Writing our Golden Path

In my last blog post I explained how we defined our 3-year technical vision for the company. One of the key pillars of this vision is shifting from a model where we used the same tool for every job (mostly a combination of Python + Django + MySQL), to the right tool(s) for each job. Given that this would be a new way of working for our organization, we wanted to have some guidelines that teams would follow to ensure that our services and applications wouldn’t have a completely different tech stack depending on the team developing them, which would harm the maintainability of our overall architecture. This is why we decided to write a Golden Path document that would guide teams on the best set of technologies for each potential scenario and recommended tools for common repeatable use cases like logging, security, etc. 

The Golden Path is a document that explains the allowed technologies available for use at Eventbrite when building software. It has been built collaboratively by the entire development organization and is in continuous evolution as teams find better solutions for the problems to be solved. We require any technology choice that is not included in this list to have explicit approval from the Architecture Review Committee (ARC), which is our engineering governance body, before implementing it.

Therefore, one principle around our Golden Path is that we are recommending the use of the “right tool for the job,” which most often means opting for industry standard technologies (enabling us to focus our limited innovation tokens on technological advancements unique to live experiences). Teams are encouraged to evaluate other alternatives that are not in this document when working on their system designs, or challenge currently deprecated ones, and propose these edits to ARC if they find them superior or better suited for their use case than the currently approved ones. This is the way we keep this as a living document that improves over time and adapts to new industry trends.

We divide technologies into the following life cycle phases:

  • Emerging. New technologies that are very likely to become recommended but are not production-ready yet.
  • Recommended. The default choice as of today.
  • Allowed. Technologies that we allow although the recommended one should be used if possible.
  • Deprecated. Discouraged for new development but could be maintained for currently-existing systems.
  • Rejected. Technologies that we don’t use or haven’t used in the past but have been rejected in previous evaluations.

Our Golden Path contains several sections such as programming languages (for microservices, data science, frontend), source package managers, web frameworks, databases and caching, among others. The guidance for how to apply the Golden Path when working on a technical design is as follows:

  • Every section in the document should have a matrix that outlines the best path forward for the use cases that we’ve faced in the past, or a description that clearly specifies this. If our use case is in that list, we should choose the best technology outlined in the matrix.
  • Even if we choose a technology that has been already evaluated in the past, we still need to come up with data for our specific scenario in key dimensions such as cost, latency, etc. to ensure that it will work for this specific scenario. 
  • If a section doesn’t have a matrix yet, or our use case is not included, we will conduct a technology evaluation and contribute to the matrix. The guidelines for this are:
    • We should consider at least two options and do a full bake off before we pick a winner. Choose based on the dimensions that are important for our scenario (features, use case fit, ease of use, cost, latency, consistency, etc).

    • We are not limited to AWS technologies. For the decisions that we make, we should evaluate both the AWS offering and any other leading non-AWS contender (e.g. DynamoDB and Cassandra), including compatibility and integration with other tools of the stack. We will not favor AWS by default and will only use it as a tie-breaker if both offerings are equivalent.

    • Technologies that are deprecated shouldn’t be re-evaluated unless there’s a strong belief that the particular scenario that is being designed will be different than the reasons why that technology was deprecated (e.g. we shouldn’t be looking into unmanaged solutions since those are deprecated). These exceptions will need to be approved by ARC.

Our Golden Path was published in early 2021, a few weeks after we finalized our 3-year tech vision, and every technical design or proposal that has emerged since then is following this new standard. We do envision that in a few years from now we should be able to remove these barriers since teams will have enough internal examples to decide the best tool for the job without the risk of significantly diverging the chosen options for similar use cases.

Here are a few examples of sections extracted from the Golden Path document:

Native Libraries and Wrappers

  • Native Libraries (recommended). We should favor using the native libraries of the tools that we use (e.g. AWS SDKs, feature flags, metrics, etc). Each team consuming those SDKs is responsible for upgrading to newer versions when needed.
  • Wrappers (deprecated). We do not want to use wrappers unless they provide clear additional benefit over native libraries (such as extended capabilities or use simplicity), and we do not believe in the argument that using native libraries is a lock-in to a specific technology, as the downside of building and consuming our own wrappers is a bigger problem. Wrappers tie us to specific underlying library versions, require migration effort as new native library versions are released, and are always a subset of the functionality that those libraries provide.

Microservice Programming Languages

  • Kotlin (recommended). This is the recommended language based on the JVM. It has several benefits over Python such as being multi-threaded, improved performance, and being strongly typed, among others. We should use this language whenever we need to build services that are scalable or performant.
  • Python (recommended). We support it given our extensive in-house knowledge and current stack. We should be careful when using it with services that are expected to have significant load since it’s single-threaded and interpreted languages are typically slower than compiled ones.
  • Node.js (emerging). We have experience with Node.js for frontend development but not microservices, although we’re evaluating it.
  • Go (emerging). We built the integration service in this language. We believe that Go has potential and we should do a feature evaluation at some point.

Service-to-service Communication

This is the communication that happens when a service calls another one directly, and can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

  • gRPC (recommended). This is the only recommended RPC protocol.
  • PySOA / Legacy SOA (deprecated). We support the services that are written in these protocols that are currently in production but don’t allow any new ones to use them.

Relational Databases

Useful when there are multiple entities in the data model that are strongly related.

  • AWS Aurora (recommended). We recommend AWS Aurora which is a managed database compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. However, we support only the MySQL flavor.
  • AWS RDS (rejected). We don’t allow RDS since it is less scalable than Aurora although it offers very similar functionality.
  • MySQL (deprecated). We maintain the current databases that we have on MySQL but don’t allow any new functionality to be implemented on this database.

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