HomeBlogBusiness intelligence and VisualizationAWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Top Differences & Similarities

AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Top Differences & Similarities

10th Jan, 2024
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    AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Top Differences & Similarities

    Data visualization helps bridge the gap between numbers and the number of words required to convey the information. Compelling storytelling using data can convert data points into insights and insights into decision-making for the business. In this scenario, it is important to choose the most suitable tool from an array of available options in the market to perform this action effectively. AWS QuickSight and Microsoft Power BI are two powerful tools in this space that have redefined data visualization.

    Quicksight and Tableau are tools like Power BI but with their own specific uses and different user categories. In this article, we will focus on the major use cases and differences between these two tools, Amazon QuickSight vs Power BI. We will also discuss a few similarities and help students decide which tool to take based on their specific needs. In today’s scenario, aspiring analysts and data scientists must skill up using Power BI Certification from Microsoft to sharpen skills and gain an edge over their peers. Now let’s dive in to know more!

    AWS QuickSight Vs Power BI [Head-to-Head Comparison]


    AWS QuickSight

    Microsoft Power Bi


    QuickSight is intended to be fast and efficient. SPICE, an in-memory computation engine, is used to ensure rapid data analysis. SPICE is capable of handling large datasets, allowing for real-time analytics and interactive dashboards

    Power BI's DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language prioritizes performance. Advanced calculations and optimization for complicated data models are possible using DAX. However, depending on the intricacy of the data and calculations, performance may vary


    QuickSight has different varieties of basic visualizations that make it simple to create visually appealing charts, graphs, and dashboards. It has interactive elements and drag-and-drop capability to help users easily construct images

    Power BI has a large library of configurable visuals. Users can design interactive reports with rich images, allowing for excellent data storytelling. Although certain elaborate visualizations may require additional configuration, the drag-and-drop interface improves the user experience.


    While QuickSight lets you make significant visual modifications, its primary focus is on simplicity and ease of usage. Users can alter the colors, characters, and general styles, but additional customization might become limited

    Power BI excels at customization, enabling customers to fine-tune visual elements to meet distinct branding or design needs. Unique themes, formatting applications, and the ability to incorporate unique visuals give you a lot of solutions.


    QuickSight's in-memory processing, enhanced by SPICE, allows for quick data retrieval and analysis. This is particularly helpful for large datasets and real-time analytics

    Power BI optimizes data query performance, nonetheless, the complexity of calculations and data interactions may influence the speed. Caching and data modeling methods help improve the dashboard speed.

    Big Data support

    The SPICE engine in QuickSight was built to handle huge datasets, making it suited for big data scenarios. It helps users to store and query data using in-memory technology, which results in quick query runs and hence responses

    Power BI works with Azure Data Lake Storage and other big data technologies to connect, analyze, and illustrate large-scale datasets. Its capacity to handle large amounts of data increases its flexibility in business settings.


    QuickSight's scalability comes from its AWS integration. It scales itself based on user demand, providing optimal performance and availability.

    Scalability is provided by Microsoft Azure with Power BI. Users can scale capacity up or down as needed, but specific adjustments may be required to achieve efficient scaling.

    Cost of subscription and services

    QuickSight's costs are pay-per-session, which is great for businesses with different levels of involvement from users. Users pay only when they use dashboards.

    Power BI offers multiple pricing tiers, including a free edition with restricted functionality. The premium editions cater to different customer needs, and rates are determined by features and usage. Per-user or capacity-based licensing are possible.

    Difference Between AWS QuickSight and Power BI

    In thi section, let’s discuss the above differences in detail for better understanding:

    1. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Performance

    • Amazon QuickSight: QuickSight is a software similar to Power BI. It uses an advanced in-memory calculation engine called SPICE (Super-fast, Parallel, In-Memory Calculation Engine).
    • Example: Imagine that your team is analyzing sales data for an internet consumer company with millions of transactions that happen weekly. QuickSight's SPICE engine stores the aggregated data in memory, allowing very fast query response times. Your team could interact and filter the data by region, product, or time period, and QuickSight would instantly refresh the data visualization dashboard
    • Microsoft Power BI: Emphasizes overall performance through its DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language. This technique allows to perform complex calculations seamlessly. Example: Imagine that your product team is analyzing financial data and has to calculate growth rates for the quarter. These are millions of data points that you’re analyzing to get insights. Power BI's DAX expressions can easily perform such calculations, but some more complex DAX calculations might affect dashboard performance and refresh date.

    2. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Visualization

    • Amazon QuickSight: Offers an extensive array of visualizations that are suitable for various data types. Example: Assume your growth team is studying survey results. The team can utilize QuickSight to produce dynamic bar charts, pie charts, and even location maps that display survey responses by location. These interactive images allow consumers to drill down into specific categories for deeper insights.
    • Microsoft Power BI: Enables customization of almost any data type that is used in the data industry from tables to JSONs. Example: Assume your marketing team is reviewing the efficacy of a marketing campaign. With Power BI, the team can generate complex funnel visualizations to show the rate of conversion at every phase of the customer experience. Product managers can interact with these visuals, enhancing involvement and understanding, and giving them a bird’s eye view of the business metrics.

    3. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Customization

    • Amazon QuickSight: Prioritizes simplicity, it contains a few fundamental options for customizing. Example, you can change the color schemes and styles to reflect your brand's identity. To geta cohesive view while tracking social media interaction, you are free to choose shades that match your business's emblem.
    • Microsoft Power BI: Specializes at customization, which include features such as bespoke themes and elaborate formatting for better user interaction. Example: You are creating a financial dashboard. Power BI helps you to customize each component of the dashboard, from colors to data labels and corresponding positions, to make sure that it adheres to the company's design guidelines and principles.

    4. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Speed

    • Amazon QuickSight: The SPICE engines speed up retrieval of data and analysis. Example: if your growth team is measuring traffic to your website, QuickSight's in-memory processing ensures that even when the team deals with enormous data sets, it is possible to quickly visualize trends, clicks, and user activity.
    • Microsoft Power BI: Increases the query efficiency by employing caching technology. Example: Your business team is looking at figures for sales by region for a quick root cause analysis. Power BI efficiently caches this data, which enables the dashboard to load quickly when switching between regions, by following the cached information with the help of RAM. But, when the team performs complicated computations on huge data sets like sub-region levels, the level of detail of those calculations could influence the rate of execution. There are not many similar tools like Power BI that offer such a level of performance.

    5. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Big Data Support

    • Amazon QuickSight: The SPICE engine employed by QuicSight is an excellent tool for managing huge datasets. Imagine the following scenario: You are the lead analyst studying sensor data from your industry’s manufacturing equipment array. The ability of QuickSight to load and assess tens of millions of readings from IOT devices in memory allows your team to find anomalies and configurations in real time. This will help your business to take corrective actions in a timely manner.
    • Microsoft Power BI: The combination of BI and Azure Data Lake Storage is advantageous in big-data configurations. Imagine your team which looks at customer behavior across multiple channels. The Azure Data Lake link in Power BI allows you to explore both organized and unorganized information, and provides an exhaustive view of customer interactions, which can help make holistic business decisions.

    6. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Scalability 

    • Amazon QuickSight: AWS enables seamless scalability by making use of excellent hardware infrastructure and acknowledging cstomer data needs. Imagine that your company arranges a virtual event, resulting in a spike in dashboard access. In this scenario, QuickSight automatically scales up in response to rising user demand and delivers an uninterrupted experience.
    • Microsoft Power BI: Uses existing infrastructure that is employed in Microsoft Azure cloud. Imagine you, as a product manager releasing a new product and your team expects an uptick in dashboard usage post the release. Because of Power BI's connectivity with Azure, your team can dedicate additional resources adequately to handle increasing traffic while maintaining performance and speed.

    7. AWS QuickSight vs Power BI: Overall Cost

    • Amazon QuickSight: Quicksight operates as a pay-per-session service. Consider the following scenario: your business wants to share quarterly revenue numbers with stakeholders. QuickSight's pricing model charges you only when users actually use the dashboard, making it suitable in cases where a regular look at the dashboard is not within business requirements as per stakeholders.
    • Microsoft Power BI: It comes in multiple pricing categories, allowing users to choose plans as per their needs. Assume you have a team of analysts who regularly create and distribute analyses. In this case, the premium edition of Power BI may be ideal because it offers limitless sharing without paying any extra amount per user. It essential to take into account your organization's pattern of consumption to be able to pick the most cost-effective choice.

    How Are They Similar?

    Now that we've explored the differences between these two tools, it's equally important to recognize that AWS QuickSight and Microsoft Power BI share some commonalities. Let's delve into the ways in which these powerful data visualization tools are similar.

    • User-Friendly Interface: Both QuickSight and Power BI have intuitive user interfaces that enable for simple navigation and data analysis for individuals with various technical skills.
    • Interactive dashboard: QuickSight and Power BI both allow users to create interactive and dynamic dashboards. These tools let users build intriguing visualizations, examine data, and capture actionable insights, improve data-driven association to promote better decision-making within organizations. Even though tools can help analysts with reporting and storytelling, they have to be in the top of their game in deriving meaningful value, Business Intelligence courses can help them upskill in this regard.
    • Data Source Compatibility: QuickSight and Power BI both can connect to a wide range of data sources like spreadsheets, databases, cloud services, and APIs, with flexibility. This compatibility enables data integration simpler for newcomers, allowing individuals to interpret data from multiple sources with limited technical expertise.

    What Should You Choose Between AWS QuickSight and Power BI?

    The choice you make is influenced by factors such as currently available tools, database complexity, available funds, and reporting tools like Power BI. If you are in a corporate setting, then the company’s budget for analytics, including tools like AWS BI reporting and similar tools like Power BI, plays a role. QuickSight is excellent for AWS users who require integrated analytics using the existing compatible systems. Power BI supports significant customization, making it suited for Microsoft-centric work environments. To make the most suitable choice, consider the performance, design, and scalability requirements of your project. Acquiring the skillset and conceptual industry knowledge by using KnowledgeHut Power BI certification from microsoft certificates can help you venture in this area with confidence. 

    In A Nutshell

    Amazon QuickSight and Microsoft Power BI have emerged as strong competitors in the world of data visualization and reporting. QuickSight excels at AWS integration, while Power BI excels at customization. It is essential to analyze performance, visualization capabilities, and scalability as per the project requirements. Your selection should be consistent with your setting, data complexity, and purpose. There are many Power BI like tools in the market similar to Quicksight that you can explore. Lastly, regardless of their differences, both tools empower users to transform raw data into valuable insights, and enable important stakeholders to take action at the right time.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is AWS QuickSight more cost-effective than Power BI?

    Depending on usage patterns, both QuickSight and Power BI offer cost-effective options to choose from. QuickSight's pay-per-session model is suitable for infrequent use, but Power BI's various pricing tiers cater to a wide range of demands.

    2Can AWS QuickSight and Power BI integrate with different data sources?

    Yes, both QuickSight and Power BI can connect to many different data sources, such as spreadsheets, databases, cloud-based services, and APIs, which makes them flexible for data integration and data analysis.

    3Is Power BI more user-friendly than AWS QuickSight?

    Power BI and AWS QuickSight are both user-friendly, with intuitive user interfaces for visualizing data. The choice is decided by familiarity with the Microsoft or AWS environments, and also by each user's convenience.

    4Which platform offers better data visualization capabilities?

    QuickSight and Power BI both possess great data visualization features, but Power BI's broad library and customization potential make it an excellent tool for those who require complicated and highly tailored visualizations. QuickSight has powerful AWS integration which means scalability is great.


    Abhishek Venugopal

    Blog Author

    Hi, I am Abhishek. After graduating from IIT Madras, I joined Accenture AI as a data science analyst, where I worked for more than a year, before joining Swiggy (Instamart business) as a business analyst. I enjoy sharing knowledge and technical writing is one of my core areas of interest where I contribute to the community through Medium and KnowledgeHut Upgrad.

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