HomeBlogProject ManagementDiscretionary Dependency in Project Management [With Examples]

Discretionary Dependency in Project Management [With Examples]

20th Mar, 2024
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    Discretionary Dependency in Project Management [With Examples]

    In project management, the sequence in which tasks are carried out can significantly impact the success of a project. While some tasks naturally follow others due to constraints or logical necessity, there exists a category of dependencies known as discretionary dependency. This concept, also referred to as preferred logic or soft logic, introduces a layer of flexibility into project planning. Discretionary dependencies allow project teams to make sequencing decisions based on factors such as best practices, practical considerations, or team preferences, rather than strict constraints. 

    In this blog, I will explain the intricacies of discretionary dependency and its implications for effective project management, with examples and tips on how to use it effectively. So, if you want to learn how being flexible with task order can boost project success, you have come to the right place! 

    What is a Discretionary Dependency?

    In simple words a discretionary dependency in project management means deciding the order of tasks based on what's best or preferred by the team, instead of being forced by rules or constraints. Unlike mandatory dependencies, which are necessary, discretionary ones give flexibility in planning. Teams might choose this approach to make the best use of resources, manage risks, meet stakeholder preferences, or follow past experiences. It's about being practical and flexible in getting the job done effectively. You can learn more about this in courses for Project Management.

    Discretionary Dependency Importance

    I learnt about this concept during my PMP Certification preparation. I believe, importance of discretionary dependency in project management lies in its ability to provide flexibility and efficiency in task sequencing. Here's why it matters:

    1. Flexibility: Discretionary dependencies allow project teams to adapt to changing circumstances and optimize task sequencing based on current project needs. This flexibility can be crucial in dynamic environments where requirements evolve, or unplanned risk show up.
    2. Resource Optimization: By using discretionary dependencies, teams can make better use of available resources, such as personnel, equipment, or materials. Tasks can be scheduled in a way that maximizes resource utilization, minimizing idle time and reducing project costs.
    3. Risk Management: Strategic use of discretionary dependencies can help mitigate project risks. By sequencing critical tasks earlier in the project timeline or adjusting dependencies based on potential risks, teams can reduce the likelihood of delays or setbacks. 
    4. Stakeholder Satisfaction: Considering stakeholder preferences and priorities in task sequencing can enhance stakeholder satisfaction. By aligning task sequencing with stakeholder needs and expectations, project teams can build stronger relationships and increase project success.
    5. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Discretionary dependencies allow project teams to leverage their expertise and experience to optimize task sequencing for efficiency and effectiveness. By prioritizing tasks based on past successes or industry best practices, teams can streamline project execution and achieve better outcomes.

    Examples of Discretionary Dependencies

    Here are some examples of discretionary dependencies:

    1. Expertise-based Sequencing: In software development projects, the order in which coding tasks are carried out may not be strictly dictated by technical constraints but rather by the expertise of the development team. For instance, certain developers might excel at specific programming languages or have experience with particular modules, leading to discretionary dependencies in task sequencing based on their skills.
    2. Client Preferences: In construction projects, the sequence of tasks for interior finishing may be influenced by client preferences rather than technical requirements. For example, a client might prefer to install flooring before painting walls, even though there might not be a strict technical reason for this order.
    3. Resource Availability: In manufacturing projects, the availability of specialized equipment or machinery may dictate the sequencing of tasks. For instance, if a particular machine is required for multiple manufacturing processes, tasks dependent on its use may need to be scheduled accordingly, creating discretionary dependencies.
    4. Regulatory Compliance: In pharmaceutical projects, regulatory requirements may influence the order of tasks related to clinical trials and regulatory submissions. For example, certain documentation or testing processes may need to be completed before a drug can progress to the next stage of development, leading to discretionary dependencies based on regulatory compliance.
    5. Risk Management: In construction projects, discretionary dependencies may be established to manage project risks. For example, critical tasks such as foundation pouring may be scheduled earlier in the project timeline to mitigate the risk of weather-related delays later on, even if there are no strict technical constraints dictating this sequencing. Financial institutions strategically establish discretionary dependencies to mitigate risks. For instance, critical processes like credit risk assessment or liquidity management may be prioritized early, even if there are no rigid regulatory requirements mandating their sequence. By doing so, banks proactively address potential risks, ensuring stability and resilience in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

    How Do I Schedule Discretionary Dependencies?

    What I have realized in my experience, scheduling discretionary dependencies involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to task sequencing based on few factors such as best practices, practicality, team preferences, and project goals. Here is how I schedule discretionary dependencies:

    1. Identify Potential Discretionary Dependencies: Review the project scope, requirements, and constraints to identify tasks or activities where discretionary dependencies may be applicable. Consider factors such as resource availability, expertise, stakeholder preferences, regulatory requirements, and risk management.
    2. Consult with Stakeholders: Discuss discretionary dependencies with key stakeholders, including project sponsors, clients, team members, and subject matter experts. Gather input on sequencing preferences, priorities, and any specific requirements or constraints that need to be considered.
    3. Analyse Task Dependencies: Evaluate the relationships between tasks to determine the most logical and efficient sequencing. Consider dependencies between tasks that are mandatory (hard logic) as well as those that are discretionary (soft logic).
    4. Apply Best Practices: Use industry best practices, project management methodologies, and lessons learned from past projects to inform task sequencing decisions. Leverage the expertise and experience of the project team to identify optimal sequencing patterns.
    5. Assess Resource Constraints: Consider the availability of resources, including personnel, equipment, materials, and budget, when scheduling discretionary dependencies. Ensure that tasks are sequenced in a way that maximizes resource utilization and minimizes potential conflicts or bottlenecks.
    6. Mitigate Risks: Evaluate project risks and incorporate risk management strategies into task sequencing decisions. Schedule critical tasks earlier in the project timeline to mitigate the impact of potential delays.
    7. Document Decisions: Document the rationale behind scheduling decisions, including the factors considered, stakeholder input, and any assumptions or constraints. Maintain clear and transparent communication with the project team to ensure alignment and understanding of the sequencing plan.
    8. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor project progress and adapt task sequencing as needed based on changing circumstances, new information, or unforeseen challenges. Be prepared to adjust discretionary dependencies to optimize project execution and achieve desired outcomes.

    How to Manage Discretionary Dependencies in Project Management?

    From my experience, managing discretionary dependencies requires careful planning, clear communication, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that tasks are sequenced effectively, and project objectives are achieved. Its briefly touched in PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner training course . Here are some key steps to manage these dependencies:

    1. Identify and Document Dependencies: Start by identifying all discretionary dependencies within the project scope. Document these dependencies, along with their rationale and any relevant considerations, such as resource availability, stakeholder preferences, or risk management factors.
    2. Establish Priorities: Prioritize discretionary dependencies based on their impact on project objectives, critical path analysis, and stakeholder requirements. Ensure that dependencies are sequenced in a way that aligns with project goals and timelines.
    3. Communicate Effectively: Clearly communicate discretionary dependencies to all project stakeholders, including team members, clients, sponsors, and external partners. Ensure that everyone understands the sequencing rationale, potential implications, and their roles and responsibilities in executing tasks accordingly.
    4. Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor project progress to track the execution of tasks and identify any deviations from the planned sequencing. Use project management tools, status reports, and meetings to stay informed about task dependencies and their impact on project timelines and deliverables.
    5. Address Issues Promptly: Address any issues or challenges related to discretionary dependencies as soon as they arise. Work collaboratively with the project team to identify solutions, adjust sequencing as needed, and mitigate any potential risks or delays.
    6. Adapt to Changes: Be flexible and adaptive in managing discretionary dependencies, especially in dynamic project environments. Be prepared to adjust sequencing based on changing priorities, resource constraints, stakeholder feedback, or unforeseen circumstances.
    7. Document Changes: Document any changes to discretionary dependencies, including the reasons for the adjustments and the impact on project timelines and deliverables. Maintain clear and updated documentation to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.
    8. Learn from Experience: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of managing discretionary dependencies and identify lessons learned for future projects. Incorporate feedback and best practices into project management processes to improve decision-making and execution over time.

    Challenges Associated with Discretionary Dependencies

    Managing discretionary dependencies comes with its own set of challenges. Here are few which I faced quite often:

    1. Subjectivity: Deciding on discretionary dependencies involves a degree of subjectivity. Different team members may have varying opinions on the best sequencing approach, leading to potential conflicts or disagreements.
    2. Risk of Bias: There's a risk of bias in determining discretionary dependencies, as team members may prioritize certain factors (e.g., personal preferences, past experiences) over others, potentially overlooking more objective considerations.
    3. Complexity: Discretionary dependencies can add complexity to project planning and execution. Balancing multiple factors, such as resource availability, stakeholder preferences, and regulatory requirements, while maintaining project objectives can be challenging.
    4. Communication Issues: Communicating discretionary dependencies effectively to all project stakeholders can be challenging. Misunderstandings or lack of clarity about sequencing decisions may result in confusion, delays, or misalignment of expectations.
    5. Dependency Management: Managing discretionary dependencies requires ongoing oversight and monitoring to ensure that tasks are executed in the intended sequence. Without proper management, dependencies may not be followed consistently, leading to inefficiencies or missed deadlines.

    Strategies for Handling Discretionary Dependencies

    Handling discretionary dependencies requires careful consideration and strategic approaches to ensure that tasks are sequenced effectively. Here are some strategies for managing it:

    1. Collaborative Decision-Making: Involve key stakeholders, including project team members, clients, sponsors, and subject matter experts, in decision-making processes related to discretionary dependencies. Encourage open communication and collaboration to gather diverse perspectives and insights.
    2. Data-Driven Decision Making: Use data and analytics to inform sequencing decisions whenever possible. Utilize past project data, performance metrics, and predictive modelling to identify patterns, trends, and potential impacts of different sequencing scenarios.
    3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct risk assessments to identify potential risks associated with discretionary dependencies, such as resource constraints, stakeholder preferences, or regulatory requirements. Develop mitigation strategies to address identified risks and minimize their impact on project outcomes.
    4. Flexibility and Adaptability: Maintain flexibility in managing discretionary dependencies to accommodate changes in project scope, priorities, or external factors. Be prepared to adjust sequencing as needed to optimize project execution and adapt to evolving circumstances.
    5. Clear Communication: Clearly communicate discretionary dependencies to all project stakeholders, ensuring that everyone understands the rationale behind sequencing decisions, potential implications, and their roles and responsibilities in executing tasks accordingly. Foster a culture of transparency and collaboration to facilitate effective communication.
    6. Technology Utilization: Leverage project management software and tools to streamline the management of discretionary dependencies. Use features such as task dependencies, Gantt charts, and resource allocation to visualize and track dependencies, automate scheduling, and optimize project workflows.

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    Best Practices for Identifying and Addressing Discretionary Dependencies

    Identifying and addressing discretionary dependencies effectively is crucial for successful management of a project. Below are few of the best practices which I follow:

    1. Engage Stakeholders Early: Involve key stakeholders, including project team members, clients, sponsors, and subject matter experts, in the identification and discussion of discretionary dependencies from the outset of the project. Collaborative input ensures a comprehensive understanding of project needs and preferences.
    2. Conduct Dependency Workshops: Host workshops or meetings dedicated to discussing and analysing potential discretionary dependencies. Encourage active participation from team members to brainstorm ideas, share insights, and identify dependencies based on their expertise and experience.
    3. Evaluate Dependency Criteria: Establish clear criteria for evaluating and prioritizing discretionary dependencies, such as resource availability, stakeholder preferences, regulatory requirements, and risk management factors. Use these criteria to guide decision-making and ensure alignment with project goals.
    4. Use Data and Analytics: Leverage data and analytics to inform the identification and analysis of discretionary dependencies. Utilize historical project data, performance metrics, and predictive modelling to identify patterns, trends, and potential impacts of different sequencing scenarios.
    5. Monitor and Adjust Continuously: Continuously monitor project progress and adapt dependency management strategies as needed based on changing circumstances, new information, or unforeseen challenges. Be prepared to adjust sequencing to optimize project execution and achieve desired outcomes.


    In my opinion, effectively managing discretionary dependencies is essential for successful project execution. By identifying, analysing, and addressing these dependencies, project managers can optimize task sequencing, mitigate risks, and enhance project outcomes. Through collaboration, clear communication, and continuous improvement, teams can navigate the complexities of discretionary dependencies with confidence. By implementing the best practices outlined above and fostering a culture of adaptability and innovation, organizations can maximize the benefits of discretionary dependencies and achieve their project objectives efficiently and effectively. Therefore, it's crucial for project managers to prioritize understanding and managing discretionary dependencies to ensure smooth project progress. Ultimately, this proactive approach not only streamlines project workflows but also boosts team morale and stakeholder satisfaction, contributing to overall project success and organizational growth.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What is the difference between mandatory and discretionary dependencies centers around?

    The difference between mandatory and discretionary dependencies lies in their necessity and flexibility. Mandatory dependencies are essential and dictated by logical constraints, while discretionary dependencies offer flexibility based on the judgment or preferences of the project team.

    2What are the key characteristics of discretionary dependency?

    The key characteristics of discretionary dependency include its flexibility in task sequencing, reliance on judgment or preferences of the project team rather than strict constraints, and its ability to adapt to unique project circumstances or stakeholder preferences.

    3When should discretionary dependencies be avoided?

    Discretionary dependencies should be avoided in situations where their use may compromise project integrity, stakeholder satisfaction, or adherence to regulatory requirements. Additionally, they should be avoided when there are clear mandatory dependencies or when their implementation could introduce unnecessary complexity or risk to the project.

    4How do project managers handle discretionary dependencies?

    Project managers handle discretionary dependencies by carefully analysing project requirements, consulting with stakeholders, and making informed decisions based on best practices, expertise, and project goals. They prioritize tasks, communicate effectively with the project team, and monitor progress closely to ensure that discretionary dependencies are managed effectively throughout the project lifecycle.


    Manwendra Singh

    Blog Author

    " A Project Management Expert Driving Digital Transformation and Business Success.

    Manwendra is a distinguished recipient of the prestigious PMI Young Professionals Award, recognizing his exceptional skills in Project & Program Management. With over 11 years of experience, he has successfully led projects in Digital Transformation, New Product Development, Mass Production, Operations, and Supply Chain Management across diverse industries.

    As a Delivery Manager at Persistent Systems, Manwendra excels in orchestrating high-quality deliverables, catalyzing multi-dimensional business growth. His expertise in both waterfall and agile methodologies has consistently produced outstanding results, fueling innovation and success.

    Additionally, Manwendra holds a leadership role as Vice President – Marketing and Communications at PMI Pune Chapter, further reinforcing his commitment to advancing the project management profession and empowering others to achieve greatness.

    Through his inspiring leadership and unwavering dedication, Manwendra continues to redefine the boundaries of project management excellence, driving organizations towards unparalleled success in the digital age."

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