HomeBlogWeb Development30 + Best Node.js Tools for Developers to Master in 2024

30 + Best Node.js Tools for Developers to Master in 2024

22nd Dec, 2023
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    30 + Best Node.js Tools for Developers to Master in 2024

    Web development has transformed since Node.js came out. With the help of Node.js, it is easier for web developers to build scalable and reliable software. The availability of several Node.js tools makes it one of the most used platforms for developing purposes. Ryan Dahl developed the Node.js platform in 2009 using JavaScript runtime environment. There is a large developer community where developers are always adding new Node.js tools which are shareable. If you want to learn the nitty gritty of Node.js, we recommend you check out the Online Node Training course. You can become a skilled Node.js developer after you finish this course.

    Development with Node.js

    Node.js is widely regarded as the most popular developing platform all over the world. Getting access to a large pool of Node.js development tools is one of the primary reasons for its popularity. It can execute JavaScript on its cross-platform and open-source system for building web applications. Any developer familiar with JavaScript can very quickly learn the basics of Node.

    Since Node.js is suitable for both front-end and back-end development, a full-stack developer can easily use it. You can enroll in the Full Stack Certification course at KnowledgeHut and get hands-on experience in the field of web development.

    Benefits of Using Node.js Tools During Development

    You can easily build web apps for high-traffic needs with Node.js developer tools. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of using Node.js tools. 

    • The runtime environment of Node supports the quick caching of modules.
    • The tools offer easy scalability for new applications.
    • Node is quite flexible.
    • Using Node.js is cost-effective when you use full-stack JavaScript.
    • You can easily build cross-platform applications.
    • You get the support of the huge online community of web developers.
    • The tools offer faster time-to-market.
    • Node.js tools are best suited for building mobile apps.

    30 + Best Node.js Tools for Developers

    Developers working with Node.js utilize various tools to make their life easier. These tools allow the developers to build apps on both the server and the client end simultaneously. You can browse through some of the tools we have listed below and pick the suitable tools.

    A. Node.js Tools for Native Modules

    Developers use JavaScript to write Most modules in Node. Some developers use C++ to write modules and you cannot edit them from JavaScript directly. Native modules refer to these since their code is a little different according to the operating system Node runs on. Take a look at some of the tools. 

    1. Node-gyp: You can compile your native extension using this tool. The Node-gyp tool is bundled with NPM and is implemented in Node.js. Running NPM install will compile the native extension. The tool will check for the file binding.gyp in your root folder and start the compilation process. This tool helps us to debug or release builds.

    2. Binding.gyp: This tool is a file that helps us to specify your compiling process of the native extension. You have to define the files that you want to compile and call the final binary. Binding.gyp has a structure similar to JSON. Target and sources are the keys to configuring the file.

    3. Bindings: Bindings Node.js package enables you to export your native extension. It does the job of releasing a folder or searching in a build for you.

    4. N-API: This tool supplies compatibility and stability among various Node versions. Suppose you compile the native extension in Node 8.3. You do not have to recompile the same for Node 8.8 or 9.2. The N-API tools make the life of contributors much easier.

    B. Node.js Tools for Visual Studio

    Launched by Microsoft, Visual Studio Code has a wide range of tools or extensions available for developers. They not only save time but help in productivity as well. You can take a look at some of the Visual Studio tools below.

    5. NPM Intellisense: This extension autocompletes NPM modules into the code when you import them. It is a simple tool but gives you immediate access to your required modules for running your app.

    6. View Node Package: You can use this extension to quickly understand a specific package as you stay inside Visual Studio Code. You do not have to leave VSC to look inside the project’s repository.

    7. Node Readme: Node Readme tools allow you to open the documentation of a specific package. This ensures that the documentation is created into your workflow, and it also boosts your productivity.

    8. Node Exec: This simple tool enables you to execute your current file with the help of Node quickly. You only need to press the F8 key or run the Execute node.js option.

    9. Search Node_Modules: Use this tool for quick navigation of files inside your node_modules folder. This can help win manual tasks like editing a file located in the node_modules folder.

    10. Node.js Modules Intellisense: This vital tool autocompletes your JavaScript statements. This extension is very popular among web developers.

    11. ESLint: This tool is useful for fixing inconsistent parts of code in JavaScript. It can pick up bugs very easily. You can use this tool either line by line or the entire workspace.

    12. Settings Sync: This extension can be very helpful if you are a developer working on various machines. You can run the same configuration of VSC across different machines.

    C. Node.js Server Monitoring Tools

    Node.js is one of the most used JS frameworks for API development. It is important to monitor for essential metrics. Server monitoring tools help you to deduce the health of the server.

    Below is a list of Node.js monitoring tools you can use in your project.

    13. Express Status Monitor: This open-source monitoring tool monitors Express.js. Developers use the Express.js framework in Node.js. You can use this tool to monitor request frequency, average load, response time, and memory utilization.

    14. Clinic.js: You can use Clinic.js tool to find out the critical parameters of your Node.js app. The library of Clinic.js combines three tools – Bubbleprof, Flame, and Doctor. Bubbleprof helps you find out errors and provides latency data. Flame monitors the CPU and gives you data about CPU-consuming tasks of your app. Doctor collects metrics and assesses their health.

    15. Sematext: Sematext offers full-stack monitoring, which means you have total visibility of the infrastructure. You find out the logs, health of APIs, front-end user experience, and SSL certificates. You can create a custom dashboard or use the readymade one.

    16. Better Uptime: This tool offers a combination of uptime monitoring, status pages, and incident management into one designed product. After you set up Better Uptime, you can receive a call or email to alert you whenever your Node.js application stops working or works incorrectly. You can take screenshots of error logs and integrate the tool with Teams, AWS, and other apps.

    D. Node.js Performance Monitoring Tools

    Performance monitoring ensures that the collection of performance data and see that its metrics meet the optimum service delivery. Some of the tasks involved are monitoring logs, keeping track of the app's availability, and reporting any dysfunction. The monitoring tools ensure real-time monitoring of the application, and you can find out ways to improve your app’s performance. Some of the popular tools are:

    17. Appmetrics: Appmetrics provides you with a convenient dashboard for web-based monitoring. It not only shows you the metrics, but you can even generate Node Reports directly from the dashboard. This open-source tool also gives you access to Flame Graphs.

    18. Middleware: This highly sophisticated tool has mechanisms displaying your Node.js app’s end-to-end visibility and dependencies. Middleware alerts you about critical events or metrics. You can troubleshoot issues from the data that this tool collects, such as KPIs, logs, traces, and metrics.

    19. PM2: A handy tool for auto-clustering and log monitoring, PM2 is a process manager. It prevents the application from experiencing event loop lag. This tool can quickly find your app’s vital metrics, latency, and memory consumption.

    20. Prometheus: The popular tool Prometheus combines data from previous instances with the current situation of your system. You can find out the progress or performance of your Node.js application. Prometheus's notification feature is handy in sending alerts during significant critical events.

    E. Debugging Tools for Node.js

    Debugging is the process of finding and rectifying bugs during app development. There are several factors to consider, such as its structure and size. Node.js has quite a few debugging tools for developers to use. 

    21. Node Inspector: The Node Inspector tool is suitable for most debugging options in Node.js. It is based on the powerful JS debugging interface – the Blink Developer Tools. You can use this reliable debugging tool for navigating through source files, enabling and disabling breakpoints, editing and inspecting object and variable properties, and specifying trigger conditions. Some more features of Node Inspector are profiling HEAP and CPU and inspecting network client requests. 

    22. Stackman: You can use Stackman to debug mistakes in an array of stack frames. The individual stack trace frames offer detailed information for rectifying errors. You will have access to original source codes, with surrounding lines in places with bugs. The tool shows whether the bug occurred in your code, in Node.js, or in a third-party module.

    23. Theseus: This debugging tool was revolutionary when it first came out. The JavaScript ecosystem found a new variety of debugger that works simultaneously with Chrome and Node.js. A few features of the Theseus tool are an asynchronous call tree, retroactive inspection, and real-time code coverage.

    24. Debug by Visionmedia: You can use this tool for both apps and libraries in Node.js. The tiny utility tool Debug by Visionmedia is also useful for working in web browsers.

    25 . Node Vim Debugger: This debugging tool from Vim offers a multiple-step approach to the debugging process in Node.js.

    26. Atom Node Debugger: The Atom Node Debugger is a convenient debugging tool that is quite simple to use as well. You must open your JavaScript file and run the start-resume command. The debug panels will be on the screen as the previous command launches the Node.js debugger. You can then fix breakpoints and resume debugging. You might do other tasks to find the error.

    27. Longjohn: This Node.js tool for debugging is useful for testing and development environments. It collects chunks of data and provides stack traces where you can configure the trace length. The tool strains V8’s garbage collector and slows down heavy apps. We do not recommend this tool for use in production.

    28. Node vStream: The Node vStream tool enables you to inspect a pipeline with the assistance of streaming mix-ins. If you are working with Node streams, this tool is perfect. You can call vstream.wrapStream and instrument one or more Node streams. In this way, you will receive the same streams but with attached private properties and functions.

    29. TraceGL: This debugging tool is only useful when code monitoring occurs in your JavaScript. You will get a log of all that happens inside the system. The TraceGL tool streams the log from the target (browser or node) to the UI. The UI is based on a technology that provides rapid rendering and display.

    30. ironNode: The ironNode tool is a powerful debugger where you will find a combination of Chrome Developer Tools with the power of JS debugging. You can use this tool to debug Node.js apps with CDT on Linux and Windows easily.

    F. Other Important Node.js Tools

    Apart from the tools you have already read about, plenty of other Node.js tools are in the market. Here are some other important Node devtools you can install from the Node.js tool installer. 

    31. Mocha.js: You can use Mocha.js to test your app in the browser and in the console. It perfectly works for BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and TDD (test Driven Development). The modularity of Mocha allows you to use other tools with it, such as Sinon or Chai.

    32. Keystone: It is a powerful tool to develop a Node.js application. This open-source tool provides an auto-generated user interface for handling the application. You can use Keystone to easily manage routes and encrypt data.

    33. Meteor: This Node.js tool works with various OS. You can use it for large development projects as it is simple to use. Meteor reduces your coding efforts and offers access to databases on the server.

    34. Babel: Babel compiler allows you to debug codes, and it offers a support map. You can easily build an app of any size without writing lengthy codes.

    How to Choose the Best Node.js Tools? 

    With so many tools to choose from, it often becomes an arduous task to pick Node.js tools. Below are some factors for you to consider when choosing the right tools. 

    • Community support: Choosing a tool that a community of developers uses can ensure it is a good choice. You can be sure of the fact that there is regular maintenance of the tool.
    • Performance: It is important to choose a tool that gets regularly optimized for performance. Your app can run efficiently and smoothly if you use an optimized tool.
    • Requirements: You must always choose a tool as per your requirements. There are many Node.js tools available, but if you use unsuitable tools, your project is likely to fail.
    • Learning curve: Choose a tool that is quick to learn and use. You can develop your app efficiently and easily once you consider this factor.
    • Documentation: A tool that has good documentation makes it easier to learn. You can use the tool much more effectively than a non-documented tool.

    Wrapping Up

    Web development is the need of the hour, and many developers are consistently honing proficiency to stay abreast with the evolving trends. Today's web developers often use Node.js tools in their daily work since Node offers many features for developers, and it's also open-source. With so many tools to learn, enrolling in a course can significantly benefit you. Whether you are a beginner or a novice, KnowledgeHut Web Development certificate courses can be a sure-shot way to jumpstart your career in web development!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is Node.js a framework or a tool?

    Node.js is an open-source JavaScript framework. Developers already familiar with JavaScript can easily begin creating applications using Node.js. It consists of many tools. 

    2What is Node.js best used for?

    Node.js is perfectly suited for building streaming apps, online games, chat apps, and embedded systems. You can use Node.js for building high-traffic apps and IoT. 

    3What tool and IDE is used for Node.js?

    Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is the most used IDE for Node.js. It is an open-source IDE for Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems. You can code as well as debug in Visual Studio Code. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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