Open Source: March Updates - A new Kubernetes operator & more Cloud Native Apps

This is a recap of open source activities and development at Zalando in the month of March.

photo of Hong Phuc Dang
Hong Phuc Dang

InnerSource Manager

Posted on Apr 25, 2019

Project Highlights

A new operator is added to Zalando’s list of Cloud Native Applications. Elasticsearch Operator - an operator for running Elasticsearch in Kubernetes with focus on operational aspects, like safe draining and offering auto-scaling capabilities for Elasticsearch data nodes, rather than just abstracting manifest definitions.

To make things even simpler for developers, we also released a new framework that helps to build Kubernetes operators in Python. Kopf - Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework - a framework and a library to make Kubernetes operators development easier, just in few lines of Python code. The main goal is to bring the Domain-Driven Design to the infrastructure level, with Kubernetes being an orchestrator/database of the domain objects (custom resources), and the operators containing the domain logic (with no or minimal infrastructure logic).

Dedicated Open Source Time In The Zalando Cloud Infrastructure Team The engineering team led by Jannis Rake-Revelant, who is responsible for some our most popular open source projects have, since the beginning of the year, dedicated 20% of their time to ensure their open source projects are actively maintained and improved. As a company we believe it is important to take long term responsibility and show commitment to the open source community which we benefit from every day.

Zalando Around The World

Meet and connect with Zalando representatives at tech events around the world:

GAIA Conference, Göteborg, Apr 9: Mikio Braun - our AI expert - gave a keynote on Putting Data Science into Production. Check out his talk below:

Strata Conference, London, Apr 29 - May 2: Dirk Petzoldt - Head of Engineering will share how Zalando handles big data in our online marketing platform. More details

Coding Serbia Conference, Novi Sad, May 15 - 17: Luis Mineiro - Senior Site Reliability Engineer, will explain how we set up monitoring and alerting at Zalando and go over the basic concepts of Distributed Tracing and OpenTracing.


GitHub Satellite, Berlin, May 22 - 23: Per Ploug - Open Source Manager, will talk about Open Source and security and try to answer the question: who is actually responsible for the security of open source dependencies?

More reading

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