The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter in 2023

2023 was the second full year of The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter, and this newsletter is now almost two and a half years old; the first issue came out on 26 August 2021. Thank you for being a reader, I greatly value your support.

This year, 102 newsletter issues were published, and this is number 103. You received a deepdive issue on Tuesdays, and every Thursday it was “The Pulse” – formerly The Scoop. Occasionally, there was a bonus article on Wednesdays, too, such as about the book, Tidy First?

Like last year, these newsletters all add up to 5-7 books’ worth of information. And speaking of books, this year I finally published the project I’ve been busy writing for years on the side of the newsletter: The Software Engineer’s Guidebook. This turned into a four-year-long endeavor; thank you to everyone who purchased the paperback edition. Kindle and audiobook formats are expected in early 2024.

Today’s issue is a look back at 2023, with pointers to articles you may want to reread, or discover for the first time. We cover:

  1. The newsletter’s evolution
  2. The most popular articles, and my personal favorites
  3. New resources and templates for engineers and managers added this year
  4. Tech industry pulse in 2023

Read the 2023 recap here.

For reviews of earlier years, see The Pragmatic Engineer in 2021 and in 2022.

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get articles like this in your inbox. It's a pretty good read - and the #1 tech newsletter on Substack.

The Software Engineer's Guidebook

I wrote The Software Engineer's Guidebook. Here is what Tanya Reilly, senior principal engineer and author of The Staff Engineer's Path says about it:

"From performance reviews to P95 latency, from team dynamics to testing, Gergely demystifies all aspects of a software career. This book is well named: it really does feel like the missing guidebook for the whole industry."

The Software Engineer's Guidebook

Get the book here.

Gergely Orosz

Writing The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. Author of The Software Engineer's Guidebook. Previously at Uber, Microsoft, Skype, Skyscanner.

Amsterdam, Netherlands