HomeBlogBusiness ManagementBusiness Development Executive Salary in 2024 [For All Levels]

Business Development Executive Salary in 2024 [For All Levels]

19th Apr, 2024
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    Business Development Executive Salary in 2024 [For All Levels]

    To drive business growth, business development executives play a crucial role, and in exchange, they grab a premium salary package. They identify new market segments and potential customers to increase revenue and accomplish financial objectives. If this competitive job role also appeals to you and you want to know how much you can earn after completing your degree, you stopped at the right place. In this article, I have covered business development executive salary ranges based on their job role, experience, and other factors. I have also included tips on how you can advance your packages in India. Without further ado, let's get started. 

    Who is a Business Development Executive?

    The people who primarily drive business sales are the business development executives. They must monitor industry developments, find new customers, persuade current ones, and watch market trends to generate business sales. They are in charge of managing the company's business development process. Professionals work closely with management teams and other corporate officials. Furthermore, business development executives interact with new business partners and nurture current client ties.

    Business Development Executive Salary in 2024

    The typical pay range for an experienced business development executive in 2024 is $34,398 - $135,430. This is only an estimate, and it can change according to your professional history, where the company is located, your skills, etc. Additionally, this range can be further enhanced by any other appropriate higher degree like Business Management courses or certifications. Given their demanding jobs, it is advantageous for individuals to obtain specialized credentials to earn more significant compensation.

    Business Development Executive Salary

    Average Salary  


    Business Development Executive Salary (Source: Glassdoor)

    Per Hour


    Per Month


    Per Year


    Business Development Executive Salary: Based on Experience

    Beginner: Business Development Executives with limited work exposure typically make less money. The business development executive salary for freshers in this sector typically ranges from $34,398 - $60,000. Considering their job duties, they also play an essential part in promoting business growth by creating leads, maintaining open lines of communication with stakeholders, and developing proposals or sales materials to demonstrate products or offerings to potential customers. 

    Intermediate: Unlike new and inexperienced professionals, intermediate business development executives, on the other hand, have gained good experience and knowledge. They take on more enormous job responsibilities, lead projects or initiatives, and help businesses accelerate their development. They are primarily responsible for settling contracts, developing strategies, and dealing with clients. In India, the business development executive salary at the intermediate level ranges between $60,000-$90,000

    Advanced: A well-experienced BDE with advanced certifications may make between $90,000-$135,430 annually. Business development executive salary per month may range between $6500-$9589 for advanced positions. With more experience and expertise, they can even expect and gain more. Their established ability to generate more revenue, open new avenues, develop worthwhile relationships, and successfully broaden market reach justifies this premium salary package. They play a significant role in businesses because they monitor emerging opportunities and help businesses mitigate challenges.

    Business Development Executive Salary: Based on Location

    1. India


    Business Development Executive Pay( IN Year) (Source: Glassdoor)


    INR 6,87,862


    INR 4,76,829


    INR 4,96,000


    INR 5,06,175

    2. US


    Top Companies

    Average Salary (USD) (Source: Indeed)

    New York

    Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Google


    San Francisco

    Facebook, Salesforce, Google



    Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing


    Los Angeles

    Disney, SpaceX, Snapchat



    Boeing, Motorola Solutions, Groupon


    3. UK 


    Top Companies

    Average Salary (Source: Glassdoor)


    Barclays, BP, HSBC

    £60,000 - £80,000


    BBC, PwC, Deloitte

    £45,000 - £55,000


    Jaguar Land Rover, KPMG, HSBC

    £40,000 - £50,000


    Royal Bank of Scotland, Scottish Power, Standard Life Aberdeen

    £45,000 - £55,000


    Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Hargreaves Lansdown

    £45,000 - £55,000

    4. Australia


    Top Companies

    Average Salary (AUD) (Source: Indeed)


    Atlassian, Macquarie Group,

    $120,000 - $150,000


    CSL Limited, BHP, NAB

    $110,000 - $140,000


    Suncorp Group, Boeing Australia

    $100,000 - $130,000


    Woodside Petroleum, BHP

    $100,000 - $140,000


    Santos, OZ Minerals

    $90,000 - $120,000


    Australian Government,

    $100,000 - $130,000

    Department of Defence

    5. Canada



    Top Companies

    Average Salary (CAD) (Source: Indeed)



    Shopify, RBC, TD Bank, Bell Canada

    $85,000 - $120,000



    Amazon, Microsoft, Telus, Lululemon

    $80,000 - $110,000



    Bombardier, CGI, Desjardins, Ubisoft

    $70,000 - $100,000



    Suncor Energy, Enbridge, Husky Energy

    $80,000 - $120,000



    Shopify, Adobe, Ciena, Blackberry

    $75,000 - $110,000



    University of Alberta, Alberta Health Services

    $75,000 - $110,000

    6. Singapore


    Top Companies

    Average Salary (SGD) (Source: Indeed)


    Google, Facebook, DBS

    $90,000 - $150,000

    Jurong East

    IBM, Shell, Micron

    $80,000 - $120,000


    SATS, SIA, ST Aerospace

    $70,000 - $100,000


    OCBC, Singtel, IBM

    $75,000 - $110,000


    Seagate, HP, Broadcom

    $75,000 - $105,000

    Business Development Executive Salary: Based on Job Roles


    Salary (Source: Glassdoor)

    Entry-Level Business Development Associate


    Business Development Manager


    Senior Business Development Director/VP


    Business Development Consultant


    Factors Affecting Business Development Executive Salary

    1. Location

    The cost of living and some regional economic factors exert great influence on the salary of an executive in a business development job. Due to the high cost of living and vibrant business ecosystem, BDEs in Bangalore and Mumbai can expect more lucrative salary packages. On the other hand, variations in places with the lowest cost of living, such as Chennai, are comparably low.

    2. Industry/Employer/Company

    Company size and employer's profile and reputation are critical determinants in salary variance. Industries with higher revenue potential often offer high salaries. For example, BDEs in the technology sector earn a hefty salary package than those in the retail industry, where margins tend to be tighter. Next, an employer's reputation and financial soundness offer rapid career advancement and more modest packages.

    3. Experience

    Good work experience in a reputable company is one major factor that significantly influences the earning potential of business development executives. BDEs who have accumulated 6 to 9 years of experience can earn approximately INR 10,00,000 per year or more. Though the salary range for business development executives at entry level is likewise moderate, individuals, after gaining work experience along with a few advanced courses like KnowledgeHut Business Management courses, can improve their chances of landing higher paycheck opportunities.

    4. Demand and Supply

    Demand-supply graphs also play pivotal roles in business development executive job salary variances. Industries like technology-seeking tend to be more competitive and to grab top talent, and they often pay higher compensation packages. On the other hand, sectors with an oversupply of candidates offer fewer job opportunities and downward pressure on pay. 

    5. Credentials/Certifications

    Having relevant certifications can significantly bolster your career prospects and salary potential. These certifications demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of business development principles and best practices, presenting you as a competent BDE in front of employers. 

    6. Skills

    Skill sets also play a great role in shaping the salary. To command premium salaries, aspirants must groom their negotiation and communication skills. Furthermore, analytical thinking proficiency in multiple languages facilitates relationship-building with stakeholders from other cultures. Emerging from these skills, you can easily command a premium paycheck. 

    How to Improve Business Development Executive Salary?

    1. Skills

    Seeking high compensation, BDEs need to cultivate a diverse skill set. This may include negotiation skills, interpersonal and communication skills, strategic thinking, and much more. By exhibiting proficiency in these skill sets, BDEs can easily achieve competitive financial rewards. 

    2. Certifications

    For salary advancement, you should hold industry-recognized certifications. There are several certifications available in the market, like Certified Sales Professional, Certified Business Development Professional, etc., which can assist you in getting a multifaceted grasp of the business development field, enabling you to be a highly sought-after candidate for the BDE post. 

    3. Degrees

    Advanced degree programs like MBA provides you with comprehensive knowledge in various aspects of business management like finance, marketing, etc. Hands-on training is also a crucial part of these courses that can provide you with real business exposure and offer opportunities to connect with industry leaders. All of these factors influence your expertise and strategic thinking, which helps you acquire an attractive pay package.

    4. Experience

    Solid work experience also enhances your earning potential. Experienced BDEs take on bigger job responsibilities and help businesses accelerate their development, which brings them great package opportunities. 

    Why are Business Development Executives Paid So Much?

    Considering their demanding job role and assisting in business growth, BDEs receive adequate salaries. Take a look at the factors that lead to these generous salaries:

    • Drive Business Growth: Business development executives are the main forces behind the generating of enormous amounts of income. Their multifaceted duty includes seeking out new and lucrative business prospects, keeping an eye on market trends, pursuing new clientele, and other tasks that directly impact the company's bottom line. These observable financial outcomes provide a strong justification for high pay.
    • Safeguarding Business from Risks: Risk and uncertainties are an integral part of every business. In the process of identifying and mitigating these risks attached to business, BDEs play a crucial role. Leveraging fail-proof strategies and industry expertise, they safeguard business investment, and in return, they take handsome compensation. 
    • Develop long-term connections: BDEs also play a crucial role in building and maintaining connections with partners, stakeholders, and other parties. Their interpersonal skills, active listening abilities, and other qualities contribute to the development of long-term partnerships, which leads to greater success. These abilities enable businesses to prosper in a changing global environment. 


    Competitive business development executives, with their strong skills and advanced certifications, can help any industry grow, gain more business, expand market segments, and drive growth. Playing such a demanding job role justifies the premium salary they receive. If you have made it to the end of the article, I will take it as you are interested in building a career in the field. I would suggest you upgrade your skills and knowledge by adopting cutting-edge courses with certifications, increasing opportunities to grab a good package in this performance-oriented role.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What factors influence the salary of a Business Development Executive, apart from experience and location?

    Apart from work experience and the location of their organization, the other major factors that can influence the salary of business development executives are their skill set, creative skills, and interpersonal skills. Communicating clear business goals to your stakeholders requires business executives to be best in their interpersonal and communication skills. Being creative, you can easily craft and convey your ideas to your target demographics. Grooming skill sets in a data-driven world are even more important to top-tier level personnel like business development managers to lead the curve. Thus, if you possess all these skills, you may easily grab a hefty paycheck.

    2Are there differences in salary expectations between Business Development Executives working in B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) industries?

    In terms of pay, there is considerable variance between B2B and B2C companies. The sales cycle duration, income potential, target audience complexity, etc., are a few of the primary driving elements. B2B sales cycles and organizational structures are typically more extensive and complex, requiring business development executives to possess specialized abilities. Because B2C sales cycles are transitory and have a more straightforward organizational structure, business development executive salary per month are often lower in this market.

    3What are some common negotiation strategies or tips for maximizing the salary offer as a Business Development Executive?
    • Research the market salary ranges.
    • Do good research and set a realistic range
    • Highlight your specific achievements or client wins
    • Leverage a backup plan when an offer does not meet your expectation
    • Seek professional guidance to meet your specific situation
    4What are the primary factors that companies consider when determining the salary for a Business Development Executive?

    Higher-level degrees, advanced certifications, good work exposure, competitive skill sets, interpersonal skills, confidence, etc., are a few factors that businesses consider while hiring BDEs.


    Mansoor Mohammed

    Business Agility Expert

    Mansoor Mohammed is a dynamic and energetic Enterprise Agile Coach, P3M & PMO Consultant, Trainer, Mentor, and Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in Strategy Execution and Business Agility. With a background in Avionics, Financial Services, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, and Digital, Mansoor has led global infrastructure and software development teams, launched innovative products, and enabled Organizational Change Management. As a results-driven leader, he excels in collaborating, adapting, and driving partnerships with stakeholders at all levels. With expertise in Change Management, Transformation, Lean, Agile, and Organizational Design, Mansoor is passionate about aligning strategic goals and delivering creative solutions for successful business outcomes. Connect with him to explore change, Agile Governance, implementation delivery, and the future of work.

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