HomeBlogAgileAgile Software Development: Principles, Life Cycle, Methodology

Agile Software Development: Principles, Life Cycle, Methodology

19th Feb, 2024
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    Agile Software Development: Principles, Life Cycle, Methodology

    With the emergence of new technologies, the market is transforming at a fast pace and it is very important that companies adapt to the changing market trends to remain in the competition. Analyzing customer needs and fulfilling their requirements by providing suitable solutions is the main objective of every software company. To deliver software to customers, a comprehensive process known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is followed. SDLC mainly comprises stages such as Requirement Gathering, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The traditional SDLC methods such as the waterfall model are highly rigid where a top-down linear approach is followed and each phase is started only when the previous phase has been completed successfully. For instance, the design phase can only begin when the requirements are thoroughly discussed in the requirement-gathering phase.

    In this dynamically changing digital era, it is very rare that clients have a static set of requirements because their needs change constantly. Hence most of the project requirements change with time and customer feedback as a result of which the traditional SDLC methods are not suitable. Another drawback is that it takes a longer time to develop the product and release it to the market due to the structured rigidity of these methods. Most companies want a shorter time to market to ensure customer satisfaction and hence companies tend to follow the Agile Methodology for software development focusing on flexibility and responsiveness to changing requirements. The widespread adoption of agile methodologies by organizations has elevated the status of agile-certified professionals as a result of which an Agile certification has become crucial to excel in this field.

    What is Agile?  

    The term ‘Agile’ means to move quickly and easily. In the context of software engineering, agile is an umbrella term that refers to an approach to developing software faster by adapting to changing requirements. This approach is in complete contrast to the SDLC methods, where even a slight change in requirements comes along with a huge downtime. The Agile approach comes from the Agile Manifesto which advocates a set of guiding principles for software development that values individual interactions, customer collaboration and responding to change.

    What is Agile Software Development?  

    Agile software development is an iterative approach to software development mainly focusing on the delivery of high-quality software quickly and the ability to adapt to changing software requirements for ensuring customer satisfaction. It involves breaking down a large project into smaller shippable units that can be executed and delivered by the team in shorter intervals of time termed sprints. This incremental approach towards product development ensures close collaboration between team members and with customers or stakeholders to ensure that the project stays on track to meet its goals. In most cases, agile software development is adopted to release a minimum viable product (MVP) to customers and later add additional functionalities based on user feedback. The main focus here is to quickly analyze customer pain points or requirements and provide them with solutions in a short duration of time.

    Importance of Agile Software Development  

    The Agile approach has become the most important methodology adopted by start-ups. Two important factors that contribute to the success of a start-up are its idea and the timing. A great business idea is an essential factor for a start-up which generally comes after a lot of extensive market research. After fixating upon an idea, the execution timing is a crucial factor, hence, companies strive to launch the product faster to become a market differentiator. By developing a Minimal Viable Product or an MVP through an agile approach companies ensure faster time to market that gives them a clear advantage over their competitors. Later using the continuous feedback gathered from customers, they tend to adjust the MVP or add additional features to it.

    In addition to faster time-to-market, agile software development is important due to the following reasons:

    • Agile software development places a strong emphasis on customer collaboration as teams work closely with customers to gather feedback. This customer-centric approach helps ensure that the end product meets their expectations and delivers the most value. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention.
    • Agile software development allows for changes to be made quickly and efficiently, even in the middle of a project. This is important in an environment where requirements can change rapidly based on customer feedback.
    • Agile software development is based on teamwork, collaboration, and communication, which can improve team morale and reduce turnover. This creates a sense of ownership among the team members which leads to increased responsibility among the individuals.
    • Agile software development involves continuous testing and feedback, which can help identify and address issues early on in the development process. This helps in reducing the risk of failure and improves the software quality.

    As a result of the increasing importance of agile software development, agile-certified individuals are highly valued in organizations, and KnowledgeHut Agile certification offers individuals the required skillset and training to become professional Agile Practitioners. 

    Principles of Agile Software Development  

    Agile software development is based on a set of guiding principles that emphasize collaboration, flexibility, and responsiveness. These principles were outlined in the Agile Manifesto, which was created in 2001 by a group of software development experts. The twelve principles of Agile software development are as follows:

    1. Customer satisfaction
    2. Embrace changing requirements
    3. Deliver working software within a shorter time interval.
    4. Interactive collaboration between developers and business stakeholders of the project.
    5. Support and motivate the involved people.
    6. Face-to-face communications
    7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
    8. Should have sustainable development at a consistent pace.
    9. Attention to technical excellence and good design
    10. Simplicity
    11. Self-organizing teams
    12. Regularly reflect on successes and failures

    Agile Software Development Cycle  

    The Agile Software Development Cycle typically includes the following phases:

    • Concept: The agile process starts with the Concept phase, where the project team investigates the business problem or opportunity and explores possible solutions. Additionally, the team assesses whether an Agile approach is the best fit for the project.
    • Inception: In the inception phase, the team establishes the project vision, identifies stakeholders, and creates a high-level roadmap. The team also begins to develop a product backlog, which contains a prioritized list of features and user stories.
    • Iteration: In the iteration phase, the team develops and delivers working software in small increments, typically lasting 2-4 weeks. Each iteration includes planning, analysis, design, implementation, and testing activities.
    • Release: The release phase involves delivering the software to end-users, conducting user acceptance testing and gathering feedback for future development.
    • Maintenance: This phase comprises monitoring the software in production and addressing any arising issues, which may include bug fixes, updates, and enhancements
    • Retirement: Finally in the retirement phase, the team decommissions the software and archives project documentation. This may involve transferring data to a new system, disposing of hardware, and terminating contracts with vendors.

    Agile Software Development Frameworks  

    Agile software development methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Lean, provide a framework for implementing these principles in practice.

    1. Scrum: Scrum is a popular Agile framework that emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, and iterative development. The Scrum framework consists of a set of roles, ceremonies, and artifacts, including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.
    2. Kanban: Kanban is a visual workflow management system that helps teams visualize work in progress and optimize their processes for efficiency. Kanban emphasizes continuous delivery and improvement and allows teams to adapt to changing requirements quickly.
    3. Extreme Programming (XP): XP is an Agile framework that focuses on engineering practices and quality. It involves a set of practices, including continuous integration, test-driven development, pair programming, and code reviews. XP also emphasizes customer involvement and frequent releases.
    4. Lean: Lean is an Agile framework that focuses on delivering value to the customer while minimizing waste. Lean emphasizes continuous improvement, flow, and customer focus, and is often used in conjunction with other Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban.
    5. Crystal: Crystal is a family of Agile methodologies that emphasizes simplicity, communication, and collaboration. Crystal consists of a set of principles and practices that can be adapted to the needs of the team and project.
    6. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): DSDM is an Agile methodology that focuses on the entire project lifecycle, from planning to deployment. It involves a set of principles, practices, and roles, including timeboxing, frequent delivery, and facilitated workshops.
    7. Feature-Driven Development (FDD): FDD is an Agile methodology that focuses on feature delivery. It involves a set of processes, including domain walkthroughs, feature lists, and design inspections. FDD also emphasizes the use of simple models and incremental development.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Software Development  

    Customer satisfaction is the primary objective of agile software development. Agile software development has several advantages such as customer centricity, faster time to market, improved software quality, flexibility and team collaboration. It involves valuing people and interactions over processes and tools, and prioritizing delivering value to customers over following a predetermined plan.

    Some of the disadvantages are:

    • Agile methodologies require a lot of communication and collaboration among team members, which can be time-consuming and may slow down the development process.
    • Agile methodologies rely heavily on teamwork and collaboration, which means that team members need to have a high level of experience and expertise.
    • Agile methodologies prioritize working software over documentation, which can lead to a lack of documentation and make it difficult to maintain the software in the long run.
    • Agile methodologies require a high level of involvement from the customer or product owner, which can be challenging if the customer is not available or responsive

    Pitfalls to Avoid in Agile Software Development  

    Agile software development can be highly effective when implemented properly, but there are also several pitfalls that teams should avoid. Here are some common pitfalls to be aware of:

    • Lack of structure: Agile development is often less structured than traditional development methodologies, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings if the process is not well-defined and documented.
    • Neglecting quality assurance: Agile methodologies emphasize rapid delivery, but this should not come at the expense of quality. Teams should prioritize testing and quality assurance to ensure that the software meets the necessary standards.
    • Overemphasis on short-term goals: Agile development emphasizes delivering value quickly, which can lead to a focus on short-term goals at the expense of long-term planning and strategy.
    • Ineffective communication: Agile development relies heavily on communication and collaboration between team members, which can be a challenge if team members are not skilled communicators or if there are language or cultural barriers.
    • Inadequate documentation: Agile development often places less emphasis on documentation than traditional development methodologies, which can lead to a lack of clarity and understanding among team members and stakeholders.
    • Resistance to change: Agile development requires a cultural shift in the organization, which can be difficult to achieve if team members are resistant to change or if the organization is not prepared to support the Agile methodology.

    Get Agile  

    Agile software development has revolutionized the way software is developed and delivered. In conclusion, agile software development is a powerful approach that has transformed the software development landscape. Its flexibility and focus on customer satisfaction have made it a popular choice for teams looking to improve their development processes and deliver better software products. As the demand for faster and more responsive software development continues to grow, it is clear that agile methodologies will remain a vital part of the software development ecosystem for years to come. Agile certifications provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to implement Agile methodologies effectively, making them highly valued by employers and beneficial to professionals at all levels. So if you are interested in agile and want to kickstart a career in Agile software development, you can begin by taking the Applying Professional Scrum for Software Development Training provided by KnowledgeHut.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is Agile software development process?

    Agile software development is a methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It involves iterative and incremental development, continuous feedback and improvement, and a focus on delivering value to the customer.

    2What is Agile Software Development example?

    An example of Agile software development would be the use of Scrum methodology in developing a mobile application

    3Why do we use agile software development?

    We use agile software development as it offers several advantages such as faster time to market, customer centricity, flexibility, team collaboration, reduced defects and improved quality of the software produced.


    Samarth G Vasist

    Blog Author

    Samarth G Vasist is a passionate Software Engineer. He is involved in building data-science products at MoEngage where he is responsible for developing, maintaining and testing end-to-end data engineering pipelines and related infrastructure. Samarth blogs about a wide range of topics, including data engineering, distributed systems, cloud computing, agile methodologies, and test automation. Samarth is an avid cinephile and doesn't miss first-day first-show screenings of his favourite films. He is also an avid biker and engages himself in regular rides.

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