HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHighest Paying Front End Developer Jobs in USA in 2024

Highest Paying Front End Developer Jobs in USA in 2024

27th Dec, 2023
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    Highest Paying Front End Developer Jobs in USA in 2024

    Interacting with several mobile apps and online websites is becoming part of our daily life. A simple example of adding shopping products to the cart is also designed on the website.

    Have you ever wondered who is responsible for this smart technology like this? 

    It is one of the prime roles of a front-end developer. The growth of technology is reaching its peak every approaching day. Individuals interested in technology and web designing are already finding front-end developer jobs quite appealing. The USA is already a leading country regarding information and technology. The front end developer jobs in USA are in high demand with fantastic payouts. For more details regarding this, you have to follow our article. 

    Who is a Front-End Web Developer?

    Full-stack, front-end, and back-end developer are the three essential categories of web development. Now, the role of a front-end developer is in charge of designing the user interface for a website. Whereas a back-end developer will check on the website's security, storage, and other related back-end tasks. The full-stack developer will be responsible for all the duties of front-end and back-end developers.

    By mixing technology, design, and coding, a front-end developer analyzes the web interaction of the users. Hence, the job role depends on considerable coding knowledge, designing ideas for websites and mobile applications, and testing and providing solutions to bugs. If you think you already have this skill and knowledge, then front end developer USA jobs are waiting for you. If you upskill your knowledge in coding and related subjects, employers will show more interest in hiring you. Upgrade your skills and join the Front End Developer course. 

    Average Salary of Front-end Developer in US

    The web development sector is intriguing since it has room for career growth and provides a handsome salary. Moreover, the front end developer job market in US is flourishing. In the USA, front end developers usually make $7,260 per month and $5,000 in cash bonuses annually. If you are applying at the entry-level, junior front-end developer jobs in USA will provide you an average salary of $3702. 

    Front-End Developer Jobs Based on Experience in US

    1. Junior/Entry-Level Jobs (fresher- 1 year experience)

    The main role of junior-level front-end web developers is to closely assist other developers in designing the websites. You can apply for front end developer jobs for freshers in US if you have recently passed out of college. 

    2. Mid-Level Jobs (2-4 years experience)

    They are experienced professionals who possess significant expertise in UX and UI designs. Again, they can develop innovative features for web interfaces.

    3. Advanced Level Jobs (5 or more years' experience)

    Individuals with more than 5 years of experience can get better job opportunities in front-end developer jobs in the USA. These developers should have a clear comprehension of creating web applications. Usually, a full-stack developer with considerable knowledge in UX, UI, and graphics can apply for a senior position. 

    Job role based on experienceSalary In USD (average)

    Junior/Entry-Level Jobs


    Mid-Level Jobs


    Advanced Level Jobs


    Highest Paying Front-End Developer Job Roles in USA

    The following types of jobs in front end developer USA are presented below in the table with the salary/year; 

    Job RoleAverage Annual Salary Per Year

    Node.js Developer 


    React Developer 


    Angular Developer 


    JavaScript Developer 


    WordPress Developer 


    Remote/Freelance Front-End Developer Jobs in US

    To get remote front end developer jobs in USA, you can apply online through Upwork, Turing, Fiverr, and LinkedIn. For freelancers, it is always an advantage to work on flexible hours and learn the entire process of front-end web development with their clients. There are numerous start-ups and 500 fortune companies that hire remote front-end Developers. Apply in front end developer online jobs in us to get a chance to work with reputed companies remotely. 

    You can expect an average salary of $71,213 annually for freelance or remote front-end developers. Few companies also provide full time-remote front end developer jobs in USA with visa sponsorship.

    Top Cities for Front-End Developer Jobs in USA

    If you are applying jobs related to front end developer in us, you can check the following best cities for the specified role; 

    CitiesAvailability of Front end developer jobsAverage Annual Salary



















    New Jersey 






    Technical Skills Need for a Front-End Developer in USA

    Some of the necessary technical skills that you should learn to fetch high-salaried front end developer jobs in USA are as follows -

    1.  HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The common programming language for building web pages is (HTML). This is the most fundamental component needed for creating web pages. In other words, HTML is used as the primary form of the website.
    2.  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): The technical language used to display your generated HTML document. The color, style, fonts, and formatting are all created with CSS.
    3.  JavaScript: JavaScript is another crucial resource for front-end developers (JS). To make the website more interesting and interactive, JavaScript is needed. For instance, adding audio and visuals scrolling techniques to web pages is done with the help of JavaScript.
    4.  DOM Manipulation (Document Object Model): This programming interface can add, alter, or withdraw a website text's features. The front-end developers will use this DOM technique while processing JavaScript to add any new feature to the web page.
    5.  JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): It is a standard content representational format for structured statistics available upon JavaScript object syntax.
    6.  AJAX: This is a mechanism to dynamically evaluate Web applications from the JavaScript code base.
    7.  Node.js: The skill of Node.js is used by front-end and back-end developers. With the help of this knowledge, you can create chat applications, command lines, APIs, microservices, and web services.
    8.  MySQL: When it comes to websites with massive numbers of information and visitors, MySQL is the industry standard by default. Usually, it is seen in the case of Twitter, Facebook, etc. The benefit of MySQL is that integrated data systems may be supported.
    9.  React: React JS is also popularly known as React among front-end web developers. A logical, expansive, and easy-to-customize JavaScript library is called React. For mono apps or multi-page cloud services, programmers embrace utilizing to create front-end layouts that are flexible and quick
    10.  Java: The component of websites and internet-based programs that people simply interact and view with is developed by front-end designers.
    11.  Problem-Solving: Identifying and understanding the problem with the help of excellent software is a necessary skill that is required for a front-end developer. 

    What Soft Skills Should a Front-End Developer have in the USA?

    The five critical soft skills to get front end developer jobs in USA are as follows; 

    • Empathy and compassion to acknowledge the user experience on the website. During code reviews, stay patient in learning about the mistakes. Stay Patient always while working inside and outside the office. 
    • Speedy problem-solving skills. Remember, if you can give quick solutions to the website design or application and add them to your resume, you will get selected easily by employers. 
    • Effective communication with clients, co-workers, and customers. This is necessary if you work remotely or in any office in the USA. Listen carefully before creating assumptions in your mind. 
    • Flexibility to accommodate task deadlines. You can get the best front end developer jobs USA if employers can see from experience you have incredible talents in meeting deadlines. 
    • Always be curious to know more about the job role.

    Education Requirements to Get Front-End Developer Jobs

    Planning your educational and academic goals might be easier if you know what to study to become a front-end developer. For front end developers jobs in USA, a bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related field is advised. Alternatively, these experts can gain training in design or web application principles. 

    • Coding: The coding languages Html, JavaScript, and CSS are fundamental for creating websites and applications. With brilliant coding expertise, you can get excellent front end developer job opportunities in USA. 
    • Command Line Knowledge: Developers implement navigable and organizational formats to represent files in a system. The browser, the input text field, the warning, and the command's output are all components of a command-line interface. 
    • Learn controlling versions techniques: You can succeed in this capacity if you thoroughly grasp where to organize the modifications and reference page. 

    Top Certifications to Get Front-End Developer Jobs in USA

    1. Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

    If you want to learn data analysis, this certificate course is worth it. By completing this course, you can opt for junior or associate analyst, an administrator in a database, and so on. 

    2. Certified Scrum Master (CSM)

    This certificate course helps develop leadership skills in an individual. You can motivate team members and bring more productivity to your team through scrum knowledge. Moreover, your expertise in web designing, server hosting, and site and route maintenance will also develop with this course. 

    3. Certified Web Professional

    Web Developer- For enhancing your portfolio in web management and development, this certification course is helpful. With this, you can opt for jobs as front-end, back-end, and full stack developers.

    4. Java Development Certified Professional

    Form your command of Java language completely with this professional course. You can enroll in this certified course while working. This confidence-boosting course will help you to get a high salary or promotion in your company. You will get an idea about the demand for Java and how it should be implemented in various fields. 

    5. Web Foundations Associate

    With this certified course, you can develop comprehensive web development knowledge, especially in the front end. The course will help you to brush up on your expertise in Java, HTML, CSS, and jQuery. 

    6. Certified Customer Service Specialist (CSS)

    The CSS is basic and easy to understand compared to web designing or formatting languages. As a front end developer, this course will help you to get the steps of website creation and coding. 

    How to Get a Job as a Front-End Developer in the USA?

    The following steps to fetch a job as a front end developer jobs in USA will help you to build your career in this industry; 

    • Gain knowledge in significant coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. 
    • Read blogs and articles related to website designs. The more you know about the file system navigation or displaying files, it will be a hassle-free task for you to get front end developer jobs in America. Enroll your name with us at KnowledgeHut for a Web Design online course to get a thorough understanding of web designing. 
    • Practice your acquired knowledge in small pieces of consumer interfaces. From the existing mistakes, you can always get an opportunity to understand the process better. 
    • Develop your expertise from various online tools and tutorials. You can also invest in a course related to front-end web development. This can help your resume stand different from others when employers hire you.
    • You can start working as an intern. Apply for the front end developer remote jobs USA as interns. It does not matter if you are from any other part of the world; this can be a viable option for remote work. The internship will help you to fetch relevant experience about the job profile.

    Front end Developer Salary - Deciding Factors in USA

    Salary for front-end developers might differ based on several elements. Before you jump into the front end developer jobs United States, check these factors below; 

    1. Location

    The amount of money you can anticipate achieving as a front-end developer depends mainly on your work location. The cost of living and other related expenses in the outskirts will always be less than in the city or town area. Therefore, if the technology companies are located in the city, the chances are the front-end web developers will get a lucrative salary. 

    2. Coding Expertise

    Most companies hire front-end web developers with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS skills. Again few companies have project-specific skill requirements such as Bootstrap, Angular JS, React, etc.

    If you are interested in learning the entire web developer work from front-end to back-end, enroll in the Full Stack Developer Bootcamp Training in USA

    3. Certification Course

    A certified course for a front end web developer jobs in USA can help you in majorly two ways. The first benefit is you can cover your career gap. If you do not have any relevant experience in Front end web development, a certified course can be a blessing for you. On the other hand, you can finely enhance your skills and knowledge through a certified course. Companies do take these courses pretty seriously while hiring candidates.

    4. Experience

    It is needless to say that with time you gather experience. This experience always helps in determining your value in the company. Opting for entry level front end developer jobs in USA can also help you to get experience. Therefore, your experience in the said field is required for high salaried front-end developer jobs in the USA.

    5. Compensation Benefits

    Another significant factor for the high salary of front-end web developer in USA is the compensation benefits. These benefits are more than the actual salary of the individual. The highest paying jobs in front end developer US provide more compensation benefits. 


    In our technologically advanced world, there will always be a demand for front-end developers. You can develop remarkably in this field if you have the necessary attributes and professional expertise. Due to the flexibility and steady scope of front-end web developers, this industry's growth is also huge. You can apply for this specific position in the USA and work remotely. Identifying end-user expectations and improving the structure in response offers the largest difficulty in front-end design. With the help of quick decision-making, an easy problem-solving attitude, and innovative creativity with technology, you can prosper in this career smoothly.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which job search portals are best for Front End Developer in the USA?

    Some legit online portals for hiring Front end developers in the USA are Indeed, LinkedIn, Fiver, Upwork, Toptal, and Gun.io. 

    2What are the major selection criteria for a Front-End Developer in a FAANG/MAANG company in US?

    To get selected for the FAANG/MAANG companies in the USA, you should follow the steps below; 

    • Spend time for thorough research about the company profile  
    • Your technical ideas and concepts should be clear. Learn about Algorithms, Data structure, etc., accurately. 
    • Practice a mock interview and go through the common questions that are asked there 
    • Brush up your programming subjects well 
    • Prepare a crisp and clear Resume  
    • Read blogs or ask existing employees about the Company. This will help you to form an idea about your interview journey. 
    3To get shortlisted at US companies, what should a Front-End Developer include on their resume?

    Your resume should portray the data which will indicate you are the ideal candidate for a job description. 

    • Put a separate section for technical skills and other skills 
    • Talk about the relevant projects that you have worked on 
    • It should be mentioned if any course or certification is done regarding Front end developers. 
    4In America, can anybody become a Front-End Developer?

    A bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a similar subject is recommended for front-end developers. The job profile indicates designing websites. Hence, you can become a Front-End Developer if you have a degree or any course experience in this field. 

    5Is the Front-End Developer well-paid in the USA?

    In the US, a front-end developer makes an average pay of $108,893. The typical extra funds' compensation of a front-end developer in the US is $11,501.

    6Do Front End Developer have a future in the USA?

    Employers are constantly seeking methods to improve inclusiveness, sustainability, and consumer experience, among numerous other factors related to websites. Hence, Front End Developers have a demanding future in the USA. 

    7Which is the best place to learn Front End Development in the United States?

    You can go through several online tutorials and courses on Google to gain relevant knowledge in Front End development. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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