A Simple (Yet Effective) Approach to Implementing Unit Tests for dbt Models

Unit testing dbt models has always been one of the most critical missing pieces of the dbt ecosystem. This article proposes a new unit testing approach that relies on standards and dbt best practices

Mahdi Karabiben
Towards Data Science


Photo by Fabio Ballasina on Unsplash

Ever since dbt introduced software engineering best practices to the realm of data engineering, its functionalities and the ecosystem around it have kept expanding to cover yet more areas of the data transformation space.

However, one essential piece of the “data engineering with software engineering best practices” puzzle remains elusive and an unsolved problem: unit testing.

Justifying the importance of unit tests, why they’re critical for any line of code before it can be called “production-ready”, and why they’re different from dbt Tests or data quality tests is something that has already been brilliantly tackled and explained. But if we wanted to summarize their importance in a one-minute elevator pitch, it’d be the following:

In data engineering there are generally two different elements that we want to test: the data and our code — dbt Tests (and other data quality systems/tools) allow us to test the data, while unit tests allow us to test our code.

With the above in mind, it’s only natural that there have been multiple initiatives by the community to enhance dbt with an open-source unit testing capability (like Equal Experts’ dbt Unit Testing package or GoDataDriven’s dbt-focused Pytest plugin). However, these packages remain limited in functionalities and have a steep learning curve.

This article introduces a different approach that’s much simpler yet more elegant, relying on standards and dbt best practices to implement a scalable and reliable unit testing process.

Unit testing models vs. CTEs

Before diving into the approach, let’s first define the level at which we want to run our unit tests. The question to answer here is related to our definition of a “testable unit” within a dbt project.

What are our testable units?

If we stick to software engineering best practices, a testable unit would be a small piece of code with clear inputs and outputs — and without dependencies on external factors. Depending on the dbt project and its complexity, this definition can apply to both dbt models and the Common Table Expressions (CTEs) they’re made of.

If we have a dbt project that mostly contains short and fairly simple models (less than 100 lines of code per model), then defining unit tests at the model level can be suitable. However, if our dbt project contains long and complex models, then defining unit tests at the CTE level will be the more efficient approach.

It’s a matter of perspective

dbt Labs (the company behind dbt Core) has a preference for the first approach. So, unsurprisingly, their unit testing proposal focuses on model-level tests and considers CTE-level tests an anti-goal. For small or greenfield dbt projects, this can be a very reasonable design decision. However, if you have a mature or large dbt project, then adding layers of unnecessary ephemeral models solely to avoid complex models may not be a good idea.

For most dbt projects, performing multiple operations (transformations, aggregation, etc.) on the same entity within a dbt model is completely acceptable: We can first transform a given column and then aggregate the data using it, or we can create a new flag and then rely on it to apply some business logic or filter the data. These operations can happen in different CTEs within the same model, making the CTE a natural testable unit.

The approach presented in this article will focus on unit testing CTEs and not the model as a whole, although the same principles can be tweaked to perform unit tests at the model level.

The secret sauce: shrinking the universe

The main complexity when implementing a unit testing system for dbt models stems from the fact that a “dbt model” can be many, many things. From a 1000-line massive select statement to a long list of CTEs and subqueries, all these scenarios need to be considered if we want to build a generic unit testing system that can be used in any dbt project.

However, we can avoid this complexity altogether by limiting the scope of the problem. Instead of building a unit testing system that works in any dbt project, we only need to build one for our dbt projects. As Don Draper would tell you, we can always “change the conversation”:

Instead of building a unit testing system for dbt models (a universe we can’t control), let’s build a system for our dbt models (a much smaller universe that we can control).

Changing our targeted universe dramatically simplifies the problem since we know our dbt models and their quirks. More importantly, we can define standards and guidelines for their structure and contents.

A visual representation of how “shrinking” the universe simplifies the unit testing approach (image by author)

The above principle can also be applied to other areas where we want to build customizations and functionalities related to dbt. Setting standards and limiting what we can expect when we talk about “dbt models” simplifies the problem and opens the door for straightforward solutions.

Navigating a familiar universe: standardizing the structure of our dbt models

Now that we’ve limited the scope of the work to our dbt models, we can clarify our inputs by defining a mandatory model structure that we can enforce via automation like CI actions. If you’re already maintaining dbt projects that don’t have a recommended model structure, you can always start enforcing it progressively as you update your existing models.

The ideal structure would depend on your use cases, but the import-intermediate-final approach recommended by dbt Labs is a safe bet in most cases. It basically divides a dbt model into three types of CTEs:

  • Import CTEs: These constitute the first section of the model and merely consist of reading data from other models. We can perform column renaming and filtering, but we shouldn’t transform the data at this stage. Ideally, their names would start with the import_ prefix.
  • Intermediate CTEs: This is where the bulk of the work happens. We can use these CTEs to transform, join, and aggregate the data, apply business logic, and all the other operations to generate the desired output of the model — making these the CTEs that we’d want to unit test. Ideally, their names would start with the intermediate_ prefix.
  • Final CTE: In this CTE we join different import and intermediate CTEs to define the model’s output — without applying any additional transformations. This CTE should be named final.

Then, as the last section of the model, a select * from final statement would generate its output.

Sample dbt model using the import-intermediate-final structure (image by author)

Now that we have a model structure that we can design around, defining a unit testing system becomes a much easier task.

It’s worth noting, however, that ideally we’d define the model structure before we start using dbt — along with other foundations for our dbt usage. This was one of the key areas that my team at Zendesk and myself focused on when we decided to implement a dbt-based data transformation framework, and we detailed our work on standards in this article published on the Zendesk engineering blog.

Building on standards: a simple unit testing system

Based on the structure we discussed above, to ensure efficient unit testing code coverage for our dbt models, we can rely on testing the intermediate CTEs and the final CTE — since the import CTEs don’t contain any code we’d want to test.

Dividing the dbt model into inputs and code that needs to be tested (image by author)

And so now we can define the different components of our unit testing system and how they’d interact based on the above standards.

The mock inputs: the output of import CTEs

The first component of our system is mock inputs (basically, the sample data we’d want to use to test different execution scenarios). In terms of structure, this should be similar to the output of our import CTEs — so if we’re reading two columns from a model named customers, the mock input should contain the same structure.

Translating the output of import CTEs into mock inputs for unit tests (image by author)

These inputs should be defined as dbt seeds (and so we’re providing CSV files that contain the mock data) ideally in a separate tests dbt project (to avoid cluttering our main project with unit testing seeds).

The expectations: the desired output of intermediate CTEs

Now that we’ve defined our inputs, we can use the same process (dbt seeds) to define our desired outputs. These outputs correspond to the expected state of the data after the execution of every intermediate CTE.

For every intermediate CTE, we can have multiple outputs corresponding to the scenarios we want to test to maximize code coverage and ensure we test edge cases. (Either within the same CSV with a test_id column that allows us to separate the different tests or by providing multiple CSVs.)

Running the tests: the luxury of choice

The last architectural component of the system is the process that will perform the assertions for us (comparing the actual outputs of our CTEs with the expected outputs).

Technically, we just want to compare two tables in our data warehouse:

  • The table generated from our expectations dbt seed (the expected output that we provided in a CSV file)
  • The table generated by running the CTE we’re testing (with the mock data as its inputs)

The comparison can then be achieved using existing packages like dbt audit helper or a data quality system like Soda Core (using the built-in comparison checks of SodaCL).

Connecting the dots

Finally, now that all of the components are defined, we only need to connect the dots via a module (which we can write in Python or any other language) that does the following:

  1. Compile the dbt model we want to test (to replace variables and macros with their actual values).
  2. Parse the compiled model and retrieve the list of intermediate CTEs (ideally we’d rely on the intermediate_ prefix but this can be achieved in multiple ways) and the Final CTE (using its name).
  3. For every CTE, replace references to import CTEs and other intermediate CTEs with references to the corresponding mock data (and so instead of referencing CTEs, we’d reference the dbt seeds). Here again, we can rely on the prefixes (both import_ and intermediate_) to find the CTE names that we need to replace.
  4. For every CTE, write its new body (after replacing the references) as a dbt model within our tests dbt project.
  5. Run dbt seed command in our tests project (to recreate the mock data tables and the expected output tables), ideally with a tag that only refreshes the tables related to the model we’re currently testing.
  6. Perform the assertions using our tool of choice (a dbt package or a tool like Soda) and print the output or perform an action based on it.

With the above process, we can test every intermediate CTE (and the final CTE) during one execution without having the actual output of one CTE interfere with the next one. This means that for a given CTE, dbt will only use the mock inputs when running it (since it’s referencing the dbt seeds we provided) — with the inputs being the output of import CTEs and the expected output of other intermediate CTEs we’re referencing.

Sample inputs for an intermediate CTE in which we’re referencing two import CTEs and another intermediate CTE (image by author)


In this article, we presented a scalable and flexible unit testing approach for dbt models (at the CTE level) that requires a relatively small amount of engineering effort and a focus on enforcing standards. Even though the approach doesn’t solve unit testing for every dbt project, I believe many teams can leverage it (or a variation of it) in their projects to add an essential layer of safety: testing the code.

The approach can be tweaked and enhanced based on the specificities of the dbt project, and may not be suitable for all scenarios (for example, if the bulk of your code resides in macros) — but standardization remains a powerful ally that streamlines the path towards enhancing dbt in different areas.

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