HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

16th May, 2024
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    How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

    With the rapid growth of online websites, businesses, and the general ecosystem, it is crucial that website UIs load quickly on smartphones to encourage smartphone-based internet consumption. Facebook developed React Native from a need to generate UI elements efficiently, which formed the basis for creating the open-source web framework. Its native cross-platform capabilities allow usage for a wide range of platforms for application development, including Android, Web, Windows, UWP, tvOS, macOS, iOS, and AndroidTV. 

    React Native runs in the background of the destination device, and then communicates with the native platform via a batched asynchronous bridgeIts three main advantages are:   React Native runs in the background of the destination device, and then communicates with the native platform via a batched asynchronous bridge. Its three main advantages are:

    • It allows faster development due to its native nature
    • Though it has a syntax styling similar to CSS or HTML, it is much quicker and efficient
    • It is flexible as it allows developers to write native code in various languages, including Java, Kotlin, and Swift.

    This article is about how to install and configure React Native CLI environment.
    First, we will learn how to install the framework, then check whether it works well and finally develop an app. To have an overview of usereducer in React and  
    React Native Interview Questionsclick here. 

    React Native Installation System Requirement for Mac

    • Basic computer proficiency
    • An account with Administrative privileges on your computer
    • Access to the outlined documents and software
    • A working internet connection to download the installation files


    This article guides first-time React Native users, junior developers, and developers with no experience with React Native. If curiosity nudged you to learn the framework due to the hype around React, then this is the guide you need.

    System requirements

    Software Requirements: 

    1. Operating System: OS X (macOS) is necessary. The recommended macOS version varies according to tool compatibility and React Native. To improve compatibility, make sure your macOS version is up to date. 

    2. Homebrew: Homebrew makes it easier to install different macOS tools and packages. Use the following command to install it: 

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" 

    3. Node.js and npm: To manage packages and execute JavaScript code, React Native depends on Node.js and npm. Install Node.js LTS (Long-Term Support), which comes with npm preinstalled. For easy version management of Node.js, it is advised to use tools such as nvm (Node Version Manager). Here's how you can install Node.js using Homebrew: 

    brew install node 

    4. Android Studio (optional): Installation of Android Studio is advised if you plan to develop Android apps with React Native. Android Studio is optional. Install it after downloading it from the official website. 


    • MacOS requires a Mac device to operate
    • Ram: 4GB
    • Storage Space: Make sure you have enough space available for projects, dependencies, and development tools. 10–15 GB of free space is a minimum requirement.

    These requirements ensure your tools run quickly and have enough storage for installation and development.

    Additional libraries or tools to be installed in prior

    1. Watchman: To effectively track file system changes, React Native depends on  Watchman. Watchman can be installed using Homebrew: 

    brew install watchman 

    2. Command Line Tools and Xcode: Xcode is necessary for developing iOS apps using React Native. Utilize the Mac App Store to install it. After installation, execute the following to confirm that the Xcode Command Line Tools are installed: 

    xcode-select –install 

    Installation of React Native through HomeBrew

    HomeBrew is a package manager that helps you install and manage packages on Mac, and thus it will be essential to our installation process. You will install HomeBrew so that you can use it to install all the other tools necessary for React Native environment, including Nodejs, git, Watchman, and JDK. 

    • First download HomeBrew using the above link, then execute the command below in the Command Line Interface:

    The command verifies whether HomeBrew has been successfully installed and outputs the specific version installed as the following result shows:

    homebrew 2.1.7
    homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision f487; last commit 2020-05-26)
    • When the version is unavailable, you can install HomeBrew via this code:
    /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl –fsSL 
    • After installation, check whether HomeBrew has installed properly using the following command:

    If the software is well installed, the result will show the version and date as shown:

    homebrew 2.1.7
    homebrew/homebrew-core(git revision f487; last commit 2020-05-26)


    React Native is a JavaScript platform; hence it needs Nodejs to provide a JavaScript runtime.  Nodejs also provides essential tools such as a local webserver with live reloading, network tools, command-line tools, and web APIs.

    • Use the HomeBrew command below to install Nodejs:
    brew install node
    • Check whether the installation is successful through the following command:

    If the installation has occurred successfully, the Nodejs version will show up:

    • Installation of Nodejs also includes installation of npm, the Node Package Manager. It would help if you had npm to help you install packages, libraries, and vital tools for your React development environment. To verify if npm is successfully installed, execute the following command:

    If the installation is successful, you will see the version as shown below:


    How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

    How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac


    Watchman monitors the files and folders utilized by the framework and triggers specific actions if the files are modified. It would be best if you had Watchman for React Native to monitor source codes and rebuild them once they are changed.

    • To install Watchman, execute the command below:
    brew install watchman
    • Verify installation through:
    watchman --version

    if properly installed, the result will show the version as shown below:


    React Native CLI

    • You need React Native CLI to develop the app by react-native. React Native CLI is installed by executing the npm command below:
    npm install --g react-native-cli
    • Check if the installation is successful using the following command:
    react-native --version
    • Sometimes, users may get an error when using the npm install --g react -native-cli command. To avoid this, try entering sudo before this command, then enter your system password.

    If the installation is successful, you will see the version as shown:

    react-native:n/a - not inside a React Native Project


    • You need Xcode for iOS app development, and you can download it via the above link. After installation, configure the Command Line Tools. Execute Xcode and go to
    Xcode > Preferences > Locations

    You should see the Command Line Tools settings showing the version of Xcode as:

    Xcode 10.2.1 (10E1001)

    How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

    • If the settings do not look like that, select the last version of the Command Line Tool from the dropdown menu.
    • Go to components and select an iOS emulator, then download it (this is for those without iOS devices to run and test their apps on. It is also easier than using an actual device.)
    • Move account tabs, select apple id, and input your apple id.
    • Open Xcode and create a new project, name it anything, then close it. After project creation, click the root file and select "sign in and capabilities," then select your user id. Select your emulator and keep it ready for development.


    Coacoapods manages dependencies in iOS development, and thus it is necessary to develop an app by react-native.

    • Install Cocoapods through the following command:
    sudo gem install cocoapods
    • Verify installation through:
    pod --version

    if installation is successful, you can see the version as shown below:



    • The Java Development Kit is essential for the development of Android apps with react-native. Install JDK through the command below:
    brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
    brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
    • Verify installation through:
    java -version

    If you see the Java version as shown below, then Java has been successfully installed:

    openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(BUILD 1.8.0_222-b10)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
    • JDK Installation also installs the Java Compiler, which can be verified by executing the following command:
    javac -version

    If the installation is successful, the following result shows up:

    javac 1.8.0_222

    Android Studio

    Android Studio is also an essential tool for developing an Android app using react-native.


    • On the install type screen, select the custom option, choose your preferred theme, then select the performance (Intel R HAXM) option and Android Virtual Device option. Click Next, then leave the Emulator settings as they are, and click next again. Allow the standard installation to continue and click Finish to complete the process.

    Android Studio

    Android Studio


    • Click Configure>SDK Manager and proceed to Android SDK Configuration.

    Select the Show Package Details option and select the following options:

    • Android SDK Platform 28
    • Intel  X86 Atom System Image
    • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
    • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    • Click ok to install the options selected.

    How To Install and Setup React Native on Mac

    • In the SDK Tools Window, select show package details >Android SDK Build Tools >Android SDK Build Tools 23.0.1.


    You need to set environment variables to ensure the development environment fits your specifications.  Ensure that the ANDROID_HOME environment variable connects to your existing Android SDK to avoid complications.
    Open and include the following code to the ~/.bash_profile file or the ~/.zshrc file to add the environment variables:

    Android Studio

    Android Studio

    For .bash_profile users, use the following command:

    source ~/.bash_profile
    • After configuration, restart the terminal, then execute the following command: adb

    The correct result if all variables are successfully configured is:

    Android Debug Bridge Version 1.0.41
    version 29.0.1-5644136
    Installed as /Your Android SDK Directory Location/platform-tools/adb


    1.You can also use git, which comes with Xcode. However, if its unavailable, run the code below:

    brew install git

    git is a substitute for the Android Studio development environment.

    Gradle Daemon

    Sometimes you may need to modify the java code, in which case, your development speed will be affected. Gradle Daemon is a tool that manages these changes to speed up your development.

    Other Installation Methods

    Expo CLI

    Expo CLI is a tool built to install and manage react-native frameworks. However, its unsuitable feature is that it has numerous native features, which makes building an app tedious and also makes the app size more extensive than it needs to be. Additionally, incorporating elements in an app that are not available in Expo CLI is difficult, making the tool unsuitable for developers. Despite that, Expo CLI has many useful native tools, unlike React Native CLI, such as geolocation, camera, the microphone that can come in handy for most application needs. Expo CLI is a much easier route than the react-native CLI route.

    The installation process is as follows:

    1.Install the Expo CLI command line utility using:

    Npm install –g expo-cli

    2.Run the command below to create your first project:

    expo init my app

    3. Browse to the directory with the following command in the terminal:

    4. Finally, run the project

    Expo start

    5. A development environment server will be started by these commands. Running the app requires installing the Expo client app to your device (iOS/Android) then connecting it to your computer. Android requires scanning the QR code on the terminal to authenticate the project, while iOS requires QR code scanning using the camera app. On the Android (emulator/real device), use the following command to initialize the app:

    npm run android

    6. While on the iOS emulator run:

    npm run ios

    Expo has docs that you can reference for solutions or even utilize the Expo Forums created for the Expo community to ask questions.
    Expo is mostly best suited for beginners as it does not include the use of native code thus cannot be used to develop complex applications with custom components.


    Project Structure

    React Native project structure consists of a project directory with configuration files such as package.json, app.json, .watchman.json at the root; separate Android and iOS folders; a _tests_ folder with validation tests for the project; a nodes_module for housing smaller app modules; and an index.js file that maps the application and serves as the initialization point of the application. package.json  specifies project dependencies and versions, while app.json contains the app name.

    The npm (node package manager) manages the node_modules folder, which stores all the project library dependencies. You should avoid modifying the files present in the folder since alterations performed cannot be assured to be stable from updates/installs. Assets in the public folder are to be shared publicly. The src folder contains all development work by the developer, including components and source codes.

    Android Studio

    Developing an App

    1. First, you need to lock the version you build with to ensure the app still works even after updates, using the following command:

    npm config set save-exact=true

    2. Create a native project through the command:

    react-native init AwesomeProject
    cd AwesomeProject
    react-native run-ios

    Your new app will run successfully in the emulator.

    3. In iOS, execute the command below:

    cd SampleApp
    #react-native run ios
    npm run ios

    The react-native app will show up on the emulator.

    4. On Android, run the following command:

    cd SampleApp
    #react-native run-android
    npm run android

    Your Android emulator will output:

    Welcome to React

    Second App Verification

    Hello World is a simple program for most development environments. Open index.ios.js for iOS or index.android.js for Android, then proceed to delete everything between the tags <View></View>.  Write <Text>Hello World</Text> and execute the emulator.

    The result will be Hello World on the screen.

    Modifying Your App

    • After successful testing, you can modify your app through the following steps:
    • Open index.ios.js or index.android.js and edit some files.
    • Click CommandX + R in the iOS Emulator and reload to see changes.

    Potential Issues

    • You might encounter problems while installing Cocoapods or React Native CLI - the most probable solution is entering a sudo command before the installation command, which will prompt you for your system password. Input the password, and your installation will go through just fine. 
    • You might also get this result [Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value]. Check if you installed android -sdk using homebrew; if you did, then uninstall it through the following command: brew uninstall android-sdk 
    • Another error is No ANDROID_HOME which means the bash files do not point to the ANDROID_HOME path. You can correct this through the following steps:

    Open and add the following code to the ~/.bash_profile file or the ~/.zshrc file to add the environment variables:

    #export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_HOME=android SDK directory location/ Android/sdk
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
    export PATH=$PATH:ANDROID_HOME/tools
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

    For .bash_profile users, use the following command:

    source ~/.bash_profile

    Then proceed to verify the correction using the following code:

    echo $ANDROID_HOME //
    • Android Emulator won't run from Android Virtual Device Manager – Android Studio rarely shows an error that may occur in the Android Device Emulator; thus, you need to utilize the command line and run the commands below to check the name of the Android virtual device:
    Avdmanager list avd

    Then run

    Emulator –avd <NAME>

    Wait for the device to boot up, then run your app in the emulator

    React-native run-android

    Your app should run successfully.

    • No Connected devices- you should run the following command
    React-native run-android

    Wrong Android emulator – you need to find the right emulator using the following code:

    find - -name emulator –type f
    /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk/emulator //
    /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator //
    not this

    Restart the terminal and verify the error is gone.
    Avdmanager not found- write ~/.bash_profile, then add the following code afterwards:

    export PATH

    then run

    source ~/.bash_profile

    Quit and restart the terminal, then run the tools.

    How to Uninstall React Native from Mac OS?

    Sometimes you might need to uninstall and wipe off the whole react-native environment due to issues such as a broken development environment which can be caused by misusing commands or assigning storage to variables incorrectly.  

    To do so efficiently, use the uninstall command together with the -g flag, then include the scope if the package is scoped.  A good example is as follows;

    npm uninstall -g react-native-cli


    npm uninstall <package_name>

    for scoped package use

    npm uninstall <@scope/package_name>

    As our installations have a package.json file, you might need to remove a package from the dependencies in that file. Use the following commands to effect these changes:

    npm uninstall --save <package_name>

    or the following for a scoped package

    npm uninstall --save <@scope/package_name>

    You will also need to verify if the uninstallation is successful through the following commands on macOS:

    ls node_modules

    This command ensures the node_modules do not contain a folder for the uninstalled files.


    • You can find more sample codes online to test your proficiency of React Native and get better at the skill. 
    • React Native is based on MIT License that grants Facebook copyright for portions of React Native for macOS extension derived from React Native. 
    • Remember to only download software from the official stated sites to avoid downloading compromised, malware-ridden software that can cripple your computer. If your computer shows any warning while executing any of the above steps, ensure to verify the software, ask an expert or ask on online community platforms. 
    • After completing and understanding all these steps successfully, you are now officially a beginner. You can proceed to the next stages of React Native app development until you become an expert. Some of the most significant areas you need to look at afterwards include animation, command-line instructions, components, shareable APKs, custom fonts, debugging, ESLint, images, layout, HTTP requests, Firebase integration, listview, native modules, and routing.

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    The guide presented has shown how to install React Native through various methods and why the tools stated are required, then showed examples of apps and finally the uninstallation procedure. Tooling and development in React Native are simple, and the learning curve is short, making it an ideal framework for web developers.  

    The growth of internet consumers, cross-platform development, and the whole of the internet ecosystem is an excellent catalyst for React Native to grow in popularity among developers. It offers them faster development speed while offering internet consumers speedier loading times and more beautiful website UIs.  

    As you have seen, React development is simple; hence it should convince you to get started and launch your own apps within a short period. Being a new but highly applicable language, React Native Training holds a lot of opportunities, career wise and development wise. There are also numerous React Native platforms on the internet that can help you solve challenges you might face in development. Keep coding and have fun!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do I install React Native on Mac?

    React Native installation on Mac can be done globally by running npm install -g react-native-cli in your terminal. This can be done using npm (Node Package Manager). Make sure Node.js is installed before continuing. After that, react-native init ProjectName can be used to start a new React Native project.

    2Is Xcode required for React Native installation on Mac?

    Using React Native on a Mac requires Xcode. It offers the necessary tools, such as simulators and compilers, for creating and executing React Native apps on iOS devices or simulators. It's also required for React Native app deployment to iOS devices and debugging.

    3What is the recommended Node.js version for React Native development on macOS?

    Node.js 12 LTS or later should be installed via Homebrew for macOS development, according to the official React Native documentation. Long Term Support, or LTS, guarantees stability and security updates for an extended period of time. Although more recent versions like Node.js 16+ have some enticing features.

    4Do I need to install Android Studio separately for React Native on Mac?

    If you want to develop and test your applications on Android devices or emulators, you will have to install Android Studio separately in order to use React Native on a Mac. The Android SDK, emulator, and other resources needed to create and run React Native apps on Android are provided by Android Studio.

    5Are there any additional dependencies or libraries required for React Native on macOS?

    For iOS and Android development, respectively, React Native on macOS may need extra dependencies like Watchman for improved performance and File System monitoring, in addition to Node.js, Xcode, and Android Studio. Watchman improves the React Native development experience by helping you manage file changes in your project more effectively.


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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