is a great way to enhance your resume. You can also demand a higher salary for the more programming languages and specific skills you possess.  
    3. Learn some of the most popular programming languages: When they initially start, iOS developers need to be familiar with three things: Swift and Objective-C, the two main iOS programming languages, and Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment for creating apps for all of its products. Once you fully understand these three concepts, you can start applying your knowledge to iOS programming and enhancing your skill set as necessary. There are a virtually endless amount of additional iOS developer talents you may master. 
    4. Develop your iOS development abilities by coming up with your own projects: Now that you’ve learned the basics – and how to incorporate higher-level functions as necessary – you’re ready to begin building. It may help to start small by building a practice app, following step-by-step instructions that will walk you through the entire process, clearly showing you what to do before trying to build something from scratch. It is not as advisable to wait until one has mastered all steps as if you wait for long, well, you’ll never start. Stopping to look things up is part of the process. 
    5. Keep developing your soft talents: A large portion of the technical skills used by iOS developers depend on the type of app they are creating; for example, an international banking app will need a very different set of skills than a game like Flappy Bird. The technical skills that iOS developers rely on are very diverse. In addition to having the necessary technical knowledge, you also need specific soft skills to do the work properly and advance to the position of Senior iOS Developer. 
    6. Create a portfolio for your iOS development work: As soon as you start making things, you can showcase them to others. You may start by compiling a portfolio of your iOS development work immediately. Even assignments you finish for class can serve as examples of your work and as the foundation for your professional portfolio. As you gain experience, you should only include your best work in your portfolio. In the beginning, you can concentrate more on showcasing the range of jobs you can handle rather than on producing flawlessly finished projects.


    Being an iOS developer in the US is an excellent professional career. With the technology advancing with each passing day, it is essential to upgrade and adapt to newer forms. An iOS developer fresher in the US makes more money compared to other countries due to the abundant opportunities. The average pay is way higher than the national average, promising a better quality of life and opportunities, paving the way for your future endeavors but exposing you to the best the world has to offer. With the pay differing with locations and ranks, the US still has great compensation to offer when compared to most of its counterparts. There are ways to upgrade your existing knowledge to give you lateral entries in various companies and their roles for both Android and iOS operating software.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is an iOS Developer internship a good way to get a job in the US?

    An internship in iOS development is a good stepping stone to finding a job in software development. It can add to your resume and increase your value. The intern iOS developer salary in USA is $57,340 to $153,710, with a median salary of $98,260.  

    2What is considered to be a good iOS Developer salary in the US?

    A salary of $ 140,000 and upwards is considered good. Salaries for iOS developers vary significantly with location across the US. Average salaries in the US have increased several folds in the last few years. With the advent of software companies and their increasing numbers, especially in the Bay Area, LA, and Silicon Valley, there is an increase in the number of jobs and salaries.  

    3Who gets paid more than iOS developers or Android developers in the US?

    The salaries of iOS and Android developers are quite similar. The average salary of iOS developer in USA is $128,935 and for Android developers is $133,6288. The pay of android developers is slightly more. Apps are abundant on Play Store, and most of the apps are free of cost or have no in-App purchases, unlike App Store. Certifications as Android Development Certification can be useful.

    4Do iOS developers make more than engineers in the US?

    Yes, in the US, iOS developers make more money when compared to software engineers. The average pay for iOS developers in the US is $125,345, and for software engineers, the pay is $119,348. These numbers differ in location, company, experience, roles, and rankings.

    5What month do iOS developers get appraisals in the USA?

    In the US, iOS developers revive appraisals almost every six months. However, most companies conduct it during the middle of the year.

    6Is iOS Developer a high-paying job in America?

    iOS developer is one of the highest-paying jobs in the US. Due to great opportunities, less population, better pay scale, and quality of life, several people from India move to the US yearly. The average pay of $125,354 is comparatively higher than the average national income of $70,186. The salary of an iOS developer increases immensely with years of experience and, in some cases, goes upwards of $400,000.  The average iOS developer salary in USA per month is $9,800. 

    The ios developer hourly rate US is $16  as basic pay and can go upwards of $80 for an experienced individual. People here save a reasonable sum each month if two members are earning in the family. The average freelancing iOS developer salary in USA is  $87,178 to $126,621 per year. 


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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