HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentThe Best Way to Learn React in 2024 [Complete Roadmap]

The Best Way to Learn React in 2024 [Complete Roadmap]

23rd Dec, 2023
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    The Best Way to Learn React in 2024 [Complete Roadmap]

    One of the biggest challenges that all front-end developers face is building responsive and complex UI, while retaining high load time and enhancing performancesThe User Interface is what grabs the attention of the users and increases the popularity of your websiteA website that is slow and takes a lot of time to get loaded will be abandoned more often than notIn this respect React is a bestselling tool for developers, as it ensures better user experience and optimizes app performances.  

    Though it sounds very cool, learning a new technology can be a daunting prospectA planned approach can be extremely helpful while learning new skills. 

    Before we start, let us look at what we will learn in this blog! 

    1. Introduction to React 
    2. React VS Other frameworks 
    3. React prerequisites 
    4. Approach to mastering a skill 
    5. Online learning process 
    6. Roadmaps to learn React 
    7. Fundamentals 
    8. Why should I learn React? 
    9. Challenges while learning 
    10. Conclusion

    Introduction to React: 

    React is a powerful JavaScript Library, created by Facebook. It is open source and component-based UI library tool. 

    How to Learn React in 2020

    All the elements which we see in a website built on React are composed of several sub-components e.g., the buttons, side menus, navigation bar, headers, footers, paragraphs etc. 

    To know about more about the components and other features you should check out this official documentation at.

    React VS other Frameworks/Libraries 

    The frameworks for Web development are: 

    • Angular 

    Angular is an application design framework (not a JS Library) which is based on TypeScript and is open sourceIt is maintained and managed by the Angular Team at Google and can be used to create efficient Single Page Applications (SPAs) for enterprises. 


    1. Easily create Single Page Applications 
    2. Prototyping, Development, and testing becomes faster 
    3. It supports 2-way data binding 
    4. DOM Manipulation is easy and hence server-side load is minimized 
    5. Responsive web designing 
    6. Latest Angular versions support TypeScript which makes it easier to learn 
    7. Good community support 


    1. Challenging to understand MVC for beginners 
    2. Some features are difficult to understand e.g., dependency injection, services etc. 
    3. Poor response during Search Engine Optimization 

    Official Documentation Link. 

    • Vuejs 

    It is JavaScript-based UI framework. It is used for building user interfaces and creating Single Page Applications with the help of some libraries. 


    1. Remarkably simple to use 
    2. It has good documentation 
    3. It supports virtual DOM Manipulation and 2-way Data binding 
    4. Unit testing can be efficiently done 
    5. Good community support 


    1. It is not suitable for large-scale projects 
    2. Limited resources 
    3. Not immensely popular among developers 

    Official Documentation Link.

    There are several other JS libraries and frameworks in the marketClick the links below to know more about these libraries or frameworks. 

    How to Learn React in 2020

    • jQuery 

    Official Documentation Link. 

    • Emberjs 

    Official Documentation Link.

    • Backbonejs 

    Official Documentation Link.

    • Semantic-UI 

    Official Documentation Link.

    • Foundation 

    Official Documentation Link.

    • Svelte 

    Official Documentation Link.

    Here’s what makes React more powerful than others: 

    1. It is based on Componentsand the same components can be reused 
    2. We can break the whole UI into smallest components 
    3. It is simple to use 
    4. One-way data binding 
    5. It uses virtual DOM, that means there is lesser load in the server-side rendering 
    6. High performance 
    7. Good documentation 

    Downsides of React 

    1. JSX is very confusing in the beginning 
    2. Version conflicts and new documentation 
    3. Subsequent latest updates and versions have caused chaos and confusion 

    Here is a quick analysis of how the popularity of React has increased in recent years: 

    How to Learn React in 2020
    Image Source

    React Prerequisites: 

    Before diving into the learning path, you should have the following prerequisites 

    1. Familiarity with any programming language 
    2. Basic string, array manipulation operations 
    3. OOPs concepts 
    4. Basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 
    5. Deep interest to learn new skills 

    Approach to master a skill: 

     These are the things you must consider while mastering a skill: 

    1. Know your abilities, self-evaluate 
    2. Track your learning process 
    3. Create timelines 
    4. Revise and focus on weak areas 
    5. Take help from experts 
    6. Practically apply whatever you have learnt so far 
    7. Learn, do not cram 
    8. Practice, practice and again, practice! 
    9. Create projects 
    10. Share your learning outcomes on LinkedIn, push your codes on GitHub repositories 
    11. Compete online 

    Online learning process: 

    Learning new skills online saves lot of time. We can learn at our own convenience and manage our schedules comfortablyWhile learning online: 

    1. Choose a course based on values and outcomes 
    2. It should include projects and technical support while learning 
    3. A course that offers mini-certification or a minor degree is more valuable 
    4. Create a dedicated time-duration for your online classes 
    5. Stick with the time and practice daily 
    6. Focus on the main concepts and clear your doubts at the same time 
    7. Maintain notes and revise them 
    8. Ask good questions and get your doubts cleared. 

    Here are a few courses you might wish to explore: 


    1. Codecademy
    2. Egghead
    3. Egghead
    4. Scrimba
    5. ui.Dev 


    1. Egghead
    2. Frontendmasters
    3. Reacttraining
    4. Newline
    5. React for beginners

    You can find other useful resources here.

    Roadmaps to learn React 

    1. Learn the basics of 

    How to Learn React in 2020

    • HTMLHTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and is a standard markup language to create web pages. We use different tags to structure the parts of a web page. Different HTML elements tell the browser how the content should be displayed on the browser. 

    You must be aware of the following things: 

    1. Basics of all tags, new features, and support in HTML5 
    2. How to link external CSS file 
    3. Various attributes 
    4. Embedding Audio, Images and Videos (Media) 
    • CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to format the web pages and primarily focuses on the look and feel of the web pages. We can control the styles of the HTML elements with CSS. We can also change the position, layout, arrangements of the HTML elements using CSS. 

    We can add CSS to a HTML document in three ways – Inline, Internal and External.  

    Be sure to check-out the following points:  

    1. How to link external CSS files 
    2. Attribute selectors 
    3. Box-model 
    • JavaScript: It adds interactivity and dynamics in the HTML document. It is client-side scripting language. To take inputs from users, validate them, display alerts etc., we use JavaScript.  

    Following are the important points to consider: 

    1. Functions 
    2. Strings 
    3. Array manipulation 
    4. Loops 
    5. Printing alerts 
    6. Logging on consoles

    2. Tools and Software 

    • GitHub: It is hosting service which allows users to store and manage their source codes. It provides a helpful graphical UI (User Interface) to manage your projects. We can also access this using the command line. Once you start the actual coding and working on projects, you must use GitHub to manage your source codes. It also provides team collaboration. 


    Focus on the following important points and learn: 

    1. How to create a repository 
    2. Pushing your code on GitHub 
    3. Creating branches 
    4. Git commands 
    5. Team collaboration 
    6. Version control 
    • Code Editors 

    Visual Studio Code

    VS CodeIt is a powerful source code editor used by most of the developers. It provides additional extensions and development tools which prove to be extremely helpful while writing the code.  

    3. Package Managers 

    Npm or Yarn 

    These are tools used to manage the packages and libraries. You can choose the package manager of your choice. 

    Learn command line commands to 

    1. create project 
    2. to install, remove - new modules, packages 
    3. to update the versions 

    4. Advanced Concepts in Development 

    ES6: It stands for ECMAScript 6, with ES6 being the 6th version of ECMAScript. ECMAScript was introduced to standardize JavaScript and was published in 2015. Due to new releases, there are some functionality changes in the previous concepts of React. 

    • State managements: It is a special technique which React uses to manipulate, update the values and data associated with the components. 
    • Passing values among components: Usually we pass the data from parent to child using props. There are alternative ways to pass the data using Redux and Context API. 

    These are some advanced concepts which are particularly important. 

    • Component State/Context API 
    • Redux  
    • Async and Await 
    • API Requests 
    • Promises 
    • Observable 
    • Helpers 
    • Data persistence 

    5. Better Styling using third party packages and plugins 

    Learn how to 

    1. add Bootstrap in your applications 
    2. make your webpage responsive as per the various screen sizes 
    3. apply Material Designs in your components, 
    4. set default colors for your projects - Color palettes: primary, secondary, tertiary colors 


    6. Working with API 

    • Fetching data from APIs 
    • Get and Post requests 
    • Handling promises and observables 

    How to Learn React in 2020

    7. Routing and Navigation 

    • Loading other components in the same page 
    • Navigation among various components and views 

    8. Testing 

    Testing is an important part in a Software Development Life Cycle. Testing ensures the quality of the development work. We use the following resources to test the React components. 

    • Jest: Jest is a JavaScript test runner that lets you access the DOM through jsdom 
    • React Testing Library: it is a lightweight solution to test the React components.  

    Find the official documentation here. 


    • Styling standards 

    Create reusable and standard components and apply proper styling in components. 

    • Coding Standards 

    1. Write reusable and quality code – writing a superior quality code enhances the performance of the whole application. 

    1. Apply proper naming conventions while writing the code. 

    Why should I learn React? 

    • Good community support 
    • Distinguished career ahead 
    • Regular updates and new versions 
    • Immense popularity 
    • Good income 
    • High demands in market 
    • Choice of new developers 

    According to average salary of the React developer is

    How to Learn React in 2020

    How to Learn React in 2020

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    Challenges while learning 

    As is the case when you are learning something new, you may find some challenges or difficulty in the learning process. You can take help from several communities, e.g., stackoverflowquora etc. to clear your doubts. Focus on learning the following topics: 

    • Hooks and Redux 
    • Promises 
    • Data binding 
    • Functional and class-based components 
    • Lifecycle of components 


    Technologies are changing at warp speed, and new innovations in the existing structures and workflow are implemented on a regular basis. To adapt to these changesit's important to keep your skills and competencies updated as well. As some concepts and their implementations may be older,  always follow the official documentation, upskill yourself and stay relevant in the workforce  


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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