5 Reasons Why ETL Professionals Should Learn ETL in Hadoop

Understand the importance of big data and Hadoop for the ETL platform, as this is the best time to pursue a career in big data Hadoop for all ETL professionals.

5 Reasons Why ETL Professionals Should Learn ETL in Hadoop
 |  BY ProjectPro

Hadoop's significance in data warehousing is progressing rapidly as a transitory platform for extract, transform, and load (ETL) processing. While the term ETL may cause some people's eyes to glaze over, Hadoop offers a logical platform for data preparation and transformation that enables seamless management of large volumes, varieties, and velocities of data. This makes Hadoop the go-to platform for ETL, as it serves as a versatile staging area and landing zone for enterprise big data. If you're an ETL professional, now is the perfect time to pursue a career in big data Hadoop. By doing so, you'll learn why this technology is the best solution for managing massive amounts of data and boosting your career prospects in data warehousing. So, let’s get started to discover the power of Hadoop and why professionals should master it to take their ETL skills to the next level!  

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Top 5 Reasons Why Professionals Should Learn Hadoop for ETL  

Top Reasons to Learn Apache Hadoop for ETL

Let’s now take a look at the top five reasons why professionals should learn Hadoop for ETL jobs: 

Reason 1: Robust Hadoop Ecosystem 

Apache Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop ecosystem provides a powerful platform for data processing, storage, and analysis. Its various components can work together to perform ETL operations efficiently. For example, 

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) provides a distributed file system for storing and accessing large datasets across multiple nodes in a cluster, making it a suitable platform for performing ETL operations. Its ability to handle large datasets ensures data reliability and availability.

Hadoop MapReduce is also useful for ETL operations, allowing users to write custom Map and Reduce functions for data transformation and aggregation tasks. This flexibility enables professionals to perform complex ETL jobs with ease.

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Reason 2: Hadoop as a Disruptive Technology 

Apache Hadoop as a Disruptive Technology

Hadoop is a disruptive technology that has brought a revolutionary change in data analysis and processing. With its open-source framework that allows for distributed storage and processing of large datasets on clusters of commodity hardware, Hadoop has proven to be a better alternative to traditional data warehousing systems in terms of cost, scalability, storage, and performance over a variety of data sources. This has made it an essential technology for ETL professionals to learn.

With Hadoop's programming and scripting frameworks, ETL processing has become more efficient and cost-effective. Traditionally, ETL processes used relational databases and custom code, which were time-consuming and expensive. However, Hadoop provides a flexible and powerful solution for ETL processing. Hadoop's flexibility is one of its great strengths. It can efficiently process all types of data, whether it's structured data, unstructured, or semi-structured data. 

Reason 3: Hadoop’s Ability to Handle Big Data Efficiently 

Hadoop’s Ability to Handle Big Data Efficiently

As an ETL professional, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and tools to handle large volumes of incoming data efficiently. With the emergence of big data, the traditional ETL process has faced several challenges related to processing and loading data, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. This is where Hadoop comes into play as it efficiently transforms, processes, and loads large amounts of data.

In traditional ETL processes, data is read from one system, copied and transferred over the network, and written in another. The growing volume of data started adversely affecting the performance parameters of such processes. Hadoop addresses this issue by providing a central data hub in enterprise architecture. It enables ETL professionals to process and analyze data where it is without data migration.

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Reason 4: Increased Market Demand and Lucrative Salaries 

Increased Market Demand and Lucrative Salaries

Learning Hadoop for an ETL professional can open up new opportunities in their career. Many organizations are turning to big data technologies to manage their data, making Hadoop one of the leading platforms. A report by Marketsandmarkets shows that the big data market size was worth $162.6 billion in 2021 and is likely to grow at a CAGR of 11%, reaching $273.4 billion by 2026. This growth of the big data market will increase the adoption of big data technologies. Hadoop is beneficial for processing unstructured data, which has increased tremendously in recent years. Hadoop technologies such as Spark and Hive are well-equipped to handle this data. However, there is a skills gap in the IT market, with a shortage of Hadoop professionals. As a result, there is a buzz in the market for professionals to learn Hadoop and fill this gap. 

Another benefit of learning Hadoop is the potential for lucrative salaries. Hadoop skills are in high demand, and employers are willing to pay a premium for qualified professionals. According to Indeed, the average salary for a Hadoop developer in the US is around $66,970 per year, potentially earning up to $86,266 or more with experience. Therefore, learning Hadoop can be an intelligent move for ETL professionals looking to take advantage of the growth of big data and advance their careers in this field.

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Reason 5: Hadoop’s Open-Source Nature and Active Community 

Hadoop's open-source nature and active community are significant reasons why ETL professionals should consider learning Hadoop. Traditional ETL systems have increased in the past few decades, leading to a need for more consistency in the products available. A wide variety of data warehousing solutions are available, making it challenging to select the appropriate one. However, with Hadoop, ETL professionals discover a one-stop open-source solution for unstructured data, processing time, and scalability. All data warehousing professionals are expected to possess skills such as querying, troubleshooting, and data processing, which are essential prerequisites for learning Hadoop. With Hadoop, professionals can manage data volume, variety, and velocity effortlessly in considerably less time than traditional ETL tools. 

The open source nature of Hadoop enables ETL professionals to customize and develop applications to meet their specific business needs. The open-source code allows developers to modify and tailor the software to fit their needs. Moreover, the large and active Hadoop community ensures the software is continuously updated, bugs are fixed promptly, and security patches are released on time.

Hadoop vs. ETL: Difference Between ETL and Hadoop 

It's important to note that Hadoop and ETL are not mutually exclusive technologies and can be used together in some scenarios to enhance data processing capabilities.

The below table shows the difference between Hadoop and ETL based on several features: 





ETL is primarily used for data integration and consolidation, allowing organizations to consistently analyze data from multiple sources.

Hadoop is used for storing and processing large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, such as log files, social media data, and sensor data.

Data Types 

ETL can handle structured and semi-structured data.

Hadoop can handle structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.

Data Volume 

ETL is ideal for handling small and large volumes of data. 

Hadoop is ideal for handling large volumes of data, typically in the petabyte range.

Data Processing Speed 

ETL processes data relatively slowly and may take several hours or days to complete, depending on the volume and complexity of the data.

Hadoop processes data quickly and can provide near-real-time results, depending on the complexity of the data. 

Programming Language Support 

ETL uses SQL-based programming languages, such as SQL or PL/SQL.

Hadoop uses a variety of programming languages, including Java, Python, and R, as well as specialized query languages like HiveQL and Pig Latin.

Why Choose Hadoop for ETL? 

The ETL process forms the backbone of all the data warehousing tools. It is essential for businesses that work with substantial amounts of data. It involves extracting data from various sources (machine data, log files, or online databases), transforming data into a structured format suitable for analysis, and loading transformed data into a target system. However, this process can become challenging, especially when handling large datasets or big data. Businesses often struggle with ETL because traditional methods of processing data can be slow and resource-intensive. Businesses must also deal with issues such as data quality, data integration, and data validation, which can further complicate the process. 

To address these challenges, many businesses are turning to Hadoop to manage their data processing and data warehouse needs. The mentioned below tools make Hadoop one of the best choices for completing ETL operations:
Extract- Apache Sqoop
Transform- Apache Flink and MapReduce
Load-Apache HBase and Hive

Besides these tools, Hadoop's distributed computing framework provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for processing big data. Using Hadoop for ETL is an excellent ability to quickly process massive volumes of data, and its distributed processing capability allows for parallel processing. Another advantage of using Hadoop for ETL is its MapReduce programming model. MapReduce enables developers to distribute code across multiple nodes, ensuring quick data processing. Hadoop is also suitable for ETL testing, as its distributed nature allows us to test data on multiple nodes simultaneously, identifying issues efficiently.

Top 5 Hadoop ETL Tools 

ETL Tools in Hadoop

Hadoop ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools are designed to help manage data in a Hadoop cluster. Listed below are the top 5 ETL tools for Hadoop: 

Apache Sqoop:  Apache Sqoop is a command-line tool that transfers data between Hadoop and relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Sqoop can import data from a database to Hadoop and export data from Hadoop to a database. It supports the parallel execution of data transfers and incremental imports, which makes it an ideal tool for ETL processes.

Apache Flume: Apache Flume is a distributed data collection and aggregation system. It is designed to ingest and transfer large amounts of data from various sources, such as web servers, social media platforms, and log files, to Hadoop clusters. Flume provides a flexible data architecture that allows users to create custom data processing pipelines.

Apache HBase: Apache HBase is a NoSQL database that stores and manages large volumes of unstructured and semi-structured data. It is built on the top of Hadoop and is widely used for ETL operations where data needs to be stored and queried in real time.

Apache Hive: Apache Hive is a data warehousing tool that provides SQL-like querying capabilities for Hadoop. It allows users to create tables and perform ad-hoc queries on large volumes of data stored in Hadoop clusters. Hive is used for ETL processes where data needs to be transformed and aggregated before you store data in data warehouses. 

Apache Pig: Apache Pig is a high-level data processing language used to create data processing pipelines on Hadoop. It provides a simple and intuitive language for data transformation and aggregation, and Pig can process structured and unstructured data and is widely used for developing ETL jobs.

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Real-World Examples on Applications of Hadoop for ETL

Practical Real-World Applications of Hadoop for ETL

Let’s look at how top companies are leveraging Hadoop for ETL operations:  

  • Yahoo: Yahoo uses Hadoop for ETL operations in various ways, including HDFS for ultra-scalable storage, MapReduce for batch processing, Hive and Pig for analytics, HBase for key-value storage, Storm for stream processing, and Zookeeper for reliable coordination. Hadoop is critical to Yahoo's Big Data initiatives, as they manage more than 600 petabytes of data and run tens of thousands of Hadoop machines in their data centers.

  • LinkedIn: At LinkedIn, Hadoop is a critical tool for multiple use cases, including product development, powering internal dashboards with descriptive statistics, ad-hoc analysis by data scientists, and ETL operations. For example, Hadoop is used to develop predictive analytics applications like "People You May Know" and "Endorsements," which help LinkedIn users connect with relevant professional contacts. Additionally, it uses Hadoop's MapReduce framework to extract, transform, and load data into a data warehouse. 

  • Facebook: Facebook uses Hadoop for ETL to process data from its social networking platform. The company uses Hadoop's HDFS architecture to manage large datasets collected from user data stored in federated MySQL and web servers producing event-based log data. To process the web server data, Facebook leverages Scribe servers hosted in Hadoop clusters. These servers gather and transmit data to the Hadoop cluster, where it is processed and analyzed using Hadoop's distributed computing capabilities. 

Learn Hadoop for ETL with Real-Time Projects by ProjectPro 

Hadoop is quickly becoming the go-to solution for businesses looking to optimize their data processing environment. Hadoop distributed file system, HDFS, allows storing large data sets across multiple machines, and its MapReduce processing model enables the parallel processing of data across various nodes. So, if you are looking to master the art of ETL in Hadoop, consider working on the projects listed below that use Hadoop for performing ETL operations: 

Hive Mini Project to Build a Data Warehouse for e-Commerce

Hive Mini Project to Build a Data Warehouse for e-Commerce

Working on this project will help you understand how to use the Hive framework to create a data warehouse for an e-commerce company. You will also learn how to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources into the Hive database and create efficient data models to support analytical queries. 

Source Code: Hive Mini Project to Build a Data Warehouse for e-Commerce

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Data Processing and Transformation in Hadoop Hive using Azure VM

Data Processing and Transformation in Hive using Azure VM

Working on this big data project will help you understand how to use Hive and Azure VM to process and transform large datasets. The project will require you to perform various Hive data processing and transformation tasks using Azure VM. You must set up an Azure VM, install and configure Hive, and load large datasets into HDFS. You will also need to write Hive queries to perform data processing and transformation tasks, such as data filtering, aggregation, and joining.

Source Code: Data Processing and Transformation in Hive using Azure VM

Build an ETL Pipeline on EMR using AWS CDK and Power BI

Build an ETL Pipeline on EMR using AWS CDK and Power BI

Working on this project will help you gain hands-on experience building an ETL pipeline, using AWS CDK to provision infrastructure, and analyzing data using business intelligence tools like Power BI. This project is ideal for individuals who want to learn about big data processing, infrastructure-as-code, and data visualization.

Source Code: Build an ETL Pipeline on EMR using AWS CDK and Power BI

You can also check out the ProjectPro repository to get your hands on over 270+ solved end-to-end industry-grade projects based on data science, machine learning and big data. These projects are designed to help learners gain hands-on experience with various tools and technologies, including Hadoop. Each project in the repository has a detailed solution, including code and documentation, making it easy for learners to follow along and understand the project approach. So, don't wait and get started to enhance your big data skills by practicing real-world Hadoop projects. 

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FAQs on Hadoop for ETL 

No, Hadoop is not an ETL tool but it can perform ETL tasks. Hadoop is a distributed computing framework used to store and process large datasets. 

Apache Hive is the most commonly used component for ETL in Hadoop. Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization, query, and analysis tools. It can also transform data from one format to another and load it into the Hadoop platform.

There are several Hadoop ETL tools such as Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Apache Spark. 

ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load in Hadoop. It refers to the extraction of data from numerous sources, the transformation of the data, and loading of the data into a target data store, such as Hadoop. 




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