HomeBlogBlockchainBlockchain Technology: Pros and Cons [2024]

Blockchain Technology: Pros and Cons [2024]

26th Dec, 2023
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    Blockchain Technology: Pros and Cons [2024]

    The Internet has made it possible for people and businesses to collaborate in new ways. The expansion of numerous online communities where people develop, self-govern, and thrive is evidence of this. By facilitating collaboration and value exchange amongst users of the same platform but with no other connections, blockchain technology takes it to a new level. The main benefits and drawbacks of blockchain technology will be covered in this blog.

    Although blockchain offers numerous advantages, do you know what makes it so urgent? Distributed ledger technology, which manages its decentralized database, is used (DLT). Blockchain is a disruptive technology compared to conventional database systems; therefore, no single party has control over it. It prevents abuse or repression by any one party. As a business owner, you can be unsure whether to employ blockchain technology or stay away from it. You can also do the best Blockchain Quality Engineer online course and work on hands-on projects.

    I'm here to outline some of the essential blockchain technology pros and cons to help you out of this pickle. So, prepare to dig in and learn about some incredible blockchain advantages as well as some disadvantages of blockchain.

    Blockchain Technology Pros and Cons

    Advantages of Blockchain
    Advantages of Blockchain

    1. Greater openness

    Using blockchain technology increases the transparency of transaction histories. Blockchain is a distributed ledger; thus, each network participant shares the same data instead of having individual copies of the same documents. A consensus must be reached to update that shared version, which necessitates universal agreement. It would take the cooperation of the entire network and the alteration of all future records to update a single transaction record.

    Due to their decentralized character, blockchains are resistant to takeover attempts or corruption by centralized organizations like banks and governments. Furthermore, as this data is dispersed across an extensive network of unrelated computers and systems, anybody can access, verify, and audit the data and transactions on the Blockchain's ledger.

    2. Accounting

    Blockchain enables the recording of transactions, eliminating human error and guarding against data manipulation. Every time the data is transferred from one blockchain node to another, it is verified. Your records will be assured of being accurate, and a method like this will also provide a very traceable audit trail.

    3. Supply Chain Administration

    This breakthrough technology provides the advantages of cost-effectiveness and traceability. Blockchain enables the tracking of products, including their origin, amount, and other details. As a result, processes are made simpler, including ownership transfers, production process assurance, and payments.

    4. Global peer-to-peer transactions

    The blockchain-based cryptocurrency Bitcoin makes international money transfers quick, safe, and affordable. While there are currently worldwide payment processing systems like PayPal, they often have some restrictions.

    5. Process Integrity

    Users may rely on transactions to be carried out exactly as specified by the protocol, eliminating the need for a reliable third party. In addition, this program was created so for security reasons so that any block or even a transaction that adds to the chain cannot be altered, providing a very high level of security in the end.

    6. Reduced Transaction Fees

    Blockchain allows for a significant reduction in transaction fees by doing away with the need for third-party middlemen when exchanging assets.

    7. Traceability

    Blockchain technology is designed so that any problems may be quickly found and fixed. Additionally, it produces a permanent audit trail.

    8. Security

    Since each person who joins the Blockchain network receives a unique identification connected to his account, blockchain technology is incredibly safe. This guarantees that the account owner himself is carrying out the transactions. Furthermore, any hacker would have a more challenging time disrupting the chain's established structure because of the block encryption.

    9. More rapid processing

    Before the creation of the Blockchain, it took a traditional financial institution a long time to process and initiate a transaction. However, with the advent of blockchain technology, transaction speed significantly accelerated. For example, before the introduction of Blockchain, the entire banking process took about three days to settle, but it now just takes minutes or even seconds.

    Disadvantages of Blockchain

    1. Significant energy consumption

    The power usage on the Blockchain is comparatively large since, in one year, the electricity used by Bitcoin miners alone was greater than that of 159 countries combined.

    One of the reasons for this usage is that every time a new node is created, it simultaneously connects with every other node to maintain a real-time ledger.

    2. Cost of Upkeep:

    The average cost of a Bitcoin transaction includes electricity costs. Therefore, the inability to resolve the energy difficulties may cover the storage problem.

    Each client of the bitcoin network now maintains the whole transaction history, up to 100GB. The size increases more quickly as more transactions are handled on the web.

    3. Regulatory status unknown:

    Modern money is created and managed by the central government in every region. Therefore, Blockchain presents a barrier to Bitcoin's acceptance by the current financial institutions.

    4. Volatility:

    Numerous cryptocurrencies that operate on decentralized blockchains are very erratic. Bitcoin values, for instance, frequently change by 20% or more in a single day. As a result, governments, investors, businesses, and other organizations are debating whether or not to adopt them, which might result in a great deal of volatility.

    5. Delays in transactions:

    One of their most significant limitations is that the most well-known blockchains now in existence frequently require several hours to register transactions. Using "off-chain" transactions is one technique to get around this restriction. However, most of the time, writing data to a blockchain takes some time.

    6. Inescapable security hole

    Bitcoin and other blockchains have one significant security flaw: if more than 50% of the computers acting as nodes to service the network utter a falsehood, the lie will be accepted as the truth. When one created bitcoin, he highlighted this "51% attack."

    Because of this, the community actively monitors bitcoin mining pools to ensure no one unintentionally gets such network dominance.

    7. Doesn't Ensure complete transparency:

    One option to increase transparency in your software project or business is to move data to a blockchain. For instance, you may have a closed-source application that saves data on a blockchain so that everything isn't suddenly "open." In that instance, even though your software's data is on a blockchain, only you would know how it functions.

    8. Performing, redundant, and unbreakable

    The Blockchain has multiple nodes, but centralized databases only process transactions once or twice; each node in the network must process transactions independently for the same outcome.

    Because Bitcoin is decentralized and lacks a centralized server, special services or authorities cannot shut it down because the Blockchain is stored on every network node.

    9. Verifying Digital Signatures,

    The elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), a public-private cryptography technique, must be used to sign every transaction on the blockchain network since it allows for peer-to-peer transaction propagation. These signatures require complicated computational methods for production and verification. Once a link has been established, it is unnecessary to manually approve each request that comes via it in centralized databases.

    Blockchain Technology Pros and Cons in Supply Chain
    Blockchain Technology Pros and Cons in Supply Chain

    Advantages of Blockchain in Supply Chain

    1. Trust

    Supply chain members may trust the data they see on the blockchain since it is decentralized and irreversible. A standard supply chain data warehouse structure, on the other hand, often mandates that all supply chain participants retain their records, which leads to conflicts when these records do not match.

    2. Efficiency

    Because all data is captured at every stage of the supply chain and is visible to all members, it is simple to detect where there is nonconformity in the supply chain (e.g., a product defect or a missing product quantity). It happens because a product's life cycle is tracked at every stage.

    Utilizing blockchain technology may identify the root of the non-compliance with less time spent on phone calls and email correspondence. In addition, because records are kept in a single ledger, physical paperwork is usually unnecessary.

    Consider the construction of a refrigerator. Suppose a refrigerator manufacturer finds a defective valve in the compressor of a completed refrigerator. In that case, the refrigerator manufacturer should contact the compressor manufacturer, who should then get in touch with the refrigerator manufacturer to advance up the supplier tiers to the supplier of the defective valve until the supplier of the defective valve is reassigned. However, suppose every link in the refrigerator supply chain belonged to the same blockchain network. In that case, the refrigerator manufacturer could consult the blockchain almost instantly to get the entire Trace History, thus reducing the time required for the query.

    3. Transparency

    Because all data on the blockchain is automatically timestamped, even data that would not ordinarily be captured in a traditional supply chain system, blockchain offers transparency. Blockchain technology also increases transparency by providing end-to-end tracking that is available to use on the blockchain by all supply chain participants. As a result, transparency can contribute to speedier dispute resolution than traditional supply chain processes.

    Disadvantages of blockchain technology in Supply Chain

    1. Blockchains with Permissions

    A licensed blockchain (accessible to the common public) is typically preferred because supply chain information can be sensitive. However, an authoritative system is less secure because the blockchain is made up of fewer nodes and these nodes typically know each other, making it easier to modify a block.

    2. The Human Factor

    While knowing that the data on the blockchain cannot be modified after it is put up is extremely valuable to all parties of a supply chain, human mistakes or purposeful misbehavior while entering the first data on the blockchain might still occur. The information is not perfect; it may be incorrect or even fake. For instance, a malicious party might put stones in a container while recording on the blockchain that it contained auto components.

    Finding the whereabouts of a container holding stones in the supply chain may become more accessible thanks to blockchain technology. But it will not prevent fake data from being added to the blockchain. Blockchain technology does not prohibit inaccurate information from being placed into the chain; rather, it enables all blockchain users to authenticate that the blockchain data has not changed since a specific time.

    Because blockchain technology is typically considered irreversible, introducing fake data into the chain is an issue. Although some blockchain technologists have criticized such approaches to blockchain, asserting that the purpose of using blockchain over a traditional database is to erase immutability. Accenture has developed a prototype that enables authorized blockchain authorities to process past transactions in exceptional circumstances to correct human error.

    3. Scaling

    Blockchain systems process transactions far more slowly than standard databases because transactions must be verified across multiple computers or servers. Furthermore, because of the massive volume of transactions in the supply chain, having a permissionless feature of a blockchain system might be expensive since transaction fees would be necessary to finance the mining nodes' effort for blocks to be created. Some supply chains handle millions of transactions daily, so scalability concerns must be carefully considered when using blockchain technology.

    4. Costs in advance

    The initial cost of adopting blockchain technology might be prohibitively expensive. There are costs connected with employing blockchain developers, which tend to be more than standard developers owing to their specialization. Charges for planning, licensing, and maintenance contribute to a high price.

    While blockchain technology can provide significant advantages to supply systems, it also has potential downsides, indicating that any blockchain solution must adapt well to the target supply chain.

    Blockchain Technology Pros and Cons in Transactions

    Advantages of blockchain in Transactions

    Blockchain technology promises to provide rapid, secure, low-cost international payment processing by utilizing encrypted distributed ledgers that provide trusted real-time verification of transactions without the need for intermediaries such as correspondent banks and clearing houses (and other transactions).

    Disadvantages of blockchain in Transactions

    Because transaction records of payments through blockchain are immutable, the following issues arise Transaction reversibility. Payments cannot be canceled accountability of the blockchain ledger that records the data.

    Blockchain Technology Pros and Cons in Other Industries

    Advantages of blockchain in other industries

    1. The advantages of blockchain in supply systems and food chains

    Building trust among trade partners, offering end-to-end insight, optimizing procedures, and resolving issues more quickly all contribute to more vital supply chains and better business partnerships. Furthermore, in the case of an interruption, players can act faster. Blockchain can help maintain food safety and freshness while also reducing waste in the food business. Food contamination may be tracked back to its source in seconds rather than days.

    2. Blockchain aids the banking and finance industries

    Reduced friction and delays and greater operational efficiencies across the business, including international trade and other transactions, are two advantages when financial institutions embrace blockchain to replace outdated procedures and paperwork. So, one should do courses like the Best Blockchain Developer course for a better career.

    3. Benefits of Blockchain in Healthcare

    In a field plagued by data breaches, blockchain can help healthcare enhance patient data security while making it simpler to share records between doctors, payers, and researchers. In addition, the patient retains control over access, which increases confidence.

    4. Government Blockchain Advantages

    Blockchain technology can help governments operate smarter and develop more quickly. Secure data exchange between individuals and government entities may boost trust while providing an immutable audit trail for regulatory compliance, identity management, contract management, and citizen services.

    Disadvantages of blockchain in other industries

    Companies are raising awareness of blockchain technology in fields ranging from infrastructure to public policy as they utilize it to achieve more openness and authenticity across the digital information ecosystem. Here are the most recent and inventive ways businesses are leveraging blockchain's potential.

    SWOT Analysis of Blockchain Technology

    1. Strengths

    • Efficiency in Operations.
    • It makes it easy to share information about specific items or deals. There will be no more materials to distribute. Everything may now be registered on the blockchain.
    • Data encryption and tamper-proof storage.
    • Removes the central authority that has complete access to the data.

    2. Opportunities

    • This platform is used for Big Data and analytic research.
    • Returns control to the user; for example, instead of Google and Facebook exploiting your data, you may control who has access to it. All of these authorizations will be recorded on the blockchain.
    • As the world becomes increasingly digital, more individuals will accept blockchain as a concept in their daily lives.

    3. Weaknesses

    • Scalability is a challenge.
    • Few technologies consume too much energy.
    • High cost of implementation.

    4. Threats

    • Scalability issues: too many transactions (overload), despite the fact that numerous solutions are available.
    • Mining pools and big mining farms are examples of unwelcome centralization.
    • Quantum computers have the power to decode data (in the future).
    • Hype and a rapidly changing environment.
    • Mining assaults and hackers are always a possibility.


    These were the main advantages and disadvantages of blockchain technology. It is a cutting-edge method of transferring and storing data. Although it has some drawbacks, most can be resolved with proper planning and execution. Businesses that want to benefit from distributed ledger features should use blockchain technology because of its current state. However, the technology is not as straightforward as it might seem. Hence, I would advocate employing Blockchain developers with expertise and relevant talents. Otherwise, your business may suffer. To learn more and become an expert, you can do a blockchain developer course from us, KnowledgeHutā€™s best Blockchain Quality Engineer online course.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the advantage of blockchain technology?

    Its key benefits are the decentralized network, transparency, trusted chain, and unchangeable and indestructible technology of the Blockchain. 

    2What is the biggest problem with blockchain?

    Massive storage is needed, and the bigger the Blockchain, the more processing power the nodes will need to handle it all. And even if all your hardware, software, and digital demands are met, controlling your Blockchain will be nearly impossible. 

    3What happens when a blockchain is hacked?

    Blockchain technology's underlying principles make it virtually impossible to hack into a blockchain. However, outside of the Blockchain, there remain flaws that present the potential for theft. For example, hackers can access cryptocurrency owners' wallets and exchange accounts to steal bitcoin. 


    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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