HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentWeb Developer Salary in USA in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

Web Developer Salary in USA in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

27th Dec, 2023
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    Web Developer Salary in USA in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

    Web development is a crucial part of the ever-growing internet and digital economy. The digital marketing strategy of every type of business trying to launch its products and services online primarily requires web development, along with other marketing services, to thrive. While web development involves numerous aspects, such as data storage, processing, layout, design, and website management, it is the web developer who weaves the various threads of the website and creates an incredibly user-friendly platform for businesses as well as their customers. Keeping that in mind, a web developer is a computer programmer who creates websites that make an interface for customers to check products and act toward the purchase. Web developers play a crucial role in creating an interface between a consumer and a manufacturer or service provider. With all these powers, web developer salary in USA gets very lucrative. We are going to discuss more about that in this article. You can boost your salary potential by enhancing your skills by obtaining a Full Stack Developer Certification

    What Does a Web Developer Do?

    There are four types of web developers. These developers have different functions and roles related to web development and management. Let's look at what they do:

    • Back-end developer creates the structure of a website and writes codes for the programs that run and execute the functions on the site. He further manages the access points needed to handle its functioning.
    • Front-end developer designs the visual aspects of a website. He produces HTML, JavaScript, and CSS algorithms for the user interface wherein the users see and read the content on the site. The program must be compatible across different operating systems, devices, and browsers.
    • Full stack developer is a web developer who can build frontend and backend elements of websites. Front-end aspects are those that users can see and handle. At the same time, backend features involve data storage and processing.
    • Webmasters or web managers are software engineers who maintain websites and solve problems with the functions. They update websites with new features, add-ons, and more as necessary.

    Web Developer Salary in US (Based on Experience)

    1. Beginner

    The average salary of web developer in USA with experience of less than one year is about $72,461. Based on the performance, the web developer receives hikes at regular intervals. KnowledgeHut Web Development courses can help you start your journey as a web developer from scratch.

    2. Intermediate

    If a developer has been working in the web industry for three to five years, it gives him a tag on being at the intermediate level. The average salary of web developers in US with intermediate experience may earn about $82,000 per year. A mid-level web developer carries out higher responsibilities of coding complex programs and debugging. Further, they are involved in decision-making regarding web development. Web development salary in US for intermediate workers may vary from company to company as per their skill set. 

    3. Advanced

    A senior web developer's salary in US with experience of 6-9 years is $95,890, while that of more than ten years fetches a package of about $104,000.

    Web Developer Salary in USA: Based on Location

    The salary of web developer in US may vary as per the location. The USA is hugely crowded, and web development companies may create a differentiation in salaries based on the courses on have done in a particular state or city. The salary chart according to the most prominent locations is given below:

    CityAverage web developer salary per year









    Los Angeles 




    New York 














    San Francisco 


    Washington DC 


    Web Developer Salary in US: Based on Organization

    There are multiple organizations having their main units in USA. The salaries of a web developer depend on various organizations as per their terms and conditions. The more prominent organizations with the salaries provided are listed below: 

    CompanyAverage salary per year





    Tata Consultancy 


    Wells Fargo 








    Tressure data 


    Factors Affecting Web Developer Salary in USA

    The average web developer's salary in US is $82,171 per year, with a bonus of $2500 per annum. The lowest pay scale is about $50,980, while the highest web developer salary in the USA is $132,445. However, the annual compensation depends on several factors, such as experience, skills, companies, industries, and geographical location. 

    1. Web Developer Salary in US: Based on Experience

    Years of experience is one of the deciding factors for web developer salary in US. Let us look at how it contributes to the pay scale. 

    a. Entry-level positions 

    Many companies hire freshers to fulfill the role of assisting their team of web developers. Hence, they expect a candidate with no prior experience to hold a graduate degree in web development, computer science, information technology, or other related disciplines.

    While a degree is a minimum qualification for a fresher, internships have great scope for lucrative positions. They give the students opportunities to learn on-the-job skills, procedures, and workflow dynamics within a specific industry. Additionally, certifications related to web development add value to the portfolio for a high web developer salary in USA. 

    b. Mid-level experience  

    A mid-level professional has an experience of about 3 to 5 years as a web developer. Most organizations expect them to have exceptional technical and management skills. A professional who constantly upgrades himself with new techniques and tools of web development by taking certification courses gains high-paying positions or higher hikes for a web developer salary in USA with his current employer.

    c. Senior positions 

    Web developer salary in US for senior roles depends mainly on leadership skills and more than ten years of experience as a web developer. The candidate must be able to lead a team of web developers creating websites that work best for the client. The senior developer is the highest-paid web developer salary in USA. 

    2. Web Developer Salary in US: Based on Organization

    Giant tech companies, like Google, always look to expand their talent pool of web developers as they constantly work towards new functionalities. On the other hand, many companies create websites for their clients. Despite the differences, web developer salary in US depends on the scale of the business.

    3. Web Developer Salary in US: Based on Skills

    Web development is a multidisciplinary field of technology involving data technology, software programming, graphics design, and user interface and experience. Due to the equal scope of each discipline and its tools, software engineers from each specialization find a distinct role.

    Web developer salaries in USA for the roles fulfilling responsibilities about their specializations vary according to the requirements of an employer.

    a. Salary of a C++ developer 

    The salary of a web developer salary in USA  with training in C++ is the highest as compared to others web developer average salary US those who are not proficient in C++, as C++ developers are more specialized. The average salary ranges to about $113,762, also considered a highly paid job. 

    b. Salary of a C+ developer:  

    Salary of a web developer in US proficient in C+ plummets from a C++ developer. It's the highest at an approximate amount of $94,014 per annum. 

    c. Salary of a Go developer 

    The go developer is not renowned as a C++ or C+ developer; hence the salary web developer hourly rate for a go developer plummets to a range of $88,166 per annum. 

    d. Salary of a JavaScript developer and a java developer  

    The web development salary in USA  for a JavaScript developer and java developer is $117,798 and $104,494 approximately. The skill set is highly enhanced with the addition of JavaScript compared to the java developer; hence, the salaries differ.

    e. Others 

    Developers with different kinds of skill sets, like the ones proficient in HTML development, Kotlin development, and PHP development, are listed below: 

    f. Kotlin development 

    The average web developer salary in US with a specialization in Kotlin development is about $80,760. It ranges almost the same in other countries, but there are additional perks given to us, which is why a web developer is a highly paid world in the country.

    g. HTML developer 

    Websites are entirely coded from beginning to end by HTML developers. They supervise HTML projects, create online apps, code websites, and help website visitors. As of December 27, 2022, the average compensation for a web developer salary in United States is $65,526; however, the normal salary range is between $58,313 and $73,344. Salary ranges can vary significantly based on a variety of crucial aspects, including schooling, credentials, supplementary talents, and the length of time you've been working in a given field. 

    h. PHP developer  

    The Computer programmers utilize PHP, a versatile and potent programming language, particularly for creating tools, applications, and services for the web. A PHP developer is just someone who completes this task as a member of a team inside an organization. Any IT or information services department inside a business that manages a dynamic online presence frequently includes a PHP developer as a key member. Additionally, they aid in ensuring the efficient operation of the many web-based procedures and infrastructure that support these operations. The average salary of a web developer in US who's entry-level PHP developer income in the United States is $65,892, although the normal compensation range is between $58,386 and $75,188. 

    • A Python developer, ruby developer and rust developer fall under the similar category of $108,268 to $101,175
    • A Swift developer is paid the lowest as it is not a specialized field in US. The average salary stays at $89,736 per year.

    4. Web Developer Salary in US: Based on Job Title

    a. Junior web developer 

    A junior web developer's salary in US depends on the level of work done by the junior developer. They assist the senior web developers with several aspects of web design and development, including coding and implementing design features. Therefore, junior web developer salary in the US depends on the skills they are expected to master in the near future. 

    b. Web developer 

    Web developer salary in USA depends on experience designing the user interface and navigation bars, integrating multimedia content onto sites, and troubleshooting performance issues of websites. The average salary of a web developer in US is $75,773. There are various categories like senior web developer, front-end developer, and back-end developer.

    c. Senior web developer 

    Developers interpret client specifications and identify website user requirements. Senior web developer salary in US depends on their ability to lead a team of web developers creating timeframes and work schedules to meet deadlines.

    d. Front-end developer 

    The salary of a front-end web developer salary in United States depends on the depth of understanding of the web development process, industry trends, and new software programs.

    e. Back-end developer 

    The salary web developer USA backend developer depends mainly on the coding and debugging skills required to build functional web applications. In addition, most companies expect excellent analytical and time-management skills and a problem-solving attitude.

    Skills Required to Become a Web Developer in US

    Web developer jobs are creative roles and need high proficiency in several skills. Some are related to the tools, principles, and methods used to form a website, while others are general abilities to carry out the functions efficiently. Web developers are skilled at creating and maintaining websites. They also look at the website's technical aspects of speed and traffic. Additionally, the web developers may create content for the website too. 

    A. Technical Skills

    1. Coding: The most common programming languages include Java, Ruby, and Python for backend developers. For front-end developers, JavaScript, C++, HTML, and CSS are in demand. 
    2. Responsive design: Responsive design encompasses creating a website compatible with different devices. When the world is shrinking, getting all the data on your phone or the device with you is foremost and responsive designers just do that for you. 
    3. Search Engine Optimization: SEO generation is the primary concern for any website. It is the process of generating traffic on your website. It is the process to enhance web content for higher visibility, traffic, and rankings in search engines. This can be done using optimized content and proper keyword density in the data. The web developer must have optimal knowledge in this area. 
    4. Visual design: Visual design skills include utilizing white space, fonts, and Photoshop. The website is attractive to anyone and everyone if it has specific visuals and content. To generate traffic to the website, a web developer should have skills that allow him to insert visuals and design them as per the need of the data. 

    B. Soft Skills

    1. Communication skills: Web development needs multiple soft skills. Effective communication plays a vital role in coordination. Good communication skills help to put forward the point to be made in the best possible manner. 
    2. Managerial abilities: Skills like managerial skills are often ignored, but they form the backbone of web development. Managerial skills include the caliber to lead a team of web developers and coordinate with them to create websites with the best design and functionalities.

    C. Other Skills

    1. Customer service: A website must meet all the needs of the client. And as a web developer, it must be your job to be able to interact with clients and understand their requirements. If you want to be good at your job then you need to serve your clients with whatever they require. At times you've to also deal with criticism and accept it constructively, which will help you in improving your customer service.

    Web Developer Salary in USA - Based on Job Titles

    The web developers' salaries vary from title to title. The average salary of a full-stack developer is the highest compared to that of a junior developer.

    1. Junior developer

    Junior web developers are in charge of employing scripting languages to help with the website development and online application updates. They support coding, testing, design modifications, and customer evaluations while working under the direction of experienced developers. And the average salary of a junior developer is about $66,798. 

    2. Web developer

    A Web developer is a type of programmer that focuses on creating Web-related applications or distributed network applications, which often use associated programming languages like HTML/CSS, Ruby, PHP and C# to execute protocols like HTTP from a Web server to a client browser. The web developer average salary in US for this post is $75,773 

    3. Senior web programmer

    Building and managing web pages and other internet apps are duties of a senior web developer. A team of Senior Web Application Developers and Junior Web Developers must be managed. Senior web developer salary USA or the average salary of the senior programmer hikes up to $99,087 

    4. Senior web developer

    A senior web developer earns about $100,921 approximately.

    5. Frontend developer

    The Front-end Developers take care of implementing the visual elements. Visual elements are the elements used by the users to interact with a web application. The average salary of the developer is $107,276 

    6. Backend developer

    The Back-end Developers create applications and databases. They are also responsible for coding and improving server-side applications. Their average salary is about $128,554 

    7. Full-stack developer

    The Full-stack Developers are proficient in all computer languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Their average salary is about $113,437. A Full Stack Web Developer Training in USA can help you learn beginner to advanced-level web development and enhance your resume in no time!

    How to Become a Web Developer in US? 

    Formal education through degree programs in computer science or related discipline is a minimum qualification to become a web developer. However, due to technological advancements and competition, more is needed to earn a high-paying job. In addition, the roles demand the following skills, which can be acquired through certification courses and internships.

    While certification courses help enhance technical skills, internships in the specific industry help improve insights on how to implement technical skills into developing websites. Additionally, they help boost interpersonal and other soft skills required to become a successful web developer.


    The US is a country that is huge in its technology. It's one of the countries that offer the highest-paying web development roles. The US is a hub for all tech-related companies, and the more prominent companies like Google have their headquarters in USA. It has abundant opportunities for the ones that are well-qualified. Due to the high competition for positions in top-paying companies, web development certification courses have great scope for prospective web developers. The web developer salary in United States and the web developer average salary US is higher compared to other countries. According to the rankings of the global marketplace, no other country has such an immense IT sector talent pool as the USA. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is a web developer internship an excellent way to get a job in US?

    Yes, it is an excellent way to start your career as a web developer. A career in web development not only teaches the practical aspects of the industry. But it also helps learn new web development skills each day.

    2What is considered a good web developer salary in US?

    The average salary of a web developer in US is $82,171 per year. Therefore, a package equal to or more is excellent.

    3Who gets paid more, web developers or software developers in US?

    In US, software developers earn more than web developers as they write complex and unique codes. The field of software development is considered a more specialized field in USA.

    4Do web developers make more than Software engineers in US?

    The comparison depends on the roles in the professions. Depending on the company and the skill set, a more specialized and technical web developer may earn more than an software engineer.

    5What month do web developers get appraisals in USA?

    The main month of appraisals in USA is April. But it may also vary from company to company. 

    6Is web development a high-paying job in America?

    Yes, web development is one of the jobs in US that pays a high salary as it's a highly technical and highly specialized job. One needs an apt skill set to perform well in the sector.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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