Practical Type-Level Programming in Scala 3

87 minute read

by Daniel Beskin

1. Introduction

Scala 3 boasts many features that are meant to simplify and enhance type-level programming: match types, inlines, diverse compile-time operations, and the list goes on. With all these new features it is quite easy to get lost when trying to solve a concrete problem using type-level techniques.

In this article my aim is to bridge that gap by showing, step by step, how to solve a concrete problem using many of the new type-level features that Scala 3 provides. Let’s dig in!

1.1. Setup

The full code for all the steps can be found in this repo.

You can see the setup for the post in this file and follow along using the Scala CLI tool.

After cloning the repo, use the command

scala-cli console .

In the repo folder to start a REPL with the required dependencies.

1.2. The Problem

The problem that we are going to solve is inspired by an actual use-case that I had at work. So hopefully it will be realistic enough as to be useful for your own endeavors.

Imagine that you have the following data model1 that you need to store as JSON:

import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto

case class User(email: Email, phone: Phone, address: Address)

case class Email(primary: String, secondary: Option[String])

case class Phone(number: String, prefix: Int)

case class Address(country: String, city: String)

object Email:
  given Codec.AsObject[Email] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Email]

object Phone:
  given Codec.AsObject[Phone] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Phone]

object Address:
  given Codec.AsObject[Address] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Address]

But, you can’t store this data in any format you want, it has to be “flat”. More specifically, each field in the top-level class has to be inlined into the top-level JSON that you produce2.

Suppose you have the following data:

val user = User(
    primary = "",
    secondary = Some("")),
  Phone(number = "555-555-00", prefix = 88),
  Address(country = "Shire", city = "Hobbiton"))

The resulting JSON should be the following:

  "primary": "",
  "secondary": "",
  "number": "555-555-00",
  "prefix": 88,
  "country": "Shire",
  "city": "Hobbiton"

Notice how we no longer have the top-level fields, and instead have the data they contained inlined at the top-level3.

As stated it wouldn’t be difficult to solve the problem at runtime with some JSON munging. But there are at least two reasons why that’s not good enough for us. A runtime penalty for creating redundant intermediate JSON structures, and more importantly; we want this as safe at compile-time as possible. We don’t want our users discovering some silly mistake after they deployed to production. Safety for our purposes would mean that:

  • If the top-level class has a primitive field - fail to compile
  • If the inlined classes have duplicate field names - fail to compile

We’ll see later why these are actual safety issues, but for now these conditions are enough to force us to use compile-time techniques4.

Broadly speaking, Scala has two classes of compile-time techniques: type-level programming and macros. Although we could solve the flat JSON problem with macros, we won’t be doing this here. Macros are quite powerful, but they also tend to be a very “one-off” kind of solution. Tailored to a specific problem, rather than made up of reusable components. On the other hand, type-level techniques are usually made up from existing and reusable language features. Every type-level feature we are going to learn about can become a new tool that you can reuse in different contexts. So in this article we’ll focus exclusively on type-level programming, using only existing language features, rather than inventing our own with macros5.

I will add a disclaimer, that as of writing some of the new type-level capabilities in Scala 3 have their rough edges, and not everything will go smoothly for us6. Hopefully we’ll make it out with minimal damage to our psyche. If you do find yourself debating between using type-level programming and macros, macros may be the less painful choice (again, as of writing; things are improving all the time).

In Scala 2 type-level programming is somewhat notorious for creating inscrutable compilation errors. Luckily, Scala 3 added tools that let us provide custom errors of our own. Since we would like our users to have nice ergonomics, we’ll add one last condition to our problem: provide readable compilation errors in case something fails to compile.

To conclude, here’s what we are going to do:

  1. Given a class
  2. Provide a JSON serializer/deserializer for its flat format
  3. Fail to compile if the class doesn’t meet the safety criteria
  4. Without using any macros
  5. With reasonably informative compilation errors

Be warned, this is quite a long post, with many different parts. Take your time reading it part by part. Reading it all in one sitting might be overwhelming.

Let us now proceed to flat serializing a concrete class. This will allow us to dip our toes into a bit of type-level programming without going into the deep end straight away.

2. Serializing a Concrete Class

2.1. Pseudocode

Since we’ll be dealing with JSON, we’ll need a JSON library to do the JSON work for us. I’ll be using Circe, but pretty much any other Scala JSON library (of which there are plenty) will do just fine. I won’t spend too much time explaining the mechanics of Circe, in the hope that the JSON code we’ll be writing is sufficiently self-explanatory.

So for this part our goal is to take any instance of the User class and serialize it as a flat JSON. In Circe-speak, what we need is an Encoder for the User type.

Because metaprogramming in most languages isn’t as readable as plain code, when tackling a metaprogramming problem I find it helpful to first sketch a solution in pseudo-code. Let’s do that for the JSON Encoder:

  1. Given a User instance
  2. For each field in the class
  3. Find the appropriate Encoder for the field’s type
  4. Convert the field to a JSON object
  5. Concatenate all the JSON objects into one

Short and to the point.

2.2. Lists and Tuples

In the pseudo-code we are referring to the fields of a class as if it’s a list, something that we can iterate on. This is of course a simplification, since the fields of a class can have different types, while lists in Scala can only contain a single (statically-known) type.

If we try to do something like this:

val fields = user.productIterator

fields will have the not very helpful type Iterator[Any]. This doesn’t suit our purposes, as we need everything to be known at compile-time. Otherwise, we won’t be able to find the correct Encoders for the fields. Remember that Encoders (and implicits in general) are resolved by the statically-known type of the value.

To solve this issue we can squint a bit at the case class definitions that we are using and see that the fields of a case class are somewhat like a tuple. So the class:

case class User(email: Email, phone: Phone, address: Address)

Is equivalent (up to field names) to this tuple type:

(Email, Phone, Address)

And if we squint even a bit further, tuples are somewhat similar to lists, with the key difference that types of the elements can be different (heterogenous). To tie this all up in a nice package, Scala 3 provides us with list-like operations on tuples directly7. Of course, since tuples are not actually lists, the way we work with them will be different, but keep the list analogy in mind as we go on to manipulate tuples in creative ways.

The Tuple companion has a handy function that lets us convert a case class into its equivalent tuple:

scala> val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(user)
val fields: (Email, Phone, Address) = (

Using Tuple.fromProductTyped we can convert a User value to its corresponding tuple type, without losing type information. Now all we need is to learn to operate on tuples as if they were lists.

2.3. Tuple Iteration

So how do we iterate over a tuple?

If we were working with actual lists, the map function would come in handy for our problem. The new Scala 3 tuples now too have the map function which sounds like it could be what we’re looking for. Here’s the code that I wish I could write: field =>
  val encoder = summon[Encoder]

  val json = encoder(field)


Unfortunately, this won’t work, for multiple reasons.

We’re now going to play a game of code Whac-A-Mole, where we’ll fix one problem and another will pop up. We’ll get it to work, eventually…

To start with, what does the summon[Encoder] line actually means? What type exactly are we converting to JSON? An Encoder doesn’t just take any value and turns it into JSON, but rather takes a type-parameter that indicates what type to convert, and then it can convert that specific type. So we should be calling it with summon[Encoder[X]]. Where X is the type of the field we are currently operating on.

What is the type of field here? Recall that we are operating on tuples, meaning that the type of each element is unique, and map needs to be able to deal with that. The only way to do that is if the function argument that map accepts can handle any type whatsoever. And this what the map signature actually looks like:

def map[F[_]](f: [t] => t => F[t]): Map[this.type, F]

The signature is a bit intimidating, it uses a polymorphic function as an argument (and we’ll ignore the return type for the time being). This means that the function that we are passing to map must work uniformly for any type8. As we don’t get access to the current type, we cannot summon the Encoder because we can’t provide it with a concrete type argument. A naive call to map then will not work for us.

I guess we have no choice but to implement our very own custom version of map.

2.4. Tuple Recursion

To implement our own map-like function on tuples we are going to use the analogy between lists and tuples to inform our implementation.

Suppose we have a List and we want to convert each element to JSON and aggregate the results into a new List. Here’s a simplified, and non-tail-recursive9 solution for this problem:

import io.circe.*

def listToJson[A: Encoder](ls: List[A]): List[Json] =
  ls match
    case Nil => Nil
    case h :: t =>
      val encoder = summon[Encoder[A]]

      val json = encoder(h)

      json :: listToJson(t)

We pattern match on the list argument and handle either the empty case, or the case where we have both a head and a tail for the list10, and then recurse.

Scala 3’s tuples expose a similar structure where you can either have an EmptyTuple or a non-empty tuple called *: (by analogy with List’s ::). For example the type of the following tuple:

val tuple: (Int, String, Boolean) = (3, "abc", true)

Can be written as11:

val tuple: Int *: String *: Boolean *: EmptyTuple = (3, "abc", true)

This looks like a list, but at the type-level. We have precise type-information in a form of a list that we can recurse over and manipulate in various ways.

Following the List analogy, we can write the following code:

def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[Json] = // 1
  tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
    case ((h: h) *: (t: t)) => // 3
      val encoder = summon[Encoder[h]] // 4

      val json = encoder(h) // 5

      json :: tupleToJson(t) // 6

This code is broken in many ways, but it’s a good start. Let’s Whac-A-Mole it step by step.

First of all the signature (1), we are accepting a generic Tuple. This is the super-type of all tuple types. So it includes EmptyTuple, Int *: EmptyTuple, String *: Boolean *: EmptyTuple, etc. Since we do not know the concrete type that will be passed by the user, we will have to pattern match on it find out, as we do next.

The first case (2) is the easy one. If we have an EmptyTuple, this is the base case of the recursion and we return an empty list.

The second case (3) is where we have a non-empty tuple *:. In which case we deconstruct it into a head h and a tail t. Notice how we ascribe the type h to the head and the type t to the tail. I’m using lowercase letters for the types to indicate that these are type variables12. We don’t actually know what type stands at the head of the tuple or what type the resulting tail has.

For a concrete example: if the input tuple is Int *: String *: EmptyTuple. Then on the first iteration of the recursion h = Int and t = String *: EmptyTuple. On the next step h = String and t = EmptyTuple. On the next step we’ll hit the empty base case.

Now that we have a name for the type at the head of the tuple we summon (4) the appropriate Encoder[h]. We use the Encoder (5) to convert the value at the head of the tuple to JSON. To finish up we do a recursive call (6) with the tail of the tuple and prepend the current JSON to the result of the recursive call.

This is all good and well, but if we actually try to compile this function we get:

-- [E006] Not Found Error: -----------------------------------------------------
4 |    case ((h: h) *: (t: t)) => // 3
  |              ^
  |              Not found: type h
-- [E006] Not Found Error: -----------------------------------------------------
4 |    case ((h: h) *: (t: t)) => // 3
  |                        ^
  |                        Not found: type t
-- [E006] Not Found Error: -----------------------------------------------------
5 |      val encoder = summon[Encoder[h]] // 4
  |                                   ^
  |                                   Not found: type h

Apparently the compiler thinks that the types h and t should actually exist independently of our pattern match. It doesn’t accept this as a declaration of a type variable.

But the idea we are pursuing is sound, we just need to use a different syntax for the compiler to understand:

 case tup: (h *: t) => ...

With this syntax we are declaring the types, but we are not doing any destructuring. Since we are now only declaring the types h and t, but not the values h and t we have to fetch them ourselves. This can be done with the head and tail methods that exist directly on tuples:

def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[Json] = // 1
  tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
    case tup: (h *: t) => // 3
      val encoder = summon[Encoder[h]] // 4

      val json = encoder(tup.head) // 5

      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail) // 6

Let us compile again:

-- [E172] Type Error: ----------------------------------------------------------
5 |      val encoder = summon[Encoder[h]] // 4
  |                                      ^
  |No given instance of type io.circe.Encoder[h] was found for parameter x of method summon in object Predef.

The compiler now accepts our type variable declarations. But it is rightfully complaining that it can’t do anything about them. h is a “fresh” type, we have no idea upfront what it’s going to be, it depends on user input, which is not available at compile-time. As summon is trying to resolve the required given value at compile-time it is stuck without knowing where to look for it. It gets worse.

The pattern match we are performing here is going to happen at runtime. And the scrutinee of the pattern-match is a generic type. But generic types are erased at runtime, so there is no way that we could possibly gain anything useful here.

Both the fact that we can’t summon anything and erasure point us to the fact that we are doing something wrong. We are running the code “at the wrong time”.

2.5. Running Code at Compile-Time

Taking a step back we should think about how we will be using our tupleToJson function. The “user input” to it is not going to be some arbitrary input value from external IO. It is going to be a statically-known tuple type that we are going to provide. E.g., something like this:

val tuple: Int *: String *: Boolean *: EmptyTuple = (1, "abc", true)

val list = tupleToJson(tuple)

At the invocation site we know the exact types that are being evaluated. If we were to try to resolve the given Encoders for the types Int, String, and Boolean everything would work correctly. We need a way to delay the summoning to the call site.

Luckily there is a function that does exactly this:


This function is the same as summon, but as stated in the documentation:

The summoning is delayed until the call has been fully inlined.

What does it mean for the call to be “fully inlined”? That’s where Scala’s new inline keyword comes into play.

By marking a function as inline the compiler will always insert the code for the function directly at the call-site. While this sounds like a rather innocent capability, when mixed with the fact that inlining can be recursive, and that the compiler can evaluate simple control-flow expressions (like if and match) while inlining, the result is something like macro code-generation powers. This is how we make the compiler evaluate code at compile-time for us.

This may sound a bit abstract, but the magic happens by sprinkling the inline keyword in various locations and praying for the best. Let’s try it:

import scala.compiletime.summonInline

def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[Json] = // 1
  tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
    case tup: (h *: t) => // 3
      val encoder = summonInline[Encoder[h]] // 4

      val json = encoder(tup.head) // 5

      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail) // 6

Here I only changed (4) to be summonInline. This still fails with the same:

No given instance of type io.circe.Encoder[h] was found.

Which is no surprise, seeing how the surrounding tupleToJson is not being inlined anywhere. So let’s inline it:

import scala.compiletime.summonInline

inline def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[Json] = // 1
  tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
    case tup: (h *: t) => // 3
      val encoder = summonInline[Encoder[h]] // 4

      val json = encoder(tup.head) // 5

      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail) // 6

This compiles fine. Unfortunately, once we stepped into inline-land just compiling is no longer good enough. The code we are inlining, and especially the summonInline call, are only going to be fully evaluated when we compile the call-site. Like this:

val tuple = (1, "abc", true)

val list = tupleToJson(tuple)

Which now fails to compile on the tupleToJson call:

-- [E172] Type Error: ----------------------------------------------------------
3 |val list = tupleToJson(tuple)
  |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |No given instance of type io.circe.Encoder[h] was found.

That’s exactly the same error as before, we just delayed it to the call-site. This makes sense, because when the compiler is inlining the tupleToJson call it is just placing the same code in a different location. It still doesn’t know anything about the specific h type being evaluated.

Let us sprinkle some more inline:

import scala.compiletime.summonInline

inline def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[Json] = // 1
  inline tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
    case tup: (h *: t) => // 3
      val encoder = summonInline[Encoder[h]] // 4

      val json = encoder(tup.head) // 5

      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail) // 6

We marked the pattern-match as an inline match. This forces the compiler to try to actually evaluate the pattern-match at compile-time and to choose the correct case branch based on information known at compile-time during inlining. This brings in some limitations with respect to what exactly can be pattern-matched. But in our case, we have a pattern-match that the compiler can evaluate. This is so because at the inlining site the tuple type is fully known and the compiler can replace the h and t with the specific types at hand, and choose the correct case branch on each inlining step. Like so:

scala> val tuple = (1, "abc", true)

       val list = tupleToJson(tuple)

val tuple: (Int, String, Boolean) = (1,abc,true)
val list: List[Json] = List(1, "abc", true)

It works! We managed to iterate the tuple and inline the summonInline calls as we go along. The compiler generated something like the following code for us:

    val tup = 1 *: "abc" *: true *: EmptyTuple
    val encoder = summon[Encoder[Int]]
    val json = encoder(tup.head)

    json :: {
      val tup = "abc" *: true *: EmptyTuple
      val encoder = summon[Encoder[String]]
      val json = encoder(tup.head)

      json :: {
        val tup = true *: EmptyTuple
        val encoder = summon[Encoder[Boolean]]
        val json = encoder(tup.head)

        json :: {

This is exactly what we needed. No runtime issues, everything happens safely at compile-time.

2.6. Compile-Time Observations

Some interesting observations about this approach:

  • By being able to generate code like this, we are gaining some macro-like capabilities. This is a double-edged sword as it suffers from some of the same drawbacks as macros. The main one being
  • That we only discover errors when we compile the user code. There’s no way of knowing upfront that everything is going to work as expected. And when something bad happens
  • The user has to debug compilation errors in code that was never written by the said user. As the logic of code generation grows more sophisticated, the debugging process can become non-trivial.
  • Preserving type information is very important. Missing type information can prevent the compiler from fully inlining. For example:
      scala> val tuple: Tuple = (1, "abc", true)
             val list = tupleToJson(tuple)
      -- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3 |val list = tupleToJson(tuple)
        |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        |           cannot reduce inline match with
        |            scrutinee:  tuple : (tuple : Tuple)
        |            patterns :  case EmptyTuple
        |                        case tup @ _:*:[h @ _, t @ _]
        |Inline stack trace
        |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        |This location contains code that was inlined from rs$line$6:2
      2 |  inline tuple match
        |         ^
      3 |    case EmptyTuple => Nil // 2
      4 |    case tup: (h *: t) => // 3
      5 |      val encoder = summonInline[Encoder[h]] // 4
      6 |      val json = encoder(tup.head) // 5
      7 |      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail) // 6
      1 error found

    Here we purposefully lost type information by marking the tuple: Tuple. The compiler gets stuck when inlining as it doesn’t know the full type of the provided tuple, and then spits out a vaguely inscrutable compilation error. Eerily reminiscent of macro induced errors.

But all is well, this is perfectly serviceable for our purposes.

2.7. Once More with a Case Class

With the implementation of tupleToJson and the knowledge of Tuple.fromProductTyped we can take our actual case class instance and turn it into a bunch of JSON values:

scala> val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(user)
       val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)

val fields: (Email, Phone, Address) =

val jsons: List[Json] = List(

These are the JSON values we were looking for. All that is left is to merge them into a single JSON object and return that.

Here we hit a small wrinkle. The static type of our list is List[Json]. It is not possible to merge arbitrary JSON values into a JSON object. Only JSON objects can be merged into a single object. Although we know that the actual values are indeed JSON objects, it would be unsafe to try to “cast” the Json values into a JsonObject value.

Indeed, if our case class happens to have a primitive field, like an Int, we’ll end up trying to merge a JSON number into a JSON object. This will blow up at runtime.

Recall that one of our safety requirements was:

If the top-level class has a primitive field - fail to compile

How do we prevent this failure mode?

2.8. JSON Objects

The solution is pretty straightforward. Circe has a type called Encoder.AsObject which is the same as Encoder but additionally provides a method called encodeObject, which has the static return type of JsonObject.

If instead of requiring an Encoder for every field of our class we require an Encoder.AsObject, then we will fail to compile if any of the fields does not correspond to a JSON object. This requires only small modifications to our previous code:

inline def tupleToJson(tuple: Tuple): List[JsonObject] = // 1
  inline tuple match
    case EmptyTuple => Nil
    case tup: (h *: t) =>
      val encoder = summonInline[Encoder.AsObject[h]] // 2

      val json = encoder.encodeObject(tup.head) // 3

      json :: tupleToJson(tup.tail)

Now the static return type (1) is List[JsonObject]. This is achieved by summoning (2) an Encoder.AsObject for the current field. Having done that we can invoke encodeObject (3) to produce a JsonObject instance.

This still works the same for our previous example of serializing the case class. But if we add a primitive field to our class:

case class User(id: Int, email: Email, phone: Phone, address: Address)

Then we fail to compile:

scala> val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(user)
       val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)
-- [E172] Type Error: ----------------------------------------------------------
2 |val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)
  |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |No given instance of type io.circe.Encoder.AsObject[Int] was found.
  |I found:
  |    io.circe.Encoder.AsObject.importedAsObjectEncoder[Int](
  |      /* missing */summon[io.circe.export.Exported[io.circe.Encoder.AsObject[Int]]])
  |But no implicit values were found that match type io.circe.export.Exported[io.circe.Encoder.AsObject[Int]].

Which correctly informs us that there is no Encoder.AsObject[Int] in existence13.

2.9. Once More with Feeling

And now we are ready to put all the pieces together for our flat Encoder:

val encoder = Encoder.instance[User]: value => // 1
  val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value) // 2
  val jsons = tupleToJson(fields) // 3

  concatObjects(jsons) // 4

def concatObjects(jsons: List[JsonObject]): Json =
  Json.obj(jsons.flatMap(_.toList): _*)

We are creating a new Encoder for the User class (1). This is done by specifying the action for a given User value:

  • Convert the User into a tuple of its fields (2)
  • Use tupleToJson (3) to iterate over the fields and transform each field into JsonObject
  • concatObjects (4) is a small utility function that safely turns a list of JsonObject into a single object.

We can invoke the resulting Encoder to produce the required flat JSON:

scala>  val json = encoder(user)
val json: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"

Finally, we are done!

The full code for the Encoder can be found in the accompanying repo.

3. Deserializing a Concrete Class

Now it’s time to read the flat JSON back from the flat format.

3.1. Pseudocode

To deserialize something in Circe, we will need a Decoder instance for the User type.

As in the last part we’ll start with some pseudo-code to sketch the construction of the flat JSON Decoder:

  1. Given the User type
  2. For each field type in the class
  3. Find the appropriate Decoder
  4. Combine the resulting Decoders into a single Decoder
  5. Read a User instance with the combined Decoder

This pseudo-code is quite similar to the pseudo-code for the Encoder, but the notable difference is that instead of starting with some values (the fields of User) we start out with some types (the types of the fields of User). This makes sense, since the process of deserialization begins with JSON, and only after the Decoders do their job do we get back a User instance.

This poses a new issue: how do we get a handle on the field types of User?

3.2. Mirrors

Here too Scala 3 has new machinery for us to use: the Mirror type.

Mirrors are special values that provide us with an interface for metaprogramming over various types, case classes in particular. Each instance of a Mirror is synthesized by the compiler on-the-fly for the class we are interested in14. We can summon a Mirror for our User type like so:

scala> import scala.deriving.Mirror

       val mirror = summon[Mirror.Of[User]]
val mirror:
    type MirroredMonoType = User;
      type MirroredType = User;
      type MirroredLabel = "User";
      type MirroredElemTypes = (Email, Phone, Address);
      type MirroredElemLabels = ("email", "phone", "address")
  } = User

Note that the resulting Mirror value is a very detailed refinement of the rather boring base Mirror type. The interesting bit for our purposes is the MirroredElemTypes type member:

type MirroredElemTypes = (Email, Phone, Address)

This is exactly the representation of the User type as tuple of its field types. And so, this is the tuple type that we will iterate on. Additionally, the Mirror provides us with utilities to convert User to/from tuples, which we will use later on.

But there’s a wrinkle, perviously, when we iterated over a tuple, we had a tuple value, something concrete that we actually operate on at runtime. Here, on the other hand, all we have is a tuple type? What can we possibly do with just a type?

3.3. Erased Values

Actually, we can do quite a bit. Recall how we used inline and inline match to achieve compile-time evaluation of code. We can apply the same tools here as well, all we need is a way to pull a type into a value.

That’s where scala.compiletime.erasedValue comes into play:

Use this method when you have a type, do not have a value for it but want to pattern match on it.

Sounds exactly like what we need.

erasedValue lets us take a type and turn it into a (fake) value that we can pattern match on. The caveat is that this must happen within an inline that gets expanded at compile-time. Here’s an example usage:

import scala.compiletime.*

inline def size[T <: Tuple]: Int = // 1
  inline erasedValue[T] match // 2
    case EmptyTuple => 0 // 3
    case _: (h *: t) => 1 + size[t] // 4

We’re defining a way to compute the size of a tuple-type. We do it as an inline function that accepts any Tuple type (1). We then pattern-match on the erasedValue of the tuple type (2). This lets us use the regular pattern matching syntax to branch over the two cases for tuples. First, the empty case (3) where we return the size of an empty tuple, which is 0. Next we hit the non-empty case (4), where there is a head (h) and a tail (t). The size in such case is the size of the head, 1, plus the size of the tail, which we compute using a recursive call to size.

We can test this out:

scala> size[(String, Int, Double)]
val res2: Int = 3

As expected the size of the tuple is 3.

It is important to note that I’m using _ instead of naming the value in the pattern match. This is a non-negotiable limitation of erasedValue. Since all we have is a type, there isn’t any value that we can actually use at runtime. As a result, the pattern match that we are performing is not allowed to ever use the (fake) value we are pattern-matching on. All we can do is react to the types that we are encountering on each branch15.

Now we can use inlines and erasedValue to iterate over tuple types.

3.4. Tuple Iteration Again

With these tools in hand we can now partially implement our pseudo-code. Ignoring for the moment the User type, let us solve the problem of creating a flat Decoder for arbitrary tuples. Having solved that, we’ll use the Mirror to create a User instance from a tuple.

Without further ado, here’s our code:

inline def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple]: Decoder[T] =  // 1
  inline erasedValue[T] match // 2
    case EmptyTuple => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 3
    case _: (h *: t) => // 4
      val decoder = summonInline[Decoder[h]] // 5

      combineDecoders(decoder, decodeTuple[t]) // 6

def combineDecoders[H, T <: Tuple](dh: Decoder[H], dt: Decoder[T]): Decoder[H *: T] = // 7
  dh.product(dt).map(_ *: _)

Let’s follow it step by step:

  • We have an inline function (1) that works for any sub-type of a tuple, producing a decoder for that specific tuple type.
  • We proceed to pattern match on the erasedValue of our tuple type (2).
  • In the EmptyTuple case (3), we create a new Decoder that always returns EmptyTuple.
  • In the non-empty case (4), we have the head type h, and the tail type t.
  • We summonInline the Decoder for the head type (5). Recall that summonInline will be deferred to the use-site of our function, and will succeed only if the actual h type has a given Decoder in scope.
  • We then do a recursive call (6) and create a Decoder for the tail type, and use combineDecoders to build up a Decoder for the full tuple, from the Decoder[h] we just summoned and the Decoder[t] that we just created with the recursive call.
  • combineDecoders (7) is small utility function that takes a Decoder for the head of tuple (H), and Decoder for the tail of a tuple (T), and creates a composite Decoder[H *: T]for the head and tail combined. This utilizes the product function on Decoder to apply both Decoders on the same JSON and tuples the results. Which is what we need to read the tuple from a flat JSON. The call to map builds up the final tuple H *: T from the result of product.

This pretty much matches the description in our pseudo-code. Too bad it’s broken:

-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
3 |    case EmptyTuple => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 3
  |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^
  |       Found:    EmptyTuple.type
  |       Required: T
  |          where:    T is a type in method decodeTuple with bounds <: Tuple
-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
7 |      combineDecoders(decoder, decodeTuple[t]) // 6
  |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |      Found:    io.circe.Decoder[h *: t]
  |      Required: io.circe.Decoder[T]
  |      where:    T is a type in method decodeTuple with bounds <: Tuple
  |                h is a type in method decodeTuple with bounds
  |                t is a type in method decodeTuple with bounds <: Tuple

Apparently the compiler can’t figure out that if we matched the branch EmptyTuple then T = EmptyTuple, and if we matched the branch h *: t then T = h *: t.

So close…

3.5. Type Hackery

What we are lacking here is type-unification. The compiler should’ve figured out that it can unify the type of each case branch with the type argument T. I would claim that it’s a bug that the compiler can’t do this, but I have a hack to circumvent this issue.

Apparently the compiler is better at unifying type-arguments of real types16. To trigger this, we need to make our pattern match include a type-argument. We can do this artificially, like so:

trait Is[A] // 1

inline def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple]: Decoder[T] =
  inline erasedValue[Is[T]] match // 2
    case _: Is[EmptyTuple] => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 3
    case _: Is[h *: t] => // 4
      val decoder = summonInline[Decoder[h]]

      combineDecoders(decoder, decodeTuple[t])

def combineDecoders[H, T <: Tuple](dh: Decoder[H], dt: Decoder[T]): Decoder[H *: T] = // 7
  dh.product(dt).map(_ *: _)

We created a dummy wrapper with a single type-argument (1)17. Now, instead of pattern-matching directly on T, we pattern match on Is[T] (2). Each branch (3) and (4) is wrapped in Is, and this somehow makes the compiler understand that T should unify with the type of each branch.

This code now compiles!

We can even check that it works by decoding a tuple from the flat JSON we created with our flat Encoder:

scala>  val json = encoder(user)
val json: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"

scala> decodeTuple[mirror.MirroredElemTypes].decodeJson(json)
val res1:
  Decoder.Result[mirror.MirroredElemTypes] =

Notice how we are using mirror.MirroredElemTypes as the type argument. This is a path-dependent type, recall that it is just an alias to the field types of User ((Email, Phone, Address)).

We managed to decode a tuple of all the fields types of User directly from the flat JSON that we generated in the previous part. We’re almost done, we just need to wrap this code with conversion from tuples to the User type.

3.6. From Types to Values

The last piece of the puzzle is how do we convert the result of our Decoder, which is a tuple value back to a User value. It’s Mirror to the rescue yet again: mirror.fromTuple will take a tuple value that matches the User type, and produce back a User instance:

scala> val tuple = (
            Email("", Some("")),
            Phone("555-555-00", 88),
            Address("Shire", "Hobbiton"))

       val user = mirror.fromTuple(tuple)

val user: User = User(

With this in hand we can finally create our final Decoder instance:

val mirror = summon[Mirror.Of[User]] // 1

val decoder =
  decodeTuple[mirror.MirroredElemTypes] // 2
    .map(mirror.fromTuple) // 3

We first summon the Mirror for the User type (1). We then create a flat Decoder (2) for the field types of User that we fetch from the mirror. And lastly, we convert that tuple result of the Decoder into a User instance (3) using the mirror.fromTuple function.

3.7. Putting It All Together

Before we test our final Decoder, lets combine it together with the Encoder into a single Codec:

val codec = Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

This is now a fully-functional Codec that can serialize/deserialize User instances into/from a flat JSON format. As we can easily demonstrate:

scala> val json = codec(user)
       val decodedUser = codec.decodeJson(json)

val json: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"
val decodedUser: Decoder.Result[User] = Right(

A successful roundtrip with flat JSON!

The full code for the Decoder and Codec can be found in the accompanying repo.

4. A Generic Codec

So far we focused on serializing the concrete User class, now it’s time to take it up a notch and work with any case class.

Luckily, the code we wrote so far is actually pretty generic, we didn’t bake-in many assumptions about the User class directly in the code.

If we take a look back at the code that we have so far:

val codec: Codec[User] = // 1
  val encoder = Encoder.instance[User]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val mirror = summon[Mirror.Of[User]] // 2

  val decoder =

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

We see that we only have two places where we directly refer to the User type. In the val declaration (1), and when summoning the Mirror for the User (2). The rest of the code is completely generic and doesn’t refer to the User type explicitly.

All we need to do now is to pull out a type-parameter instead of User and pass in the appropriate Mirror as a given argument. Let’s do that:

def makeCodec[A]( // 1
    using mirror: Mirror.Of[A]): Codec[A] = // 2

  val encoder = Encoder.instance[A]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val decoder =

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

We create a new function makeCodec. Now instead of User we use the a type-parameter A (1), and we are passing a Mirror as a using argument (2). As per usual, on our first iteration this obviously fails to compile:

-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
5 |    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
  |                                        ^^^^^
  |      Found:    (value : A)
  |      Required: Product

Apparently Tuple.fromProductTyped which helps us convert a case class into a tuple has a type-bound, it can only be used on subtypes of Product. This makes sense, using fromProductTyped on an enum instance would make no sense. More generally, the code we wrote would not mean much if applied to enums. This is easy enough to fix, we can just add a type-bound:

def makeCodec[A <: Product]( // 1
    using mirror: Mirror.Of[A]): Codec[A] = // 2

  val encoder = Encoder.instance[A]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val decoder =

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

This fails yet again:

-- [E172] Type Error: ----------------------------------------------------------
5 |    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
  |                                              ^
  |No given instance of type deriving.Mirror.ProductOf[A] was found for parameter m of method fromProductTyped in object Tuple. Failed to synthesize an instance of type deriving.Mirror.ProductOf[A]: trait Product is not a generic product because it is not a case class
  |where:    A is a type in method makeCodec with bounds <: Product
-- [E008] Not Found Error: -----------------------------------------------------
10 |  val decoder = decodeTuple[mirror.MirroredElemTypes].map(mirror.fromTuple)
   |                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   |        value fromTuple is not a member of deriving.Mirror.Of[A]
   |        where:    A is a type in method makeCodec with bounds <: Product

And now we learn that there are different kinds of Mirrors. There’s a Mirror.ProductOf and there is Mirror.SumOf. Case classes which are also known as product types are matched with a Mirror.ProductOf. And accordingly, all functions that go back and forth between case classes and tuples need a Mirror.ProductOf to work. We can now specialize our Mirror argument to this more specific type:

def makeCodec[A <: Product]( // 1
    using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Codec[A] = // 2

  val encoder = Encoder.instance[A]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val decoder =

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

And we fail yet again…

-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 6 |    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   |               cannot reduce inline match with
   |                scrutinee:  fields : (fields : mirror.MirroredElemTypes)
   |                patterns :  case EmptyTuple
   |                            case tup @ _:*:[h @ _, t @ _]
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 |  val decoder = decodeTuple[mirror.MirroredElemTypes].map(mirror.fromTuple)
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   |cannot reduce inline match with
   | scrutinee:  compiletime.erasedValue[Is[mirror.MirroredElemTypes]] : Is[mirror.MirroredElemTypes]
   | patterns :  case _:Is[EmptyTuple]
   |             case _:Is[*:[h @ _, t @ _]]

This one is a bit more difficult to decipher18. It seems that we have issues with inline match in our code, a failure to reduce them. Curiously, part of the errors are references to code we didn’t even touch now.

We should remember that we used inline when writing the various tuple conversions. In return, that very code is getting copy/pasted directly into the call-site that we are currently compiling. This wasn’t an issue before when we were working ont the concrete User type, as the compiler could easily deduce the exact types involved: the appropriate tuple type that corresponds to the User type. But with an abstract type A the compiler is stuck, it can’t know at compile-time what exact shape the tuple matching A is going to have. As a result it cannot pattern-match on that unknown tuple type at compile-time. This is what the error messages means when it says that it “cannot reduce inline match”.

Once again, the solution is to delay type resolution until the types are fully known to the compiler. So instead evaluating code inside makeCodec, we will defer the evaluation of makeCodec itself to the call-site of makeCodec down the line. When somewhere we actually make the call makeCodec[User], only then the compiler knows all the types involved and will be able to apply the inline matches that we used.

The upshot here is that we need to mark makeCodec as inline as well:

inline def makeCodec[A <: Product]( // 1
    using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Codec[A] = // 2

  val encoder = Encoder.instance[A]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val decoder =

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

This now compiles successfully.

The important lesson that we can learn here is that inline is somewhat viral. If you use inline somewhere deep in your code, you need to propagate it up the stack until the types involved are concrete enough for the compiler to be able to analyze them.

As you might recall though, once we are inline-land, compiling doesn’t necessarily mean that everything works correctly. Since the actual code to be executed is going to be fully known only at the call-site. That is, we must check that calling makeCodec with a concrete type works as well. Let’s use the makeCodec to make a JSON roundtrip like we did before:

scala> val codec = makeCodec[User]

       val json = codec(user)
       val decodedUser = codec.decodeJson(json)
val codec: Codec[User] = io.circe.Codec$$anon$4@da69e23
val json: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"
val decodedUser: Decoder.Result[User] = Right(

It works yet again!

The full code for this part can be found here.

We now have a generic function that creates a flat JSON format for any case class. This almost fully fulfills our original problem statement. We are only left with one last safety requirement. But before we move on to it, we’ll make a slight digression.

5. Modularity

Long ago when we were just at the introduction I convinced you to use type-level programming over macros because macros are more one-off solutions, whereas type-level programming leads to reusable techniques.

5.1. What Seems to Be the Problem Officer?

Having done our fair share of type-level programming by now, is this really true here?

If we take a look at one of our more advanced functions:

inline def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple]: Decoder[T] =
  inline erasedValue[Is[T]] match
    case _: Is[EmptyTuple] => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple)
    case _: Is[h *: t] =>
      val decoder = summonInline[Decoder[h]]

      combineDecoders(decoder, decodeTuple[t])

Is it really reusable and not a very custom solution to a specific problem?

My answer here would be no, it’s not reusable. We are solving a very specific problem, in a very non-modular way.

By non-modular I mean that we are mixing up two different concerns into a single function:

  • Iterating over tuples
  • Summoning givens for each tuple component

What if for some other problem we might want the iteration but not the summoning? What if summoning needs to happen in some other part of the code?

The way decodeTuple is currently written does not allow for such modifications. But we can do better.

One way to regain some modularity is to split things into functions and arguments. Instead of iterating a step then summoning one Decoder, we can pass in all the Decoders as a tuple and iterate over that. This way we fully separate summoning from iteration.

5.2. Match Types

A good approach though it may be, this creates a new problem, what type will the new function have?

So far we had:

def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple]: Decoder[T]

Which states that for any tuple type, we can produce a Decoder for that type. Now we want to turn the input into a tuple of Decoders. Here’s a first attempt:

def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple](decoders: T): Decoder[...]

We are stating that we receive a tuple input with all the Decoders that we will iterate on. This tuple would presumably have the shape (Decoder[A1], Decoder[A2], ..., Decoder[AN]). Which means that our type-signature is missing some information, as the actual input has more structure than just any random tuple19. Not only that, but it also makes it difficult to relate the input type with the output type. If all we have as input is T <: Tuple, what kind of Decoder should the result be20? We have no access to that hypothetical (A1, A2, ..., AN) tuple. Hence the missing type-parameter in the return type.

By now we should already be used to the idea that Scala 3 has a solution to any problem I throw at it in this post21. In this case we can express the input type more precisely with a builtin type called Tuple.Map.

We need a type that would allows us to relate a tuple (A1, A2, ..., AN) to the other tuple type (Decoder[A1], Decoder[A2], ..., Decoder[AN]). If we recall the analogy between tuples and lists, this is just as if we mapped the “function” Decoder over the “list” (A1, A2, ..., AN). The desired type then is:

Tuple.Map[(A1, A2, ..., AN), Decoder]

Tuple.Map is a special kind of type called a “match type”. It allows us to specify non-trivial relationships between types by writing them down as pattern and recursive calls. Tuple.Map is defined roughly as follows:

type Map[T <: Tuple, F[_]] <: Tuple = // 1
  T match // 2
    case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple // 3
    case h *: t => F[h] *: Map[t, F] // 4

We can read this as follows:

  • Given some tuple type T and a type-constructor F (1).
  • Match on the type T (2).
  • If it is the empty-tuple, the resulting type is the empty tuple as well.
  • If it is made out of a head h and a tail t then the result is a new tuple made out of F[h] and a recursive call on Map with the the tail of the tuple (4).

When we make a “call” to Map with a concrete tuple and type constructor, the compiler will perform this logic at compile-time and compute a new resulting type22. This is very similar to how you would implement with naive recursion. But it may be easier to follow with a concrete example.

Suppose that T = (String, Int, Double) and F = Decoder. What is then the type Map[(String, Int, Double), Decoder]? Recall that with the new tuple syntax we can write our type as Map[String *: Int *: Double *: EmptyTuple, Decoder]. Now we can reduce this step by step:

Map[String *: Int *: Double *: EmptyTuple, Decoder] =
// T is not empty, `h = String` and `t = Int *: Double *: EmptyTuple`
F[String] *: Map[Int *: Double *: EmptyTuple, Decoder] =
// T is not empty, `h = Int` and `t = Double *: EmptyTuple`
F[String] *: F[Int] *: Map[Double *: EmptyTuple, Decoder] =
// T is not empty, `h = Double` and `t = EmptyTuple`
F[String] *: F[Int] *: F[Double] *: Map[EmptyTuple, Decoder] =
// T is empty
F[String] *: F[Int] *: F[Double] *: EmptyTuple =
// With the regular syntax
(F[String], F[Int], F[Double])

Foof, that was exhausting, luckily the compiler is going to do it for us from now on. The Map match type neatly solves our problem, as it both precisely specifies the shape of our expected inputs and lets us easily define the output. Like so:

def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple](decoders: Map[T, Decoder]): Decoder[T]

This can be read as: given a tuple made up of some Decoders, such that the inner types form the tuple T, produce a single Decoder for T.

5.3. Tuple Iteration My Old Friend…

Now that we have a type-signature, we can implement it by inline matching on it. The implementation is similar to the previous version of decodeTuple except that now we no longer need to summon anything, we just iterate and take the current element of the tuple:

import Tuple.*

inline def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple](decoders: Map[T, Decoder]): Decoder[T] = // 1
  inline decoders match // 2
    case EmptyTuple => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 3
    case ds: (Decoder[h] *: Map[t, Decoder]) => // 4
      combineDecoders(ds.head, decodeTuple(ds.tail)) // 5

This should feel familiar by now:

  • Given a tuple of Decoders (1).
  • Inline match on the Decoders (2).
  • If the tuple is empty produce a constant Decoder with the empty tuple (3).
  • If it is not empty and has a head Decoder[h] and a tail Map[t, Decoder], where h and t are the head and tail of the T tuple (4).
  • Combine the Decoder[h] with the result of calling decodeTuple on the remaining t Decoders (5).

This of course doesn’t compile:

-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
3 |    case EmptyTuple => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 3
  |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^
  |       Found:    EmptyTuple.type
  |       Required: T
-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
5 |      combineDecoders(ds.head, decodeTuple(ds.tail)) // 5
  |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |      Found:    io.circe.Decoder[h *: t]
  |      Required: io.circe.Decoder[T]

This is the same kind of failure to unify types as we had before. In the first branch of the pattern-match the compiler should be able to see that T = EmptyTuple and that on the second it’s T = h *: t, but it fails to do so.

Unfortunately we will have to resort to type-hackery yet again. To this end we will create a small wrapper that will help us nudge the compiler towards unification:

import Tuple.*

case class IsDecoderMap[T <: Tuple](value: Map[T, Decoder])

This just wraps a Map value and exposes the T type-parameter to the outside. The idea is that once the type-parameter appears in a class, the compiler will be able to unify it. To use it, we wrap our Decoders tuple in IsDecoderMap and match on that instead:

inline def decodeTuple[T <: Tuple](decoders: Map[T, Decoder]): Decoder[T] =
  inline IsDecoderMap(decoders) match // 1
    case _: IsDecoderMap[EmptyTuple] => Decoder.const(EmptyTuple) // 2
    case ds: IsDecoderMap[h *: t] => // 3
      combineDecoders(ds.value.head, decodeTuple(ds.value.tail))

In (1) we wrap our tuple and match on it. In (2) we match the EmptyTuple case, which forces the compiler to acknowledge that T = EmptyTuple. And in (3) we match on the non-empty case forcing the compiler to deduce that T = h *: t.

Surprisingly, this compiles!

We can even try it out:

scala> val decoders = (Decoder[Email], Decoder[Phone], Decoder[Address])
       val decoder = decodeTuple[(Email, Phone, Address)](decoders)

val res10:
  Decoder.Result[(Email, Phone, Address)] = Right((

We construct our own tuple of Decoders and pass it on to decodeTuple. Unfortunately Scala’s type-inference is not smart enough to infer the correct Map type on its own, so we have to provide the type-argument to decodeTuple explicitly. But other than that, it works like a charm.

Now that we successfully separated summoning from iteration, how do we actually summon the Decoders we need?

5.4. I Summon Thee

Recall that when creating the flat Decoder for our case class we have an access to the class’s Mirror, and that the field types of the class are given by MirroredElemTypes. What we need now is to somehow summon a tuple of Decoders, where we have one Decoder for each element in MirroredElemTypes.

What type will that tuple have? This is exactly what Map is for. The type we are after is:

Map[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Decoder]

Now we could iterate over this type and summonInline each Decoder one by one23, but we don’t have to. The standard library already provides us with a solution:


Which is described as:

Given a tuple T, summons each of its member types and returns them in a Tuple.

So we can simply do this:

val decoders = summonAll[Map[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Decoder]]

This gives us both ingredients for the creation of a flat Decoder just like we did before:

inline def makeDecoder[A <: Product](
    using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Decoder[A] =

  val decoders = summonAll[Map[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Decoder]] // 1

  decodeTuple(decoders).map(mirror.fromTuple) // 2

We first summon all the Decoders for the class’s fields (1), then we combine them into a single flat Decoder (2).

5.5. Are We Reusable Yet?

This is much more modular than what we had before. Tuple.Map and summonAll are useful tools that we can use in many other contexts. But the function decodeTuple is not as reusable as it can be though.

We won’t be further improving the decodeTuple function, but I will leave you with a few of exercises in that direction.

  1. The encodeTuple function suffers from the same lack of modularity as the old decodeTuple. We can reimplement in a similar way. Try implementing the following signature24:
     inline def encodeTuple[T <: Tuple](encoders: Map[T, Encoder.AsObject]): Encoder.AsObject[T]

    You will need a couple of helper definitions:

     val emptyEncoder: Encoder.AsObject[EmptyTuple]
     def combineObjectEncoders[H, T <: Tuple](eh: Encoder.AsObject[H], et: Encoder.AsObject[T]): Encoder.AsObject[H *: T]
  2. decodeTuple is very similar in structure to the famous sequence function from functional programming25. Generalize decodeTuple and implement the following signature26:
     def sequenceTuple[T <: Tuple, F[_]: cats.Applicative](fs: Map[T, F]): F[T]
  3. Reimplement decodeTuple in terms of sequenceTuple. Can you think of other usages for sequenceTuple?
  4. The new implementation of encodeTuple is very similar to decodeTuple. Unfortunately sequenceTuple won’t work for it27. We can generalize sequenceTuple even further. Try implementing the following signature:
     def sequenceInvariantTuple[T <: Tuple, F[_]: cats.InvariantMonoidal](fs: Map[T, F]): F[T]
  5. Reimplement encodeTuple in terms of sequenceInvariantTuple.
  6. Reimplement sequenceTuple in terms of sequenceInvariantTuple.

If you solved the exercises, congratulations! You now have some very reusable functions on your hands.

The full code for this part can be found in the repo.

6. Safety First

Returning from our reusability distraction we are back to the flat JSON problem. We now have one last safety requirement to solve:

If the inlined classes have duplicate field names - fail to compile

Why is this a safety issue? Imagine that you have the following alternative model:

case class User2(email: Email2, phone: Phone2, address: Address2)

case class Email2(primary: String, secondary: Option[String],
                  lastUpdate: Long, verified: Boolean)

case class Phone2(number: String, prefix: Int, verified: Boolean)

case class Address2(country: String, city: String, lastUpdate: Date)

case class Date(value: Long)

object Email2:
  given Codec.AsObject[Email2] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Email2]

object Phone2:
  given Codec.AsObject[Phone2] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Phone2]

object Address2:
  given Codec.AsObject[Address2] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Address2]

object Date:
  given Codec.AsObject[Date] = semiauto.deriveCodec[Date]

What will happen if we create a flat JSON format for User2? Here’s what:

scala> val user2 = User2(
         Email2(primary = "", secondary = Some(""),
                lastUpdate = 21, verified = true),
         Phone2(number = "555-555-00", prefix = 88, verified = false),
         Address2(country = "Shire", city = "Hobbiton", lastUpdate = Date(55)))
       val codec = makeCodec[User2]
       val json2 = codec(user2)
val json2: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "lastUpdate" : {
    "value" : 55
  "verified" : false,
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"

Note how we have two different lastUpdate fields and two different values (21 and 55), but the final JSON has only a single value (55). The same goes for the duplicated verified field. So we silently lost information.

What’s worse is if we try to read this JSON back we get:

scala> codec.decodeJson(json2)
val res14: Decoder.Result[User2] = Left(DecodingFailure at .lastUpdate: Long)

The read fails, because we try to read the first lastUpdate field from the Email2 class, which should be a Long. But the value that was actually written comes from Address2 and has the incompatible type Date. As ar result we get a runtime failure that no one warned us about. The verified field will be read successfully, but it will contain the wrong information in one of the locations.

Not safe, not safe at all…

Let us implement the last safety requirement, that will prevent these errors at compile-time.

6.1. So Many Mirrors

Content warning: this is by far the most incomprehensible part of this post as well as the most speculative. I hope we make it out okay…

Before we can check for duplicate fields we need to somehow get a list of all the fields we are going to write. The Mirrors for our types can provide us with this. Let us summon all the relevant Mirrors:

scala> val emailMirror = summon[Mirror.Of[Email]]
       val phoneMirror = summon[Mirror.Of[Phone]]
       val addressMirror = summon[Mirror.Of[Address]]
val emailMirror:
    type MirroredMonoType = Email;
    type MirroredType = Email;
    type MirroredLabel = "Email";
    type MirroredElemTypes = (String, Option[String]);
    type MirroredElemLabels = ("primary", "secondary")
  } = Email$@17504660
val phoneMirror:
    type MirroredMonoType = Phone;
    type MirroredType = Phone;
    type MirroredLabel = "Phone";
    type MirroredElemTypes = (String, Int);
    type MirroredElemLabels = ("number", "prefix")
  } = Phone$@699053cb
val addressMirror:
    type MirroredMonoType = Address;
    type MirroredType = Address;
    type MirroredLabel = "Address";
    type MirroredElemTypes = (String, String);
    type MirroredElemLabels = ("country", "city")
  } = Address$@263df135

The inner type MirroredElemLabels contains the field names as a type. These are string literal types. The same goes for the name of the type, contained in the MirroredLabel type.

It is important to notice here that we are dealing with types that are refined for each particular case. That is, the MirroredElemLabels type is abstract in Mirror and only becomes fully defined once we summon the specific given instance for the class. It now becomes paramount that we never lose any type information while performing the different compile-time manipulations. This will be the main source of complications in the code that follows.

For an informative error message we will need access to both the field names and the type name, this way we could help the user find both the name and the source of the duplicate fields. Recall that having informative error messages was one of our original requirements. To this end we will need to aggregate both the MirroredLabel and MirroredElemLabels. Let’s define a helper wrapper:

trait Labelling[Label <: String, ElemLabels <: Tuple]

The idea is that we will extract the MirroredLabel28 and MirroredElemLabels from each Mirror instance and place them as type arguments to Labelling29. Our aim is to build up the following tuple type30:

Labelling[emailMirror.MirroredLabel, emailMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:
  Labelling[phoneMirror.MirroredLabel, phoneMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:
  Labelling[addressMirror.MirroredLabel, addressMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:

Which after de-aliasing is equivalent to:

Labelling["Email", ("primary", "secondary")] *:
Labelling["Phone", ("number", "prefix")] *:
Labelling["Address", ("country", "city")] *:

Once we manage to compute this type, we’ll be able to process it, check for duplicate field names, and issue the appropriate error if need be.

This leaves us with a bit of a problem.

6.2. From Values to Types

Mirrors are values but the result we require is a type. So far we only computed values from types (using inline). How do we move from the other way around?

Inspired by the approach in this outdated design document, we will define the following helper:

class Typed[A]:
  type Value = A

Instances of Typed will be values that capture some type as their type argument. For example the previous example can be “computed” into a Typed value as follows:

val typedResult = Typed[
  Labelling[emailMirror.MirroredLabel, emailMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:
  Labelling[phoneMirror.MirroredLabel, phoneMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:
  Labelling[addressMirror.MirroredLabel, addressMirror.MirroredElemLabels] *:

typedResult is a value that can be computed from other values and returned from functions. Along the way it captures a type argument that contains the Labelling information that we need. Once computed, we’ll be able to use the type member Value to extract this type and use it for further error validation. The challenge now is how do we compute the appropriate Typed value without losing type information.

We can sketch our solution in pseudocode:

  • Given a tuple of types.
  • For each type in the tuple, summon the Mirror value for the type.
  • Convert the Mirror instance into a Labelling type wrapped in a Typed value.
  • Combine the Typed values by merging their type-parameters into a single tuple.

See how we have to jump back and forth between values and types? This is part of our challenge.

You might also ask about modularity, once again we are mixing iteration with summoning. In this case we have no choice, as far as I know there is no way to use summonAll (or some custom summoning function) here without losing the precise type-information that exists in each Mirror instance31. Remember that retaining type-precision is key.

Now that we know what we are trying to do, let’s make the first step by defining a type signature:

inline def makeLabellings[T <: Tuple]: Typed[_ <: Tuple]

This says that given some types in form of a Tuple, compute a Typed value that contains some Tuple in it as a type argument. This is a very vague type-signature, can we be any more precise about the return type?

We could make a small advancement by coming up with something similar to Tuple.Map that would state that all tuple elements are of type Labelling[_, _]. But that won’t significantly improve things, and will just add complexity to the definitions we use. The real info resides in those string literal types that are computed on the fly for each class, this info can only be found in the given values we are conjuring. Since the relevant types reside inside values, there is no way (known to me32) to define a type that captures the relation between the type T and the output Labelled types.

We’ll roll with this signature and try an initial implementation:

inline def makeLabellings[T <: Tuple]: Typed[_ <: Tuple] =
  inline erasedValue[T] match // 1
    case EmptyTuple => Typed[EmptyTuple] // 2
    case _: (h *: t) => // 3
      val headMirror = summonInline[Mirror.ProductOf[h]] // 4
      type headLabelling = // 5
        Labelling[headMirror.MirroredLabel, headMirror.MirroredElemLabels]

      val tailLabellings = makeLabellings[t] // 6

      Typed[headLabelling *: tailLabellings.Value] // 7

Breaking this down:

  • We match on the T type (1), since we only have a type and not a value, we use erasedValue again.
  • In the empty case (2) we produce a Typed value wrapping the EmptyTuple type.
  • In the non-empty case (3), we summon the Mirror for the head of the tuple h (4).
  • We then create a new type (5) with the Labelling from the head Mirror value, extracting the MirroredLabel and MirroredElemLabels from it.
  • Recursively compute the labellings for the tail t of the tuple (6).
  • Now we create a new Typed value (7) joining the head Labelling type with the tail’s Labellings type.

Quite surprisingly for us, this compiles on the first go. Now we can try it out:

scala> makeLabellings[(Email, Phone, Address)]
val res24: Typed[? <: Tuple] = Typed@111494bc

This compiles too, strange and suspicious… Of course, if we take a closer look at the result we can see that the resulting type is quite useless. All we get back in return is Typed[? <: Tuple], which means that we have no details on the Mirrors we captured. Hmm…

Thinking about it, this is not a surprising outcome. The static return type of makeLabellings is Typed[_ <: Tuple], that means that on every recursive step we lose the precise type information we gleaned, and return back an anonymous Tuple value. We’re stuck, we cannot assign a precise enough static type to makeLabellings, but without precise types we cannot implement our safety requirement.

In an unsurprising turn of events, Scala 3 has a solution for this as well: transparent inlines. From the documentation:

Inline methods can additionally be declared transparent. This means that the return type of the inline method can be specialized to a more precise type upon expansion.

Let’s see a simple example of what transparent does:

scala> transparent inline def stuff: Tuple = (1, "b", true)
       val tuple = stuff
def stuff: Tuple
val tuple: (Int, String, Boolean) = (1,b,true)

Notice that despite the static type of stuff being declared as Tuple, when we actually call stuff and assign it to a value tuple, the compiler shows us a more precise type than the one we declared: (Int, String, Boolean). When the compiler inlines the code, it sees the more precise type than the declared one, and assigns this specialized type to the resulting value. As long as the type is visible during inlining (at compile-time), the compiler will preserve it.

Now we can mark makeLabellings as transparent, and so preserve the precise static type we get on every recursive call:

transparent inline def makeLabellings[T <: Tuple]: Typed[_ <: Tuple] =
  inline erasedValue[T] match
    case EmptyTuple => Typed[EmptyTuple]
    case _: (h *: t) =>
      val headMirror = summonInline[Mirror.ProductOf[h]]
      type headLabelling =
        Labelling[headMirror.MirroredLabel, headMirror.MirroredElemLabels]

      val tailLabellings = makeLabellings[t]

      Typed[headLabelling *: tailLabellings.Value]

This still compiles, let’s try it out:

scala> makeLabellings[(Email, Phone, Address)]
val res25:
  Typed[? >: Nothing *: Nothing <: Labelling[? <: String, ? <: Tuple] *: Tuple] = Typed@265627ac

This… is strange… We definitely got a more precise type than what we had before. Ignoring the noise, we have:

Labeling[_, _] *: Tuple

Definitely better than just Tuple, transparent seems to be somewhat working, but still not too useful for our purposes.

To be honest, I have no idea why our code didn’t work as expected. It’s time for more hackery then.

Trying to “debug” what happened here, it seems that we didn’t manage to preserve the precise type of the Labellings we got from the tail, hence the Tuple part of the return type. Nor are we preserving the type of the Labellings of the head, that’s the Labelling[_, _] we got.

The general intuition that I have from this is that we need to force the compiler to somehow be more precise. What follows is the code I ended up with after a lot of trial and error. I don’t have any good way to explain why this code works, as I suspect that a lot of it is just workarounds around issues in the typer code for transparent inlines33.

transparent inline def makeLabellings[T <: Tuple]: Typed[_ <: Tuple] =
  inline erasedValue[T] match
    case EmptyTuple => Typed[EmptyTuple]
    case _: (h *: t) =>
      inline makeLabellings[t] match // 1
        case tailLabellings =>
          inline summonInline[Mirror.Of[h]] match // 2
            case headMirror =>
              type HeadLabelling = Labelling[headMirror.MirroredLabel, headMirror.MirroredElemLabels]

              Typed[Prepend[HeadLabelling, tailLabellings.Value]] // 3

type Prepend[X, +Y <: Tuple] <: Tuple = X match
  case X => X *: Y

A brief explanation of this rewrite:

  • At (1) instead of assigning to makeLabellings on the tail directly to a val we inline match on it, this seems to force the compiler to keep the precise type of the expression34, while assigning to a val loses type information.
  • At (2) we do the same thing for the Mirror that we summon for the head.
  • For no obvious reason the order of these matches matters, if we swap them type precision is lost again.
  • At (3) we build up the final result but instead of using *: to build the tuple we use Prepend which is basically an alias for *: defined as (a trivial) match type. For some reason using *: loses type precision35.

The whole thing is very fragile36, seemingly benign code modifications break it in different and surprising ways37. For these kinds of computations (i.e., computing types from values) the Scala 2 style “Prolog with implicits” is actually more robust, and works without any surprises38. This area of novelties in Scala 3 is far from being mature. Let’s hope that it improves over time.

Be that as it may, it works!

scala> makeLabellings[(Email, Phone, Address)]
val res0:
   (Labelling["Email", ("primary", "secondary")],
    Labelling["Phone", ("number", "prefix")],
    Labelling["Address", ("country", "city")])] = Typed@40edc64e

Look at this beautiful, precise type! It contains all the type information we need, both to check for duplicate fields, and to issue an informative error.

We can get this information directly from the mirror that we were using:

scala> val mirror = summon[Mirror.Of[User]]
val res5:
    Labelling["Email2", ("primary", "secondary")],
    Labelling["Phone2", ("number", "prefix")],
    Labelling["Address2", ("country", "city")])] = Typed@47927528

The full code for this part can be found in the repo.

Now we’re ready for the real fun.

6.3. Type-Level Programming for Real

Up until now all our type-level manipulations involved a certain value-level component. There was always some inline def lurking around. Now that we have our labelling as a pure type, we are going to do some hardcore type-level manipulation over it. Using pure types and nothing else. This is Scala 3’s type-level support at its shining best.

The agenda is as follows:

  • Given a full list of Labellings for our target type (e.g., the fields of User).
  • Compute a list of field names that overlap.
  • If the list is non-empty, issue a compilation error.

This problem is in a sense easier than the problem of extracting type information from Mirrors. We are computing one type from another. So we don’t need the Typed trick from before, we can work directly with the types. And the key ingredient for such manipulations are going to be the match types that we’ve met before39.

Due to the pattern-matching abilities and the recursive reductions that match types can perform, they basically form a language for working with types. A very primitive language, with poor compilation errors, almost no IDE support, with Tuples instead of lists, and very little structure beyond that. Kinda like Scala in the early days… Nonetheless, this language is quite expressive, as we shall see.

The specific algorithm that I’m going to use to compute the duplicates list is not that interesting. What is important is that it’s expressible with pure types.

The algorithm goes like this:

  • Given a lists of labellings, for every labelling:
  • Pair the label with its source (the class it came from), to obtain a list of pairs.
  • Group the sources by their labels.
  • Filter all the labels that have more than one source.
  • The remaining labels are duplicates.

The code we’ll be writing has a straightforward value-level equivalent, which you can find here40. Feel free to take a look if you want a more precise idea of the algorithm we ae implementing.

6.4. Finding Duplicates

First we’ll need a way to pair each field label with its source (the class it came from). Whenever you need some non-trivial type transformation, you can define or use a match type:

type ZipWithSource[L] <: Tuple = L match // 1
  case Labelling[label, elemLabels] => // 2
    ZipWithConst[elemLabels, label] // 3

type ZipWithConst[T <: Tuple, A] =
  T Map ([t] =>> (t, A)) // 4

Here we:

  • Define ZipWithSource (1) which takes an argument Labelling. The type bound indicates that the result is going to be some Tuple.
  • Match on the Labelling (2) so that we deconstruct it into the class label (label) and the field labels (elemLabels).
  • Invoke the ZipWithConst type “function” (3) on the labels.
  • ZipWithConst is just an alias (4) to an invocation of Map that we’ve seen before, which is the Tuple equivalent of Notice that we’re using an infix application of Map, which gives it a nice “collections” vibe.
  • ZipWithConst takes a tuple and a fixed type A as an argument.
  • The “function” that we apply to each element of the tuple is a type-lambda, denoted by =>>. Type-lambdas are the equivalent of anonymous functions at the type-level. In this case it takes each element in the original tuple and pairs it with A.

Let’s “run” ZipWithSource:

scala> type L = Labelling["Email2", ("primary", "secondary", "lastUpdate", "verified")]
       type Res = ZipWithSource[L]
// defined alias type Res
   = (("primary", "Email2"),
      ("secondary", "Email2"),
      ("lastUpdate", "Email2"),
      ("verified", "Email2"))

We are applying ZipWithSource to a specific Labelling and we get back Tuple of pairs, where each element is a field name and its class source.

Now we can take a tuple of Labellings and apply ZipWithSource to all of them:

type ZipAllWithSource[Labellings <: Tuple] = Labellings FlatMap ZipWithSource

This takes a tuple of Labellings and applies ZipWithSource to each one of them, then flattens the result. FlatMap, which is used in infix form here, is the tuple equivalent of List.flatMap and does exactly what you imagine it to do:

scala> type Labellings = (
           Labelling["Email2", ("primary", "secondary", "lastUpdate", "verified")],
           Labelling["Phone2", ("number", "prefix", "verified")],
           Labelling["Address2", ("country", "city", "lastUpdate")])

       type Res = ZipAllWithSource[Labellings]
// defined alias type Res
   = (("primary", "Email2"), ("secondary", "Email2"), ("lastUpdate", "Email2"),
      ("verified", "Email2"), ("number", "Phone2"), ("prefix", "Phone2"),
      ("verified", "Phone2"), ("country", "Address2"), ("city", "Address2"),
      ("lastUpdate", "Address2"))

That’s quite nice, it feels like we’re programming in a real language, no more weird implicit resolution tricks like in the days of Scala 2.

Now we have a long tuple with pairs. Each pair is a field name along with the class it came from. Notice that these are all types. Despite appearances, there are no values here, just string type-literals.

Before we can proceed we will need some utility functions:

import scala.compiletime.ops.boolean.* // 1
import scala.compiletime.ops.any.*

type FindLabel[Label, T <: Tuple] = // 2
  T Filter ([ls] =>> HasLabel[Label, ls]) Map Second // 3

type RemoveLabel[Label, T <: Tuple] = // 4
  T Filter ([ls] =>> ![HasLabel[Label, ls]]) // 5

type HasLabel[Label, LS] <: Boolean = LS match // 6
  case (l, s) => Label == l // 7

type Second[T] = T match // 8
  case (a, b) => b
  • First some important imports (1), the scala.compiletime package has some very useful utilities that let us manipulate types as if they are regular values. In this case we import operations on booleans and on any, which we need for equality checks.
  • The FindLabel type “function” (2) takes a label and a tuple.
  • It then uses the Filter “function” (3), the equivalent of List.filter, to keep only those elements that have the input Label. This again uses type-lambdas as the equivalent of anonymous functions. Since the result is a tuple of pairs, we Map the Second function to extract only the second element of a pair, in this case the source of the label.
  • Similarly, RemoveLabel (4) filters away (5) all the pairs that do not have the provided label, notice the type ! (it comes from compiletime.ops.boolean) we apply to the boolean type-literal.
  • The HasLabel type definition (6) takes in a label and a pair of a label with a source.
  • It deconstructs the pair (7) and extracts the label, it then uses == to compare the extracted label with the provided Label argument. This == is type comparison that comes from the compiletime.ops.any package. It lets us check whether two type literals are equal and produces a type-level boolean. In our case we are comparing string type-literals.
  • The Second match type (8) extracts the second element of a pair by matching on it.

Feels like we’re working with regular value-level collections. Lets try this out:

scala> type Labels =(("primary", "Email2"), ("secondary", "Email2"), ("lastUpdate", "Email2"),
                     ("verified", "Email2"), ("number", "Phone2"), ("prefix", "Phone2"),
                     ("verified", "Phone2"), ("country", "Address2"), ("city", "Address2"),
                     ("lastUpdate", "Address2"))

       type Res1 = FindLabel["verified", Labels]
       type Res2 = RemoveLabel["verified", Labels]
// defined alias type Res1
   = ("Email2", "Phone2")
// defined alias type Res2
   = (("primary", "Email2"), ("secondary", "Email2"), ("lastUpdate", "Email2"),
      ("number", "Phone2"), ("prefix", "Phone2"), ("country", "Address2"),
      ("city", "Address2"), ("lastUpdate", "Address2"))

In the first invocation we find all the sources for the verified label. In the second we remove all the tuples that contain the label verified41.

Next we move on to the core of the functionality, grouping by labels. This is similar in spirit of List.groupBy, but is constrained by the fact that we are working with string literal types. So we are very limited in what we can do with them, in this case, we can only compare them for equality42. Here goes:

type GroupByLabels[Labels <: Tuple] <: Tuple = Labels match
  case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
  case (label, source) *: t => // 1
    ((label, source *: FindLabel[label, t])) *: GroupByLabels[RemoveLabel[label, t]] // 2

Here in the non-empty branch (1) we match on a pair of label and its source. We then create a new pair (2) with that label, its current source, as well as all of the sources for that label in the tail (using FindLabel). And then we remove that label from the tail (with RemoveLabel), and proceed grouping recursively on what’s left.

And testing this out:

scala> type Res = GroupByLabels[Labels]
// defined alias type Res
   = (("primary", "Email2" *: EmptyTuple),
      ("secondary", "Email2" *: EmptyTuple),
      ("lastUpdate", ("Email2", "Address2")),
      ("verified", ("Email2", "Phone2")),
      ("number", "Phone2" *: EmptyTuple),
      ("prefix", "Phone2" *: EmptyTuple),
      ("country", "Address2" *: EmptyTuple),
      ("city", "Address2" *: EmptyTuple))

The result is that now we have pairs, where the first element is a label, and the second is a tuple of its sources. Most of the labels have only one source, but some of them have two. These are our unsafe field names. We’re getting close…

import* // 1

type OnlyDuplicates[Labels <: Tuple] = Labels Filter ([t] =>> Size[Second[t]] > 1) // 2

type FindDuplicates[Labellings <: Tuple] =
  OnlyDuplicates[GroupByLabels[ZipAllWithSource[Labellings]]] // 3

type Size[T] <: Int = T match // 4
  case EmptyTuple => 0 // 5
  case x *: xs => 1 + Size[xs] // 6

In here:

  • We import some more compiletime.ops utilities (1), this time for working with type-level integer literals. This allows us to compare integers at the type-level.
  • OnlyDuplicates (2) takes the result of GroupLabels and filters away only those pairs where the tuple of sources is larger than 1. These are our problematic fields.
  • Note the > which now operates at the type-level, and gives us a nice value-level vibe.
  • FindDuplicates (3) brings everything together. Taking a tuple of Labellings, it sends them via ZipWithSource, then GroupByLabel, and lastly leaves only the duplicates with OnlyDuplicates.
  • There’s small wrinkle with the Size type (4). Although there already exists Tuple.Size, we must define one on our own. The reason is that Tuple.Size constraints the input to be a subtype of Tuple, which makes sense. But we call Size inside a Filter invocation. Unfortunately, the types are not precise enough for Filter to “know” that the inputs for Size are actually tuples.
  • As a result, our own definition is more loosely typed, it takes any input, and then matches on it assuming it’s a tuple.
  • In the empty case (5) the result is a type-level 0.
  • In the non-empty case we recurse on the tail and + 1 the result. Again, everything happens at the type-level.
  • Notice how nicely this mirrors the value-level definition of size for tuples we had a while back. It’s actually very common for type-level functions to mirror value-level ones.

And that’s it, we can now find duplicate fields from a bunch of Labellings43:

scala> type Res = FindDuplicates[Labellings]
// defined alias type Res
   = (("lastUpdate", ("Email2", "Address2")),
      ("verified", ("Email2", "Phone2")))

Great success! We found the duplicate fields, along with the class names they came from. With this info, that we managed to obtain at compile-time, we can proceed to generate a compilation error.

The full code for FindDuplicates can be found in the repo.

6.5. Type-Level Observations

Before we proceed, let’s review what we had did here. Here’s the full code for finding the duplicates:

type FindDuplicates[Labellings <: Tuple] = OnlyDuplicates[GroupByLabels[ZipAllWithSource[Labellings]]]

type ZipAllWithSource[Labellings <: Tuple] = Labellings FlatMap ZipWithSource

type GroupByLabels[Labels <: Tuple] <: Tuple = Labels match
  case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
  case (label, source) *: t =>
    ((label, source *: FindLabel[label, t])) *: GroupByLabels[RemoveLabel[label, t]]

type OnlyDuplicates[Labels <: Tuple] =
  Labels Filter ([t] =>> Size[Second[t]] > 1)

type FindLabel[Label, T <: Tuple] =
  T Filter ([ls] =>> HasLabel[Label, ls]) Map Second

type RemoveLabel[Label, T <: Tuple] =
  T Filter ([ls] =>> ![HasLabel[Label, ls]])

type HasLabel[Label, LS] <: Boolean = LS match
  case (l, s) => Label == l

type ZipWithSource[L] <: Tuple = L match
  case Labelling[label, elemLabels] => ZipWithConst[elemLabels, label]

type ZipWithConst[T <: Tuple, A] = Map[T, [t] =>> (t, A)]

type Second[T] = T match
  case (a, b) => b

type Size[T] <: Int = T match
  case EmptyTuple => 0
  case x *: xs => 1 + Size[xs]

Some observations about this code:

  • This almost looks like we’re writing in a real, functional, language!
  • Especially with the high-level functions like Map, FlatMap, and Filter. The infix syntax gives it extra familiarity.
  • Having the ability to define anonymous functions with =>> is a very nice touch. How’s that for a reusable tool?
  • The type-level code mimics value-level code very well. If you were to start from some regular value-level code, translating to a type-level equivalent is fairly straightforward44.
  • Compared to the ad-hoc Prolog feel that we had in similar situations in the past in Scala 2 with implicits, this is a great improvement45.
  • Having said that, the language we are writing in is both quite primitive and the resulting code is very “loosely typed”, heavily relying on and abusing nested tuples. Kind of what a student might write for an assignment in Lisp.
  • If we go back to the analogy between tuples and lists, it’s as if all the code we are writing is using List[Any] and pattern matching to check the runtime types.
  • Take a look at the “signature” of FindDuplicates, it states that it works for any subtype of Tuple, and only later on pattern-matches the structure to verify it has the right shape. And as an added insult, nothing checks for pattern exhaustivity for us. If we miss a relevant pattern, we are on our own.
  • Of course in our case if we “mess up the types” the error will be reported at compile-time. But, it’s likely to happen on the “client side” of the code, like we had with inlines above. By analogy, the “client side” of this code, is the “runtime” for type-level computations. So the errors will be reported later than desired.
  • This can be very disruptive, especially during development. You get compilation errors about “match type reduction failed” in one place, but the actual error is happening somewhere else, and you need to dig in the error trace to figure out where it came from. Kind of like debugging runtime stacktraces.
  • One can say that at the type-level Scala is “dynamically typed”…
  • To mitigate this we could add some more structure to our types, like the Labelling trait. But without further utilities to make use of these types, we won’t gain much, and ergonomics will suffer.
  • E.g., we need some utilities to define the type of a tuple full of Labellings (the equivalent of List[Labelling]), or a tuple of string literals (the equivalent of List[String]). And then we would have to adapt library functions like Tuple.Map to cooperate and preserve that detailed type information.
  • There’s a lot of room for a “standard library” for type-level programming, beyond the types in Tuple.* and compiletime.ops46.

Cool, let’s turn this into an actual compile-time error.

6.6. The error Function

So now we have a type-level function that can do the heavy lifting and actually find the duplicate fields among all the Labellings. How do we tie this to an actual compilation error?

This is the cue for:


Described as:

The error method is used to produce user-defined compile errors during inline expansion. If an inline expansion results in a call error(msgStr) the compiler produces an error message containing the given msgStr.

If we try this in the REPL, we can trigger a custom error message:

scala> import scala.compiletime.error

       error("my error!")
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 |error("my error!")
  |my error!
1 error found

This is our way to plug-in custom compile-time errors and gain some usability points. We just need to turn the FindDuplicates type back into a value…

It’s actually not that complicated to turn types full of literals back into a value. The constValueTuple function lets us do just that:

scala> import scala.compiletime.constValueTuple

       type Stuff = ("a", "b", "c")
       val tupleValue = constValueTuple[Stuff]
// defined alias type Stuff = ("a", "b", "c")
val tupleValue: Stuff = (a,b,c)

constValueTuple iterates over the tuple and calls constValue on each element. If the element is a literal, it is turned into the corresponding value.

Now we started from a type Stuff with some string type-literals, and ended up with a value tupleValue that contains actual string values.

We can try to experiment with the error function: form a string from tupleValue and pass it to error:

scala> import scala.compiletime.error
       val listValue: List[String] = tupleValue.toList

       error("The error" + listValue.mkString(","))
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5 |error("The error" + listValue.mkString(","))
  |A literal string is expected as an argument to `compiletime.error`. Got "The error".+(listValue.mkString(","))
1 error found

This does not work, apparently error can only work with literal strings, while the string we use here is the result of a call to mkString. This actually makes sense, if we want this to be a compile-time error we need the code under error to be evaluated at compile-time. Unless we resort to macros, we can’t just evaluate arbitrary code at compile-time.

Digging some more, error does support something beyond string literals, we can also use the + and it will be evaluated at compile-time:

scala> import scala.compiletime.error

       error("error1" + " error2")
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 |error("error1" + " error2")
  |error1 error2
1 error found

Which is better than nothing, but if we can’t do any complex manipulations on our data, it seems like the error function is too limited for our purposes. Or is it?..

Recall that when we wrote code with inlines the resulting code got recursively evaluated at compile-time. In theory, we could make a recursive function that would take our complex data and recursively convert it to string literals a bunch of + calls.

This could definitely work47, but it’s going to be very low-level string manipulation, as we won’t have any access to the standard string utility functions. This sounds tedious, working at the value-level does not buy us much. But we do have an alternative though.

6.7. Building Up a Compile-Time String

Seeing how all the information is already encoded as a type, and seeing how powerful the type “language” that we have available to us in the form of match types. We can do the string building directly at compile-time. Then, when the final string is ready, call constValue on that final result type.

This approach is still a bit low-level, as there aren’t that many compile-time operations on strings available in the standard library. But we do have some higher-level functions like Tuple.Fold that we can apply at the type-level to simplify things.

To follow along the type-level code, you can find the equivalent value-level code here.

Lets warm up with the type-level equivalent of List.mkString48:

import scala.compiletime.ops.string.*

type MkString[T <: Tuple] = // 1
  Fold[Init[T], Last[T], [a, b] =>> a ++ ", " ++ b] // 2

type ++[A, B] <: String = (A, B) match // 3
  case (a, b) => a + b

This time:

  • We define MkString (1) to work for any tuple.
  • We then Fold over that tuple (2), using the Last of the tuple as the initial accumulator and the Init (all elements but the last) as the thing we actually iterate on. We join elements of the tuple into a single string separated by a comma.
  • To join the strings we can’t directly use compiletime.ops.string.+ because it expects its arguments to be strings. But the Fold we are using does not have that information available at compile-time.
  • Instead we defined ++ (3) which is an “untyped” version of +, which “casts” them into strings and then applies + to them49.

This works just like List.mkString:

scala> type Strings = ("a", "b", "c")
       type Result = MkString[Strings]
// defined alias type Result
   = "a, b, c"

Result is a single type-level string literal which combines all the strings in the Strings tuple.

Using MkString we can render a single group of a label and its sources50:

type RenderLabelWithSources[LabelWithSources] <: String = LabelWithSources match
  case (label, sources) => "- [" ++ label ++ "] from [" ++ MkString[sources] ++ "]"

Given a pair of a label and its sources, we create a single string with the label, and an MkString of the sources. Like so:

scala> type Label = ("lastUpdate", ("Email2", "Address2"))
       type Result  = RenderLabelWithSources[Label]
// defined alias type Result
   = "- [lastUpdate] from [Email2, Address2]"

We are starting to compute bits that look like an actual error message. This states that the lastUpdate field was found in both Email2 and Address2. Although one could really use some string-interpolation support here. It really does feel like Scala back in the day

With Tuple.Map we can apply this logic to a tuple of labels with sources:

type RenderLabelsWithSources[LabelsWithSources <: Tuple] =
  LabelsWithSources Map RenderLabelWithSource

And use it like so:

scala> type Labels =
         (("lastUpdate", ("Email2", "Address2")),
          ("verified", ("Email2", "Phone2")))

       type Result = RenderLabelsWithSources[Labels]
// defined alias type Result
   = ("- [lastUpdate] from [Email2, Address2]",
      "- [verified] from [Email2, Phone2]")

Getting warm… The last step is to combine this tuple into a single string:

type RenderError[LabelsWithSources <: Tuple] =
  "Duplicate fields found:\n" ++
    Fold[RenderLabelsWithSources[LabelsWithSources], "", [a, b] =>> a ++ "\n" ++ b]

Here we take a tuple of labels with their sources, render them, then fold over them to combine them into a single string separated by newlines. We prepend a fixed string to it with a description of the error.

This creates the final error message:

scala>  type Labels =
                (("lastUpdate", ("Email2", "Address2")),
                 ("verified", ("Email2", "Phone2")))
        type Result = RenderError[Labels]
// defined alias type Result
    "Duplicate fields found:
     - [lastUpdate] from [Email2, Address2]
     - [verified] from [Email2, Phone2]

Woohoo! We managed to create a highly informative and user-friendly error message from the raw data of the duplicate fields.

Last step is to patch it up into the error function:

inline def renderDuplicatesError[Labellings <: Tuple]: Unit = // 1
  type Duplicates = FindDuplicates[Labellings] // 2

  inline erasedValue[Duplicates] match // 3
    case _: EmptyTuple => () // 4
    case _: (h *: t) => error(constValue[RenderError[h *: t]]) // 5

inline def checkDuplicateFields[A](using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Unit = // 6
  inline makeLabellings[mirror.MirroredElemTypes] match // 7
    case labels => renderDuplicatesError[labels.Value] //8

In this final snippet:

  • Given a tuple of labellings (1).
  • We apply FindDuplicates to it (2) and assign the result to a new type Duplicates.
  • Since Duplicates is only a type and not a value, we use erasedValue to match on it (3) as if it’s a value.
  • If Duplicates is empty (4), there’s nothing for us to do and we return without any fuss.
  • If it is not empty (5), we take the resulting tuple51 and apply RenderError to it. The result is a type-level string literal which we can pass to constValue to turn it into a string value. Since the result of constValue is a literal string, we can safely pass it to the error function.
  • To apply this logic to an actual class, we define one last function checkDuplicateFields (6), which takes a type and its Mirror.
  • The field types of the class are then passed to makeLabellings (7) to create a tuple with all the labels of the fields of A.
  • Once again we fear losing type precision, for this reason we cannot assign the result of makeLabellings to a val as it makes the compiler completely forget the precise types we obtain from makeLabellings. Instead we use the inline matching hack on the result to preserve its type.
  • At last, we extract the type of the labellings (8) and pass it on to renderDuplicatesError.

That’s it. Will it work though?..

scala> checkDuplicateFields[User]

scala> checkDuplicateFields[User2]
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 |checkDuplicateFields[User2]
  |Duplicate fields found:
  |- [lastUpdate] from [Email2, Address2]
  |- [verified] from [Email2, Phone2]
1 error found

Will you look at this beautiful compilation error! I don’t think I was ever so happy about code failing to compile.

checkDuplicateFields compiles fine on User, as it doesn’t have any duplicates, but errors out with a detailed and informative error message when compiling User2.

The full code for this part can be found in the accompanying repo.

This concludes the last safety requirement.

6.8. All Together For the Last Time

Finally, we can put together all the different parts, to fully solve the flat JSON problem.

inline def makeCodec[A <: Product](
    using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Codec[A] =


  val encoder = Encoder.instance[A]: value =>
    val fields = Tuple.fromProductTyped(value)
    val jsons = tupleToJson(fields)


  val decoders = summonAll[Map[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Decoder]]
  val decoder = decodeTuple(decoders).map(mirror.fromTuple)

  Codec.from(decoder, encoder)

This is the same code for makeCodec that we had before, but before actually creating the Codec we make a call to checkDuplicateFields. If the check passed we’ll continue as per usual, otherwise we’ll abort compilation.

scala> val codec = makeCodec[User]
       val json = codec(user)
       val fromJson = codec.decodeJson(json)
val codec: Codec[User] = io.circe.Codec$$anon$4@6ff185a3
val json: Json = {
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "number" : "555-555-00",
  "prefix" : 88,
  "country" : "Shire",
  "city" : "Hobbiton"
val fromJson: Decoder.Result[User] =

This works just like it did before. But when trying to create a Codec for User2:

scala> val codec = makeCodec[User2]
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 |val codec = makeCodec[User2]
  |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |            Duplicate fields found:
  |            - [lastUpdate] from [Email2, Address2]
  |            - [verified] from [Email2, Phone2]
1 error found

We get a delightful compilation error informing us that it is not safe to create the Codec for User2. Which fulfills the criteria we set from the start to have readable and informative compilation errors.

Runtime crisis averted!

7. Final Words

This was a long journey. We started from “simple” type-level programming with tuples and inline, and we ended up with a full-blown type-level language based around match types.

There were some rough edges and compiler issues, but when Scala’s type-level features work, they really shine. It seems that the expressiveness of Scala’s type-system keeps going up. And Scala can rise up to the challenge of solving sophisticated problems, at compile-time, with fairly readable code.

My hope is that this blog post will spark your curiosity to venture into the land of type-level computations. The more of us living at the type-level, the marrier.

Once again, the full code can be found at the repo.

Thanks for reading so far, I hope you found some of this interesting and/or useful. Until next time!

  1. This is a very loosely-typed model for example purposes only, please use better and more precise types for real code. 

  2. I’ll leave it up to you to imagine why you might have such a requirement. 

  3. I’m going to side-step the issue of whether tying your internal model to serialization concerns is a good idea (it’s not), and just go with the problem as is. 

  4. Or we could do it “manually” by creating another class with the desired flat format and then convert between the original nested classes and the new flat one. We could, but it would be tedious, and not as magical… 

  5. There are libraries that can somewhat simplify meta-programming in Scala, such as Magnolia and Shapeless 3. These libraries are useful, but as of writing they are not powerful enough to solve the problem as stated. 

  6. I found myself discovering and reporting a couple of issues while researching the material for this article. And to add some further entertainment, occasionally Metals would refuse to compile on some spurious errors, only after hitting “recompile workspace” the errors would go away. 

  7. Similar to the functionality of the HList type in the Shapeless library for Scala 2. 

  8. From the point of view of the function argument implementation, the choice of the “current” type parameter at the time of invocation is not within its control. So any implementation of the function argument cannot assume anything about its inputs and cannot do anything special for specific types. This is a form of “parametricity” (we’re assuming no cheating with reflection and the like). A further exploration of this concept can be found in the “It’s existential on the inside” blog by Stephen Compall. 

  9. A non-tail-recursive version is much more natural in these circumstances, and thus easier to implement. Although it is not acceptable in Scala for the List type, it will be perfectly fine for the tuple code that we are writing. Since tuples are usually not that big. 

  10. I’m using the convention where h stands for the head of the structure, and t stands for the tail of the structure. This may seem a bit unreadable at first, but will grow on you eventually. 

  11. Confusing though it may be, but we now have two equivalent ways of expressing the same tuple values:

    (3, "abc", true) == 3 *: "abc" *: true *: EmptyTuple

    With two equivalent type names:

    (Int, String, Boolean) =:= Int *: String *: Boolean *: EmptyTuple

  12. Similar to the value-level, where lowercase identifiers are fresh variables introduced by the pattern match, and uppercase identifiers are existing values. 

  13. This compilation error would be more informative if we could see what field in the class triggered the error. I’ll leave this as a (difficult) exercise for the reader… 

  14. Similar to the functionality of the Generic type in the Shapeless library in Scala 2. 

  15. You can actually name the branches, instead of using _. But if, by mistake, you try to use the named value the compiler will complain and abort compilation. 

  16. Traits, classes, etc., but not type aliases. 

  17. The specific name of the wrapper doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that it has a single type-parameter. 

  18. I elided some of the details from the full error. 

  19. This can be fine, as we can pattern match on the tuple to verify the shape with an inline match at compile-time. But this leads as into the land of being “dynamically-typed at compile-time”. Indeed, a very strange place to be. 

  20. This problem actually has a solution. Below we are going to use a match type for the input and a “simple type” for the output. We could flip this around and use a “simple type” for the input and a match type for the output. But this would still leave us with the issue that the input type is missing some information and lead us to the “dynamically typed” approach. 

  21. Coincidence? I think not… 

  22. In the days of yore computations of this kind would be accomplished with an unholy mix of recursive implicits and type-members. See, e.g., all of Shapeless

  23. Feel free to solve this as an exercise. This is yet another instance of tuple iteration. 

  24. You can find the solution to this exercise in the repo

  25. Keeping in mind the List analogy that we have with tuples. 

  26. You don’t have to use the Cats library here, any definition of Applicative will do. But since Circe is already bringing in Cats as a dependency, we just use that. 

  27. Because Encoder.AsObject is a contravariant functor and cannot have an Applicative instance. 

  28. The type bound <: String means that we are aiming at storing string literal types here. 

  29. There’s a design choice to be made here, as we could define Label and ElemLabels as type members rather than type arguments. In some sense both choices are equivalent, and the difference is mainly in ergonomics. 

  30. Notice that we are only building up a type and not a corresponding value. Although a value might be useful in some contexts, and we could create an equivalent value if we needed to, it won’t be necessary for our use case. 

  31. A more concrete example would be something like summonAll[Map[T, Mirror.Of]], the resulting statically known type will not contain anything beyond Mirror.Of[X], no field names, or anything specific. Let me know if you know otherwise. 

  32. Let me know if you know otherwise. 

  33. Here are a two issues I opened while playing around with this code: 18010 and 18011

  34. One would imagine this transformation to be a noop that does nothing to the typing process, and yet… 

  35. This is a somewhat different manifestation of 18011, where instead of failing to compile we just lose the precise types. 

  36. According to Martin Odersky, the relevant area of the compiler has “crazily complicated algorithms”… 

  37. When writing such code it’s very important to have some tests to make sure that it actually does what you think it does. It will be very unpleasant if after some benign refactor code silently stops working. 

  38. If you’re curious what that would look like, I’ve implemented the same logic using implicits in the repo

  39. It is actually possible to convert the Labelling tuple types into values, but since we want compile-time errors derived from this process, we will be very limited in what can do with these values in a way that the compiler can report about. So sticking with type-level computation is actually more straightforward here. For an alternative approach see, e.g., the constValue family of functions

  40. This is of course not the way you would solve this problem with regular Scala. The code is written in a style that conforms to the limitations of the type-level implementation. 

  41. I’m slightly cheating with the REPL output, as for some reason the REPL refuses to fully reduce the last result. To this end I wrap Res2 with the Reduce, which is defined as:

    type Reduce[T <: Tuple] = T match
      case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
      case h *: t => h *: Reduce[t]

    Which should be a noop, but for some reason forces the REPL to fully reduce the type. 

  42. If, for example, we could compare them lexicographically, we could have similar functionality in O(n*log(n)), rather than n^2 we have here. And who knows what magic we could do with some hashing. 

  43. We are cheating again and applying Reduce here as well. 

  44. Though you would to have to observe some “rules” when writing the value-level code, e.g., use mostly basic lists and recursion. 

  45. Don’t get me wrong, Prolog is great where it’s applicable. But in this case the functional style seems much more readable to me. 

  46. Creating new functions similar to the ones in Tuple.* is possible in library code, but the functionality of compiletime.ops is wired into the compiler and not extensible outside of it. 

  47. As per usual, feel free to make into an exercise: given the results of FindDuplicates turn it into a value, and then into a single error message that can be passed to error

  48. This code would be “unsafe” to run on empty tuples, it will fail at compile-time if we pass it an empty tuple. Feel free to make this function safe by correctly handling the empty case. 

  49. I have no idea how to specify that we are actually trying to match string literals in that match. It seems to work without any further annotations though. 

  50. Using a type bound here <: String to add a bit more precision to type-checking. Note that type bounds can only be added to match types, not to type aliases. So their usage is a bit inconsistent. 

  51. It would be nice to have some pattern aliases, so that we don’t have to destructure h and t explicitly and restructure them back. Unfortunately _: t@NonEmptyTuple => ... is not valid syntax. 
