Azure Data Factory Linked Service: Advanced Authoring

We have discussed Linked Service parameterization through the UI, in a previous post. But not all Linked Service Types support parametrization using the UI.  In this post, we will discuss the Linked Services that can’t be parameterized using the UI. (i.e., they don’t have any option to add parameter).

If you are familiar with Azure Services, you might know that the Linked Services or any other Azure artefact has corresponding underlying JSON code. We can modify this code to make changes to the Linked Services (such as, adding parameters.)

Let’s have a look at the steps involved:

  1. The JSON for the Linked Service can be edited by going to the Management Hub and clicking on the code button next the Linked Service.
Azure Data Factory: Linked Service Code Button
  1. This will bring up the JSON view of the Linked Service, which looks something like this:
Azure Data Factory: Linked Service Code View
  1. Now we can add the JSON code block to add the parameter DBName, as shown in the screenshot below and click Save to go back to the previous view. Make sure that you don’t forget to add a comma at the end of the previous line.
Azure Data Factory: Linked Service Add Parameter Code

Now we can use the parameter DBName as we would normally use any other Linked Service which has parameters.

In fact, we can use the JSON code blocks to configure or update other properties of the linked service as well. This will be covered in a future post.

For an updated list of Linked Service types that support parameter creation using the UI, please check out the Reference link.


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