The Scala Travel Diary

What's in Zalando’s travel itinerary for the Scala world? Find out about our travel plans here.

Posted on May 24, 2016

It’s no secret that Zalando Tech has had its hands full lately with its participation in several Scala conferences and meetups. Our use of Scala has skyrocketed and it’s now one of our most adopted programming languages amongst developers.

So, where have we been in the Scala world? Where are we headed to next? Find out more below.

Scalar, Poland

This year’s Scalar conference took place in Warsaw on April 16th with 480 participants. The team over at SoftwareMill organised a lot of well-known speakers from Europe’s Scala community, featuring our very own Eric Torreborre, Slava Schmidt, and Marco Borst.


Eric presented on: “The Eff Monad, One Monad to Rule Them All”, while Slava and Marco teamed up to speak about “Contract First, Session Types Later!”. With such a specialised conference, we were sure to find a lot of interested audience members for both Zalando talks.


Poland’s Scala community was out in force at Scalar, which shows that not only is there a big community closeby, but that they’re also incredibly experienced and willing to share their learnings.

Scala User Group Meetup, Berlin

Our Zalando Tech Innovation Lab was the place to be on April 20th for the most recent edition of the Scala User Group Meetup. Eric once again presented his Eff Monad talk, with approximately 80 Scala enthusiasts in attendance.

Being a much more intimate affair, meetups are a great place to ask questions, with many flowing after Eric’s presentation. We’re incredibly keen to host the meetup again and will publish more information on our Twitter account and meetup page when details are finalised.


Community Unconference @ Scala Days, Berlin

In June, Zalando will be hosting the Community Unconference, which is being coordinated by several European Scala User Groups at Scala Days. Taking place on 15th June, all hands will be on deck at Zalando Tech HQ. The Unconference will be based on the Open Space Technology format which features four principles:

  • Whoever comes are the best people
  • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
  • Whenever it starts is the right time
  • When it’s over, it’s over

This kind of framework aims to give everyone attending the opportunity to present whatever they think might be interesting to the Scala community. If they don’t have a talk prepared in advance, it doesn’t matter: The Unconference format welcomes on-the-spot ideas.

There’s still time and space to register your attendance. Check our meetup page for more information.

Scala Days 2016, Berlin

One of the biggest Scala conferences on the calendar and our highlight of the year, the Scala Days 2016 event will run over two days from 15-17th of June in the heart of Berlin.

With over 1,000 participants expected, this is THE place for Scala developers and contributors to meet, exchange ideas, as well as share experiences and know-how. Being so close to home, Zalando Tech will have a big presence at the conference with regards to attendees and our very own booth set up over the two-day event. We’re looking forward to expanding our Scala horizons and learning about creating new applications with Scala and its related technologies.

Will we see you at some of these future Scala events? Let us know! Tweet us at @ZalandoTech.

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