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Flutter vs React Native: Which is Best for App Dev?

27th Mar, 2024
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    Flutter vs React Native: Which is Best for App Dev?

    All businesses, both old and new, are in a pinch as they need mobile-based apps to mark their existence and to further grow their business by capturing more clients through mobile apps and services. According to a survey, 99% of the global market share is dominated by Android and iOS platforms; among them, Android solely holds 70% shares. If this data intrigues you and you wish to learn app development, try our App Development Course covering Android and iOS development for you to get started with mobile app development.  

    There are various frameworks or libraries through which businesses can build their apps, but the biggest challenge is to pick one between Flutter vs React Native, as they are equally good. These frameworks give us the ability to perform actions like singular codebase, easy troubleshooting etc. and help us save a lot of time. In this article, we will see some of the common differences between React Native and Flutter based on different parameters which will help you to pick one of them and start your journey. 

    Flutter vs  React Native – Head-to-head Comparison

    ParameterFlutterReact Native
    Initial releaseMay 2017March 2015
    Backed byGoogleFacebook
    Programming languageDartJava Script
    Platform support (stable)Android, iOSAndroid, iOS, Web Apps
    App performanceBetter because it compiles down into truly native appsBeyond supported features, everything else is JavaScript, making it a pseudo native mobile app
    Open SourceYesYes
    UIProprietary customized widgetsNative components
    Community & supportLimited, fast growingExtensive
    60+ fps supportYesRequires workarounds
    Code reusabilityUp to 90%Up to 90%
    JIT, AOT compillationYesNo
    Used byGoogle, Alibaba, Tencent, ReflectlyFacebook, Instagram, Uber, Salesforce
    Developer EcosystemExploding in size due to more interest and uptake by developers and businessesLarge due to React community accessibility and skills transferability from JavaScript and React.
    Competitive AdvantageSupports more than just mobile. Aims to work on any platform, including web, screens, and non-mobile devicesLimited to just iOS and Android devices
    Developer productivityMay need to learn Dart and unfamiliar territory may reduce productivity due  to inexperienceNo need to learn additional language if coming from web frameworks but still requires understanding of React.
    CommunityGrowing community that is increasing in size to match React Native. Flutter’s GitHub star count overtook React Native in 2020.Established community, mostly by developers who are already JavaScript developers

    Flutter vs  React Native - A Detailed Comparison

    Though these frameworks share a common goal which is to build cross-platform apps using a single codebase, they have their share of differences as well. Let's see some of the most common ones. 

    What is Flutter?

    Flutter is a popular open-source web UI framework developed by Google and based on Dart Programming Language. It allows us to build cross platforms apps with a single codebase for both Android and iOS, and now with its latest update, we can even use the same codebase to build apps for the Web, Windows, Mac, and Linux. 

    What is React Native ?

    React Native, just like Flutter is also a framework that can be used to make mobile apps for multiple platforms using a single code base. It was developed by Facebook and uses JavaScript as its programming language and follows React style of writing codes - JSX. To learn more about React Native, check out React Native Course, which explains how to build a mobile app using React Native as the JavaScript framework. 

    Let us now get into other deciding parameters. 

    Flutter vs React Native – Documentation

    Documentation is the very first thing that helps a developer learn the basics of a framework that facilitates to create interactive web or mobile-based applications with it.  

    Though both Flutter and React Native have good documentation, it all comes down to how well-maintained that documentation is. In the case of flutter, it is well maintained with all its contents formatted and structured properly giving the developer all the necessary tools he requires to make an excellent app without relying on any third-party libraries. 

    On the other hand, React Native’s documentation offers us many things just like Flutter's documentation but lacks the necessary APIs, features, and many other essential tools because of which the developer has to depend on either the developer community or the third-party libraries.  

    Flutter vs React Native - Native Performance

    When it comes to checking the performance of an app - mobile or web, it's not an easy task to decide which framework or programming language will give an edge over the other as there are many factors at play here like animations, data passing, code base, app size, etc. 

    Now when it comes to deciding between Flutter and React Native this decision gets even harder as both are free, use a popular framework, have features like hot reloading, and on top of it are open source. So it is quite difficult to tell exactly which framework is better in terms of performance. 

    From a technical point of view, for an app to be called truly native, it should be written in its original language like Swift for iOS and Java for Android which in this case can be called the machine languages for these platforms.  

    Though we receive a native experience while using an app irrespective of the framework, in the case of React Native, JavaScript runs and compiles on a separate thread using a bridge to communicate with the native code. This bridge reduces the performance of the app.

    While the developers are trying to solve this, as of now, they have introduced lazy loading and also have made changes to React Native’s architecture so that the bridge is no longer needed by converting it into an interface. We are still expecting some major changes in React Native in the near future as there are still many features that need to be taken care of. 

    In the case of Flutter, the situation is totally the opposite. Dart is a framework based on the C programming language which is as close as we can get to the native code or machine language. Hence, we can say that Flutter gives us a better native experience and performance in comparison to React Native. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Architecture

    Flutter uses the Dart framework based on C/C++ programming language which increases the performance and speed of our app. But it's not the only reason, there are other reasons as well like the in-built UI Component Library.  Flutter gives us an enormous library of in-built UI Components which are also built using the same Dart framework making them feasible and lightweight and thus increasing the overall performance. 

    While in the case of React Native, we don’t have any in-built UI Component Library and we have to build everything from scratch using JavaScript and React which makes  

    Flutter vs React Native - Project Size

    Though the build size of both apps is large meaning, they need enormous areas to store their components. This can be reduced in React Native by using Hermes and ProGuard, but there is no such scope when it comes to Flutter. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Layout

    When it comes to layout, flutter has some pretty amazing inbuilt UI Components which have already been tested by google developers making it free from any compatibility and cross-platform issues. We also have the option to make our custom components but, nobody makes it as the in-built components are enough. 

    React Native, as already told, does not have very reliable documentation which makes it harder while building UI components. We have to rely either on the developer's community or on the third-party apps or nom packages to give our app the desired layout. 

    Though both React Native and Flutter have different layouts, both of them rely heavily on CSS Flexbox to make them. So if we have a good idea of how Flexbox works, we can even make our custom widget in Flutter and React Native and make it cross-platform compatible. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Features and API Components

    Well, everything comes with a handful of drawbacks, and developing a cross-platform app has its share of drawbacks. The worst of them all is that it doesn’t allow us to build features like Bluetooth, sensor devices, etc. as separate APIs have already been made for this we have to use them. 

    In the case of flutter, its documentation holds the key to everything even API, so we don’t have to look for any third-party libraries that support one or have one. 

    But in the case of React Native, the developer is highly dependent upon the third-party libraries, and it is only responsible for rendering them as they have not been tested by Facebook like Google developers have tested their API. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Developer’s Ecosystem

    Flutter has taken the lead as per the comparison, but this will change as the developer's ecosystem that flutter has to offer is small as compared to React Native’s because of JavaScript and NPM, but flutter is coming with full force with all its packages for the developer to use and improve their UI.  

    At present, Flutter has 38000 packages out in circulation for public use, and the number is still increasing. While React Native has a more stable and reliable ecosystem with 5 to 6 times more packages (around 2 million) out there for public use than Flutter. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Device Compatibility

    React Native4.4+ (API level - 19)11+
    Flutter16.0+ (API level - 23)9+

    Flutter vs React Native - Command Line Interface

    While making apps using Flutter in code editors like vs Code, Android Studio, etc., we don't have to use the command line tools as they are already running at the back of our projects, one such CLI is Flutter Doctor. It is like a doctor for our Flutter app as it helps setting up the IDE for both iOS and Android development, checks for missing tools that are required for the smooth development of the app, and also check the configuration of the tools that have already been installed in the local machines and tells us to update them if any of them has an upgraded version available. 

    Similarly, in the case of React Native, we have Expo. Expo CLI lets us see the current version of the app we are making using React Native on our Android phones with just a single scan of the QR Code provided by it and without setting up the development environment.  

    But the expo has some limitations as well -  

    1. It only supports the latest version of both iOS and Android and we have to switch to EAS entirely for older versions.  
    2. It might be a bit oversized around 20MB due to different APIs that are installed in it 

    Flutter vs React Native - Community Support

    No matter which framework we are using a community for that framework is essential as we can learn many things from it as well. But most communities like these play a vital role in finding and resolving complex issues and sometimes can inform us about the latest updates and bugs that they have found in any language or framework. 

    Flutter, the youngest one, has a smaller community when compared to React Native, but this will change soon as Flutter gains popularity and is backed up by Google to resolve any problem that developers might have. But as of now, React Native has a bigger developer community than Flutter. 

    Flutter vs React Native - Debugging and Testing

    Every app needs to be tested and debugged before making the final commit or sending it to production, and if a framework comes with its inbuilt testing kit, life can't be much easier. You guessed it right, it's Flutter. It comes with an inbuilt testing environment, libraries, and modules to support us in every way possible and makes testing our apps much more fun than testing them manually. 

    While in the case of React Native, debugging can sometimes become problematic as it does not have any detailed guide for all problems, and we have to depend upon some third-party libraries for debugging and testing, like Jest, Appium, Flipper, etc. 

    Now that we have seen some of the common differences between the two, it's time to understand their pros and cons.

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    How Flutter and React Native are Similar?   

     Flutter and react native are similar in the following ways:- 

    • Both are open source frameworks for building mobile applications. 
    • Both use a single codebase to build applications for both i os and android platforms. 
    • Both use widgets to create the user interface.  
    • Both have a hot reload feature allowing developers to see real-time changes.  

    Pros and Cons of Flutter


    1. Rich and inbuild component library with cross-platform compatibility 
    2. Hot Reloading makes testing and debugging easier and faster as it reduces the time that the app requires to get displayed on the screen 
    3. Code sharing between platforms is easier 
    4. Instant changes can be made in the app which comes in handy while dealing with bugs 
    5. High Native Performance and Efficiency 
    6. Large community support with Google having everyone's back 
    7. Good documentation and resources 
    8. It supports material design  


    1. The one thing that makes it the best framework out there can sometimes backfire as well - its documentation which contains answers to pretty much every developer question out there restricts us to try new things with the third-party libraries. 
    2. The size of the Flutter Engine with its files is quite bulky like the size of a single file with no material design, and only a wedge takes at least 25 MB which can be brought down to 4 MB if we compress it somehow. 
    3. If we wish to start making apps with flutter, we have to learn and understand Dart first as it is not a popular language. 

    Pros and Cons of React Native


    1. Large community support backed up by Facebook 
    2. It is rather easy to learn as it is based on a popular programming language JavaScript 
    3. The developer has the freedom to choose any UI or third-party library 
    4. Relatively matured 
    5. React Native Components map with a 1:1 ratio with the native developer components giving it a natural native-like appearance 
    6. As the code is reusable, development costs can be saved up to 40%. 


    1. Transition and animation may reduce speed and performance of the app 
    2. Performance issues as it is not close to the machine language 
    3. Debugging in React Native is sometimes difficult to handle 

    Famous Apps created using Flutter

    • Google Ads   

    We are all aware of the Google Ads – the web version, but Google Ads has a mobile app that lets users manage their ad campaign for their mobile as well.  

    • Dream11 

    We all know about this popular fantasy gaming app that lets users play games like cricket, football, NBA, etc. But this is not all it does, it also takes care of over thousands of calls every day with utmost precision with a simple built flutter feature. 

    • Cryptograph 

    As the name suggest, it is an app that gives the latest information about the world of crypto and makes it easier for us to monitor our favorite cryptocurrency. 

    • PostMuse 

    PostMuse is a story editing app for Instagram providing users with loads of stunning templates to choose from a broad collection of typography, frames, and more 

    • Hamilton 

    It is the official app for the American Broadway Musical. It will tell us literally everything about Hamilton like daily trivia, merchandise, stickers, etc.

    Famous Apps created using React Native

    • Facebook Ad Manager

    Just like Google ads, Facebook ad manager also allows users to manage their ad campaigns from their mobile devices.  

    • Instagram

    We all have used Instagram and know how popular it is. But Instagram is officially made using python and adding React Native was a very big challenge for them, but it paid off as now there 85% to 95% of the code is shared between both Android and iOS apps and it was only possible because of React Native’s cross compatibility. 

    • Walmart

    We all know what Walmart is and what are its goals and to achieve them they have to improve its customer experience in n every way possible. And as we have discussed at the starting of this article that now many companies are making mobile app to increase their number of clients and also take care of their day-to-day needs with it like checking product details, pricing, online payment, home delivery, etc. options 

    • Tesla

    Tesla is one of the biggest manufacturers when it comes to electric cars also uses React Native for their app to increase their customer satisfaction. 

    And mow users can also diagnose their vehicle for any problems which needs to be rectified immediately 

    • Shopify

    As the web part of this popular e-commerce site is built using React JS, It was a definite answer to use React Native as they both share the same logic to writing codes – JSX which when backed up by React Native’s cross compatibility does wonders.

    As it is clear from the above data that most of the major companies like tesla, Shopify, etc. use React Native as their framework to build their app platform. And if you want to build an app platform for yourself or wish to join these companies, try out the React Native Course by KnowledgeHut which gives detailed knowledge about the framework with hands-on projects for your practice.

    What Should You Choose Between Flutter vs React Native?   

    Flutter and React Native are both great technologies for building mobile applications, but they have some differences in their approaches. Here are some of the differences between Flutter and React Native:  

    • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while React Native uses JavaScript.  
    • Performance: Flutter performs better than React Native because it uses a compiled programming language.  
    • UI Components: Flutter has its own set of customizable widgets and can be used to build complex UIs. React Native uses native components that are platform-specific.  
    • Development Time: Flutter has a faster development time because it has a hot reload feature allowing developers to see real-time changes.  
    • Community Support: Both have large and growing community support.  

    Choosing between Flutter and React Native depends on your scenario and business requirements. Flutter might be the go-to choice if you’re looking for better performance and faster development time. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more native look and feel, React Native might be the better choice. Partnering with a company that offers mobile app development services can further streamline the decision-making process, ensuring that the chosen framework aligns perfectly with your project's specific needs and goals.


    In this article, we have seen and discussed several parameters to decide which framework is better when it comes to cross-platform mobile app development.  The conclusion we came up with is React Native as it has a greater level of maturity and has a huge community that has got our backs when we get stuck.  

    We are not saying that flutter is bad when it comes to app development, but it is not as mature as React Native is. Moreover, it does not give us the liberty to choose any other design or components other than the ones it has in its library. 

    This is only an opinion out of many out there and at the rate at which flutter is growing, it will catch up to React Native in no time. But in the meantime React Native is our best bet when it comes to making mobile apps. But everyone should decide for themselves after carefully analyzing their app and its design with all other factors like cost, time, etc. to choose and decide which framework to use which will give them everything they need under one roof. 

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1Is React Native faster than Flutter?

    Although flutter is one of the closest frameworks to its native language, its development speed is lower than that of React Native’s. This is because of all the inbuilt UI libraries which are very convenient when we have to develop a component but reduce its development drastically. 

    2Is Flutter harder than React Native?

    Well, flutter is not hard when you are a beginner and you are learning to code for the first time as everything is explained in detail in its documentation. But if you are a JavaScript developer it's better to stick to React Native as we are quite familiar with JavaScript architecture. 

    3Which Programming Language is easier to learn – Flutter or React Native?

    Well if we look at the learning curve of both frameworks, React Native is easier to learn even if you are not familiar with JavaScript. Familiarity with JavaScript many makes the process simple still it might take some time to get the hang of things. On the other hand, the learning curve of flutter is a bit steeper making it a little harder to learn in comparison as in this we also have to learn native Android and iOS development. 

    4Why Flutter is not popular?

    There can be multiple reasons for Flutter not being so popular but the main reason is its learning curve in comparison with React Natives as many developers are already aware of JavaScript and its most popular library React which makes learning React Native much easier, but in case of Flutter we have to learn Dart from the scratch which again is OK for new developers but not for the rest of us.


    Ateev Duggal

    Blog Author

    "I am Ateev Duggal, a front-end web developer, and a blogger. I write blogs mainly on React JS and have an experience of over 1.5 years of freelancing. I have worked on both static and dynamic projects again using React JS like a table to show clients data which was fetched using API, a review slider, pagination component, etc, and many websites like Parent, landing pages for Ataota, and many more.
    Some of my blogs have been published on freecodecamp, dev.to, Medium, Hashnode, and many other blogging platforms and developer's communities.
    My Primary skills not only include React JS but HTML5, CSS3, JS, Jquery, Git, and Bootstrap also. You can visit my GitHub Profile and LinkedIn profile for more information about me or you can visit my Website at tekolio.com".

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