20 Python Projects for Data Science in 2024

The blog contains 20 python projects for Data Science for beginners

20 Python Projects for Data Science in 2024
 |  BY ProjectPro

Over time, Python has emerged as one of the most suitable languages for building Data Science solutions. It is a high-level programming language that is easy to understand and hosts popular libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc., that are much needed for implementing Data Science projects. In this blog, we will explore Python projects for data science to deeply understand why Python is becoming the popular choice for designing Data Science solutions.

Why Practice Python for Data Science Project Ideas?

Python has come to command a celebrity status in data science over the years. It is loved by all data enthusiasts and provides an easy introduction to data science and machine learning. It’s easy to write and offers plenty of built-in libraries for complicated data science tasks. Python also owes its place among the favourites to easy code readability. Its syntax is skeletal and minimal when juxtaposed with other heavy-weight languages. Following is a non-exhaustive list of libraries available to use in Python for Data Science - seaborn, matplotlib, sci-kit learn, NumPy, SciPy, requests, pandas, regex etc. Aptly so, Python is a fine choice for beginners to get started learning data science. The best way to learn any technology or a programming language is to learn by doing. Here is a curated list of data science Python projects to help you get started on your learning journey and gain the hands-on experience needed for a data science job.

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Top 20 Python Data Science Projects

Without much ado, it’s time for you to get your hands dirty with Python Projects for Data Science and explore various ways of approaching a business problem for data-driven insights.

Data science projects in python

Data Science Projects for Beginners using Python

Let us quickly dive into the list of beginner-friendly data science projects in Python.

Music in today’s time is all around us. With over 70 million songs on Spotify alone as of 2021, it’s safe to say music is easily accessible. And there are other services as well like Apple Music, Gaana, Saavn, KKBox. In an industry where there is already so much content, how does new content get discovered? It is through the Recommendations system that people find new songs and acquire new musical tastes. Music streaming services profit from recommendation algorithms as well. It helps them grow their audience and increase engagement on their platform.

KKBox is among Asia’s largest Streaming Services platforms.

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Dataset Description 

The dataset contains the metadata for users and songs. Metadata includes user-specific and song-specific data, like user_ID, user_Registration_date, song_ID, song_genre, song_ArtistName, song_releaseDate etc. The dataset contains the time when a song is played for the first time by a user. This information is unique for each song-user pair.

There are three files in the dataset :

  • Train.csv - It stores user-song pair related data like use_id, source_system_tab, source_type, source_screentime, target. 

Target defines if the user listened to the same track within the bracket of one month. 

  • Target = 1 means the user repeated the song in 30 days

  • Target = 0 means the user did not repeat the song

  • Songs.csv - It contains data on songs like song_id, song_genre, song_artist, song_lyricist, etc.

  • members .csv - It contains user account data like user_name, user_age, user_gender, user_subscription_plan, etc

Music Recommendation data science project with python

Data Cleaning

The dataset can have anomalies, outliers and missing values. Such cases can interfere with the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithmic implementations. We need to normalise the data and make it uniform throughout. On average, about 20-40% of values in a dataset are outliers or missing.

We use the following techniques to clean the data

1. Outlier Detection and Treatment 

Outliers are absurd values that don’t fall under the permissible range for a label. For Example, a user’s age below 0 and above 100 can be considered absurd. It could be more stringent for some cases, like for purchasing liquor - between 18 and 100.

2. Imputing Missing Values 

Imputing is replacing the missing values in the dataset with another value.

We categorise user-song pairs under two prominent labels, i.e. repeat and non-repeats. 

  • Replacing missing values with appropriate data - The missing values in the dataset are replaced with either the mode or the median of the values.

  • Removing all null values - This case removes all the data points with missing data, resulting in data loss. After this procedure, the dataset file effectively reduces in size.

  • Making a new label as Missing - A new category called ‘missing’ is created for data points that have some value missing. It segregates missing resources under one single group.

  • And lastly, convert string labels into numerical counterparts. 


pandas, sklearn, NumPy

This project will evaluate the following four modelling approaches to build a music recommender system -

  • Logistic regression

Logistic regression is the simplest of all the algorithms. It resides in python as a linear model in the sklearn library. 

  • Decision Tree 

The decision tree makes use of the tree structure to reach conclusions or results. At each level, there is a choice to follow either of the branches. Upon all the iterations, the tree outputs the result. 

  • Random Forest

A Random Forest is a collection of Decision Trees. 

Source Code with Guided Videos -  Music Recommender System using KKBox

2) Natural Language Processing ChatBot with NLTK for Text Classification

Chatbots are programs that can chat with users about common problems and reply with adequate information. Many organisations use these chatbot data science python projects as the first point of interaction with their customers. 

NLP Techniques Implemented in this Python NLP Project


We break the sentences into their basic constituent words called tokens. The punctuation marks are labelled as separate tokens. Tokens help in processing large chunks of text efficiently by splitting the tet into smaller parts.

For example, the sentence -  ‘Data Science projects are so fun. When can I be a Data Scientist?’ will form these tokens.

Tokens = [ ‘ Data ’, ‘ Science ’, ‘ projects ’, ‘ are ’, ‘ so ’, ‘ fun ’, ‘ . ‘ , ‘ when ’, ‘ can ’, ‘ I ’ , ‘ be ’ , ‘ a ‘,  ‘ data ’, ‘ scientist ’, ‘ ? ’ ]


Words that don't add to the meaning of the sentence are stopwords. They make the token-dataset redundant and don't add to the efficacy of the algorithm.

E.g. ‘Why are we even doing all this has the following stopwords 

Stopwords - [‘ even ’,’ all ’]


Tagging associates tokens with some meaning. Tokens are tagged based on grammar; for example, nouns, adjectives, adverbs are acceptable for the project. 

Named-entity recognition is another type of tagging where names of things, places, objects, people are Tags.  


It groups different variations of a word into a single parent word. It ensures that various forms of the exact words get tagged under the same token. Lemmatisation reduces redundancy and makes the text set unique.   

E.g. feet and foot are the same in context, so they are grouped under the word foot.


Stemming, just like Lemmatisation, replaces different forms of a word with its root form. Thus, reducing confusion and duplication. For example, words written in past tense or plural form can be replaced with the root world instead - Go can substitute went, goes, going, gone. People have their way of speaking. There may be many different sentences that could entail the same meaning. We essentially want the algorithm to treat these sentences as the same, and hence we use stemming and lemmatisation. 

Final Data Set format 

The chat data needs to adhere to a particular format before feeding to the classifier. The format for this project is - ( ‘input text’, ‘meaning behind the text - category’, ‘response from chatbox’ ). This process is called feature extraction.

Algorithms Implemented 

  • Decison Tree Classifier 

Decision Tree Classifier works by creating a tree where each node is a feature name, and each branch defines the feature value. The leaves of the tree are classification labels. 

  • Naive Bayers Classifier  

It is a simpler algorithm that sets a basic baseline accuracy model. Naive Bayers Classifier provides comparatively less accuracy in the particular project.

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Hyper Parameter Tuning

  • Entropy cutoff - This parameter refines the tree based on the training dataset. Tree Refinement is the process where the tree decides to create new branches, thus making new decisions.

  • Support cutoff -  It is the number of label feature sets that are required to refine the tree. Support cutoff value defines the least number of instances required in the tree’s training data to complete the refining process. 

Fine-tuning hyperparameters achieves the best prediction from the algorithm. With the algorithm set up and tuned correctly, we proceed with data prediction. 

Source Code with Guided Videos - Natural Language Processing ChatBot with NLTK

3) Ola Bike Ride Request Demand Forecast Project on Data Science using Python

It is challenging to service ride requests because of their unpredictability and spontaneity. For this very reason, it is vital to have a prediction algorithm in place that can forecast the approximate number of rides in the near future. This project aims to predict the ride-request demands for a particular area for a given duration of time. The area is recognised by latitude and longitude values and duration measures in military hours.

Dataset Description

Data is made available from Ola’s repository. It contains fields like user_ID, request_latitude, request_longitutude, request_Time, pickup location and drop locations. We make some assumptions to simplify the data set, as follows.

  • If there a multiple ride requests from an area ( unique latitude-longitude) in an hour, it is simplified as one request only.

  • Subsequent ride requests under 8mins after the first request will get ignored, regardless of the area of origin for the requests. 

  • Distances under 50 meters under pickup and drop locations are assumed as fraud and hence ignored. 

Data Clustering

The original data format in latitude and longitude is quite large and distinct for the algorithm to work effectively. So, we group all pairs of latitude and longitude that fall under a specific area into one cluster. K-means clustering algorithm is responsible for the area selection and clustering of data. We specifically use the mini-batch K-means algorithm to form clusters of data.  After the mini-batch k-means algorithm runs, we have data as follows.

(latitude, longitude ) -> cluster number

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Evaluating Various Algorithmic Approaches

  • Linear Regression

Linear regression usually underfit the data and is an appropriate dataset that shows inherent linearity. Since the data in this project doesn’t follow any linear relationship, it would not be ideal to use linear regression. Linear Regression helps set the baseline for the subsequent algorithms. 

  • Random Forest Regressor 

Overfits the data. It tends to perform well on training data set as compared to test data set.

  • Sequential Learner algorithm - Extreme Gradient Boost

XgBoost is an optimised gradient boost algorithm based on decision trees. It focuses on speed and performance with parallelization and cache optimization as its features.

Source code with Guided Videos -  Ola Bike Ride Request Demand Forecast

4) E-Commerce Product Reviews - Pairwise Ranking and Sentiment Analysis


Data for the project is formatted in users, review, helpful and not-helpful reviews. 

Data Processing

  • Language detection - This detects the language of the written review. It also removes languages that are not our chosen language for sentiment analysis. For example, it eliminates native languages like Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi for an English language sentiment analysis engine. 

  • Gibberish Review Removal - These include reviews that are not useful for our engine. These can be emojis or reviews unrelated to the product etc.

  • Profanity Filters - This part removes profanity and curses from the review dataset. 

  • Correct poorly written reviews - This helps make the review grammatically correct and logical, thus creating uniformity in grammar for all text. 

Feature Extraction

  • Noun Strength 

  • Review Polarity 

  • Review Subjectivity - This qualifies the reviews as more objective or subjective on a scale of 0 to 1

  • Review complexity 

  • Review Word length - Single worded reviews aren’t informative in general. That’s why word length is a significant feature factor. 

  • Service Tagger - Some reviews, instead of describing the product experience, blame the service provider. These reviews would not help us since they dont convey product-specific sentiments.

  • Compound Score (RSC) - This deciphers the tonality of the review depending on the emoticons and capitalisation of words. For example, In the review ‘The hand wash was GREAT!!!’, ‘great’ is emphasised with block letters and exclamations. It makes the review more informative.  

Pair-wise classification of each review is done against every other review to label them as helpful and not helpful. For a total of n-reviews, there will be n-squared classifications. The classification uses the following models.

  • The linear model uses the logistic regressor to achieve an accuracy of 85 per cent.

  • The non-linear model uses a Decision Tree classifier, reaching an accuracy of 70 per cent. 

  • The ensemble model uses a Random Forest Classifier, which is a bunch of decision trees put together. 

Source code with Guided Videos - E-Commerce Product Reviews

5) Abstractive Text Summarization using Transformer-BART Model 

Summarisation is crucial in many areas and finds plenty of use cases in everyday life. We are always onto the summary before the book, product, course, or looking for a college. Some professional experts write summaries but not every time we need expert summaries for our products.  The use of Text Summarisation Python Data projects produces good quality jists in an automated fashion. It also takes less time.

Text Summarization using the BART Model

Following are the two ways to summarise texts:

  • Extractive Summarisation constructs an intermediate representation of the text with low-level information. We score the sentences based on representation. And finally, we select the few sentences with the top score. 

  • Abstractive Summarization is further divided into Syntactical summarisation and Semantic summarisation.

    • Syntactical summarisation looks at the relationship between entities in the text.

    • Semantic summarisation defines the graphical relations based on the meaning of the entities in the text.

BART or Bi-directional Autoregressive Transformer is a denoising autoencoder that corrupts the training text and adds noise for training the model. It then learns the model to construct the original text from the noise-embedded sequence. 

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DataSet - Cleanup and Formatting

The data set is the collection of 40,000 summaries of news articles and the corresponding original articles.

Libraries- Pandas, PyTorch, sklearn, transformers 


BART is a denoising autoencoder that trains sequence to sequence models. It uses various noising approaches like randomly shuffling the order of sentences in the text or replacing part of sentences with specific tokens.

Source code with Guided Videos - Abstractive Text Summarization

Intermediate Data Science Python Projects

Below are a few examples of data science projects using python and data analysis projects in Python that are slightly challenging than the ones mentioned in the previous section.

6) Building a Collaborative Filtering Recommender System

Recommending the right products to customers can be instrumental for companies sales and engagement. Recommendations work with the rating of the product and the type of product that the customers had purchased.  Collaborative Filtering uses distance proximity using nearest neighbours and cosine distances. Prime factors like customer interaction and feedback are essential in collaborative filtering. 

Recommendation System Data Science Python Project

Cosine similarity - Distance Metric

Cosine similarity depends on finding the group of users similar to the user who need recommendations. The similarity between two users is the distance between them in the rating matrix. The closer two users are, the more likely they will enjoy the same movies.

Dataset Description and Pre-Processing

  • Normalisation 

Label encoding converts products Id to numerical values. Thus, making it possible to plot the products mathematically. Normalised ratings are average subtracted from the actual ratings.

  • Filtering Process

Products with lower ratings get dropped, so the data left is robust and can be faster. The larger the pool of ratings, the better the model can train.

  • User-Item Matrix

It’s a matrix with users in the columns and products in the rows, where the intersection defines the rating given by the user for the product. Missing value in the matrix is replaced by zero.

Libraries - Numpy, operator, sklearn, 

Cosine similarity helps in finding the k-top similar users. After recognising the k similar users, we aggregate the movies liked by each user into one group. We can start recommending those movies from this group to the user who hasn’t seen them yet. An important point to note is creating similarity matrices using the user-item matrices.

Source Code with Guided Videos - Building a Collaborative Filtering Recommender System

7) Resume Parsing in Machine Learning with Python OCR and Spacy

Recruiters and companies get thousands of resumes every month in their inboxes from job applicants. It is pretty challenging and taxing to sift through these many job applications for a person. The process soon becomes and monotonous and numbing.  Resume Parsing is one of the popular data science projects with python helps in collating the pivotal information in the resumes into cardinal categories/labels. These labels are the vital points that make up the gist of the resume. These labels can be name, designation, school, college, work experience etc.  A resume parser converts these processes resumes into a format that contains only the crucial information. Thus, making the recruiter’s work more manageable and less tiring. 

Resume Parsing System Python Data Science Project

Dataset Description

The dataset format is in JSON as (label, entity start tag, entity end tag, actual text )

Labels, as discussed earlier, are the categories in the resume that form the crux. Like, name, designation, city, experience, skills etc. The dataset needs to go through processing before the modelling. Processing makes sure the data is formatted in the correct way for implementation in Spacy NER.

Spacy Natural Entity Recognition is a framework written in python that correlates text and its semantics. It is an advanced natural language processing algorithm that uses the generative positional parsing technique. The technique works by word-embedding that pulls out the relation between semantics and syntax of a word.

For example, ‘ my experience in Cambridge was not pleasant. NER would recognise that Cambridge means a college or school after going through hundreds of resumes with the same content or meanings. 

Optical Character Recognition reads and converts texts from images. Optical character recognition reads the resumes and converts them into pdf or text as inputs to the model. 

Source Code with Guided Videos - Resume Parsing with Machine Learning

8) Face Recognition System in Python using FaceNet 

Face recognition identifies the person or an object given an image or a video. It falls under the computer vision category of artificial intelligence. Many cellphones nowadays come with a face recognition unlock feature because of the popularity of such data science projects with python. Its uses are widespread in security and surveillance. Face recognition also finds use in tagging people on their photos and recognising plant species or obscure objects. Its benefits are multidisciplinary. 

Face recognition System Data Science Python Proejct

Dataset Description

The data set contains faces of people extracted either from videos or propriety camera repository.  Face obtained this way can vary in size and quality. So all the images are processed to fit a particular size ratio and have uniform quality. 

 Once we have the normalised image dataset ready, we can begin with the implementation of the Face Recognition model.

  • We start by processing pixels in each photo to extract meaningful relations and eights for our model. 

  • The machine learning algorithm is applied depending on the requirements and conditions.

  • Extract faces from photos to form a HAAR cascade for face extraction

  • Model training identifies and labels faces extracted in the previous step.

Source Code with Guided Videos- Face Recognition System is Python using FaceNet

9) Hotel Recommendation Project on Data Science using Python

Choosing vacation destinations is hard and choosing a hotel is a bigger hassle. With so many tours and hotel operators over the internet, it might get overwhelming. Hotel recommendation comes into the picture—providing personal hotel recommendations based on the user’s choice and needs.

Dataset Description

Data for this data science python project comprises a user search and booking history, hotel cluster details, hotel details and user details. 

  • User details include a user name, user age, user location, user booking history.

  • User search history is all the searches that the user undertook in the past to find hotels. 

  • Hotel Details include hotel name, hotel location, hotel pricing and hotel rating. 

  • Hotel Cluster is a group of hotels that have matching characteristics like pricing, hotel rating. Clustering is vital since it reduces the expected output and increases efficiency in the learning phase of the algorithm.

Expedia Hotel Recommender System Python Project Dataset. 

As the endpoints are discrete, we use classification algorithms to predict hotel clusters for a given user. In this project, you can implement multiple classification algorithms to find the best one suited for the dataset. 

  • Random forest classifier

  • Gaussian Naive Bayes classification

  • Logistic regression

  • KNN classification

  • XGBoost classification

  • Decision tree classification

Source Code with Guided Videos - Hotel Recommendation project in Python

10) Handwritten Digit Recognition using CNN for MNIST Dataset

This project aims to correctly identify handwritten digits and be able to archive them digitally in one place. Before the advent of computers, no more than 25 years ago, organisations relied on paper for archiving events and details. The data stays stored in these paper documents now, even as they disintegrate slowly.  It is crucial to store these old records in a digital copy to reference them in the future if the need arises. Allocating human resources on such a task seems redundant when it can be automated and is double through Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. 

Handwritten Digit Recognition Data Science Python Project

Data Set

MNSIT or Modified National Institue of Standard and Technology dataset is quite popular for handwritten digit recognition models. It stores over 60,000 images of handwritten digits, with each image 28x28 pixels in size.

Data Processing 

  • Shaping data

Shaping data refers to changing the 3-dimension vector to a 4-dimension vector since the model takes 4d vectors as input.

  • One hot encoding 

It means labelling images with numerical so that they can be processed efficiently in the model. Manipulating numbers is relatively easier than manipulating images.

  • Feature scaling

Images are scaled down to 0-1 from 0-255 pixels range so that a standard scale is available for all images.

Libraries/Packages - NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, sci-kit learn, seaborn. 

Source Code with Guided Videos - Handwritten Digit Recognition using CNN

Advance Projects on Data Science with Python

These advanced data science projects in Python are a must-try if you consider yourself a pro in the field.

11) Building a Similar Image Finder Data Science Project in Python with Keras and TensorFlow

The project aims to build a model that takes an image as input and provides images similar to the original image given by the user. Recommending similar products based on product images is used in online retail sites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc.  It helps users to make an educated choice by displaying more recommendations through the technique.

Dataset Description 

Dataset has three columns

  • Url - public URL for the images 

  • Id - unique id for each image 

  • Class - Images are labelled with classes depending on their category or nature. 

  • Indexing uses Elastic search, where features extraction using the weights of ImageNet from MobileNetV2.

K nearest neighbour algorithm helps to find images that are most similar to the input images. Finding k-nearest vectors in the cluster map accomplishes this for an image.

Libraries - Elastic search, Keras, Tensorflow, Numpy, Pandas, Requests, Sci-kit learn are the libraries needed for the project. 

Source code with Guided Videos - Building a Similar Image Finder in Python

12) Topic Modelling using K-Means Cluster Project on Data Science using Python

Topic modelling is extracting significant words from a text or paragraph which can aptly describe the whole paragraph in short. It is like summarisation, but topic modelling specifically concentrates on short sentences or groups of words. It is a flavour of text mining to obtain recurring patterns of words that form crucial data points for the topic.

Topic Modelling Data Science Project with Python

Steps involved in implementing this Python Project for Data Science -

  • Data Cleaning

This step removes all the patterns/symbols that are not beneficial for the algorithm in the dataset. 

For example, symbols like  ‘ @’, ‘ to ’, ‘ a ’, ‘ the ’ are removed from the tweet database. Even words with a word length less than 3 are not essential.

Numbers also can be removed from the tweets.

  • Tokenise

Tokenisation extracts all the individual words in the text and counting their instances in the dataset. 

  • Vectorise the data

    • Term frequency-inverse document Frequency vectorisation defines how important a particular word is to a document in a dataset or corpus. It counts the number of times a word occur in the document and compares it with other documents. The more a word appears in multiple documents, the lower is the TFIDF number and vice versa. Less frequency of a world implies uniqueness.

    • Count Vectoriser simply counts the number of occurrences of a word in the whole corpus. The total number of features get defined by the total number of unique words in the corpus.

Libraries  - Nltk, wordcloud, sklearn, requests

The project uses unsupervised k-means clustering to identify main topics or ideas in reviews/test datasets. Cluster is the endpoints of our corpus. For example, tweets get labelled as happy, neutral, sad, angry. These categories would become the four end clusters. 

  • Clustering with eight centroid 

Eight clusters mean there will be eight clusters the algorithm will output. The semantics and meaning of the clusters will have to be inferred by us.

  • Clustering with two centroid

Two centroids imply there will be 2 clusters. Less number of centres may affect the efficiency of the algorithm since there will only be two topics. 

Source Code and Guided Videos - Topic Modelling using K-means Cluster

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13) Human Activity Recognition Data Science Project in Python

The project recognises human activity such as cycling, walking, laying, running by analysing the location, gyroscope and accelerometer readings. Activity recognition finds use in smartwatches and smartphones that run fitness tracking applications. The project is confined to 6 specific activities: Walking, laying, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, sitting, standing.

Dataset Description 

Data is from an experiment on 30 people who undertook various activities while wearing smartphones.

Data Pre-Processing

  • Null values in the data set are replaced by either mean, median or zero. The mode places the missing data in the data set. The technique is called Mode replacement. 

  • Maintain a count of occurrences for each activity to check if data skews towards an activity more than others. A well-balanced dataset is one where the number of occurrences for each activity is almost the same. 

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Uni variate analysis

Necessary fields such as Standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and mean values are plotted against each data variable in the data set. A normal distribution with one bell shape implies that the data variable is distributed generally across the data set.

  • Bi-Variate analysis

Bi variate analysis plots two different features on the x and y axes and plots their relationship. A graphical curve helps discern the patterns and dependency between features and variables. 

  • tSNE plot

A multivariate analysis becomes difficult when there are many variables involved, sometimes even up to 500. A plot with 500 variables just doesn’t make sense. 

tSNE plots help when there are numerous variables in the plot to visualise multivariate systems into two-dimensional data. 

  • Normalisation or Standardisation

Normalisation is the process to scale down the large variable ranges under -1 and 1. It accomplishes the measurement of each variable against a standard metric.

After normalisation, an ideal output would be when the mean is zero and the standard deviation is one.

Libraries -Python Pandas, matplotlib, NumPy, seaborn

Source Code and Guided Videos - Human Activity Recognition in Python

14) Topic Modelling using LDA with RACE Dataset

The objective of the project is to extract the dominant topic from the text or document. Topic modelling finds use in labelling vast amounts of unstructured data and organising the texts into topics and labels. Semantically and logically similar words group under the same topic.  

Dataset Preprocessing Steps

  • lowercasing all words

  • Tokenising words and Lemmatization 

  • Removing stop words and punctuations 

  • Adding all the tokens from the document to forms the processed document

  • Transform the processed document using TFIDF or count vectoriser 

Libraries - Numpy, matpltlib, sci-kit learn, nltk, pandas, tsne, pvLDAvis

Latent semantic analysis, Latent Dirichlet allocation and Non-negative matrix factorisation are some of the algorithms and techniques that one can learn from this Python data science project.

Source Code with Guided Dataset - Topic Modelling using LDA

15) Rossman Store Sales Prediction Project on Data Science using Python

A store’s sales depend on the day of the month, time of the day, promotion, offers, seasonality, etc. It is hard to predict the sales on any given day in general.  Sales prediction is also imperative for company insights and sourcing materials before keeping the stocks from running out. It also helps us know when to start running seasonal or day-wise offers to attract more people to the store. 

Dataset  Description

The data set for the project is collected from Rossman stores historical data from the Kaggle site.

Source Code and Guided Videos - Rossman Store Prediction Sales Project 

16) Time-Series using Long Short Term Memory Forecasting

LSTM or Long-Term Memory Network is an artificial recurrent neural network with a memory cell in each node. An LSTM has feedback connections in its hidden layers that make it different from Feed Forward Neural network. It overcomes the problem of vanishing gradient. 

Some common examples include sentiment analysis, video analysis, speech recognition etc.

Dataset Description

The data set contains a monthly number of passengers that commute through a particular airline. The data is formatted as - the month of the year,  number of passengers. The project’s objective is to predict the number of passengers in the future for a given month using past data and recent memory. 

Normalise the data

The data is normalised using the MinMaxScaler function present in the package preprocessing under sklearn. After the MinMaxScaler operation, we need to transform the dataset under the -1 to 1 range. 


Pandas, matplotlib, dataset, keras, math, sklearn

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LSTMs are RNN that overcome the limitations like exploding gradient and vanishing error. It can minimise the error in each iteration and arrive at an accurate prediction. It uses two layers that are encoder and decoder. The encoder layer reads the input sequence and outputs a vector representation of the sequence. The encoder output is fed to the decoder which interprets it into a unique value for each time-point in the time series.

Source Code and Guided Videos - Time Series using Long Short Term Memory Forecasting

17) Fake News Classification Python Project for Data Science

Fake news creeps up in our news feeds and subterfuge the truth. Fake news is a deliberate

misrepresentation of data and facts. With easy accessibility to the internet, new media and news houses have popped up all over the country. And consequently, it has become easier to publish and propagate unchecked news. It is crucial to curb such articles and news posts.

Fake News Classification Data Science Project using Python

Dataset Description

The data set contains news in the following format.

News_id, news_author, news_text, news_label, news_title

Data Cleaning

  • Remove missing records 

  • Merge together all text 

  • Delete special characters from the text

Data Preparation 

  • Tokenisation

  • Build vocabulary for filtering text

  • Sequence data preparation 

  • Maximum sequencing length

  • Padding 

  • Word embedding

Word embedding converts text data into numerical vectors. 

Libraries - Sci-kit, TensorFlow, Keras, glove, flask, NLTK, pandas, NumPy

18) Retail Price Optimization based on Price Elasticity of Demand.

Price elasticity of a demand or Elasticity is the degree to which the effective desire of something changes as the price changes. As a general observation, as things become expensive, people tend to desire those things less. The elasticity of price and demand varies from product to product. There are products for which customers will show a sharp drop in desire if the price increases a little. While there are products that exhibit hardly any plummet in demand regardless of price soars. 

Dataset Description

Data set includes product name, product price, regional holidays, product combo with other products etc.

  • Subsetting

Subsetting is the idea of creating a subset of features that will aptly define the model. It excludes all the extra and unnecessary features that don't contribute to the model accuracy.

  • Replace missing data points

  • Delete entries with price as 0


Numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, scipy.sparse, lightGBM


  • Linear Regression plots variables on a linear graph to model the transformed/normalised dataset. 

  • LightGBM uses a tree-based algorithm for the gradient boost framework.

Source Code with Guided Videos - Retail Price Optimisation based on Price Elasticity of Demand

Data Science Mini Projects in Python

Below you will find samples of two simple data science projects in Python that are pretty easy to implement. These mini projects for data science using Python will be especially useful if you are a final year student.

19) Customer Churn Prediction for Organisation

The churn rate is the annual percentage rate that signifies customers’ unsubscribing rate from a service or the rate of employees leaving their jobs. A company needs to know which customers will leave them to route their advertisement and engagement efforts with these customers appropriately.

Customer Churn Prediction

Dataset Description

The data set contains bank records collected over a period of time. Following are the details useful for the project : 

  • Customer id

  • Customer surname

  • Gender

  • Geography is the location of the customer

  • Tenure is the association time with the bank so far)

  • Balance 

  • Age

  • Products used 

  • A credit card is a binary field denoting if the customer has a credit card. 

Data transformation 

Outlier and missing value treatment

  • Outliers can affect the mean and standard deviation in the data set. So it is crucial to treat them by either deleting the entries or replacing them with mean/median values.

  • Missing values make the corpus weak and inadequate and can skew the results. Columns with too many missing values are dropped out of the dataset. 


Encoding is the process of converting data set values into categorical values. 

  • Label Encoding - Label encoding is used for binary categorical or ordinal values where the order or labels of entries are essential.  

  • One-hot encoding - It is helpful for non-ordinal categorical variables with mid cardinality, i.e. several occurrences. 

  • Target encoding - Target coding is used where variables show high cardinality. 

Feature Selection

Not every feature is as crucial for data analysis and model fitting. Some features do not show any distribution curve because of randoms. It is vital to select only those features that help in model fitting. 

  • Univariate selection

  • Recursive feature elimination - This function recursively removes features that do not add to the model’s accuracy. While in the end, only the essential features remain. 

  • Principal component analysis transforms a dataset with many variables into a compressed form with fewer variables, keeping the data distribution and characteristics intact. 


Numpy, sklearn, keras, pandas, joblib

Source Code with Guided Videos - Customer churn for Organisation

20) Credit Card Fraud Detection Project as Classification Problem

Credit Cards companies should be able to discern the fraudulent transactions happening over their systems so that they can charge the customer justly and correctly. Companies need to have a model for understanding which transactions are genuine and which ones are potentially fake. The problem becomes complex as the dataset is imbalanced, meaning that there are very few fake transactions among the genuine transaction.

Credit Card Fraud Detection Data Science Project in Python

Dataset Description

The Data set contains the transactions performed by customers for a specific time block. The data set holds three fields - time, amount and numerical input values. Numerical input values are the output of Principal Component Analysis transformation on the feature set.

In comparison, time and amount are the time of transaction and amount of transaction, respectively. The PCA transformation is applied to hide the customer information and features to maintain confidentiality. 


Numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib

The crux of the credit card fraud detection model depends on the concept of the validation matrix. Validation matrices define how accurate the true predictions are among the actual true data. Following are the two types of validation matrices used: 

Recall matrix is the ratio of the actual number of accurate predictions to the total number of valid values.

Precision Matrix is the ratio of the actual true values in the dataset to the total number of true predictions given by the model.

  • Random Forest Classifier 

  • Support Vector classifier 

  • Decision Tree Classifier

  • K-nearest neighbour classifier or KNN

  • Logistic Regression 

Among all the algorithms, logistic regression and k-nearest neighbour are the most accurate. 

Source Code with Guided Videos -  Credit card fraud detection using Classification 

Data Science Projects in Python with Source Code On Github

In this project, you will find ideas for python data science projects with source code along with their github repository links.

Detecting Parkinson’s Disease Python Project for Data Science

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement and coordination, and it is often difficult to diagnose in its early stages. This Data science project in Python seeks to address this challenge by developing an automated system that can accurately detect the disease based on vocal features.

The project uses a dataset of voice samples from individuals with and without Parkinson's disease. The dataset is preprocessed using feature extraction techniques to identify key features such as pitch, frequency, and formants. The extracted features are then used to train a machine learning model to distinguish between the voice samples of individuals with and without PD.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/thameemk/parkinson-s-disease-detection 

E-Mail Classification Data Science Project in Python

In this project, you will build a machine learning-based system that classifies emails into different categories based on their content.The project uses a dataset of emails that have been manually classified into different categories, such as spam, promotions, personal, and work-related emails. The dataset is preprocessed using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to identify key features, such as the presence of certain words or phrases, that can help classify emails into the appropriate category.

The project implements several machine learning algorithms, including Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM), to classify emails into different categories based on the identified features.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/SimarjotKaur/Email-Classifier 

Customer Segmentation Analysis Python Project for Data Science

In this project, the goal is to develop a system that segments customers based on their purchasing behavior. The project aims to help businesses better understand their customers and improve their marketing strategies by tailoring their offerings to specific customer segments.

The project uses a dataset of customer purchasing behavior, including data such as purchase history, demographics, and customer behavior. The dataset is preprocessed and cleaned, and feature engineering is performed to extract relevant features that can help in customer segmentation.

The project implements several unsupervised machine learning algorithms, including k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and DBSCAN, to segment customers into different groups based on their purchasing behavior. 

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/avirichie/Customer-Segmentation-using-Unsupervised-Learning 

Practice Python for Data Science Projects with ProjectPro!

In conclusion, there are plenty of algorithms in Data Science that are useful in solving many day-to-day problems. It is of significance to learn types of algorithms and have a basic know-how of their implementations. Python is easy to leverage in accomplishing this same task. Also, python resources and tutorials are abundant over the internet, and the community of developers are ever helpful. But not to forget that python is one among many good languages. 

There are other lovely fishes in the sea apart from the friendly old python : )

If you are a beginner, it might be difficult to get the hang of projects for data science in Python. Also, sometimes as an expert, it is likely that you will encounter challenging problems in Data Science at your work. Whatever the case may be, ProjectPro is the solution you need. ProjectPro offers a subscription to a repository of Data Science and Big Data Projects that you can leverage to learn everything from scratch and save your time in browsing through the web for solutions in the two domains. The guided videos will help you at every step and make you more skilled at solving problems in Data Science and Big Data. Check out ProjectPro today!

A list of recommendations for further readings:

FAQs about data science projects 

Every Data Science project follows the same blueprints onto which we add project-specific tasks. Some steps are common to many Data Science projects. These tasks prepare and analyse the dataset for modelling. 

Here is a list of the frequently asked questions about data science projects in python.

1. How to start a Data Science Project in Python

To start a Data Science project, one needs to select a topic that one finds intriguing and interesting. The list mentioned above is a good starting point. 

After the project idea comes data collection and data normalisation. Kaggle curates data sets for numerous data science problems, and even a simple google search can yield datasets for the problem. 

Once the dataset is ready, we need to perform an exploratory data analysis to find biases and patterns in the data set. Realising inherent trends in the data set can reveal essential facts and nuances that might be useful in research. 

Next, we can proceed with model fitting by trying various algorithms to attain 

the maximum accuracy. 

Here are many solved data science projects - Solved Data Science projects. 

2. What is data cleaning in a data science project?

Data Clean-Up is cleaning the dataset by removing the null values, outliers and redundant data points. 

3. What is meant by Range Normalisation and Imputing?

Normalisation is the process of converting the different numerical data values into a standard scale. A dataset typically contains many columns where each column represents a feature. These features can have disparate ranges, and it is essential to have a standard scale for the complete dataset. 

Imputing is the technique of replacing the missing values in a dataset. The replacement value could be the mean or median of all values. 

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4. What are training and testing data in a typical data science project?

The dataset in a project is split into training and testing data. Model training uses training data, while the testing data is used for testing the model accuracy. Generally, 80% of the dataset is reserved for training. 

5. Why is Preliminary Data analysis needed in a data science project? 

Data analysis helps to visualise the dataset and checks for biases or interdependencies in the data.

6. What does Feature extraction mean?

Feature extraction reduces the dimension of the data so that it can be processed efficiently in small vectors. The process combines or selects multiple variables into features that are easy to manage.

7. What is Model Fitting in a data science project? 

Model fitting defines how well a model can fit the training data. It checks the accuracy of the prediction by the model as compared to the actual output values.

8. Why is Hyperparameters tuning important in a data science project?

Hyperparameter tuning finds the optimal set of values for the parameters that produce the best learning model.

9. What can you use Python for in data science?

Python is widely used in data science for tasks such as data cleaning, manipulation, and analysis. Popular libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib provide powerful tools for working with data, while Scikit-learn and TensorFlow offer machine-learning capabilities. Python's versatility and ease of use make it a popular choice for data scientists.

10. What libraries do you typically use in your Python data science projects?

Some popular Python libraries for data science are NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn for data manipulation and visualization, Scikit-learn for machine learning, TensorFlow and PyTorch for deep learning, and NLTK and spaCy for natural language processing.



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ProjectPro is the only online platform designed to help professionals gain practical, hands-on experience in big data, data engineering, data science, and machine learning related technologies. Having over 270+ reusable project templates in data science and big data with step-by-step walkthroughs,

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