17 minutes to read

On-Demand: A Data Operating System: A Simple, Secure, Scalable Platform

Original Presentation: MIT CDO IQ 2022

Everyone talks about moving data to get value, but this only increases the cost, complexity, and risk associated with the ecosystem. Companies need to drive insights for the business, but in order to do that, they’ll need an entire data paradigm shift.

In our talk at the 15th annual MIT CDOIQ Symposium, we discussed what precisely this new data paradigm shift means and what profound implications it can have for the future of data. Download our presentation and hear from our Field CTO, Vishal Venkatram, to find out:

· The traditional data challenges that prevent companies from leveraging the full power of their data.
· How Modern's unique approach to data overcomes those challenges with minimal disruption to business operations. 
· Why this new paradigm is the only way forward in a world of fractured data, legacy systems, and security risks.

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Watch the Presentation