HomeBlogSecurityHow to Become a Cyber Security Engineer in 2024?

How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer in 2024?

17th Jan, 2024
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    How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer in 2024?

    How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer: The dependency on the internet has increased significantly over the years, and it will continue to grow at the same pace. We do almost everything, from shopping, ordering food, accounting, and financial transactions to using social media on the web or mobile apps. All these apps have confidential data, and things can get disastrous if it leaks. Intruders are always looking for a flaw that can lead them steal data and cause monetary or informational fraud.

    Experts who have a thorough understanding of these things is a cyber security engineer. These experts ensure that your and the company’s network stay under the secure zone and no user data leaves the premises. It is a promising career option with a lucrative salary, and you should know how to become a cyber security engineer if it fascinates you too. You should get the best Cyber Security certifications to get certified and know about the skills needed to start your career in this domain.

    Who is Cyber Security Engineer?

    A Cyber Security Engineer is a professional responsible for designing and implementing security measures to protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and vulnerabilities. They possess a strong understanding of computer networks, encryption protocols, and various security technologies. Their primary role involves assessing potential risks, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing effective solutions to mitigate cyber threats. Cyber Security Engineers also play a crucial role in incident response, investigating security breaches, and implementing preventive measures to enhance overall system security. They constantly stay updated with the latest trends and emerging threats in the field of cybersecurity to ensure the robustness of organizational systems.

    What Does a Cybersecurity Engineer Do? 

    Professionals in this domain often take the Best Cyber Security Certifications to understand the field better. Moreover, these certification courses also make them more aware of the roles and responsibilities they would have to fulfill to excel in the domain. Let us discuss these roles and responsibilities in detail.

    • Do proper system and network analysis to identify areas in a business that requires security. Then, they dig deeper to evaluate the security needs of the organization so that they can plan their security strategies accordingly.
    • Identify the potential threats or the intensity at which the flaws can damage the network or the system. If the need persists, you must know what can go wrong to keep a disaster management plan ready for implementation.
    • Another responsibility of the cyber security engineer is to design strategies for enhanced network security. Additionally, they have to plan the implementation and maintenance strategy to ensure that the plan yields the best results.
    • The cyber security engineer always keeps up with the changing trends and latest tools that help plan better security strategies. Moreover, they should be familiar with the type of attacks to identify them before time and plan things on time.

    These are the fundamental roles and responsibilities of cyber security engineers they need to fulfill to excel in their careers. So, whether you do a degree or an Ethical Hacking course to start your career, you may have to play these roles.

    Who can Study Cyber Security Engineer?

    Ethical hacking and Cyber security are utterly captivating domains that attract many professionals. Moreover, many people often search for how to become a cyber security engineer without a degree. If you also have similar plans and want to start a career in this field, refer to the following eligibility points to know if you can study this course.

    Candidates should be from a technical background. Their knowledge of programming and technology can help them identify malicious codes and potential attacks on time. Moreover, it will help them create their security strategies. Thus, a bachelor's or master's degree in technology is essential for studying cybersecurity. Furthermore, people who have completed a diploma in computer science or information technology can also learn cybersecurity by opting for an online or full-time course.

    How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer with No Experience? 

    What you need to become a cyber security engineer without experience is a common query amongst freshers. Sometimes, people are already on their professional path but need to switch the domain as they find it interesting. In such cases, the add-on certification courses help.

    You need something to prove your skillset to the employer, giving them the reasons to hire you. Therefore, it is only possible if you do some add-on course or online certification course, learning the basics of the domain. Moreover, through these courses, you will learn the latest tools and techniques that can help. This way, your experience level will not make much difference, and you will still be able to get the best job opportunities. Check how do you become a cyber security engineer:

    1. Earn your Bachelor's Degree

    The first step is completing your bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology. It is an inevitable requirement to have a bachelor's degree if you do not have experience in this domain. The diploma holders also hold a chance to become professionals, but they need additional courses and prior experience in a similar field.

    2. Be Proficient with Prerequisites Technical Skills

    The technical skills you require to start your cyber security career without experience are a thorough understanding of the network and system architecture. Moreover, you should know how to use different operating systems to enhance the network's security. Furthermore, it will work in your favor if you know coding or programming languages.

    • Sound Knowledge of Required Languages & Tools: You require knowledge of some essential programming languages before you start your career as a cyber security professional. It includes understanding coding languages like C++, Java, and likewise. Additionally, you require a thorough knowledge of the latest tools that support giving expertise to cyber security projects. Hence, make sure you have that knowledge working in your favor to grab a job without experience.
    • Familiarity with Various Operating Systems: Every operating system has potential security threats on desktops and mobile devices. So, to protect the company network, the engineer needs to know these OS options and their functionalities.
    • Extensive Understanding of Cyber Security Concepts: Learn various cyber security concepts to gain familiarity with the domain and work on the projects proficiently. Make sure you know about different types, like application security, network security, and more. This information is enough to get you started on this career path.

    3. Gain Some Hands-on Experience

    You may not have worked in the cyber security domain before, but a lack of hands-on experience will not be apt. You must be wondering how to get hands-on experience when you have never been on board as a cyber security professional. The simple way to do this is to work on mock projects. The courses you join will give you plenty of case studies to work on that will provide enough work experience. Moreover, you can opt for an internship before kick-starting your career so that it gets counted as relevant work experience.

    4. Possess Relevant Certifications

    As mentioned earlier, certifications or online courses are extremely beneficial for professionals who do not have prior experience. The certifications cover all the essential topics a cyber security engineer must learn. These courses are also an apt answer for people who want to know what I should learn to become a cyber security engineer. Some of the certifications that you can opt for in this domain are:

    • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v11)
    • Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)
    • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
    • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
    • CompTIA Security+ (SY0 601)

    5. Apply for Cyber Security Engineer Jobs

    Lastly, you will only become a cyber security engineer if you get a job in this domain. For that, you have to start applying. First, ensure that you have earned your graduate degree and have done enough certifications in this field. Once you meet all the qualification criteria, start exploring the job portals.

    Go for an organization that requires experts matching your profile and put your application there. If you qualify for the requirements and have a thorough knowledge of the field, nobody and nothing can stop you from getting the best job with a lucrative salary package.

    How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer Without a Degree?

    You have learned about becoming a cyber security engineer without experience. What about you becoming an engineer without a degree? We mentioned that a bachelor's degree in computer science or IT is essential, but if you do not have it, can you still become a cyber security engineer? Let us find out.

    Steps to Become a Cyber Security Engineer

    It is possible to enter the cyber security field as an engineer before graduation. You can start your career after the diploma or even after high school. The steps listed below are your answer to how to become a cyber security engineer after the 12th:

    Step 1: Research the Field

    The first step is to research the field, educating yourself about all its aspects. Gather thorough information about cyber attacks, how malicious code can affect your system or network, and how a cyber security engineer can help. Next, learn about the tools and techniques associated with this domain and figure out their operability. This information will help you plan your career and help you figure out what to study to become a cyber security engineer.

    Step 2: A Degree is not a Regulated Requirement 

    Understand a degree is only a piece of paper if you do not have comprehensive knowledge of the domain. You can learn the skills by self-practice or joining an online class without completing a graduate degree. Thus, emphasize developing the skills and learning the tools and techniques to help you become a cyber security professional.

    Step 3: College is not the Only Way to Learn

    It is appropriate to join a college and get a degree, but it is certainly not the only option. You can learn through various online programs or get familiarity in the domain by joining an internship. Thus, do not drop your dream of becoming a cyber security professional only because you didn't attend college. Instead, focus on learning new skills and brushing your abilities to open doors for success.

    Step 4: Knowledge of Programming Languages

    You have to learn some programming languages if you plan to be a cyber security engineer. It will help you understand the code better to see if there is something malicious in the system. Additionally, it will enable you to write the code to create applications that can protect the network from unwanted intruder attacks. Some languages you should know include Java, C++, Python, HTML, SQL, and a few more options.

    Step 5: Complete a Certification that will act as a Substitute for a Degree

    You can go for a certification course that compensates for not having a degree. We have mentioned a few names before. Choose one from those courses and get a professional certification that proves your skill and makes you an efficient cyber security engineer. Many organizations hire professionals with the relevant skillset and these certifications listed in their resumes.

    Step 6: Gain Relevant Experience

    Relevant work experience before you start applying for an actual cyber security engineer job is fruitful. Look for internships in small or mid-level organizations that make you familiar with the domain. It can add value to your CV as the employer will know that you have worked on similar projects and can hire you unquestionably.

    Step 7: Create a CV and Apply for Jobs

    Lastly, when you are ready with the required qualifications and have the proper experience, you can create a CV and start applying for jobs. Make sure you mention everything about your professional career in your resume, giving the employer a clear picture of your capabilities. Then, explore the market to find job opportunities that suit your requirements and fill out your application. How to find job opportunities is crucial in landing your dream job. You have a promising career if things work out the way you want.

    Skills Required to Become a Cyber Security Engineer 

    Mere taking a professional course in cyber security doesn't make you a thorough professional. You need to have skills that make you better than the other security engineers so that an organization can trust you. Understand that an organization hiring you as their cyber security engineer will put a lot of faith in you. Hence, they would want you to be thoroughly skilled to take the job. Know here what you need to become a cybersecurity engineer:

    1. Fundamental Knowledge of Ethical Hacking

    A cyber security professional should have basic knowledge of ethical hacking to understand how the intruders work and what potential damage they can cause. Moreover, you might have to intrude ethically into a third-party network to protect yours. Hence, the knowledge of ethical hacking practices is fruitful for a cyber security engineer as it will help him make better strategies to protect the network.

    2. Knowledge of Operating Systems and Database Platforms

    For these experts to have a promising career, they should be comfortable working in any operating system. They should understand the use and functionalities of windows, Linux, Mac, and other famous OS options. Additionally, they should know about the database platforms they might have to work on while creating the safety layers around the database networks to save them from cyber attacks. Lacking these skills, they will not be familiar with the environment, so they cannot yield good results.

    3. Understanding of Network Architecture

    In-depth knowledge of the network architecture is also necessary for professionals to curate cyber security plans. They need to know what they want to protect to be successful in their endeavors. In addition, they will understand how the systems got interconnected over the network and what connections are more likely to get attacked by the intruder, harming others. Thus, to become a cyber security engineer, the expert needs to work to develop the skills to understand the system and network architecture.

    4. Skills in Computer Forensics

    Computer forensics has a significant role in investigating cyber-attack cases. They provide technologies that can help identify and store the evidence from a system. It helps when you present cyber-attack cases in a court of law. Additionally, computer forensics helps professionals to dig out information or lost data from the systems and recover it. Cyber security professionals should develop this skill as it will help them if the case goes into the legal process.

    5. Problem Solving

    Cyber attacks can get intense, and sometimes they can even lead to announced disasters. In such a situation, the professional can use problem-solving skills and avoid the panic that comes with the problem. For this, their problem-solving skills need to be on point. If you often wonder, how do I become a cyber security engineer, know that swiftness and promptness are a part of the job. You have to take action immediately, and that is where this skill can help. You will identify the problem on time and plan to solve it from its root.

    6. Programming Skills

    You need not be proficient in programming as you are not taking up the development job. However, a fair understanding of code is fruitful. You may have to identify the malicious code or write some to protect your network or system from the attacks. If you browse how to become an information security engineer, everyone will tell you to brush up on your programming skills. Learn at least one programing language thoroughly, and you can conveniently fetch a promising job with a lucrative salary package.

    7. Risk Analysis

    Another significant skill for cyber security professionals is their ability to analyze risks. The earlier they know what can go wrong, the better it is for the organization. As a result, the experts will plan their actions and ensure the system is well-protected against potential risks. One way to develop this skill is to know the tools and techniques to identify the attacks before they cause any damage. Another way is to enroll in a course that teaches risk analysis and opens doors for you to grab the best opportunities.

    These are the fundamental skills that cyber security engineers must possess to do their job with utmost excellence. Moreover, these skills will also help them excel in their career and keep laddering up professionally.

    Qualifications Required to Become a Cyber Security Engineer

    You would need some qualifications to begin your career path to become a cyber security engineer. These prerequisites are associated with your educational background, interpersonal skills, and personality. Some of these qualifications are as listed below:

    • A degree in Computer Science or information technology is the most fundamental requirement. Moreover, even if you have a diploma in this domain, you can become a cyber-security professional. So, if you wonder how to become a cyber security engineer without a degree, make sure you at least have a diploma.
    • Work experience of two years wherein you have handled cybersecurity-related projects is also one of the requirements. It will prove that you have hands-on experience in the domain and have handled multiple projects before. 
    • Familiarity with operations and maintenance of firewalls and other forms of endpoint security 
    • Expertise in programming languages like C++, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails or Power Shell. These coding languages are essential to learning to handle cyber security projects with utmost efficiency.
    • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment where things change in the blink of an eye. Moreover, you should also be proficient in handling the pressure that arises even after taking all the precautions.
    • Knowledge of all the latest cyber security trends and upgraded tools and techniques is also a prerequisite in this domain. You will only get the best job opportunities and be a proficient expert if only you keep up with these trends.

    These are the qualifications you require to join an online or full-time course in the cyber security domain. If you qualify for these requirements, your doors to becoming a cyber security professional are open.

    What’s the Demand for Cybersecurity Engineers?

    If we have to answer this in one line, the demand for cybersecurity engineers is huge! The entire business market is transitioning to online platforms, and the threat of getting attacked by intruders has also increased. Hackers always look for flaws the organization would leave to take advantage of them. Hence, companies should be on their toes to keep up with their cyber security strategies, keeping their networks and system safe and secure.  

    Now, this is something that only an expert can handle. He would know the potential risks and can conveniently identify the current security policy lapses. Moreover, the proficient experts have hands-on knowledge of the tools and techniques that support creating an excellent plan to allow a business to grow in a secure environment. That is why the demand for cyber security engineers is high. Moreover, it will continue to grow at the same pace. Thus, for all the people planning to start their career in this domain, you have a successful professional life ahead, as a secured job with a lucrative salary awaits you.

    How to Gain Experience as a Cybersecurity Engineer?

    The simplest way to gain experience in any domain is by getting a job and working on live projects. You can get this job through college placements or direct interviews, and your employer will put you on projects that will increase your experience in the field. Other than this, there are a few ways through which you can gain experience. Some of them are: 

    • Apply for a free internship with a small or mid-level organization where you can actively participate in cybersecurity projects. You may not earn through it, but the experience you get will help you grab the best jobs in the future. 
    • Enrol in various bug-finding programs throughout the year and get hands-on experience in the field. It shows that you are efficient and interested in playing the role of a cyber security engineer. 
    • Another way is to enrol in certification courses that include projects or case studies as part of the practical learning. It may not get counted as actual work experience, but it would be enough to convince your employer that you are worthy of getting hired. 

    These are a few ways to increase your work experience in the field. Adding these to your resume will create an impression on your employer, convincing them that you are apt for the job.

    What is Cyber Security?

    Simply put, this practice keeps your browsing experience, systems, and online accounts safe from malicious attacks. There are multiple aspects involved in this practice, and based on them, cyber security becomes an elaborate concept. If you are also looking for answers to how to become a cyber security engineer, you should understand cyber security well.

    You may already know that it protects your data and keeps your browsing experience smooth and secure. However, you must also know the elements or aspects getting covered in this concept. Let us discuss these aspects in detail to get clarity about cyber security before you become a cyber security engineer:

    1. Network Security: The intruders often attack your network first and then go ahead to steal your data or information. Thus, network security is the practice of keeping the computer network secured and not letting any malicious attack hamper the safety element. 

    2. Application Security: In this, the expert focuses on keeping the software and other devices you use in a secure environment. Understand that a flawed application can pose as a gateway for malicious attacks. Hence, you must create protective barriers on your applications and systems to keep them protected.

    3. Information Security: It has everything to do with data integrity and safety. The idea is to protect the in-transit and stored data from getting attacked or leaked.

    4. Operational Security: Operations include handling network permissions, accessing data sets, and carrying out different tasks on the network. Under operational security, cyber experts ensure that all these tasks happen in a safe environment.

    5. Disaster Recovery: Keeping everything safe and secure is apt, but what if the attack still happens? In that case, the cyber security expert should have a disaster recovery plan with you to immediately snap the system out of the attack zone.

    These are all the aspects that get covered under cyber security. So, anyone trying to figure out how to be a cyber security engineer should know that they can enter the domain once they know how to carry out these tasks.

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    Cyber security is a booming career option, and in the coming years, you will surely experience much more rise in demand. Every organization wants a safer network for their employees to work in, and at the same time, they want their data to stay protected. Hence, they would always need a professional who can:

    • identify the risks or flaws in the security policy.
    • create a plan to secure the data and network.
    • keep a disaster management strategy ready in case a fallout happens.

    Thus, you need to brush up on your skills, complete a certification like the KnowledgeHut Cyber Security training and start exploring the job market. If you are capable, there is no looking back! You will soon get a promising job with a high salary package and a competitive and fast-changing environment for work.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is it easy to become a cyber security engineer?

    It is easy for you if you have the zeal to learn and love to keep up with the changing trends. You can be from an IT or computer science background or complete a certification course that trains you enough to handle the challenges.  

    2How to become a cyber security engineer after 12th?

    You can go for a diploma or degree in computer science or IT. After that, you should enrol in a certification course to get familiar with cyber security concepts. Once you do this, you are ready to start your career as a cyber security engineer. 

    3How long does it take to be a cyber security engineer?

    Though three-year graduation and a certification program are enough, it is a field where learning never ends.  

    4Is cyber security engineering an excellent career?

    It is one of the promising career options in the current times. Organizations have switched to online platforms to operate and store their data and work. Thus, they all need a professional to ensure the network is safe from intruder attacks. 

    5What is the average salary of a cyber security engineer?

    On average, a cyber security engineer earns INR 10LPA. The starting salary can be around INR 4 LPA, but as your experience and expertise improve, it can go up to 20 LPA.


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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