HomeBlogCloud Computing​How to Become an AWS Certified Security in 2024?

​How to Become an AWS Certified Security in 2024?

22nd Dec, 2023
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    ​How to Become an AWS Certified Security in 2024?

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) is today’s most adopted cloud system. Several customers use the AWS security certification path to become more agile, lower costs, and innovate their products and services faster.  So, let us discuss how secure digital environments are possible through AWS. I will also explore my role in protecting these important assets throughout the AWS security learning path journey. 

    AWS Security Certification Path Roadmap

    Who is an AWS Security Expert and What Do They Do?

    AWS security experts know about the AWS security certification path environments. Such systems help enhance security across different organizations. The AWS experts protect business organizations from cyber threats of all types. Professionals like me also help maintain the integrity as well as the confidentiality of cloud assets across businesses and industries. 

    My primary role as an AWS expert is to design, implement, and maintain security measures within AWS security training path environments. This process involves a range of activities, including: 

    • Risk Assessment: Organize different assessments to identify potential security risks in the AWS security certification path.
    • Security Policy Development: Creating several security policies customized to the organization's needs. It further helps ensure that every platform meets all sorts of compliance requirements.
    • Access Control: Managing user access to AWS resources and implementing strict access control policies to prevent unauthorized entry.
    • Data Encryption: Overseeing data encryption to leverage AWS services to ensure secure communication channels.
    • Intrusion Detection: IDPS systems for security issue detection are used across organizations to respond to suspicious activities.
    • Incident Response: Developing and executing incident response plans to minimize damage in case of a security breach, including investigation and safeguards.
    • Security Monitoring: Continuously monitor AWS resources for abnormal behavior or security anomalies using tools like AWS CloudWatch and AWS Config.
    • Security Auditing and Compliance: Performing regular security audits and assessments to maintain compliance with industry standards and AWS security best practices.
    • Security Awareness Training: Providing training and awareness programs for the organization's staff to cultivate a better security culture.
    • Secure DevOps: Collaborating with development and operations teams to integrate security into the DevOps pipeline. The same process facilitates the practice of DevSecOps.
    • Third-party Security Integration: Evaluating the security of third-party applications or services used on AWS to ensure alignment with security standards.

    How to Become an AWS Security Expert [In 5 Simple Steps]

    I found it rewarding after pursuing the AWS security certification path. It requires a combination of the following things: 

    • Technical Expertise
    • Experience
    • Dedication 

    All these help maintain the security of Amazon Web Services environments. 

    Now, let me talk about the different ways to master certain skills. Such skills will help you explore strategies for finding AWS security job opportunities. 

    Step 1: Master Skills 

    I recognized the importance of acquiring a diverse range of soft and hard skills as I began my journey toward becoming an AWS Security Expert. 

    A. Top Skills Needed to Become an AWS Security Expert

    I have curated a list of top skills that I needed to become an AWS security expert. This piece of information will help aspiring professionals, too. 

    1. Soft Skills 

    • Communication: Effective communication is important across all AWS services. I honed my ability to work on complex technical concepts with non-technical stakeholders.
    • Problem Solving: AWS security experts often face complex security challenges. My problem-solving skills are important for identifying vulnerabilities and devising innovative solutions.
    • Adaptability: The constantly evolving cybersecurity landscape requires adaptability. I developed the capacity to adapt to new technologies, threats, and strategies quickly.
    • Attention to Detail: Attention to detail is essential in security assessments, audits, and policy development. I refined this skill to ensure thoroughness in my work.
    • Teamwork: Collaborating with cross-functional teams is important too. I learned to work with colleagues in a team. All of us were from diverse backgrounds but worked to achieve common security objectives. 

    2. Hard Skills 

    I categorized the hard skills into several areas in the field of AWS services: 

    • Security Fundamentals: Mastering fundamental security concepts such as encryption, access control, authentication, and knowledge of security frameworks and standards.
    • AWS-Specific Skills: Gaining expertise in AWS security certification path services, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Key Management Service (KMS), AWS CloudTrail, and proficiency in configuring security groups, Network ACLs, and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF).
    • Incident Response: Development of incident response and recovery plans and experience managing security incidents.
    • Compliance and Governance: Understanding the AWS security certification path compliance requirements and industry standards. Implementation of governance frameworks using AWS Organizations and AWS Config.
    • Automation and Scripting: Scripting skills for automating security tasks using AWS Lambda or AWS CloudFormation.
    • Networking: Strong understanding of networking concepts, including VPCs, routing, and subnetting, to secure AWS network architecture.
    • Cloud Security Tools: Proficiency in using AWS security certification path tools like AWS Inspector, AWS GuardDuty, and AWS Security Hub. 

    3. Other Competencies 

    Apart from these skills, I developed competencies in: 

    • Continuous Learning: I remain dedicated to staying current with the world of cybersecurity, keeping track of the latest trends, threats, and best practices related to the AWS security certification path.
    • Project Management: I have acquired project management skills to plan and execute security initiatives and ensure their alignment with organizational objectives.
    • Vendor Relationships: I learned to manage relationships with security solution providers and vendors to select, implement, and maintain security tools.

    B. Top AWS Security Expert Certifications / Degree 

    If you are among those aspiring to go on the AWS security certification path, I recommend the following degrees as well as certification paths: 

    • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science: A degree in computer science or related fields that builds an understanding of the technical aspects of AWS security.
    • Amazon AWS Classes: This certification validates expertise in designing and implementing secure AWS solutions. I did this certification to demonstrate my AWS security certification path proficiency.

    Not only that, but I also had to undertake the AWS security specialty exam to become a certified professional in this field. 

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline 

    I began my journey by establishing the ideal AWS certified security specialty exam timeline. The timeline may be different based on individual circumstances, but it includes the following steps: 

    • Start Learning in a Format That Suits You: I chose a combination of online courses, AWS security certification path documentation, and labs to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. 
    • How Long Does It Take to Become an AWS Security Expert? The time required to become an AWS Security Expert varies but typically takes several months to a few years, depending on your starting point and dedication. It took approximately a year to gain the necessary expertise and certifications. 

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio/Resume

    To build a strong portfolio and resume:

    • Documented my AWS security certification path projects and achievements, including security assessments, compliance initiatives, and incident response.
    • Highlighted my AWS certifications and relevant experience.
    • Showcased my continuous learning efforts through blog posts and contributions to online forums. 

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download:  

    Sample Resume Template

    Step 4: Where and How to Find a Job? 

    In my job search as an AWS Security Expert, I: 

    • Explored job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and AWS's career portal.
    • Leveraged professional networks, including AWS user groups and LinkedIn groups.
    • Customized my resume and cover letter for each application to emphasize my AWS security expertise. 

    Top Companies Hiring AWS Security Experts: 

    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS often seeks security experts to enhance its security services and assist customers.
    • Technology and Consulting Firms: Companies like Deloitte, Accenture, and Capgemini hire AWS security experts to serve clients.
    • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial organizations prioritize AWS security to protect sensitive customer data.
    • Healthcare Providers: Healthcare organizations require AWS security certification path experts to ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. 

    Step 5: Ace the Interview 

    In preparation for interviews, I: 

    • Studied commonly asked AWS security certification path interview questions and scenarios.
    • Reviewed my own experience to provide specific examples of my expertise.
    • Practiced my responses to demonstrate my soft skills and technical knowledge. 

    Who can Become an AWS Security Expert?

    Dedication to acquiring skills through AWS cloud security certification path training is essential. While an IT or security background is helpful, individuals from diverse backgrounds can pursue this path with determination and a commitment to continuous learning. 

    1. AWS Security Expert Requirements 

    I have already gained insights into the requirements and qualifications needed to excel in the AWS security training path. These requirements include educational, professional, as well as technical qualifications. Here, I am going to outline the AWS Security Expert requirements to help you plan your career path: 

    2. Educational Background

    • Bachelor's Degree: While not always mandatory, a degree in computer science, information security, or related fields provides a strong foundation. It can also serve as an effective eligibility for some positions in larger organizations.
    • Certifications: Earning relevant certifications is crucial to meeting AWS Security Expert requirements like the Cloud Engineer learning path

    3. Professional Experience

    A. AWS Experience: To become an AWS Security Expert, you need hands-on experience with AWS services and infrastructure. This includes familiarity with the following:

    • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • AWS Security Hub
    • AWS GuardDuty 

    B. Security Background: Prior experience in information security or cybersecurity is essential. This could involve roles such as the following: 

    Experience in securing cloud environments is valuable in this regard.

    C. Incident Response Experience: Proficiency in managing security incidents and breaches is essential for effective incident response leadership.


    What's the Demand for AWS Security Experts?

     I have witnessed the demand for AWS Security Experts surge in recent years. Several factors contribute to this high demand: 

    • Rapid Cloud Adoption: Organizations have transferred their operations to the cloud, particularly AWS. The process was followed to ensure scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency eventually.
    • Growing Cybersecurity Concerns: Cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses with the rise in cyber threats and data breaches. AWS Security Experts further safeguard sensitive data, including applications hosted on AWS.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Many industries, such as healthcare and finance, must comply with strict regulatory requirements. AWS Security Experts also help ensure that AWS security certification path deployments adhere to these regulations.
    • Evolving Threat Landscape: Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. AWS Security Experts are in high demand to proactively identify and mitigate these threats. 

    Salary Details for Top 5 Countries

    Here are salary details for AWS Security Experts in the top 5 countries with high demand for cloud security professionals: 

    • United States: AWS Security Experts in the United States can expect an annual salary ranging from $68,899, which depends on location and experience.
    • United Kingdom: In the UK, salaries for AWS Security Experts typically range from £70,000 per year.
    • Canada: AWS Security Experts earn an average annual salary of CAD 139,173 in Canada.
    • Australia: Salaries for AWS Security Experts in Australia vary by location but often range around AUD 171,000 annually.
    • Germany: In Germany, AWS Security Experts can earn an annual salary of €65,500 or more, depending on experience and location.

    Bottom Line

    Embarking on the AWS security certification path can be rewarding due to the increasing demand for professionals who can secure AWS environments. I often consider myself as an expert in cloud security with the right qualifications and continuous learning, including the KnowledgeHut Cloud Computing training program.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which AWS certification is best for cybersecurity?

    The KnowledgeHut cloud computing training course is the best AWS certification for cybersecurity professionals in current times. The course further includes several security topics within the AWS ecosystem that help with every career aspect.

    2Is AWS security certification hard?

    The difficulty of the AWS security certification path can be different because it depends on your experience as well as your knowledge. However, they can be accessed with the right preparation, experience, and study materials.

    3Is AWS certification good for cybersecurity?

    The AWS security certification path is a good option if you are looking for a security job at any company using Amazon Web Services. Configuration management and network security are also possible with the latest AWS tools and features.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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