15 Python Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas for Beginners

Top Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas for Beginners with Code for Practice to understand the applications of reinforcement learning.

15 Python Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas for Beginners
 |  BY ProjectPro

Towards the end of the 2000s, complex neural networks and model-based deep learning saw a huge upsurge in demand with revolutionary results in the fields of computer vision and natural language processing. While reinforcement learning has been around the corner from the same time, it was overshadowed by its counterparts for decades. It first became the talk of the town when in 2016, Google Deepmind’s AlphaGo defeated the World Champion in the Chinese game of Go. Ever since then, the industry adoption of reinforcement learning has increased exponentially and as of now, several Fortune 1000 companies are using it as a core technology to empower their systems.

  • Reinforcement learning is the core of J.P. Morgan’s deep neural network for Algo Execution (DNA) market pricing toolset.

  • Google reportedly reduced the data centers’ cooling costs by 40% using reinforcement learning. 

  • The famous American coffeehouse Starbucks makes use of reinforcement learning in provisioning routines.

Reinforcement Learning (or RL) is a branch of Machine Learning where an agent optimally learns to maximize the reward by interacting with the environment and understanding the consequences of good and bad actions. This understanding is developed through the trial-and-error method. It employs a feedback mechanism that rewards the agent positively when desirable actions are taken by the agent and penalizes otherwise. The feedback helps the agent to learn and avoid undesirable actions. It eventually leads to the success of the agent.

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Every reinforcement learning  system consists of these four main components:

  • An agent

  • An interactive environment

  • An algorithm that steers the action taken by the agent

  • A feedback mechanism to reward/penalize the agent as per the action

Reinforcement Learning Environment Setup

Reinforcement Learning Environment Setup 

Reinforcement Learning Application using an Example

Let us try to understand the concept of Reinforcement Learning with the example of Finding Diamonds. Suppose you and your friend heard somewhere that there are diamonds hidden in the ground at the outskirts of your town. You decide to go there with your friend to find the hidden diamonds and get rich. (Who doesn't want free money? :P) You only have one day to find as many diamonds as possible.

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This can be treated as a Reinforcement Learning problem where you and your friend are agents. The ground where diamonds are reportedly hidden represents the interactive environment. The goal is to find as many diamonds as possible. Assuming that each diamond is equivalent to some Rs. X, the more diamonds you find, the richer you get. Both you and your friend will now have to decide the location from where the diamond search should be started. You can either start digging the ground at random spots or find a location based on certain heuristics.

reinforcement learning projects for beginners

Searching for diamonds (Source: Analytics)

This leads us to an important concept of Reinforcement Learning which is the Exploration v/s Exploitation trade-off. Suppose your friend finds the first diamond before you, you have two options:

  1. Continue digging at your spot or explore a new spot for searching the diamond. This is the exploration.

  2. Further dig at the spot where your friend found diamonds as the chances of finding more diamonds there is relatively high. This is the exploitation of knowledge.

Possibles cases for exploration and exploitation

Possibles cases for exploration and exploitation (Source: https://ai-ml-analytics.com/)

The agent will always be at the crossroads with these two at the moment of making a decision. If you decide to continue exploring, the question arises for how long exactly are you supposed to explore? It could be that the diamond is not at the spot where you are searching. If you decide to exploit the current knowledge and continue digging at the same spot as your friend, will it be a wise decision? Just because one diamond was found at a spot doesn’t mean there are more diamonds there. It could be that more diamonds were underneath the spot you were digging originally. Striking a perfect balance between exploration and exploitation is what the Exploration v/s Exploitation trade-off is all about.

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 15 Practical Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas with Code 

In order to become industry-ready and thrive in today’s world, it is essential that we know 3R’s (reading, writing & arithmetic) and 4C’s (creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration) that can be very effective in making you stand out of the crowd. Therefore the focus is increasing towards project-based learning more than traditional instruction. It is believed that making projects give you the opportunity to ask questions and apply your knowledge towards solving a problem. As the job market is becoming more competitive, it is imperative that you continue upskilling yourself and have proof to show the employers. Without much ado here is a list of reinforcement learning project ideas from beginner to advanced level.

reinforcement learning projects

Basic Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas for Beginners

In this section, you will find a list of basic reinforcement learning projects that are beginner-friendly and easy to implement.

1) CartPole Game using OpenAI

If you are looking for reinforcement learning projects for games to learn about some interesting reinforcement learning applications, this project idea is a must-have on your to-do list. Also known as the “Inverted Pendulum” problem, CartPole is a reinforcement game provided by OpenAI Gym. In this game, there is a cart to which a pole is attached which is unstable as the centre of mass of the pole is above the pivot point. The player is supposed to move the cart left or right to balance it. If the pole deviates more than 15 degrees, the game ends. Otherwise, for every timestamp that the pole deviates no more than 15 degrees, 1 point is rewarded to the agent.

CartPole Game

CartPole Game

By solving this simple problem, you will be able to understand the nuts and bolts of this popular reinforcement learning framework as well as work with simple Q-Learning algorithms. You can find more information about this project in the official documentation, CartPole Game using OpenAI.

2) Lunar Lander using OpenAI v2 - Discrete Action Space

This is another very interesting problem in the OpenAI Gym to learn and experience this popular framework. In this problem, we deal with the problem of landing a lunar lander on a landing pad which is defined within the space between two yellow flags. The lander is provided with infinite fuel with four discrete actions:

  1. do nothing

  2. fire left orientation engine

  3. fire right orientation engine

  4. fire main engine 

The game ends if the lander crashes or becomes still. This problem can be solved using DQN or Deep Q-Learning algorithm. To understand more about the problem and the rewards you may refer to the official documentation, Lunar Lander using OpenAI v2 - Discrete Action Space.

Lunar Lander Game

Lunar Lander Game (Source: TowardsDataScience from Medium.com)

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3)Drive a Taxi using OpenAI Gym

Using the OpenAI Gym, you can even design a stimulation of self-driving taxis. It makes use of the Q-Learning algorithm. Sounds fun and exciting - no? You will be given a grid with four locations marked on it. A passenger is waiting for a taxi at one of these locations and wants to be dropped at another location. Like the taxi driver, it is your responsibility to make sure:

  • Pick up the passenger from the right location

  • Drop the passenger at the right location

  • Take the shortest path possible.

Taxi Game

Taxi Game (Source: TowardsDataScience from Medium.com)

You are penalized heavily if you pick up or drop the passenger at the wrong location. For every timestep spent on the road, you are penalized. Therefore finding an optimal path is also necessary. If you succeed in dropping the passenger at the correct location, you get a hefty reward. It is pretty basic but worth giving a shot as you embark on your RL journey. You can check out the project Drive a Taxi using OpenAI Gym.

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4) Designing your ML-Agents using Unity

Seeing the demand and popularity of Reinforcement Learning in recent times, Unity has brought a very useful toolkit called ML-Kit. This toolkit allows the user to leverage the game environment of Unity to design complex environments for the RL agents to train in. Right from playing badminton to jumping walls, all can be done easily with the help of Unity ML-Agents. Unity provides a variety of pre-made environments and also gives you the freedom to design your environments with strong physics background behind the scenes.

Designing your ML-Agents using Unity

Unity ML-Agents Toolkit Preview (Source: Official Website)

You even simulate the self-driving environment with the rich graphics and assets provided by Unity. They are even planning to launch cloud support very soon to help you scale up your training process easily. The best part? It’s beginner-friendly! For all the ML folks who love playing video games, this one is worth checking out once. To know more about it, visit the official documentation Unity.

5) AWS DeepRacer Car

Yet another self-driving car project but we can't help it. AWS DeepRacer is a 1/18th autonomous racing car that can be trained using Reinforcement Learning and AWS console. In this problem, the racing car is the agent and the environment of the agent are the racing tracks. The goal of this reinforcement learning project is to teach the racing car to drive on the virtual racing tracks. It is a fun and engaging way to start learning the Reinforcement Learning concepts.

AWS DeepRacer Car

AWS DeepRacer (Source: Official Website)

To know more you can check out the official website AWS Deep Racer

Intermediate Level Practical Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas 

Gear up for projects with intriguing code for reinforcement learning solutions implementation.

1) Build Agents to Play Atari Games- Deep Reinforcement Learning Game

OpenAI Gym can also be used to train an ML bot to play Video Games against human players and beat at that as well. As a part of its Arcade Learning Environment or ALE, the OpenAI Gym provides Atari2600 games. To solve these problems, you will need to use DQN with frameworks like Tensorflow/PyTorch. As compared to the toy problems of CartPole or Pendulum, training agents for these games will be more complex with complex reinforcement learning applications coming into play.

 Build Agents to Play Atari Games

Atari Game Simulation Screen (Source: Google AI Blog)

The input for these game environments/simulations is in the form of RAM or RGB screen images. You can find all the Atari simulations provided by OpenAI Gym Atari Simulations by OpenAI.

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2) Training Humanoids for Control Tasks using MuJoCo

Now that we have trained a video game agent, how about levelling up a bit and teaching a humanoid figure how to run, walk or swim? Interesting! Where should you head to? Again, OpenAI Gym. Reinforcement Learning can be applied in the field of robotics and teaching a rigid-body humanoid/creature the basic control tasks can be your first step towards building a fully-functional humanoid-like Sophia. MuJoCo provides you with 2D/3D simulation environments with rigid body agents to make it walk, hop, stand up, etc. You will learn about Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) & Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) through these projects.

Training Humanoids for Control Tasks using MuJoCo

MuJoCo Simulations (Source: Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2017)

MuJoCo has been made free & open-source recently making it accessible to a wider audience to play around and experiment with. Check it out Training Humanoids using MuJoCo.

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3) Lunar Lander using OpenAI v2 - Continuous Action Space

Sounds familiar? Of course, it does. We looked at its simpler version using Discrete Action Space using the DQN algorithm in the Beginner section. The problem statement of this game is more complex and has more constraints that need to be handled.

Lunar Lander using OpenAI v2 - Continuous Action Space

Lunar Lander Environment

As the name suggests, the actions in this game are real value vectors between -1 and +1. The first value represents the throttle power of the main engine and the second value tells whether to fire the left engine or the right engine or turn it off completely. 

While solving this, you will learn more about Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithms using A3C networks or Actor-Critic Network. It consists of two networks: 

  • Actor - States are given as input for which it outputs the action value.

  • Critic - For a state-action pair, it returns a Q-score that helps in determining how good is the pair.

You can find more about this project Lunar Lander using OpenAI v2 - Continuous Action Space.

4) Trading Bot using OpenAI Gym AnyTrading

Has stock market trading or forex trading ever spiked your interest? Is it something that you have been meaning to try your hands on but couldn’t due to a lack of knowledge/experience? Or are you a pro-trader who is looking to build an intelligent bot that can help you make decisions? If you are any one of these, this reinforcement learning project is for you. 

Leveraging the power of reinforcement learning and the framework of OpenAI, AnyTrading is an open-source collection of OpenAI Gym environments that uses reinforcement learning algorithms. It includes three trading environments: ForexEnv, StocksEnv & TradingEnv

Trading Bot using OpenAI Gym AnyTrading

Source: warriortrading.com

You define actions like buy, sell, hold, etc, and positions (long/short) for the trading environment. Here is the Trading Bot using OpenAI to the official GitHub repository for understanding more about the trading environment configuration and training process. To test or play around with these environments, you can download the data from MarketWatch

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5) PokerCard Bot using RLCard

DataLab at Texas A&M University has developed a toolkit called RLCard that helps you train bots for playing card games. This toolkit provides various easy-to-use interfaces to make use of reinforcement algorithms. It provides support for playing multiple card games like Uno, Blackjack, Mahjong, etc.  The algorithms supported by this toolkit includes Deep Monte Carlo (DMC), Deep Q-Learning (DQN), Neural Fictitious Self Play (NFSP) & Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR).

PokerCard Bot using RLCard

RLCard GUI (Source: Official GitHub Repository)

For baseline models, RLCard even provides a ModelZoo for the users. It will be very interesting to explore this toolkit and train the model to play card games against you. Easy GUI has been provided as well to test the algorithms/models making the lives of people using this toolkit much easier. To know more about it, you can visit https://rlcard.org/ or go to their official GitHub page.

Advanced Reinforcement Learning Project Ideas with Code 

Dive into a section that contains a list of advance reinforcement learning project ideas that will challenge your skills.

1) Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion using RL-GAN-Net

Now, now! Don’t freak out to see Reinforcement Learning and GANs together. This combination is still new and is being researched upon quite extensively. As we all know GANs are made up of two networks: generator and discriminator. In RL-GAN-Net, an RL agent controls the generative network that is responsible for completing a partial point cloud given as input. According to the paper, the GAN is trained on latent space representation of the input with reduced dimension and GAN helps in finding the correct input that can be used to generate the closest latent space representation. 

Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion using RL-GAN-Net

Qualitative results of point cloud shape completion given input data missing 70% of its original points.

The official GitHub repository is Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion using RL-GAN-Net

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2) Traffic Light Control using Deep Q-Learning Agent 

This project is a very interesting application of Reinforcement Learning in a real-life scenario. Traffic management at a road intersection with a traffic signal is a problem faced by many urban area development committees. This agent will choose the correct light phase to maximise traffic efficiency. You can make use of the SUMO traffic simulator to generate traffic at an intersection. 

Traffic Light Control using Deep Q-Learning Agent 

 SUMO traffic simulator (Source: Researchgate)

The action space of this agent includes four phases:

  • North-South Advance

  • North-South Left Advance

  • East-West Advance

  • East-Went Left Advance

Each phase has 10 seconds duration and 4 seconds wait time between phase switches. The reward is assigned on the basis of cumulative wait-time between actions taken. The waiting time of each car in the oncoming lane is added to calculate the cumulative wait time. When a car leaves the intersection, its wait time is no longer taken into consideration resulting in positive feedback for the agent. Popular deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow 2.0 and Keras can be used to train the deep neural network for predicting the state-action pairs.

To understand more about the project, you can check the  https://github.com/AndreaVidali/Deep-QLearning-Agent-for-Traffic-Signal-ControlGitHub Repository.

3) Goal-Based Robotic Arm Simulations

If you want to up your robotics game furthermore, you can check out this project. OpenAI offers eight robotic arm environments which have to be trained in a task or goal-oriented manner. The goal can be to pluck and slide an object to the desired location or change the orientation of the object in the desired manner.

Goal-Based Robotic Arm Simulations

Fetch and Shadow Hand Robotic Tasks (Source: OpenAI blog)

These tasks are far more difficult than MuJoCo control tasks for rigid humanoids and make use of more complex algorithms like Hindsight Experience Replay or HER. This algorithm can be put into use with other existing algorithms like DDPG or DQN to perform these tasks. This algorithm is still under research by the OpenAI Team. You can find more info about HER in this Hindsight Experience Replay Blog.

4) Connect4 Game using Reinforcement Learning

Connect4 Game using Reinforcement Learning 

Connect4 Game Board

All of us have played the Connect4 game at some point in our lives. For the uninitiated, the game is simple. We have a matrix in which players can insert coloured disks from the top in turns. The player who manages to get four disks of their colour back to back - vertically, horizontally or diagonally wins the game. The game draws if the entire grid is filled without the above condition satisfying. You can design a Reinforcement Learning Bot to play the game with the help of Deepmind’s AlphaGo Zero. It makes use of the Monte Carlo Tree Search to find the next move and uses Neural Networks to assess new positions. The Connect4 board state is taken as input by the algorithm.

AlphaGo algorithm gained worldwide recognition when it became the first computer program to beat the world champion in the Chinese game Go. Thousands of rounds of Go including moves from both amateur and professional players were used to train the algorithm initially. AlphaGo Zero is different. It has outperformed the original AlphaGo as a Go player by just playing games against itself and learning from it. 

You can find the cheatsheet to train AlphaGo Zero AlphaGo Zero Explained.

5) Super Marios Bros using Double Deep Q-Network

Another classic game that everyone has played in their childhood - Super Mario Bros. A platform-based deep reinforcement learning game that was developed and published by Nintendo. In this game, the protagonist Mario, controlled by a player (in video games) races through the Mushroom kingdom, overcomes the obstacles, gains points and saves the Princess Toadstool. You get points for every obstacle that you cross/destroy and by collecting mushrooms/coins along the way. In case you are attacked by the antagonist’s elements in the game or get hurt by the obstacle, you lose points. Using Double Deep Q-Network, you can easily create train the computer to play the Super Mario Bros game and win it as well. You can find this very interesting Code for Reinforcement Learning Tutorial for Super Mario Bros to implement this project. 

Super Marios Bros using Double Deep Q-Network  

Super Mario Bros Game Screen

We hope that this list of reinforcement learning projects will help you get started with the basics of Reinforcement Learning and will serve as a good reference point to build your data science portfolio with some cool and fun machine learning projects.




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